Imperial Lord

Chapter 57 World of Martial Arts Rules

Although Zhuo Yuhan studied martial arts with his ancestors for three years and enriched a lot of martial arts cultivation knowledge, the teachings of his ancestors were always gradual, and his martial arts ability was not explained to Zhuo Yuhan about the cultivation characteristics above. What the ancestors said is more about how to practice martial arts, understand martial arts, and point directly to the core and origin of martial arts. In other words, it is the theoretical knowledge of martial arts. These things seem to have no practical effect, but they are of great benefit to Zhuo Yu's cultivation in the future and can avoid detours.

Zhuo Yuhan knows that martial arts has been cultivated to a high level, and has many incredible magical abilities, such as flying in the sky, shrinking the ground into an inch, making a fire out of thin air, making thunder in the void, real gas into soldiers, and so on. However, Zhuo Yuhan does not know the corresponding ability of each title.

In the past, Zhuo Yuhan's strength was so low that it was useless to ask. Now he has condensed the origin. The next step is to break through the mud pills with the soul of the martial arts world, break the door of the martial arts world, understand the rules of martial arts, and condense the crown of martial arts. Naturally, the corresponding ability of each title needs to be understood in advance.

"Since you asked, I will tell you about it. The martial artist broke through the restrictions of mud pills with his soul, opened the door of martial arts, and was baptized in the vast world of martial arts rules and condensed the crown. The first title of the martial artist was a scholar. At this time, Taiyuan's anger was swallowed, and his vitality left his body, forming an aura. The role of the aura can distort the attack and repel the attack. The strength of the peak Jiupin Shijue can reach the power of ten horses.

Han Lammaran sat upright and began to slowly explain the ability corresponding to the martial arts level to Zhuo Yuhan. Zhuo Yuhan was intoxicated and finally had a thorough understanding of the ability of martial arts cultivation.

According to Han Lavry's words, Shijue's vitality is separated from the body, forming an aura and distorting the attack. The power can reach the maximum strength of ten horses, and Shouyuan can also be increased to 200 years old. Juehun enters the martial arts world to be baptized, and uses Taiyuan Zhenqi as food, and the life expectancy of warriors will naturally increase.

Viscount, the vitality further condensed and turned into qi. The vitality is invisible, and the energy is tangible. Kangqi is to condense the vitality into essence, crystal, and the idea can be moved. The Kangqi can be turned into knives, guns, swords, halberls, axes, sticks and other weapons or armors. When you take action, the energy is fierce, sharp and extremely lethal. At this time, the power of the martial artist has been improved again. The power of the first-class knight is ten horses, and the ninth-class peak knight has the power of a hundred horses, with infinite power and unparalleled power.

Dujue, at this moment, Jue's soul has grown. For the Taiyuan Zhenqi in the martial arts world, the throughput is very huge. The whole body's vitality is transformed into Zhenqi. The Zhenqi is more powerful than the qi. As soon as the mind moves, the Zhenqi can be transformed into flames, hurricanes, thunder, rainstorms and other real natural things, burning everything, powerful. Incomparable.

As for the higher title ability, Han Lav didn't say anything, and Zhuo Yuhan didn't ask. Now he is only condensing the source, and he can't be ambitious and down-to-earth is the right path.

"Aunt Xun, I have completely condensed the origin, and tomorrow I can try to hit the gate of martial arts and condense the crown." Zhuo Yu sat cross-legged and looked at the fire in front of him.

"Hmm! After ascending the title and entering the Ziqi Sect, you can directly become a formal disciple and enter the Ziqi Pavilion to choose a volume of martial arts that suits you. Remember, to hit the gate of martial arts, you must have an invincible mind, will, and rush away at one stroke. Otherwise, once you are weak, you can only declare failure. Han Lav has a serious reminder and teaches experience.

"Yu Han understands! Aunt Xun, what does the world of martial arts rules look like? Does the martial arts world really exist or nothing?

Zhuo Yuhan asked again. Zhuo Yuhan has always heard about the "martial arts world", but it is very vague. I don't know what the "martial arts world" is suitable for!

The world of martial arts rules is vast, profound, complex, obscure and mysterious, which is difficult to describe in words. There are thousands of rules in the world of martial arts. To practice martial arts is to constantly understand and understand these rules for yourself. The world of martial arts exists and does not exist. It exists because you can really feel the power, rules and Taiyuan Zhenqi inside. It is said that it does not exist because no one can come to the martial arts world. It does not seem to exist in the real space, but only in the imagination and soul. When your soul breaks through the gate of martial arts, you will naturally know.

Han Lavyi thought for a moment and explained it quite mysteriously. Although Zhuo Yuhan's cleverness, he also heard it in the clouds and seemed to understand it. Zhuo Yuhan knew that some things could only be understood and could not be passed on. Words could not be explained clearly at all. Only by experiencing them can he understand them, so he had to give up.

"There is one more thing I need to remind you. When your soul comes to the martial arts world, it will definitely be very weak. At that time, the martial arts rules will baptize your soul. The process is very painful, but you must stick to it. The longer you hold on, the more you benefit, the further you can go further in the future.

"Yu Han understands! No wonder the ancestors said that in addition to talent, practicing martial arts also requires a firm will. Juehunyue is powerful, and the easier it is to open the door of the martial arts world. The firmer the will, the longer you can persist in the martial arts world and get more benefits.

At this time, after listening to Han's reminder, Zhuo Yuhan combined his ancestors and what she said, and suddenly figured out the key.

"Hmm! Yes, the longer you persist, the more advanced the quality of the crown you condensed. All right, have a good night's rest. Let's continue on our way tomorrow. Han Lav said and walked back to the carriage.

The sheets and bedding in the carriage are all available, which is naturally better than sleeping in the wilderness. Zhuo Yuhan is not a sadist. During the day, he has been condensing his origin, his spirit is highly nervous, and the consumption of the spirit is very huge. At this time, he also feels a little tired. He stands up, ready to have a good night's rest, adjust his state, and strive to hit the martial arts gate in the best state tomorrow to condense the crown.

"Little night, let's go! Go back to rest."

"Brother, can you sleep with Xiaoye in your arms?" Xiaoye walked to Zhuo Yuhan and said firmly.

"Uh... Xiaoye, sleep by yourself. Why don't you let Aunt Xun hold you?" Zhuo Yuhan did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Han Lavender. He touched his nose and said with a wry smile.

"No! I want you to hug me! Brother, even if Xiaoye begs you, okay?" Xiaoye grabbed Zhuo Yuhan's hand, kept shaking, pouted his mouth, and looked pitiful, which made Zhuo Yuhan unbearable to refuse.

"All right!" Zhuo Yuhan had no choice but to nod and agree. When Xiaoye heard the words, she immediately opened her eyes and smiled, and a sweet smile appeared on her face and made a hug. Zhuo Yuhan shook his head and reached out to pick up Xiaoye. The girl's whole body was soft, which made Zhuo Yu's heart move, and she suddenly felt a little distracted.

Xiaoye wrapped Zhuo Yuhan like an octopus, lying on his shoulder, facing Zhuo Yuhan's ear, and exhaling and saying, "Brother, if Xiaoye is gone one day, will you miss me?"

Smell Xiaoye's nearby, musk-like fragrance, Zhuo Yuhan quickly settled down and bit the tip of his tongue. The strong pain constantly stimulated Zhuo Yuhan.

"What nonsense do you say? My brother will take you with you anyway." Zhuo Yuhan pulled Xiaoye's face in front of him and said seriously. Just now, Zhuo Yuhan thought about what would happen if Xiaoye was not by his side one day? Thinking about it, Zhuo Yuhan found that he was used to having her around, and he was very reluctant and heartbroken!

"Hmm! Xiaoye will never leave his brother. Xiaoye nodded heavily and lay in Zhuo Yuhan's ear, as fine as a mosquito, but extremely firm, like a vow. After saying that, she opened her little mouth and gently bit Zhuo Yuhan's ear.

"Cough... All right, stop it. Go to bed!"

Zhuo Yuhan was suddenly distracted by Xiaoye's intimate action. He didn't pay attention to it and almost stepped on the air. Then he quickly bit his tongue. Under the tingling stimulation, Zhuo Yuhan suddenly woke up, stepped into the carriage and sat down.

"Okay, I'm going to bed! Hee!" Xiaoye found a comfortable posture and slept close to Zhuo Yuhan. Just as Zhuo Yuhan closed his eyes and was ready to rest, Han Lanyi's gentle voice came to his ears.

"Bad boy, you are blessed! A Zhuo Muyan, a night, saw you arrive at the Han family, how can you explain to Ruoxue!"

Zhuo Yuhan knew that Han Laun was using voice transmission, but he could not use it, so he had to shake his head and smiled bitterly. He believed that with Han Lavender's ability, he could definitely see his expression clearly.

Whether it is night vision, or mysterious means such as transmission into secrets, they are all abilities that only masters have. Transmission is a kind of use of the aura field. If you cover the space with the aura field, you can condense the sound of the aura into a line and accurately send it to other people's ears without being heard by others.

Han Xiuyi saw Zhuo Yuhan shaking his head and smiled bitterly, and stopped making fun of him. He closed his eyes and began to practice quietly.