Golden Pupil

Chapter 1289 Action Plan on

...What action should be taken?"

Zhuang Rui asked, he did not think that the Portuguese military had the ability to catch this deep-sea monster alive. The so-called action may have only one answer, which is to destroy it.

This made Zhuang Rui a little excited. If this deep-sea monster dies, then his treasure hunt can continue. Without this huge octopus, the ocean is completely undefended for Zhuang Rui.

"Mr. Zhuang, this ocean monster is too close to China's sea area, which has endangered the safety of ships, so I will suggest to use military means to kill it or expel it to the deep sea..."

Sure enough, as Zhuang Rui expected, General Lasco's answer was exactly the same as he imagined. Zhuang Rui himself had no choice but to deal with this deep-sea monster, which did not mean that a country could not help this guy.

From the moment human beings begin to learn to use tools, they are destined to become the masters of the earth. No matter how powerful the individual of this creature is, it cannot be the opponent of human beings with modern weapons.

General Lasco is a pure-grained soldier. In modern times, when only local wars occur, fighting against this deep-sea monster may satisfy the soldiers' desire to fight.

And General Lascco will not care about how precious this deep-sea monster is in the eyes of biologists. He only cares about whether the monster will cause harm to its sea.

In fact, this kind of harm has been formed. The ships that have been missing in this sea for the past few decades are the best proof. With this excuse, General Lasco has enough reasons to launch this operation.

"Oh, I think... General Lasco, your decision is right. Such a big creature, if one day it wants to go ashore and wander around, it will cause immeasurable losses to human beings. If your country can really destroy it, it will benefit the whole of mankind..."

If there are biologists on this ship, they will definitely scold Zhuang Rui. This matter is rare. Haven't you ever heard of octopus on land? That deep-sea creature provoked you and insisted on killing it all?

"But General Lascco, I'm just an archaeologist who doesn't know the habits of this marine life. It doesn't matter to your operation, right?"

Zhuang Rui then raised his own questions, but in fact, he wanted to avoid this operation to eliminate deep-sea monsters. From the situation of the biological depression in the sea area, it can be seen that the big guy is not a vegetarian. In case of any accident to leave, there will definitely be no life or death.

"Mr. Zhuang, you may not have noticed that you have an innate reaction to danger. If it weren't for your reminder, I'm afraid that these people would have become monsters before, so... I hope you can participate in this operation..."

Lasco's words are sincere. If it hadn't been for Zhuang Rui, it would have been estimated that there would have been a scene of deep-sea monsters jerking off before, and he wouldn't have had the opportunity to sit here and talk.

Zhuang Rui lowered his head and thought for a long time before he raised his head and said, "This... Let me think about it, General Lascoe, your report has not been reported yet. After your country approves and formulates the action plan, let's discuss this issue..."

Zhuang Rui knows that his participation can indeed make General Lasco's army attack monsters more effectively, but there is a premise that Zhuang Rui will participate in this operation only when he is safe.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Lasco nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhuang, for the sake of safety, I suggest that Xuanrui temporarily stop at the coastal ports of our country in the next few days. I will help you solve the supply..." "Thank you, General Lasco. We will follow your warship back..."

Zhuang Rui nodded and agreed. He was also a little guilty. Who knows if the big guy will come to the shallow sea area after being stimulated by the helicopter and his own aura? Safety comes first in all this matter.

After staying on Zhuang Rui's Xuan Rui for a while, Lascoe returned to the station directly by helicopter. He wanted to sort out all the pictures taken on the helicopter and all the information about deep-sea monsters in order to get those politicians to agree with his actions.

Portugal is also a country across the sea in recent centuries. Under the British photo of General Lasco, the Xuanrui stopped directly in a military port, and Zhuang Rui also calmed down and waited for the news of Lasco.

"Mr. Zhuang, this operation has been approved, but you have to wait a few days. This operation needs to be carried out together with several countries..."

Two days later, Zhuang Rui, who was bored fishing in the port in a small boat on a cruise ship, received a phone call from General Lasco, which surprised him. He thought he would wait here for ten days and a half months.

You know, if something like this is put in China, it must be full of check and approved layer by layer. Maybe the fertility committee will have to get involved. If this monster does not leave offspring, won't it lead to the extinction of species?

shook his head with a smile and drove away the wild thoughts in his mind. Zhuang Rui asked, "General Lascco, which countries are they in? Why do you want to unite them?

"It's a few countries nearby in Spain, as well as Britain and France...

Zhuang, you also know that this deep-sea creature is so big that it must use the killing weapon of the big model. The area is on the high seas, so it must unite with several nearby countries. This will be an action of a multinational army..."

Originally, Lasco thought that this action would encounter some difficulties, but he obviously underestimated the fear of those politicians in the country. After these materials and photos were submitted, it immediately caused a panic.

For this, Portuguese President Anibal urgently held a relevant meeting. When he learned that the huge deep-sea monster was not far from them, the politicians passed the resolution to stab the monster at the first time.

Of course, some politicians who are committed to environmental animal protection have raised objections, but most people choose the former in the choice between life and the environment. They don't think this monster will understand people's feelings.

In accordance with this, the relevant authorities of Portugal notified several countries in the euro zone of the discovery and soon got their reply. Britain, France, Spain and other countries decided to send troops to participate in the operation.

Even several major countries, such as the United States, China and Russia, which are not European countries, immediately said that they would send observers to the scene to participate in the encirclement and suppression of sea monsters.

As the discoverer of the deep-sea monster and the initiator of the operation, General Lascoe also naturally became the commander-in-chief of the operation. He will command the joint army of several countries to surround the deep-sea monster.

Don't underestimate the name of the commander-in-chief. Today, when there is no war in Europe, being able to command the joint operations of four or five countries may be the capital of General Lasco's future promotion to lieutenant general.

In Lasco's words, there is also a trace of complacency and excitement. He has made a detailed plan, but with the resources of the multinational force, it is not so important whether Zhuang Rui participates or not.

Zhuang Rui also heard the excited tone in Lasco's words and said with a smile, "General Lasco, congratulations on finally discovering and about to solve this monster that has harmed the sea for many years. I believe that after this incident, you will definitely become a national hero..."

In the process of solving this deep-sea monster, maybe the gold will be scattered everywhere. Zhuang Rui's salvage operation still needs some help from General Lasco. Zhuang Rui doesn't mind complimenting him.

"Haha, Zhuang, I officially invite you to participate in this operation, but you can rest assured that you are only involved as a scientific examiner. You don't need to charge on the front line. That's what soldiers should do..."

Lasco laughed loudly when he heard the words. As the saying goes, the flower sedan chair carries people. In this action, there are more than Zhuang Rui and one less Zhuang Rui. It's just a matter of his words.

In Lasco's view, he is selling to Zhuang Ruiyi today, and ordinary people can't participate in this multinational joint operation at all.

You should know that there is no absolute secret between countries. The information and influence he shot has been placed on the desk of the leaders of various countries in the shortest time.

At this time, in the sea near the Bay of Vigo, because of the appearance of such a monster that completely violates the conventional human thinking, after several centuries, it has once again become a place of attention of politicians and forces around the world.

After waiting for two days, a helicopter took Zhuang Rui, Peng Fei and Captain Clyde to a military camp not far from the coastline. As Peng Fei and Captain Clyde, who witnessed deep-sea monsters, were also lucky to participate in the operation.

"Sirdies and gentlemen, General Lasco is discussing the details of the action with representatives of various countries. Please wait a moment..."

After getting off the helicopter, Zhuang Rui and others were taken to a medium-sized conference room. In addition to the three of them, there were also some soldiers in military uniforms from various countries.

On a large screen in front of the conference room, the pictures that Zhuang Rui and others saw with their own eyes a few days ago were playing. From time to time, they could hear bursts of exclamations from the mouths of the soldiers next to them.

"Zhuang Rui, you... Why did you come here?"

As soon as Zhuang Rui sat down, he heard someone calling his name. Looking up, he couldn't help but be happy. The world was really small. After two months of separation from this buddy, he actually met again thousands of miles away from the motherland.