Imperial Lord

Chapter 106 Beast Tide

PS: Today's fifth update broke out, please collect and ask for red tickets!

Although Han Launyi is over 30 years old, it is blank in terms of relationships between men and women. Moreover, as a disciple of the Purple Air Sect, she can't have such intimate and ambiguous contact with any man. Whether Zhuo Yuhan's fingers touched her ** part made Han Launyi excited and shy.

The face was delicate, Han Lav's jade hand tightly grasped the mat, and his chest fluctuated violently.

Facing such a stunning beauty, Zhuo Yuhan couldn't help shaking his mind. He was a little distracted and couldn't stop. Because of his inner tension, he didn't take off Han's clothes for a long time.

"Aunt Xun, I can't take off your clothes." After a while, Zhuo Yuhan said with a red face.

"Tear it directly!" Han Lav's lips clenched and whispered. The sound is as delicate as mosquitoes and ants.

When Zhuo Yuhan heard the words, he knew that he didn't know how long it would take to finish it if it went on like this. Although the master of Jiangjue gradually understands the rules of the body, he can live and die, flesh and bones. But the blood is indispensable. If it goes on like this, even Han Lavender will die of blood exhaustion.

Life is at risk, and Zhuo Yuhan no longer pinched it. With a big hand, the purple shirt on Han's body was torn, revealing the purple breast inside, tightly binding Han's chest.

The wound was between the peaks of Han Lavender, and the purple breasts had been soaked with blood, and a trace of scarlet blood was still overflowing. Zhuo Yuhan saw that Han's coat was so serious that a trace of heartache flashed in his eyes. Then he closed his eyes and pulled it hard again, and the blood-soaked chest was taken off.

Two big white rabbits jumped out in an instant and were exposed to the air. Snow-white skin seems to have a bright luster. Between the two peaks, a two-finger wide wound was shocking, and a stream of blood kept overflowing. Han Lav's first love for the first time to expose his body in front of a man, and he was ashamed.

Zhuo Yuhan did not dare to open his eyes, so he had to feel for applying the herbs, but because Zhuo Yuhan closed his eyes, he reached out and touched the red dates on Han's chest.

smooth, greasy, tender, soft...

"Wow..." Han Lawder suddenly let out a coquettish gasp and ecstasy. Hearing Zhuo Yuhan's whole body trembled, the desire and fire in his body suddenly boiled like steel.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Xun!" Zhuo Yuhan quickly withdrew his palm and blushed to apologize.

"Open your eyes! Keep your eyes closed and can't be bandaged.

Han Huangyi suddenly thought that it seemed that he had been seen by Zhuo Yuhan once in the inn of Tongmu City, and he didn't care about watching it again. In extraordinary times, he was treated very much. In case Lin Xiao chased him, he still couldn't escape the end of being stained by Lin Xiao. Instead of this, what if he showed him? At least, among all men, Zhuo Yuhan doesn't hate him, but has always felt something strange.

Thinking of this, Han Launyi let go, his tone returned to normal, and said calmly and gently.

"This...Aunt Xun..." Zhuo Yuhan was a little embarrassed. It's not whether you look at it or not. After all, compared with his aunt**, Zhuo Yuhan is indeed a little difficult to accept.

"What are you afraid of? Hurry up and bandage me, otherwise Lin Xiao will catch up with you. Can you bear to see Aunt Xun stained by him? Han Lavyi said with some resentment.

"So, Yu Han has been offended. Please don't blame Aunt Xun."

When Zhuo Yuhan thought of this possibility, he was also relieved. He opened his eyes and suddenly saw Han Lavender's pair of white rabbits** in the air. Zhuo Yuhan felt a little dry and calmed down. He quickly crushed all kinds of herbs and applied them to the wound between the peaks of Han Lavender.

In the whole process, Zhuo Yuhan temporarily forgot everything, and the desire and fire in his heart gradually faded away, and his eyes were full of seriousness. Han Lavyi peeked at Zhuo Yuhan, who was seriously treating his wounds, and there was an unspeakable strange feeling in his heart.

After the wound on his chest was treated, Zhuo Yuhan quickly took out a dress to cover Han's chest. Next, it was the wound at the root of his thigh.

This place is very close to the privacy of Han Lavm, which is extremely **. Zhuo Yuhan hesitated for a long time and dared not do it.

"It's okay! Didn't you do a good job just now? Don't worry, don't worry about it."

Han Xieyi saw that Zhuo Yuhan had been not working and knew his concerns, so she had to summon up the courage to comfort and encourage Zhuo Yuhan. In fact, she was also extremely nervous. The root of the thigh is more ** than the previous chest.

Zhuo Yuhan gently broke the slender and round legs of Han Lavla, took out the dagger and gently cut the clothes at the base of Han Lavla's thighs. Han Lav was wearing a one-in-one gauze. When Zhuo Yuhan cut open the clothes below, he suddenly saw black grass sticking out the end.


Zhuo Yuhan swallowed a mouthful of water, his mouth was dry, and he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips. Then he crushed the herbs in the palm of his hand and slowly applied it to Han Lavender.

Zhuo Yuhan tried his best not to think about what the black grass was. He tried not to touch the forbidden place in the center. After quickly applying the herbs, he put on a dress for Han Lavender and rushed out of the cave without looking back, allowing the cold and cool breeze outside the cave to blow over.

Han Launyi looked at Zhuo Yuhan's figure running out quickly, and a strange light flashed in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking!

Some things often happen when they want to escape. Just like the ambiguous relationship between Han Lavender and Zhuo Yuhan, it is inevitable to avoid it. Maybe this is the so-called fate.

When night fell, Zhuo Yuhan sat alone outside the cave and looked at the bright moon above his head.

"Xiaoye, are you really all right? It's useless for me to watch others take you away. Don't worry, I will definitely come to Qingqiu Mountain to find you and take you away. No one can stop you.

Zhuo Yuhan looked at the sky, and Xiaoye's slightly charming but cute face seemed to appear in the bright moon, full of sweet smiles. But after a while, Xiaoye's figure became a noble, mature and beautiful woman.

"Mother." Zhuo Yu said in a low voice.

"Father, are you really in this fierce mountain range? Anyway, the child must find you, the father and son will be reunited, and then go to the mother together.

Zhuo Yuhan clenched his fist tightly, and a firm light burst into his eyes.

Throughout the night, Zhuo Yuhan spent the whole night outside the cave. This night, Zhuo Yuhan thought about a lot of questions and made a plan to practice in the future.

In the morning, deafening roars woke up Zhuo Yuhan from practice. In a faint time, Zhuo Yuhan could feel that the earth was shaking slightly, and the sound of sad and loud beast roars rose one after another, and the sound shook the sky.

"What's going on? The monster in the fierce mountain range happened*?"

Zhuo Yu thought for a moment, and his body flashed. Between several ups and downs, he jumped out of the mountain stream and climbed a small peak. Looking around, Zhuo Yuhan was suddenly shocked.

There are all kinds of monsters and beasts all over the mountains. These orcs are like crazy, running in one direction of the fierce mountain range. The army of monsters swept like a tide, and everywhere they passed was completely unreliable.

Zhuo Yuhan hid his body, observed the tide of beasts, and thought about it secretly. Suddenly, a loud and loud sound came from inside the fierce mountain range. The sound was like a dog barking, piercing the sky, and all the running monsters immediately crawled on the ground and worshipped in that direction.


A earth-shaking thunder suddenly sounded in the cloudless sky. The sky gradually darkened, and a strong wind swept over the building. Zhuo Yuhan looked up at the sky. The cloudless sky was bright and dark, bright and dark, and electric lights kept brewing, and silver electric dragons kept swimming.

"The murderer is going to cross the thunderstorm." Zhuo Yuhan glanced at the vision in the sky and whispered.


Another sound of dog barking that shook the sky, and a fierce and violent momentum broke out in the center of the fierce demon mountain range, sweeping across the whole fierce demon mountain range. Those monsters on the ground began to run fast again, disturbing the inside of the fierce demon mountains.

Zhuo Yuhan jumped off the boulder, and his body kept jumping. Between the ups and downs, he rushed back to the mountain stream.

Fight for disaster, thunder comes to the world. The opportunity for Zhuo Yuhan to devour the thunder of heaven and earth is coming soon.