Imperial Lord

Chapter 62 Cohesion Crown

Han Lavry can't be more clear about the process of condensing the crown. Consciousness comes to the martial arts world. After receiving the baptism of martial arts rules, consciousness will return to the body. At that time, the vitality between heaven and earth will be swarming, the gate of martial arts above the head will be opened, and Taiyuan Zhenqi will fall down. At the same time, the martial arts rules will come down and condense into a certain crown on the head of the warrior.

In the process of condensing the crown, the rules of the martial arts world come, and all creatures cannot approach the people who condensing the crown, otherwise they will be immediately erased by the martial arts rules. This is also the reason why Han Lav has escaped quickly.

However, the quality of the crown also varies from person to person. The longer a person persists in the martial arts world, the higher the quality of his crown. Ordinary people gather the crown, which is generally just a huge fluctuation in the atmosphere of heaven and earth. This kind of crown is the most common, and it also determines that the future achievements of martial artists will not be too high.

The other is that there will be many visions between heaven and earth. Like a strong wind, the sky is dark, etc. Being able to condense the crown is to trigger the vision of heaven and earth. They are all amazing people, and the quality of the condensed crown is naturally very high. The quality of Jue Guan determines the future achievements of martial artists and the throughput of Taiyuan's true qi, as an affinity and perception of martial arts rules.

Whether the sky and the earth are dark or the wind is blowing, these visions do not have any attack power, but only the naturally generated visions of the high quality of the crown. However, at this moment, when Zhuo Yuhan condensed the crown, it was actually thunder and lightning. How powerful is this?

At least, as far as Han Lavyi knows, no one has been able to attract the thunder when the crown is condensed in tens of thousands of years. Isn't Yuhan a two-star constitution? How could it lead to the thunder? Is there a secret in it?" Han Lammei dodged his body, and there was a trace of doubt in his beautiful eyes.

When the thunder landed that day, Xiaoye, who was so powerful, seemed to see a nemesis. The pink light and the virtual shadow behind him suddenly dissipated, and Xiaoye's tall body slowly turned into its original appearance. Facing the falling thunder, Xiaoye curled together, trembled, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoye!" Han Laming flashed to Xiaoye's side, hugged the trembling Xiaoye tightly, and comforted him softly. If Xiaoye hadn't suddenly become powerful just now, maybe Zhuo Yuhan would have been buried in the abdomen of a python. If Zhuo Yuhan died, Han Huiyi would have blamed himself and could only apologize for his death.

Just as Han Lameng comforted Xiaoye, the whirlpool of vitality carrying the thunder and lightning dragon fell on Zhuo Yuhan. In an instant, Zhuo Yuhan swam away with thunder and lightning. Above his head, an ancient, vast and eternal gate slowly emerged. As soon as the martial arts gate appeared, endless pressure swept over, and everything would submit in an instant. In the gate of martial arts, Taiyuan's true qi was scattered like a river and poured down. Crystal regular silk lines came through the surging Taiyuan's true qi and surrounded Zhuo Yuhan's head.

Crystal silk threads are constantly winding, flashing, and for a moment, a gorgeous crown has been formed on top of Zhuo Yu's cold head. The crown is nine inches high and nine inches wide, surrounded by nine sharp bulges, forming a circle. On the frontmost bulge, a gorgeous gemstone shines with dazzling light. If you observe carefully, you will find that there seems to be a trace of thunder and lightning in the middle of the gem, constantly swimming.

The whole crown is composed of the ninety-nine poles of heaven and earth, and the milky light spreads out one by one. Around the crown, there are charms and inscriptions shining. The perfect and gorgeous crown can be said to be the creation of heaven and earth, taking the road to the mystery.

All-encompassing, the letter covers the universe.

With the cohesion of the crown, the virtual shadow of the martial arts gate slowly dissipated above his head, and the thunder and lightning dragons surrounded Zhuo Yuhan, rising to the sky and flying into the vast blue sky. All the visions disappeared and the world returned to calm, but the air still seemed to retain the ancient pressure and the violent destruction of the thunder and lightning dragon.


Suddenly, Zhuo Yuhan, who sat cross-legged, opened his mouth and made a sound of dragon chanting, and his voice rolled like thunder and power. With this long roar, Zhuo Yuhan's eyes opened in an instant, and two fine light rose to the sky, like two real dragons rushing through the sky.

"Aunt Xun, Xiaoye!"

After a sound, the prison-like momentum slowly dissipated. Zhuo Yuhan's eyes also returned to normal, but the depths of the pupil seemed to have the power of thunder and lightning, which was very pattable.

Zhuo Yuhan jumped and stood up. However, with his movements, his clothes turned into flying ash in an instant, and ** were nakedly exposed to Han Launyi and Xiaoye.


Maybe it was because of the thunder and lightning dragon baptism. At this time, Zhuo Yuhan's body was full of masculinity, so Yang Gen also stood upright like a gun and sword. Zhuo Yuhan was at a loss. He hurriedly covered his lower body with his hand, turned around, and left his bare buttocks to Han Lavender.

"Don't look!"

Han Lavyi also reacted after losing his mind in an instant and quickly covered Xiaoye's eyes, but he couldn't help taking a look and quickly closed his eyes. Although Han Launyi is not young, it is the first time to see a man's body. He is very shy, his face turns red, and he jumps like a deer in his arms.

"Put on your clothes!"

Han Lavender took out a set of clothes from the storage ring and threw them to Zhuo Yuhan, but at the same time, the shocking glimpse just now came to his mind. Zhuo Yuhan's tall and straight body kept flashing.

"Aunt Xun, what just happened?" Zhuo Yuhan quickly put on his clothes, forcibly suppressed the shyness in his heart, and glanced at the messy official road.

"Han Lav, what are you thinking? He is your nephew, and he is still a child.

Han Launyi's heartbeat is messy, and Zhuo Yuhan's naked body** always flashes in her mind. No wonder Han Launyi has been practicing in Ziqizong, but he knows little about men and women. Han Lavry's status in Ziqizong is superb and his personality is cold. Who dares to flirt with her? At this time, when I saw a man's body for the first time, I couldn't help but be a little curious.

Zhuo Yuhan's voice quickly calmed down, shook his head, threw the trace of bewilight out of his mind, and opened his eyes.

"We were attacked just now. Fortunately, you gathered the crown at the critical moment, which attracted the thunder of heaven and earth and seriously injured him. Only then can we get out of danger. Han Lamuzi raised her hand and brushed her scattered hair behind her ears, and her red lips said slightly.

"What kind of person is so powerful, Aunt Xun, aren't you his opponent?"

Zhuo Yuhan was shocked when he heard this, and then saw the blood stains on Han Lavender's mouth, which was even more unbelievable. He is very clear about the strength of Han Launyi. Even his uncle Zhuo Wentian is not an opponent. How strong is the strength of the person who can beat Han Launyi to vomit blood?

"Aunt Xun, you are injured. Are you all right?" Zhuo Yuhan saw the blood at the corners of Han's mouth and the blood stains on the purple clothes, and hurriedly came over and asked.

"Brother, don't come here! Xiaoye is scared." At this moment, Xiaoye's timid voice came from behind Han Lavry.

Huh? Xiaoye, what's wrong with you? It's okay, don't be afraid!" Zhuo Yuhan was stunned, stopped and hurriedly comforted him.

"Brother, don't come over. Xiaoye is afraid." Xiaoye still hid behind Han Lauyi and dared not come out.

"Aunt Xun, what's going on?" Zhuo Yuhan looked down at himself and found nothing unusual, so he had to ask Han Launyi. Han Huiyi looked back at Xiaoye and then glanced at the certain white crown on Zhuo Yuhan's head. Above the crown, there seemed to be a trace of thunder and lightning, and suddenly thought about it.

"Take back your crown and you'll be fine."

When Zhuo Yuhan heard the words, although he was puzzled, his mind still moved, and the white crown above his head sank into his mind. As soon as Zhuo Yuhan received the crown, Xiaoye flew over like a milk swallow.

"Brother! It was terrible just now! There is a bad guy going to kill us!" Xiaoye broke away from Han's arms, threw himself into Zhuo Yu's cold arms, and said with lingering heart.

"Bad guy? Not now..." Zhuo Yuhan patted Xiaoye on the back and comforted him. Huahai didn't finish speaking, and there was a sudden explosion behind him. Zhuo Yuhan looked back and saw a monster as high as seven or eight feet high. It was ferocious and horrible, and the blood basin was closed one by one, and a bloody atmosphere permeated.

"How dare you hurt me. Die! You are all going to die! I will devour your flesh and blood to make up for my loss.

The blood that was originally bombarded into the jungle by Tianlei did not die. After the Tianlei disappeared, he actually performed the method of human change and turned into a fierce and ferocious monster. The whole body exudes rage, fierce momentum, blood and evil, which makes it difficult to breathe.