Imperial Lord

Chapter 36 Nine-level vitality

successfully surrendered the evil tiger, which was unexpected before Zhuo Yuhan came. Originally, Zhuo Yuhan planned to steal a few herbs quietly and kill the evil tiger when he had absolute power. However, the emergence of Xiaoye has led to a series of changes.

After picking up the needed cloning flowers and bonewash grass, Zhuo Yuhan did not plan to stay longer. After greeting Xiaoye, he wanted to go back. Xiaoye waved to the evil tiger and said lazily, "Ugly tiger, I'm tired. Come here and let me ride."

The evil tiger seemed to be very afraid of Xiaoye, and did not dare to disobey her order at all. Hearing Xiaoye's order, he had to slowly get up and walk to Xiaoye's side. Zhuo Yuhan turned around, looked at the evil tiger thoughtfully, and walked up and down by himself.

"Brother, wait for Xiaoye. Stinky tiger, hurry up and catch up with my brother. And, in the future, your brother will be your master. You will do whatever he asks you to do!"

Xiaoye stepped on the back of the evil tiger, patted its head, and ordered to say. Hearing this, the evil tiger roared unwillingly, as if protesting Xiaoye's order.

What's the name! Humph, my brother is awesome. Sooner or later, I can easily deal with you. So don't feel wronged either." Xiaoye pinched the evil tiger's ear, put up his cherry mouth, and said playfully. Xiaoye seemed to understand the words of the evil tiger and kept communicating, but unfortunately, Zhuo Yuhan did not see this scene.

The way back is calm. Zhuo Yuhan began to devote himself to a long hardship.

"Heaven will have a great responsibility on the Si people, and they must first work their muscles and bones, starve their skin, and empty their bodies..." At this time, Zhuo Yuhan stepped into the piercing lake. In front of us is surging and surging, like a waterfall falling from the Milky Way. Zhuo Yuhan meditated on the motto of the sages in the book of sages. He was heroic, and a mass of blood in his chest was constantly burning. The body suddenly rose and fell under the waterfall.


The waterfall running down is as fierce and deafening, like the Milky Way of the Nine Heavens, which is endless. Zhuo Yuhan's small body was hit by the falling waterfall, like being hit hard, and his throat was sweet, and blood sprayed out.

"Bah! It's really awesome. But it can't stop my footsteps anyway.

Zhuo Yuhan fell from the boulder, wiped a handful of blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes flashed with determination, and he climbed towards the boulder.

"Boom..." There is no doubt that Zhuo Yuhan was once again bombarded by a huge impact. However, he did not give up, but gritted his teeth, stubbornly, and climbed tirelessly again and again.


Three times...

ten times...

Finally, after 15 failures, Zhuo Yuhan stood on the boulder. Although the time was short and he was bombarded in an instant, he had taken the most difficult step.

The days in practice are always like the years at your fingertips, flying by. Zhuo Yuhan's life has become extremely regular. First, he strives to stand firm under the waterfall. With the adaptation to the impact of the waterfall, Zhuo Yuhan began to exercise his strength.

One force drops ten sessions. It's not unreasonable. Sometimes absolute power can ignore the gap in the realm.

Gradually, Zhuo Yuhan began to meditated on the boulder and practice martial arts. The huge stone under the waterfall became a place for him to practice. And his strength is also increasing and refined over time. The hidden essence in the body is also refined in the internal and external cultivation, and more and more vitality is stored in his body.

There is a mountain thousands of miles away from Zhuoyang City. This mountain range is known as the fierce mountain range, because there are many fierce monsters in the mountain, and there are waves of scalp-shattering screams, beast roaring and wolves howling from the market in the mountain range. There are ghosts crying and wolves howling in the fierce mountain, and there is a saying that they will not go back to the burial place.

The fierce mountains span thousands of miles, majestic and strong, and the peaks are dotted with stars, like a giant dragon perched on the earth. The fierce demon mountain range will be the place where the four counties are connected, connecting Yanrong County, the first county of the Yan Kingdom, on the left, Fenghan County on the right, Fengluo County on the right, and Yanning County below.

The fierce demon mountain range is a forbidden place for ordinary people to live without death, but it is an excellent trial place for martial arts practitioners. Many sectarian disciples will enter the fierce demon mountains for trial. The inside of the fierce mountain range is extremely horrible, and even the county guards of each county dare not set foot in it easily.

It is said that there is an extremely fierce beast in the center of the fierce mountain range. There was once a handsome master who entered to hunt this fierce beast. However, the last man will not return, and the world will evaporate. Since then, although various factions have sent disciples to try, they absolutely dare not enter the interior.

In the inner layer of the fierce mountain range, the ancient trees in the sky are proud and upright, lush, and look primitive. The mountain forest is full of birds, animals, insects and snakes. Is there a deafening and fierce roar from the forest? I'm afraid ordinary people have trembled their feet for a long time.

However, at this time, a man in a black windbreaker walked slowly in the forest with a black sword. The man in black looked indifferent, his face was as firm as a knife and axe, and his straight back was like a sword. He was towering and steady. If you look carefully, you can find that the distance between each step of this person is surprisingly similar and extremely regular.

"Why did I come to the fierce mountain range? Don't you know that there is a fierce beast in this mountain?

Suddenly, a vicious tiger jumped out of the oblique brake and rushed in. The man did not look back and gently split the black sword in his hand. The originally ordinary sword suddenly appeared and easily split the evil tiger in half. After receiving the long sword, the man in black said to himself. His voice was very low, and his tone showed a trace of undisgued vicissitudes, but more sharp and sharp.

"With this seat, what are you afraid of! I won't hurt you. If it hadn't been for this day, would you still have lived until now?

Suddenly, the black sword in the man's hand broke free from his hand and suspended in front of him. The sword body was covered with black light, and an old voice came from it. The style of the long sword is simple, depicting mysterious and obscure charms, and a trace of faint light wanders around the body of the sword, adding a little mystery.

"Hmm! Help me? If you hadn't killed my people, I would have come to this and have been difficult to return home? All of this is thanks to you!" The man in black said coldly, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and his face was extremely ugly.

"People of the clan? Stupid! You think they are clan people, but they are fierce and want to take your life! Remember, there are no absolute friends in the world. People are not for themselves, and heaven and earth are destroyed. Those who achieve great things must be cruel!" The old voice was also unwilling to show weakness and hummed coldly.

"A man and a man are upright and upright. I can't do anything to fuck each other in the same room!" The man in black took a deep breath and forced down the anger in his heart. Why on earth did you ask me to come to the fierce mountain range? Without making it clear, I immediately left by myself!"

"Leave? Can you still go back? Don't you want to save your trapped wife?" The black sword shook, and the sharp tip of the sword pointed to the neck of the man in black, and the tip of the sword swallowed the black sharp sword light! When the man in black heard the word "wife", a trace of pain flashed on his face, clenched his fist and breathed heavily.

"The Xiaoyao Palace is the relic of Wang Jue. Without me to help you, you can't break the ban and save your wife all your life. Think about how to choose by yourself!" The sword was closed in vain, and the speed was so fast that it was impossible to capture its trajectory.

"Good! So what on earth do you want to do?" The man in black took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"The fierce beasts in this mountain range are called disaster fighting, and the local fierce beasts rank 18th. You first elevate the realm to the handsome lord, and then I will help you kill this. Moreover, there is a transmission array deep in this fierce mountain range. Where we are going next, we must pass through the transmission array!" The long sword kept flying in the air, leaving shadows of swords. When the man in black heard the words, he finally fell silent and straightened his back to the depths of the mountains.

"Cangzhu vs. Rain."

"Fist collapses mountains and rivers."

Zhuo Yuhan**'s upper body suddenly swept down from the boulder, broke through the waterfall, broke out of the water, and his body fell into the sky, clenched his fists, and punched the lake.


The lake suddenly burst, and the roar was deafening. The lake formed a column of water, which rose to the sky and rose to a height of seven or eight feet before it collapsed and turned into rain all over the sky. Zhuo Yu fell steadily by the lake and was extremely satisfied with the rain.

"It's been more than a year! After more than a year of hard work day and night, I finally reached the ninth level of vitality. Roar..."

Zhuo Yuhan pinched his fist and couldn't help roaring. At this time, compared with a year ago, Zhuo Yu's breath was fierce and fierce, and there seemed to be thunder between his breathing. And at this time, he is eight feet tall, straight and well-proportioned, and his upper body is faintly shiny. Although there are no rolling muscles, the inner membrane of each skin is tightly combined and has super explosive power.

The nine-level vitality has refined nine out of ten essences in the body and reached the peak of vitality accumulation. The next step is to condense the source. For more than a year, Zhuo Yuhan has been intoxicated with practice. I practiced boxing and meditated under the waterfall for more than a year, as if I had never interrupted a day.

Fortunately, his efforts were rewarded. For more than a year, it has climbed from five-level vitality to nine-level vitality, directly across four levels. This speed is unmatched. Zhuo Yuhan proved that without excellent talent, he can still practice martial arts and despise his peers.