Golden Pupil

Chapter 1280 Nautical Map Under

This sheepskin is indeed true. It was obtained by Zhuang Rui from the Pirate Island. Its history is probably two centuries earlier than the nautical chart he drew.

However, the nautical chart drawn on the sheepskin was made by Zhuang Rui's hard work last night with many modern means, which also made some chemical agents from the Institute of Archaeology of Peking University.

Zhuang Rui concocted this nautical chart, but he didn't mean anything else. He just wanted to find a name for his ocean salvage.

Another reason is that the treasure he wants to salvage this time has caused a great sensation in history. If the treasure surfaced, Bai Xin will keep an eye on the ins and outs of the matter.

It is said that Zhuang Ruiping designated a sea area for no reason and said that there was a treasure under it, which was too fantasy. In addition, Zhuang Rui's previous performance had to be targeted, so Zhuang Rui spent a lot of effort to make it overnight.

Some friends said that if someone recognized that the nautical chart was fake, wouldn't it be self-defeating?

But this kind of thing is basically impossible to happen. You know, the most difficult thing to verify is that antiques are true or false, just like some porcelain backgrounds are real, but the top is done for 1 day, and even connoced people can fool them.

Zhuang Rui used this method to draw a nautical chart on the real sheepskin scroll, and use chemical means to make his stroke pattern for 1 day. Even if it is detected by carbon fourteen method, it can't be said to be fake.

The second time he pretended to be so big, he was completely operated by himself. Before he could hide it from the experts, he let Peng Fei see it. Can Zhuang Rui be angry?

Fake for the first time? Of course, it was the time when I fooled the little devils. Speaking of this, I would like to mention the Ceramics Research Institute that Zhuang Rui invested in in Hebei.

With the financial support of Zhuang Rui, Xu Guoqing has successfully imitated three kinds of porcelain from the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty for more than two years. Although it cost a lot of money at the beginning, when the firing process and formula were mature, the firing cost was reduced.

Because Xu Guoqing completely restored the firing process of Song porcelain, the porcelain he fired had a very high artistic level and collection value, which also made him famous in the ceramic industry. Many national pavilions have collected his works.

In this way, as long as the modern ceramic handicrafts produced by Xu Guoqing, the price on the market will even exceed that of some official kiln porcelain at the end of the Qing Dynasty, which also made Zhuang Rui's investment slowly come back. Now on the basis of maintaining the balance of income and expenditure, it has begun to be profitable.

However, Xu Guoqing imitated ancient porcelain, which was to restore the lost burning process of Song porcelain, while this fake nautical chart made by Zhuang Rui was really to satisfy his selfish desire and get that batch of treasures.

Of course, no matter how Peng Fei measures, Zhuang Rui will not admit that he imitated this thing, otherwise he can't explain how to accurately find the sunken ship.

"Zhuang, boss, Tiankou roar, I think... I have found the sea area corresponding to this nautical chart..."

Just as Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei were sitting on the deck, drinking wine and blowing the sea breeze, Clyde's shouting suddenly came to their ears. Looking back, Zhuang Rui couldn't help laughing and didn't know what Clyde had done in the past half hour? At this time, he appeared on the deck, and the hat on his head was crooked, and even the well-organized beard combed by his mouth was also raised, looking extremely clear.

"Captain Clyde, I think a qualified captain should be a gentleman. What's wrong with you?"

Zhuang Rui joked with Clyde with a smile. He has known him for several years. Zhuang Rui has really seen Clyde like this for the first time.

"Boss, I will prove to you whether I am a qualified captain. Not to mention this, you have already verified this place, right?" When he came to Zhuang Rui excitedly, Clyde couldn't pay attention to Zhuang Rui's jokes at all. He swept the beer on the coffee table in front of Zhuang Rui to the deck and couldn't wait to spread a nautical chart and sheepskin scroll in his hand.

"Of course, of course I already know what this is..."

Zhuang Rui nodded. Are you kidding? In order to transfer the map of the sea area, Zhuang Rui almost didn't ask for Ouyang Lei.

However, after thinking again and again, Zhuang Rui still found his picture on the picture and made it vaguely, which was more in line with the characteristics of the ancient nautical chart.

"Hey, Lao Ji, the sea area on his picture is near the Atlantic Vigo Bay, isn't it?"

As Clyde spoke, he put the two nautical charts in his hand together and pointed to the two almost identical lines and said, "Boss, this is the treasure of the golden fleet. Haha, we are going to develop..."

Clyde, who has always been gentle, wears his hat crookedly, his face is blue, and he gritted his teeth. He looks like a modern pirate of the Caribbean.

"Cough, Captain Clyde, calm down, calm down..."

Seeing that Clyde was so excited, Zhuang Rui had to cool him down. "Captain Clyde, this is just a nautical chart. No one knows what is there, and it has been centuries, and the treasures in it may have been salvaged..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Clyde shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, boss, although someone is there to salvage it every year, they can't get anything valuable.

And did you see that the coordinates of this map are not in the Bay of Vigo, but deviate from nearly 100 nautical miles, and it is even more impossible for anyone to pay attention to it..."

Clyde's words really made Zhuang Rui look at him with new eyes. That deviation was deliberately made by Zhuang Rui, and the actual position of the sunken ship was more biased.

Originally, Zhuang Rui still wanted to find an opportunity to remind Clyde, but he didn't expect the old guy to see it by himself, which saved Zhuang Rui a lot of words.

"Oh, hey, I said, Brother Zhuang, Captain Clyde, can you two stop for a moment and tell me, what is the golden fleet? What's going on?"

The heated discussion between Clyde and Zhuang Rui made Peng Fei confused as if he were in the clouds. Peng Fei didn't even pass the domestic history exam, let alone what happened abroad hundreds of years ago.

"Well, Captain Clyde, please popularize this knowledge to Peng Fei..."

Seeing Clyde blushing with excitement, Zhuang Rui knew that if he didn't give this buddy a chance to speak, he probably had to kick him into the sea to make him wake up.

"Peng, let me tell you, the golden fleet, but the world's largest shipwreck treasure, happened... "Clyde is worthy of being a pirate. When it comes to things in the history of navigation, he is not ambiguous at all. He originally gave the context of the golden fleet to Peng. Fei introduced it again.

To talk about this matter, we also need to introduce the era and background at that time.

The incident took place in 17O2, when Spain, the maritime hegemon, was competing with the British and Dutch forces for maritime hegemony, but at that time, due to various reasons, Spain's domestic finances had fallen into a very embarrassment.

In June of 17O2, a huge fleet of 17 canoes was quickly transported back to Spain with gold, silver and jewelry plundered from South America. This fleet was called the golden fleet in later generations.

Just as the "golden fleet" was sailing to the sea of the Azores, a combined British and Dutch fleet suddenly stopped the way. The fleet of 150 warships forced the "golden fleet" B to hide in the Bay of Vigo, and then the sea was blocked by the British and French allied forces.

In the face of the encirclement of a strong enemy, the only and best way is to get off the treasure from the ship and transport the Spanish capital Madrid from the land.

But in Spain at that time, there was a strange rule: everything shipped from South America must first be checked in the city of Seville.

The rigid Spain did not dare to unload treasures from the ship in violation of the order, but under the special order of Queen Mary and Desawa, a small part of the gold, silver and jewelry of the king and the queen were unloaded and transported from the land to Madrid.

A month after besieging the Spanish fleet, about 30,000 British and generals launched a fierce attack on the Bay of Vigo Bay under the command of Admiral Luke. The bombardment of 3,115 heavy guns destroyed the forts and barrier sheds. The Spanish garrison collapsed. Because the coalition was excited by countless treasures in front of them, the battle progressed It will soon fall.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the "Golden Squadron" was beautiful. He ordered the burning of the ship carrying gold, silver and jewelry. In an instant, the Bay of Vigo became a sea of fire. Except for a few sailboats captured in time by the British and Dutch allied forces, most of them were buried at the

After the end of the war, people focused on the treasures in these fleets.

According to the estimate of the captured Spanish Admiral Chacon, a total of about 4,000 to 5,000 carriages of gold jewelry sank to the bottom of the sea on the seventeen-boats. This data made the British and Dutch crazy at that time.

It's just strange to the world that although the British ventured into the sea many times and only made a few trophies, this treasure strongly attracted countless treasure hunters.

Since then, a group of adventurers have appeared at the bottom of nearly 1OOO nautical miles. Some of them have picked up empty sunken ships, some have obtained pure emeralds, amethyst, pearls, black amber and other jewelry and emeralds, and some still continue to search with modern technology and tools.

With the passage of time, the wind, waves and sea tides have covered the treasure with thick mud and sand, and many rumors have added some mystery to the treasure, which undoubtedly brought most of the trouble to the adventure.