Golden Pupil

Chapter 1282 Devil's Sea

"Didi, Didi, one by one, one by one"

While Zhuang Rui was chatting with Captain Clyde, a small red light lit up on the electronic screen of the captain's room, making a "drop" sound at the same time.

After checking the first mate standing next to the electronic command post, he turned around and said, "Captain, it's the Portuguese patrol ship requesting a call..."

"Xian Rui" is now in the territorial waters of Portugal. Although several countries in the relevant waters have been greeted in advance, the routine inspection still needs to be carried out.

Clyde stood up and said, "Boss," I'll just deal with it. Why don't you wait here?"

Generally, it is okay for the first officer to be in front of the second deputy, but Clyde knows that there are many defensive and offensive weapons on his ship that should not be the cruise ship."

It's better to be safe in person.

"Let's go, I'll go for a walk..."

Zhuang Rui was also bored in the captain's room. He stood up and went out with Clyde.

After entering the elevator, Zhuang Rui asked the bearded captain beside him worriedly, "Captain Clyde, won't there be any problems?"

In the past, the security inspection was carried out by the foreign personnel of the port. Zhuang Rui was the first time that he was checked by a patrol ship. He was somewhat worried. He knew that his "cruise ship" had strong firepower.

Clyde laughed when he heard the words and said, "Boss, it's okay. I have a good relationship with General Lascaux of Portugal. I greeted him before I came. It's just a routine..."

When Clyde was young, he studied at the Royal Naval Academy. He has many classmates who now hold important positions in the naval departments of some European countries. What he calls General Lasco is also one of his classmates.

After hearing Clyde's words, Zhuang Rui was relieved and said with a smile, "That's good, Captain Clyde." I prepared some small gifts on the ship. "You might as well bring them to your classmates..."

As the saying goes, many people are polite. Zhuang Rui now has a lot of friends all over the world. He prepared a lot of works burned by Xu Guoqing when he was studying porcelain on the ship as a gift to some friendly people from abroad.

Of course, after some "exquisite packaging" of gift boxes worth dozens of yuan, when these waste products appear in front of guests, they will come out of the boutique made by art masters.

A patrol ship stopped there on the sea about 500 meters away from the Xuanrui

Although it can't be compared with the size of Xuanrui at all, there are two black hole cannons. It still shows the difference between warships and cruise ships.

A speedboat was released from the patrol ship, and several soldiers came to the bottom of the cruise ship in a speedboat. A few minutes later, they appeared on the deck on the elevator.

"Oh, old classmate, I didn't expect you to come here in person. You look really handsome in military uniform, "..."

When he met a soldier led by him, Clyde greeted him with a laugh and hugged him very affectionately. The other party's face was also full of smiles, and he was whispering with Clyde in English.

"Boss, this is my old classmate" General Lasco of the Royal Portuguese Navy, who is two years younger than me and is now a major general..."

After hugging Lascco, "Clyde introduced him to Zhuang Rui", but out of courtesy, Clyde said Lasco's full name, and more than 30 syllables made Zhuang Rui almost collapse.

The names of Portuguese are often composed of the names of their parents plus the names of their godparents, and some of them also have the names of their grandparents. Finally, they are their own names, which can be said to be the best in the world.

"Hehe" boss, just call him Lasco..."

When he saw Zhuang Rui's embarrassed face, Clyde laughed. Even he deliberately reviewed Lascoe's name yesterday. Otherwise, who would write down the names of his seven aunts and aunts when it was time to remember his friends' names?

"Mr. Zhuang, nice to meet you. Welcome to the beautiful Portugal"

When shaking hands with Zhuang Rui, Lascoe was obviously more reserved and naturally spit out diplomatic rhetoric. However, his attitude was still relatively enthusiastic, much stronger than the foreign affairs personnel when he docked at the port before.

Sure enough, there were people in the court who were easy to do. After getting on the cruise ship, Clyde and Zhuang Rui took Lascaux on the deck and introduced the modified deep-sea salvage equipment to him.

The salvage platform on the "Xianrui" can be said to be the most advanced deep-sea salvage facility in the world. Lasco is very interested in it and has been asking questions. As for the inspection, it is a simple look at the crew registration list and it is completed.

After the completion of the "1 inspection", it was almost noon. Zhuang Rui invited Lasco and his party to the restaurant on the cruise ship. After several exquisite "art works" were presented, the relationship between the two sides became more and more harmonious.

"Mr. Zhuang, every year, many explorers from all over the world go to this sea to salvage the sunken ship." Some people salvaged some gold jewelry one by one, but to be honest, the amount of these gold and jewelry is not very large. Personally, I think this kind of salvage is not worth carrying out..."

Because he was a classmate with Clyde and received a gift from Zhuang Rui, after a conversation, Lascoe said his opinion directly.

Although Portuguese law allows explorers to enter the relevant waters for exploration activities, it must also be carried out under their supervision, so for so over the years, Lascco has seen countless adventurers take advantage of the opportunity to return.

You know, the deepest part of the sea near Vigo Bay has reached about 1,000 meters. The financial resources of this kind of deep-sea salvage are quite considerable. Many explorers have invested a lot of money, but they have little harvested, and they have lost nothing.

So for the sake of Clyde's face and Zhuang Rui's gift, Lasco still greeted Zhuang Rui kindly.

Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words and said, "Ha ha, General Ras Dou, I'm an archaeologist. As far as I know, many of them have been tampered with in the past history of the world. Maybe... are those explorers who haven't found the real location of the sunken ship?"

As the saying goes, hearing is believing, in the undersea area surveyed by Zhuang Rui"

There are more than a dozen sunken shipwrecks, and the property in them is mostly gold. According to Zhuang Rui's rough estimate, the minimum value is more than 2 billion US dollars.

So Zhuang Rui believes that those treasure hunters "just haven't found the specific location of the sunken ship" and that place belongs to the deep sea area, and there is a suspected deep-sea volcano at the bottom. The terrain is relatively complex, so it has not been found by the world.

However, all this is not a problem for Zhuang Rui. With Zhuang Rui's ability, the direction of the sunken ship can be accurately surveyed, so that the salvage equipment on the drilling platform can play the greatest function.

"Oh? Zhuang, that's impossible, right? You know, in just the past few decades, people have surveyed a thousand nautical miles near the Bay of Vigo..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Lasco shook his head disapprovingly. There are many people who want to make a fortune these days, but in the end, they all left here in dismay.

Zhuang Rui's expression moved when he heard the words, and the surrounding 1,000 nautical miles have been surveyed. Even if those people's survey equipment is not as good as his own, there is no reason not to find the huge number of sunken ships at the sea 300 nautical miles away from here?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui took out the nautical chart that Clyde had already prepared, pointed to a coordinate point above, and asked, "General Lascco, has anyone surveyed this position?"

Zhuang Rui doesn't mind announcing the location of the sunken ship, because it takes a lot of preparation to salvage the sunken ship. Even if it is known by some powerful international marine salvage companies, I'm afraid that when they are ready, Zhuang Rui has already returned with a full load.

The second is that the terrain at the bottom of the sea is very complicated, and the sunken ship has long been rotten. It takes a lot of time and energy to accurately survey the position of the sunken ship. Compared with them, Zhuang Rui has too many advantages.

"This star?"

After seeing the coordinate point pointed by Zhuang Rui, "Lasco's face, which was originally smiling, suddenly became a little unnatural." Ju Cai even breathed a little tight, and Zhuang Rui and Clyde were a little strange.

"Old friend, what's going on here? Is there any problem?" Clyde and Zhuang Rui looked at each other and asked.

"There is a problem..."

Lasco stared at the coordinates on the map. After a while, he turned his face to Zhuang Rui and said, "Mr. Zhuang, this sea has come out of Portugal's territorial sea, which is the deepest place around a thousand nautical miles...

According to the survey, there seems to be a volcano under this sea area, which often causes tsunamis with this as the center, "iting off huge waves, and often some ships pass through this sea area"

The disappearance will occur.

There have been adventurers searching in this sea. "It's just... They also disappeared, with people and boats, and disappeared overnight..."

When Lasco said this, he took a deep breath and said, "So, Zhuang," I suggest you don't go to this sea to salvage. Even if there is great wealth under it, I think " is more important than wealth!"

As soon as Lasco's words fell, Clyde, who was sitting next to Zhuang Rui, exclaimed, "Old friend, this..., this sea is the popular devil's sea in Europe???"

Obviously, Clyde also knew what Lascaux said, but he had been away from Europe for a long time and did not know the specific location of the sea where these events took place. At present, after hearing Laszco's words, he suddenly looked shocked.