Golden Pupil

Chapter 1286 Missile Attack

Old classmate, do you also believe the boss?

After hearing Lascoe's words, Clyde couldn't help looking at him with a puzzled face. In Clyde's thought, Zhuang Rui's previous guess was completely nonsense. There could not be such a large creature in the ocean.

The sea area of "Clyde" is really mysterious. For so many years, I have been trying to solve this mystery, but it has not succeeded.

The idea put forward by Mr. Zhuang, "We have tried it before, but we haven't surveyed what's going on at the bottom of the sea." I hope we can find something this time..."

As Lascaux said, they had surveyed the sea area by helicopter before, but due to the limited space of the helicopter, they could not carry some deep-sea exploration equipment. Several expeditions ended without any results.

Although Lasco was very interested in Zhuang Rui's survey, he did not give much hope. Anyway, it was not very dangerous to sit in a helicopter, but it was okay to sell personal feelings to Zhuang Rui.

Moreover, Zhuang Rui's previous statement is not completely open-minded, because not long ago, a famous internationally renowned marine biologist once put forward an argument that octopus can grow infinitely in a suitable sea area, which is somewhat in line with Zhuang Rui's statement.

After hearing Lasco's words, Clyde shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, I'd rather believe it's a volcano, but I'm not against surveying it again..."

Although he was very disapproved of Zhuang Rui's words, Clyde was the first to get in after a military helicopter transferred by Lascoe from the coastline stopped on the deck of the Xuan Rui for more than an hour.

Looking at the six missile launchers under the helicopter in front of him and the machine guns at the hatch, Zhuang Rui tilted his head and looked at Peng Fei and asked, "This is the famous "Apache" helicopter gunship, right?"

In fact, Zhuang Rui knew that the "Apache" armed helicopter of the United States was still known when he read the Iraq report, and the reason why he was deeply remembered also came out of the frequent news such as the explosion accident of the Apache helicopter of the U.S. military in Iraq.

Peng Fei curled his lips and said, "Yes, it's the "Apache" helicopter, which is flashy and unrealistic. It's not as practical as the Russian Mi-28 "Havoc" series of armed helicopters..."

Due to the war in the early 1950s, Xiaomi and rifles, the Chinese soldiers were both envious and jealous of American armed forces. In their hearts, they were more inclined to the equipment of the former Soviet Union. After all, the two countries had been on a honeymoon for a long time.

"Come on, say Buzi won't pull it down..."

Zhuang Rui kicked Peng Fei from behind. He was quite satisfied with this helicopter. Compared with the helicopter on the Xuanrui that can only take three people, this helicopter is much better than the civilian helicopter in terms of both the number of passengers and the range.

Zhuang Rui Pengfei plus Captain Clyde and General Lasco. In addition, there are two general guards and pilots, and there are seven people in the cabin. There is still a little space in the cabin.

After nearly an hour's flight, the Apache helicopter roared loudly and came to the coordinates of the sea where the Xuanrui stayed before. "Mr. Zhuang" is here, right?"

Because the hatch of the helicopter was not closed, the sea breeze roared into the helicopter, and General Lasco almost roared to make Zhuang Rui hear it.

"Yes, that's it...,


Zhuang Rui surveyed it with reiki ten kilometers away. Next to the larger undersea volcano, he was still coiled in the huge creature, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

If Zhuang Rui hadn't seen it with his own eyes before, I'm afraid he would have thought it was just an undersea mountain.

General Lasco nodded, looked at the driver, and shouted, "Turn on the deep-sea radar scanning system" to survey the sea below..."

After hearing the general's words, the driver began to operate skillfully and replied loudly, "Yes! The deep-sea radar scanning system has been turned on..."

Originally, the "Apache" helicopter was not equipped with a radar scanning system. It was temporarily installed by General Lascco, but on a helicopter with extremely poor stability, the effect is far from comparable to that on a ship.

On the radar scanning display on the right hand side of the driver, there are no light spots on the bottom of the sea except for two shadows. This also shows that there are no moving objects in this sea area.

"Zhuang, the creature you are talking about is this volcano?"

General Lasco pointed to the shadow and looked at Zhuang Rui. "We have also conducted radar scans of this sea area before, but the volcano has never moved. I'm afraid your radar system is wrong, right?"

The scene he saw this time was no different from the previous exploration. General Lasco was a little disappointed. After hearing Zhuang Rui's story, he thought he could see something different.

Zhuang Rui shook his head, pointed to the display screen and said, "General Lasco, you can't go wrong. I helped salvage the radar system on the ship, which is the top in the world. There must be deep-sea monsters here..."

"Boss, the volcano won't have long feet. You must have had an illusion"

Clyde was a little uncomfortable about driving the Xuan Rui to escape from this area. Although the order was given by Zhuang Rui, he also had a deep fear in his heart.

Zhuang Rui didn't pay attention to Clyde. After thinking about it, he suddenly raised his head and said, "I have a way to survey that family...,

..." "What's the way?!"

Including Peng Fei, several people in the cabin said at the same time, that is, the two officers who served as Clyde's guard, also looked at Zhuang Rui with curious eyes.

"Put a deep-water bomb down and startle the monster!" A trace of light shot out of Zhuang Rui's eyes, and the shock wave generated by the explosion of a deep-water bomb in the sea must be able to alarm the monster. If it can fall on its head, let alone the designation will make the sea overlord crazy.

The deep-water bomb mentioned by Zhuang Rui is a kind of underwater weapon used to attack submarines. It is usually equipped with a fixed-deep fuse, which detonates to kill the target when it sinks to a certain depth or approaches the target after being put into the water. It is usually dropped by a ship or anti-submarine aircraft.

Originally, Li Zhen wanted to equip a few pieces on the "Xianrui" but was rejected by Zhuang Rui. If there is a submarine in the sea to deal with them, it can't be avoided at all. There is no need to arm these things.

However, Zhuang Rui heard Li Zhen explain the principle of the deep-water bomb. In the deep-water bomb, there is a large number of high explosives. After being detonated by the detonator, a large number of shock waves will be generated. Zhuang Rui believes that this level of shock wave is enough to alarm the undersea creatures.

"Deep-water bomb?"

General Lasco smiled bitterly and said, "Zhuang Rui" This helicopter is not equipped with deep-water bombs, which is only available in anti-submarine helicopters..."

Deep-water bombs are not uncommon in the eyes of General Lascco. The cost of this kind of bomb is very low. With his general's permission, even using hundreds of them is nothing, but this helicopter is not equipped.


Zhuang Rui was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that what he had planned was stuck here. However, thinking about the missile launcher hanging under the helicopter when boarding the plane, Zhuang Rui said, "1 General Lasco, there is no deep-water bomb. It's okay to launch a missile into the sea below..."

Although the shock wave generated by the missile is far less than that of a deep-water bomb, Zhuang Rui can use Reiki to alarm the undersea creature, which can also produce the same effect.

"Missile?" Zhuang Rui's words silenced General Lascoe. Although he was in a high position, he fired missiles into the sea for no reason. After going back, the report was not easy to write. "This is not a military exercise.

Seeing Lascoe for a long time, he didn't speak." Zhuang Rui thought Lascoe was worried about the money, so he said, "General Lasco, I'll pay for the missile again..."

The cost of a missile is more than a dozen or two hundred thousand US dollars. In order to find out what the undersea creature is, Zhuang Rui is still willing to give up the money.

"It's not a matter of money..."

Lasco shook his head and looked at the vast sea below. He gritted his teeth and said, "Did, just listen to you once, brother Zhuang, don't let me down!"

Zhuang Rui's theory of marine life is the first time that scientists from all over the world have explained the theory of this devil's sea, which is also one of the main reasons why Lasco is willing to send military helicopters to do on-site investigation with him.

All kinds of strange events in this devil's sea have troubled Lasco for decades. With a difficult report, General Lasco thinks it is worth it if he can get the truth of the matter.

No matter which country's soldiers are, they have a kind of blood in their bones. After making up their minds, Lasco did not hesitate, but shouted to the driver with the same name as the internationally famous star: "Figo, where is my life...,


"Wait, General Lascco, wait!"

Before waiting for Lasco's order to exit, he was hurriedly interrupted by Zhuang Rui. Are you kidding? If missiles happen now, Zhuang Rui might as well use the torpedo on the Xuan Rui. Both are also looking for death.

"What's the matter? Zhuang, did you come up with this idea? Zhuang Rui's behavior made Lasco look at him puzzledly.

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly, pointed to the sea below, and said, "General Lascco, in case that the undersea creature is really an octopus, think about "the current height of the helicopter"

What will happen to
