Golden Pupil

Chapter 1295 The Power of Cloud Bombs

""The attack of the deep-water bomb should also cause damage to the monster. As for the loss of the helicopter formation, it is purely a misdirection "..." "Yes, with another wave of strikes, I believe it will destroy the monster..."

"But be careful this time. The height of the helicopter must be far away from the attack range of the tentacles..."

After seeing the helicopter take off, the people in the conference room were surprised for a while and reacted one after another. They thought that the coalition forces that lacked the means of undersea attack seemed to be able to use the stupid method of deep-water bombs.

But to be honest, no one knows how much damage the deep-water bomb can cause to the monster, but at present, it can only be a dead horse to be a living horse doctor and do everything to obey fate.

In the depths of the sea of oil and gas, the real volcano has become incomplete now. The mountain of more than 1,000 meters is now only two or three hundred meters high.

The flat seabed has become potholes at this moment, and huge deep pits have appeared one by one. I don't know whether it was the damage caused by the bomb or tossed by monsters.

The sunken ships at the bottom of the sea have disappeared under the explosion and the tling of monsters. Only some broken decks are slowly floating to the sea.

On the edge of the volcano, which was almost flattened by the bomb, the monster still stood there, but the smell of blood filled the whole sea, and the originally clear water was now rendered red.

The strong smell of blood attracted a group of sharks in the distant sea, but these man-eating sharks, which were five meters away, had just followed the bloody smell and entered the deep sea, and were rolled up by a tentacles and sent to a big mouth like a bottomless hole.

If Zhuang Rui is near the sea, he will find that this monster is not undamaged"

It used to have hundreds of tentacles, but now there are only more than a dozen left, constantly attacking the sharks entering its territory.

The original ocean overlord, under the huge tentacle attack, has almost no power to fight back"

One by one, they were sucked by suction cups and involved in the monster's huge mouth, but the sea became more turbid.

In the monster's huge body, it is almost full of holes, and a large amount of blood keeps gushing out of it, staining the surrounding sea water, but those bloody wounds are not fatal"

It can't threaten the monster's life yet.

And the monster's two eyes, one of which was also blown blind and the remaining one had one-eyed", was full of anger, commanding the tentacles to supply those sharks with energy for themselves.

I don't know how many years it has dominated the ocean. This monster has suffered such a serious injury for the first time. If it hadn't been for the sun on the sea, it would have been killed.

Suddenly, there was a violent fluctuation of seawater on the sea, and the monster felt as if it had just exploded, which made the monster angry, and his huge body rose to the sea.

After the helicopter came to the sea area, it did not lower the flight altitude. Instead, it rose a lot, and there was no word of aiming. From an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, it directly dropped the deep-water bomb.

Although these deep-water bombs have been modified, they fell from an altitude of 5,000 meters,

Even if it fell into the sea, it exploded in an instant, setting off a huge wave on the sea.

"Oh, I said, what's the use of this?"

"Yes" throws bombs down thousands of meters away, and explodes when it falls into the water. Can it hurt the monster?

"What do you know? This is to lead the monster out..."

The people who stayed in the conference room of the base saw the scene and shouted again, but there were also people who understood it. From the number of helicopters and the method of bombing, they could see the commander's intentions.

Sure enough, just two or three minutes after the bomb entered the water, a huge tentacle suddenly stretched out of the sea and rolled straight to the helicopter in the sky.

However, this time the helicopter in the air rose high enough, far away from the attack range of the monster tentacles. After reaching more than 3,000 meters to the sea, the tentacle fell weakly.

Seeing this situation, the generals in the headquarters showed a trace of excitement on their faces. The appearance of tentacles proved at least two things.

The first is to prove that this monster did not escape from the sea. If it insists on escaping, these people really can't help it, because although the monster is large, it is insignificant for the vast sea.

In addition, the helicopter's method of attracting monsters has been proved to be effective, so as to win the foundation for the next cloud bomb strike, but everyone still dares not be careless and stares at the development of the situation on the sea.

"The tentacles don't seem to be as long as before..."

Zhuang Rui and General Lasco looked at each other, and both of them found this situation. You know, when they were in distress, the monster's tentacles could reach a height of more than 4,000 meters.

That is to say, the monster has been damaged. The attack of the deep-water bomb just now was not completely useless, which made General Lalisco a little excited. He picked up the microphone and ordered: ... Drop all the remaining bombs, and then fly to the designated sea area. You must pay attention to it..."

When they saw that the monsters in the sea could not threaten themselves, the courage of those helicopter pilots also became bigger, and they regained the confidence that the sky eagle should have.

After throwing all the bombs on the helicopter, several helicopters actually lowered their altitude slightly and flew some huā-like movements, obviously provoking the one in the air.

Unable to attack the helicopters in the sky, watching the little ones floating over the sea, the monsters in the sea became angry, and their huge bodies showed a little from the sea, more than a dozen tentacles, and flew to the helicopters in the sky at the same time.

Under the shooting of satellites outside the planet, such a wonder was shown on the large screen of the base. On the blue sea, more than a dozen huge soft objects as thick as ten or twenty meters chased more than a dozen helicopters in the sky.

If this scene is played on the screen, I'm afraid all the audience will think that it is a science fiction blockbuster with a large investment, right? Because the monster's bloody tentacles are too [real] real.

However, the two longest tentacles of the monster have been blown off in the bomb attack. Although the remaining dozen tentacles are flying all over the sky, they can't help the helicopters in the sky at all.

This made the monster more and more angry. His huge body was revealed little by little on the sea, and he chased the helicopter in the sky and moved quickly in the direction of the coast.

"Oh, my God, is this... still an earth creature?"

"God, how can it not die after suffering such an injury?"

"Oh, kill it, or it will become a nightmare for everyone!"

After the monster showed its body, whether it was in the conference room or the headquarters, there was a sound of inhalation. The monster's huge size and the trauma on its body were all out of their imagination.

"Please note on the 2nd, please note on the 2nd, the target has gone to the predetermined sea area..."

General Lasco stared at the display screen nervously. The monster has now left the nest, and the depth of the sea where it goes is only more than 300 meters, which means that most of its body will be revealed.

What everyone is most afraid of now is that the monster turns its head and leaves, so what they have done before is useless.

Fortunately, under the provocation of more than a dozen helicopters playing with aerial skills, the monster seemed to have lost its mind and chased desperately. Ten minutes later, more than half of its body appeared on the sea.

On the monster's body covered with moss and water plants, there were wounds everywhere. Only then did everyone know that the previous attack had caused great damage to it.

After arriving at the designated sea area, the helicopter circled high in the air, and the monster seemed to realize that it was not good, because most of its body was in the sun, which made it feel very unaccustomed.

After making a useless attack on the sky, the monster's huge body suddenly turned its head and ran away to the place, which made all the spectators nervous.

However, at this time, the BO bomber appeared in the sky on the screen. Although it was not a fighter, its speed far exceeded that of these helicopters. Almost in an instant, the bomber came to the top of the monster's head.

The monster that originally dived into the deep sea seemed to hear the roar above his head. A tentacle suddenly bounced up and shot at the bomber. This scene immediately raised everyone's heart.

But the monster underestimated the speed of the bomber. After its tentacles bounced, the bomber had roared over its head and appeared thousands of meters away.

But while the bomber left, a cylinder-shaped bomb as huge as a beer barrel was electrocuted from the plane, narrowly passing through the monster's tentacles and falling straight to the top of the mountain-like monster's head.

In the real-time audio transmitted from the helicopter, people did not seem to hear a loud explosion, but at the moment when the cloud bomb hit the monster, its thousands of square meters of body was completely shrouded in a mass of white fog-like gas.

All the people watching the battle in the base before they could figure out what was going on 1

Suddenly, the sea set off a huge wave on the sea the size of dozens of football fields, and the fire flashed!

At this moment, where people can see, it is completely a sea of fire. The sea water within thousands of meters seems to be boiled and boiling.

A monster tentacle full of flames, like a fire dragon, flying in the banquet, that scene is unforgettable for everyone's life.