Imperial Lord

Chapter 26 Taking medicine

This mountain is not very steep. Zhuo Yuhan climbed up carefully all the way and did not dare to take it lightly. Zhuo Yuhan followed his ancestors and also knew that measuring a person's martial arts skills was not only a crown, but also a power.

Not bad, it's just strength. One's own physical strength is strength, and the martial arts exerted through martial arts to attract vitality and communicate with the world is also power. The size of strength is a measure of the strength of a martial artist.

There is a horse called Tianjue Horse in Tianjue Continent, which is so powerful that it can drag five stone heavy objects to fly. ( One stone in Tianjue Continent is 100 catties, and five stones are 500 catties.) And this horse is extremely fast, traveling 5,000 miles a day. Imperial dynasties used this kind of heavenly horse as a war horse and the footpower to deliver letters from various places. The measurement of power between warriors is to use Tianjue Ma.

As the saying goes, "five horses divide the body" and "ten thousand horses gallop", and the horse is the Tianjue horse. When the warriors practice, they have the power of at least five horses, that is, 2,500 catties. At that time, the five horses can't be dismembered. With one palm, they can easily smash the boulder. Cultivate martial arts to a high level, and as soon as you take action, thousands of horses will gallop and tens of thousands of horses will gallop. How powerful is the ten thousand horses? Even a small hill can be easily razed to the ground. If you step out, the earth will break.

With the power of thousands of horses, warriors can move mountains to fill the sea and overturn rivers and seas.

Zhuo Yuhan is only a first-class vitality, and he doesn't even have the strength. Even ordinary tigers have three stone power. If they are some tigers that have been strong or have swallowed the treasures of heaven and earth, they are better than a heavenly horse. Zhuo Yuhan climbed carefully and paid attention to the movement around him. As soon as the wind blew the grass, he immediately hid and dared not touch it.

With the passage of time, Zhuo Yuhan had reached halfway up the mountain, but he did not find the whereabouts of the bone-washing grass, and the tiger mentioned by Xiaoye did not appear.

"Did Xiaoye lie to me?" Zhuo Yuhan couldn't help thinking about it. Thinking of Xiaoye's character, it is possible. If it comes, it will be safe. Look for it again."

Zhuo Yuhan is not a person who gives up easily. He carefully searched again. Suddenly, Zhuo Yuhan saw seven or eight purple grass swinging in the wind on the edge of the cliff not far away. The grass is purple, only one foot high. There are also a few white flowers next to the purple grass. The flowers have six petals, blooming in the shape of a lotus, and there is a blood-red line in the middle of each petal, just like a human meridian.

"Bonewash, medulla flower. I finally found it! It seems that Xiaoye didn't lie to herself. I just don't know how this girl knows!"

After staying in the mountains for three consecutive days, he saw that the dry food was run out. Only when he returned home, he finally found the important herbs needed this time. Zhuo Yuhan was so excited that he quickly walked over and was ready to start collecting medicine.

"No, Xiaoye said that there were still tigers on the mountain. Why didn't they appear? Did you go out to look for food and come back?"

Zhuo Yuhan suddenly stopped and thought of the tiger mentioned by Xiaoye. He immediately dared not take it lightly and looked around warily without any movement. After waiting for a while and no tiger appeared, Zhuo Yuhan approached the bone washing grass step by step.


Suddenly, there was a tiger roar behind him. Zhuo Yuhan sensed that there was a dangerous approach with the keen sense of several months of martial arts training. He secretly shouted bad in his heart. Regardless of anything else, his body ejected out and quickly approached the bonewash grass and cloning flowers.

When the tiger behind Zhuo Yuhan saw that he wanted to collect the medicinal herbs he guarded despite his threat, he was furious, stared at the tiger's eyes, raised his claws and went straight to Zhuo Yuhan. Zhuo Yuhan felt that the bad wind behind him was not good, so he had to give up the plan to take medicine and dodged to the right in a strange posture.

The tiger hit the air, but it would not be so willing to give up. The strong body turned around and attacked Zhuo Yuhan with another fierce tiger down the mountain.

Zhuo Yuhan did not dare to stay after dodging away. His body rolled with the momentum, and then he straightened his waist and quickly turned over to avoid the tiger's fierce attack again. At this time, Zhuo Yuhan saw the tiger clearly. The strong tiger body is tall and powerful, like a calf, with sharp and powerful claws, bright hair color, and a domineering "king" in the middle of the forehead.

The king of beasts - tiger. Fierce and powerful. At this time, the evil tiger has been hungry. Seeing that food is actively sent to us, how can it not be? A pair of tiger eyes stared at Zhuo Yuhan tightly, which was quite cogent.

"Beast, get out of here! I don't want to hurt you."

Zhuo Yuhan was like a big enemy. He held the hoe in his hand and shouted at the giant tiger. Roar..."

The evil tiger turned a blind eye to Zhuo Yuhan's threat. In its view, the little guy in front of him is just relatively fast, and he can kill him with one paw. Instead, he roared fiercely, his claws kept digging on the ground, and then suddenly exerted his strength, and his body rushed to Zhuo Yuhan again. This time, the giant tiger's speed was extremely fast, and almost in an instant, the tiger's claws reached the top of Zhuo Yuhan's head.

Zhuo Yuhan has been watching the evil tiger's every move. Seeing the sudden strength of its forefoot, Zhuo Yuhan put on a dodge posture, showed the body of the shadow of the bamboo, and dodged again dangerously. However, even so, Zhuo Yuhan's clothes on his shoulders were hung away by the tiger's claws and almost hurt his body.

Zhuo Yuhan stared at the evil tiger tightly, his hands were full of cold sweat, and his heart was very nervous. This is the first time in his life that he faces a real enemy and may be buried under the tiger's claws if he is not careful. When the evil tiger saw that the blow he had to kill had been dodged again, he couldn't help but be angry and spread his feet to attack Zhuo Yuhan again.

"It seems that if you don't show some real skills, you still think I'm easy to bully, right?" Zhuo Yuhan was pressed step by step by the evil tiger and had no power to fight back. He was also very angry and planned to use his ability to fight the evil tiger's arrogance.

The evil tiger rushed again. Zhuo Yuhan saw the time and suddenly showed the floating light and shadow in the shadow of the bamboo. His body turned to the left side of the evil tiger, and then suddenly kicked out his feet against the body of the evil tiger.

The formula of "Bajiquan 'kick', kick the eight wilderness!"

Zhuo Yuhan's three months of hard practice is not a child's play, especially Bajiquan. He has made hard work. The eight moves of Bajiquan are basic attacks, and there are also eight-character attack formulas corresponding to the eight directions of the body. They are arm block, elbow, fist collapse, shoulder bump, straddle, knee shaking, leg protrusion, and foot kicking. At this time, Zhuo Yuhan flashed to the left side of the evil tiger with floating light and shadow. His legs were strong and his body jumped up, using the most powerful 'kick' formula in Bajiquan.

The evil tiger didn't expect that Zhuo Yuhan had hidden his clumsiness before. He had been forbearance all the time. At this time, it suddenly broke out. Although Zhuo Yuhan's move was unexpected and unprepared to attack him, his own power was too small. The first-level vitality, with only one stone power, hit the evil tiger with the power of at least three stones, and the killing effect was not great. The evil tiger was caught off guard by Zhuo Yuhan's kick and fell directly out of the air. However, Zhuo Yuhan, with the power of anti-earthquake, flew backwards like an arrow from the string and landed on the edge of the cliff with bone-washing grass.

In fact, Zhuo Yuhan's initial attack was not to hurt the enemy, but to achieve his purpose with the help of anti-shock power. However, Zhuo Yuhan's plan is also very dangerous. If the power is not well mastered and the anti-shock force is too strong, he will fall directly off the cliff. Zhuo Yuhan landed on the ground, rolled quickly, took a few bone-washing grass and cloning flowers in his hand, and fled to the mountain without hesitation.

He was suddenly kicked by Zhuo Yuhan and quickly got up. His foot did not cause any harm to the evil tiger. Despite the evil tiger, he did not expect Zhuo Yuhan to retreat with one blow. After fishing for a few herbs, he grabbed the road and fled.


The evil tiger roared angrily and quickly chased out in the direction of Zhuo Yuhan. However, at this time, in order to escape, Zhuo Yuhan, regardless of whether the vitality in his body was sufficient or not, he constantly used the shadow of the bamboo. His body was like an arrow away from the string, galloping all the way, and threw the evil tiger far away in a moment.

Zhuo Yuhan did not dare to stay and flew all the way to the foot of the mountain. His vitality in his body had been exhausted and he could no longer run. He sat on the ground.

" dangerous." Zhuo Yuhan was out of breath at this time, his whole body was weak, he had difficulty breathing, and he didn't want to move.

"Brother!" Xiaoye actually ran out from behind Zhuo Yuhan at this time and shouted in surprise when he saw Zhuo Yuhan sitting on the ground.

"Little...Little Night. Why did you... go up the mountain? Hurry up... Hurry up and help me go. That evil tiger is so powerful that I... I'm afraid that it will chase down the mountain." Zhuo Yuhan did not believe that the evil tiger would give up. At this time, the situation was urgent and it was urgent to flee for his life, and he was too lazy to ask Xiaoye if he was disobedient.

"Oh, okay, okay!"

Hearing this, Xiaoye quickly ran over to help Zhuo Yuhan, "Brother, you are so heavy!" Xiaoye's petite and exquisite body was so small that she was almost pulled to the ground by Zhuo Yuhan.

"You are too thin and too weak." Zhuo Yuhan rolled his eyes and replied. Hee... My brother is too heavy. In fact, Xiaoye is very powerful.

Xiaoye said with a smile, holding Zhuo Yuhan's right hand and leaning on his chest. Zhuo Yuhan suddenly felt that his arm was clamped by two soft balls, rubbing back and forth. He looked sideways and almost fell to the ground again. This little girl is really a goblin. Doesn't she regard herself as a man?

"Why don't you go? Brother."

Seeing that Zhuo Yuhan stood still, Xiaoye looked up and asked doubtfully. Er... Let's go, let's go. Well, I've had a good rest. You don't have to help me.

Zhuo Yuhan was really defeated by Xiaoye. He quickly pulled back his right hand and slowly walked forward. But as soon as I took a step, my feet softened and I almost fell down. Fortunately, Xiaoye was quick-sighted and rushed over to help him.

"Brother, don't be strong. Let's hold you by night! If my brother still doesn't leave, Xiaoye can't stop the evil tiger later. Xiaoye said cutely.

"Okay! Let's go!" Zhuo Yuhan had no choice but to walk in pain and happiness again. The feeling from his right arm stimulated Zhuo Yuhan's nerves, making him a little distracted. Xiaoye didn't seem to know at all. She looked back at the hill meaningfully, and then helped Zhuo Yuhan leave quickly.