Imperial Lord

Chapter 14 Sitting on Martial Arts

Bamboo is known as the four gentlemen, which is the embodiment of a gentleman and one of the three friends. Bamboo has ten virtues, integrity, responsibility, forging ahead, ethics, modesty, simplicity, toughness, dedication, excellence, and kindness. Bamboo represents unyielding, noble and arrogant.

The ancients said: People can't be arrogant, but they can't be arrogant. Zhuo Yuhan is proud, deep into the bone marrow, and has always encouraged himself with bamboo. It is also satisfying to write such a charming word this time.

"The old man will not ask for your words for nothing, and he will pass on you a martial arts in the future. However, the old man said first that there is no extra house here. You need to build your own house, or you will sleep outside.

The ancestors got this word as they wished, regarded it as a treasure and couldn't put it down. Suddenly, I felt that there was something wrong with the younger generation, so I exchanged it for martial arts. In this way, I won't owe a favor to a younger generation.


Zhuo Yuhan was happy at first, but after listening to the words behind his ancestors, he turned into a bitter melon face. He looked at his hands, white and tender, and built a house. Isn't this a joke? It seems that the ancestors are not easy to fool!

"Well, look at what you look like now, you can't build a house. You can go to incense to the ancestors every day and clean up by the way. You can live in the mourning hall first. As for eating, well, you are responsible for the daily food, and you need to take care of the vegetable garden in the backyard. In a word, it's up to you to carry water, cook, grow vegetables and water flowers. You have no opinion!"

A trace of bad intentions flashed in the eyes of the ancestors, laughing, and there was a feeling of successful treachery.

"Uh...all right!"

Zhuo Yuhan nodded helplessly and sighed in his heart that he had to bow his head under the eaves! If you ask for others, you always need to pay. As the saying goes, people are soft-mouthed and short-handed. When the ancestors get used to eating, it should not be difficult to ask for martial arts.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yuhan felt a little better. However, Zhuo Wentian had already done these ideas. His ancestors were not a fuel-efficient lamp. They were very shrewd and had already figured out the words and the future.

For a while, this old man had his own thoughts and did not break it. After Zhuo Yuhan left, the smile on his face turned into a solemn face and whispered to himself, "Butian boy, you didn't get the Holy Scriptures back then. Now I hope your son can have this opportunity, otherwise my Zhuo family will die!"

The spiritual hall is the place to worship the ancestral tablet. Just behind the bamboo house, Zhuo Yuhan cleaned up and walked into the mourning hall. First, he served incense and kowtowed. Then I began to put my bed and clean it up.

"Oh, it seems that we still need to seize the time to practice martial arts and build our own house! Living in the mourning hall seems a little disrespectful.

After Zhuo Yuhanan cleaned up everything, he was also very tired. The weather in March has gradually warmed up. Zhuo Yuhan saw sweat on his forehead, sat on the ground and touched his chin, but he was thinking about his future plans.

"The ancestor must be a master. Both my father and uncle learn martial arts from their ancestors. It seems that they need to find a way to learn more martial arts in the future."

After a short break, Zhuo Yuhan walked out of the mourning hall, found a place in the kitchen, and began to prepare to cook. From morning to now, I have experienced too many things, and everything has made Zhuo Yu cold still in his dream.

"Oh... the world is impermanent! I, Zhuo Yuhan, also fell here one day. However, no matter what difficulties you face, don't want to defeat me. One day, I will impress you, take back my dignity, surpass everything, and dominate yourself.

In the past, although Zhuo Yuhan was a young master who stretched out his hand and opened his mouth, but because Han Yurou was beautiful and wise, he was a good wife and mother. He did a good job and sew clothes. Zhuo Yuhan wears what is sewn by Han Yurou. Because of this, Zhuo Yuhan is not unfamiliar with cooking, and his craftsmanship is not bad.

A meal was full of color, fragrance and taste, and the ancestors were full of praise, shouting that they were wise and determined to make such a blessing. After eating, the ancestors returned to his room to read and let Zhuo Yuhan arrange it freely.

Zhuo Yuhan feels quite tired physically and mentally, and has no intention to walk around. He has a long time to come. He doesn't know how long he will take in this bamboo forest in the future, and he is not in a hurry at this time.

Packed up the bowls and chopsticks, Zhuo Yuhan walked into the mourning hall and lay quietly **, but kept thinking about his future plans.

"No matter what, I have to find out about my father's betrayal. I always feel a little strange. And my mother, whether it is life or death, I will find her. However, all this should be based on strength. Without strength, everything is empty talk. Although my talent is not good, I can make up for my shortcomings and pay 10 times and 20 times harder. I don't believe that there is anything that Zhuo Yuhan can't do. At present, the most important thing is to practice martial arts, but deal with a four-year appointment. Zhuo Zhennan, old man, one day I will make you regret it!"

Zhuo Yu thought about everything quietly, and the burden on his shoulder was not easy. Although he is only 12 years old, people will always grow up quickly, and Zhuo Yuhan has begun to gradually mature.

Zhuo Yuhan has always had the habit of getting up early, which has been developed over the years, so Zhuo Yuhan woke up automatically at dawn the next morning.

"Four years, just between the fingers. The ancients had an allusion to the smell of chicken dancing. If I want to gain strength, I must seize the time and practice diligently. A day's plan lies in the morning. It's better to get up and practice boxing. You can't live up to Mu Yan's heart.

Zhuo Yuhan touched the fist in his arms, and a large area of tenderness appeared in his heart. He turned over and got out of bed, quickly put on his clothes, and carefully walked out of the bamboo house. In the early morning, there was still a gray fog in the bamboo forest that had not yet dissipated, and there was a little chill in the air, which made Zhuo Yuhan couldn't help shiver.

"Run and warm up first."

Zhuo Yuhan began to run slowly, walking vigorously and calmly. Zhuo Yuhan has followed Zhuo Butian since he was a child. Although he doesn't know any way to practice, he is no stranger to practicing martial arts.

The heavens and the earth are full of invisible but real vitality. The basis of practicing martial arts is to guide the natural and local qi into the body, refine the innate essence in the body, so as to condense the original qi, and then guide the vitality by the original qi to condense the crown on the head.

There are many ways to guide vitality, such as meditation, breathing and spitting, boxing... The simplest is to be run. Through running, the body naturally generates heat. The pores on the surface of the skin open, and the vitality follows these pores into the body.

Zhuo Yuhan knew that he had no foundation and could not practice boxing rashly, so he could only do it step by step. First feel the vitality, then breathe and spit, wait for the body to adapt to the existence of vitality, and then practice boxing.

After running for about half an hour, Zhuo Yu's cold breath gradually became short, his forehead sweated slightly, and his footsteps became heavier and heavier, not as vigorous and light as he began.

He gritted his teeth and persisted for half an hour. Zhuo Yuhan felt that he had reached his limit. He couldn't continue to exercise. It was not a day's work. He needed to slow down step by step. At this time, Zhuo Yuhan's whole body was soaked in sweat and there was a slight fog on his head. At this moment, Zhuo Yuhan felt that a trace of cool breath was slowly penetrating into his body along his open pores, moistening his tired body.

"Is this vitality?"

Zhuo Yuhan felt the existence of vitality and couldn't help but be overjoyed. At this time, it was already dawn, and Zhuo Yuhan was not going to continue to exercise. He should go back to take a shower and cook.

"The little guy is good. I can consciously get up and exercise."

At this moment, the ancestors came out of the bamboo forest beside him and touched his beard and nodded with satisfaction.

"Ancestor, wait a minute, Yu Han is going to cook!"

When Zhuo Yuhan saw that his ancestors had got up, he scratched his head with some embarrassment and was ready to cook.

"No hurry! The old man has something to ask you. Come with me."

The ancestors waved their hands to stop Zhuo Yuhan from cooking, turned around and walked away with his hands behind his back and walked to the bamboo house. Zhuo Yuhan didn't understand what his ancestors wanted to say to him, so he had to follow behind his back and secretly think about the intentions of his ancestors.

"Sit down."

The ancestors sat on a bamboo chair and waved their hands, which was quite majestic as an elder.

"Since you like martial arts, the old man will ask you, what is martial arts in your heart?"

Zhuo Yu sat down slowly and was a little caught off guard by the abrupt problem of his ancestors. He frowned and meditated for a moment before slowly said, "The so-called martial arts is brave and strong. Martial arts is to pursue the road in your heart with strength and unyieldingness.

"Pursuing the road in your heart? Well said! Tianxingjian, a gentleman is self-improvement, the terrain is Kun, and a gentleman carries things with great virtue. This is the spirit of martial arts. Following the example of the operation of the sky, he is strong and unyielding, persistent, and never stops. The earth is thick and can carry everything. People who practice martial arts should have a heart that tolerates and carries everything.

Today's tone of the ancestors is particularly serious without any jokes. As a martial arts practitioner, they attach great importance to the spirit of martial arts. When the ancestors talked about martial arts, their whole body showed a strong, eternal and heavy momentum.

"Little guy, remember, practicing martial arts is the first priority, will and spirit. Without the never-stop, hard-working, unwavering faith, will, and martial arts, it is difficult to achieve anything. Fate creation, high above, practicing martial arts is a hint of opportunity to steal fate.

"Yu Han understands. The so-called martial arts is that the will is as strong as the sky, and the heart is as heavy as the earth, and everything is wrapped up. Stealing creation and using martial arts to prove the Tao.