Golden Pupil

Chapter 1266 Mantis Catching Cicada and Yellow Finch in the Back

Before Lambert's body slipped into the giant crocodile's throat, he pulled all the solid bombs on his body, and the blue smoke from the fuse floated out along the giant crocodile's mouth.

For this huge prehistoric giant crocodile, the burning fuse in his throat was just a little hot. After swallowing this guy, his attention was focused on the rest of the people.

The giant crocodile doesn't know how many years he has lived in this forest, but it is the first time that he has been hurt so much. It is almost violent, like Markram and others, has already killed his eyes.

The policy pursued by stings have always been that biting dogs do not bark. Although it is not sneaking now, it does not make a sound in its mouth from beginning to end, but is brutally killing.


This is already Markram's third magazine, but this kind of 2mm bullet is like tickling for this monster. Even if it hits the place where it was blown up by the howitzer, it just slows down a little.

"Damn it, open it..."

Just as Mark Ram was pushing the bullet from the fourth shrapnel in his waist into the ham, he suddenly found that it was dark in front of him, and the sunlight above his head seemed to be blocked by something. Mark Ram knew that Death... had finally found himself.

Just as Mark Ram was almost desperate, a "bang" suddenly came to his ear. After the sound of the explosion, it seemed to be like a series of thunders on the Iraqi battlefield, and the dull explosions sounded one after another.

Although Markram reacted fast enough, he rolled to the ground when the first explosion sounded, and tried his best to roll in the opposite direction of the giant crocodile, he still felt a numbness in his back, and a wave of air formed by blood bounced his body far away.


After landing, Markram was like a bloody man. He was wet with blood from head to toe. He couldn't tell whether it was the blood he spit out by himself or the blood after the giant crocodile's body exploded.

Speaking of which, Markram was lucky. Just as the giant crocodile was about to swallow him into his mouth, the explosives and grenades triggered by Lambert exploded in the giant crocodile's stomach.

If only Lambert had bombs and explosives on his body, he may not be able to blow up the giant crocodile, but the giant crocodile had swallowed the old heavily armed guy in his stomach, and all of those people carried enough ammunition and grenades.

The solid explosive detonated by Lambert, like an introduction, detonated all the ammunition on the dead bodies in the stomach of the giant crocodile.

Countless bullets flew in the belly of the giant crocodile, and the grenades exploded in its belly. Even the invulnerable prehistoric monster was also abruptly to pieces.

The giant crocodile's huge body lay on the lake like a hill, motionless, the scales on his body were already full of holes, and the palm-sized scales were all over the ground.

The flesh and blood of the giant crocodile was scattered on the ground. In the wound of the giant crocodile, the blood gushed out like a fountain, converging into a small river on the ground and flowing into the lake water behind it.

The fish in the river gathered to the shore one after another, devouring the blood of the giant crocodile as if enjoying a big meal. In the past, the hegemon in the lake in the past has now end up being swallowed by small fish.

"Cough, Stephen" shoot a few more shots at the wound to see if it is dead..."

Markram, who was shocked by the explosion shock wave and vomited blood, had no strength to lift the submachine gun in his hand at this time. The rest of his life made his courage disappear, and the clear blue sky of the lake aroused his desire to survive.


Thirty bullets poured on the huge crocodile's ingrown body, and the bullets bit the meat, while this prehistoric monster, who had just killed all directions, lay motionless on the ground, obviously dead.

Mark Ram breathed a sigh of relief. He looked around and couldn't help but feel sad. He followed more than a dozen brothers who were born and died every year. Now, there are only seven people left. As for David, who led them to the "Avenue of Light", he is not among these seven.

The scene just now was too chaotic. Markram didn't know whether David was swallowed by the giant crocodile, and quickly shouted, "David, where's David?"

"Ram, yes... I'm sorry, I... I didn't know there would be such a monster here,..."

David's voice came from behind a big tree more than 20 meters away. The scared urine in the crotch of the buddy's trousers was not dry yet. The scene just now really scared him.

"David, it's not your fault..."

With the help of a man, Mark Ram stood up and said with a ferocious face, "Damn it, it's all the fault of the person who left the sign. Why don't you make it clear?"

There is a kind of person in the world. No matter what they do, they are self-centered. If they get credit and benefits, they are themselves. If they make mistakes, they can always find a way to vent.

Zhuang Rui kindly wrote a warning sign and erected it there. Markram didn't think so at that time, but now when he suffered heavy losses, he blamed Zhuang Rui for not being clear.

"Yes, if you find those two guys, you must eat them alive..."

When David heard that Markram did not blame himself, he immediately began to use his three-inch tongue to appease these men. When he lost the battle, it was very important to do a good job.

Speaking of which, he is also distressed. These bandits are all his team. If you want to stand firm in Africa, everyone is crucial. Losing so many people at once, whether they can survive in the future is a question.


David, who walked to Markram, suddenly felt that something had been stepped on under his feet. When he raised his feet, it was a human eyeball. Suddenly, his face turned pale with fear, and the cool crotch almost ushered in another rain.

"Ralph, go and cut a few pounds of meat. After eating, let's go to the castle to have a look..."

In order to hide his uneasiness, David shouted at his brother, saying that the boy's luck was not bad. In the killing just now, he didn't even lose a hair.

After hearing David's words, Mark Ram nodded repeatedly: "Yes, roast its meat, damn it, I'm going to pull out all its teeth in memory of my brothers..."

But these guys seem to have forgotten that the giant crocodile has just swallowed more than a dozen of their brothers. Although it will not be digested so quickly, the explosion just now has crushed everyone in the giant crocodile's stomach.

That is to say, the flesh and blood of giant crocodiles is always integrated with the blood of their brothers. For a group of conscientious people, they will definitely not want to eat the meat of giant crocodiles.

For these guys who are on the verge of death, at some point, it is possible not to eat the meat that may have his brother's flesh and blood, but also to eat live people directly. Now Ralph took a dagger to cut the meat.

Even if the castle in front of him may hide the wealth of the giant crocodile, the shadow of death silenced the team with only eight people left, and a delicious meal of squid was tasteless.

"Damn it, the big scene... It's really a big scene..."

The scene that just happened, although it is only a few minutes, is thrilling for Peng Fei in the distance. If it can be arranged into a movie, it will definitely be a hundred times more wonderful than any disaster film in history.

The ferocity of the giant crocodile was far beyond Peng Fei's imagination. These living people were as vulnerable as puppets in front of it, and their sharp teeth easily tore people into pieces like chewing cookies.

The weapons in the hands of these well-equipped guys, except for the howitzer, which caused a little damage to the giant crocodile, can't break the scales armor of the giant crocodile at all.

If Lambert hadn't temporarily detonated all the explosives tied to him and caused an explosion in the internal organs of the giant crocodile, I'm afraid that even if the team was completely destroyed, it would only cause a little trauma to the giant crocodile.

After seeing things for a while, Peng Fei's body quietly slid down from the tree and was ready to return to Zhuang Rui's side. He was afraid that Zhuang Rui would hear the sound of gunfire and rush here. At that time, he would definitely clash with these brave guys.

"Huh? Shit, I haven't encouraged it yet"

Just as Peng Fei was about to turn around and leave, the corners of his eyes suddenly found that the vine at the top of the castle seemed to be a little different from just now?

"Damn it, the giant crocodile also came out? This guy is really good at choosing the right time..."

At the top of the castle, a grinding disc-sized snake head slid down the wall like a ghost. The giant crocodile itself has a dark body, mixed with dark green vines. Even in the daytime, it is not easy to be noticed.

Unlike Jinghong's glance last night, Peng Fei saw it more clearly today. The giant crocodile in the telescope was more than two meters thick, full of palm-sized scales, like a legendary dragon.

Where the giant crocodile crawls through, there are some transparent ** substances that emit a crystal luster in the sunlight, which is the unique body secretion of snakes.

"There is a good show..."

Seeing the direction of the giant crocodile crawling, that is, the place where the prehistoric giant crocodile stood up, Peng Fei couldn't help grinning, hurried back, and crawled back to the tree with his hands and feet. He lay comfortably on it and was ready to watch the play.

Anyway, according to Zhuang Rui, they can leave the jungle by helicopter at night. Peng Fei doesn't mind feeling the cruelty of the forest law again before leaving.

"Grandma's, the typical mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch behind. How can this giant crocodile be so cunning?"

The bloody killing of the prehistoric giant crocodile just now, and the action of the giant crocodile, of course, can't be hidden from Zhuang Rui a few kilometers away.

(PS: The temperature has dropped in the past few days. I have stayed up late to catch a cold, and I have a bad cough, but there are at least two updates today. If you have a monthly ticket, please support it. Double is almost over)