Imperial Lord

Chapter 219 Farewell

With the sound of this majestic and noble voice, Prince Jiu and Murong Ranxi stopped at the same time and looked up at the sky.

Originally, in the clear sky, a cloud suddenly moved in the blue sky, and a whirlpool suddenly appeared. The next moment, a golden post slowly opened in the air, and the golden post sent out a golden light, noble and sacred, like the arrival of a king, and a king's breath emanated from the post, all Tianmu College's Under the pressure of this prison-like king, the students felt panic and couldn't help kneeling down.

The golden post symbolizes the order personally issued by the crown of the king, the supreme leader of the Yan Kingdom.

"According to the blessing of heaven, the crown gave an edict: sectarian heresy is a disaster for one side and harms the world. From now on, all the students of Tianmu College will be recruited to join the army to suppress the sect. All the students of Tianji Academy were transferred to the forbidden army, and the Diji Academy and Tongji Academy were transferred to the Royal Forest Army battalions. I hope you will sprinkle your blood and work together to benefit the people with a useful body and help the society. On the day of triumph, I will reward you for your achievements. "This is my admiration!"

The golden edict slowly unfolded in the air, and everyone saw the big golden words swimming in the sky like dragons and phoenixes, and the majestic voice came from the edict and read the content of the edict.

After reading the imperial edict, a volume of the golden edict, all the golden words disappeared, and the imperial edict disappeared into the air, as if nothing had happened, but the remaining power of the king in the air made everyone know that the moment just now was not an illusion.

With the imperial edict, the whole Tianmu College exploded like a "buzz". Many people have never seen the imperial edict in their lives, and many students can't help but be excited when they hear the content of the imperial edict.

Destroy sectarian heresies, fight in the battlefield, establish immortal achievements, and reward achievements. This campaign is undoubtedly an amazing opportunity for many students at the bottom.

"Is it finally coming?" Zhuo Yuhan said secretly with a touch of sadness on his face.

"Your king is so elegant! Under the crown of the king, I have never been so popular in those years! Tut..." Kun Yuan said with a sigh under the crown.

"Humph, Zhuo Yuhan, you have good luck today. My father decreed that you have the ability to live after the war.

The ninth prince waved his sleeves and snorted coldly, and his body disappeared in an instant, leaving only a cold word. Fourteen Prince Murong Ranxi saw that the ninth prince had left and didn't say much. The wind and snow around him were together. The next moment, people had disappeared in the peak and seemed to have never appeared.

"Yu Han, are you all right!"

Long Wuya and Yan Yuchen looked at Zhuo Yuhan and asked with concern.

"It's okay!" Zhuo Yuhan waved his hand.

"Let's go and discuss it at the Huansha Pavilion first. The imperial edict has been issued, and I think the college will gather everyone soon. Long Wuya and Yan Yuchen took the lead in flying down the mountain and fell into another pavilion. Yan Yuchen took out a wine glass and drank wine for Zhuo Yuhan and Long Wuya.

"Endless, rain and dust, the imperial edict came. It seems that everyone will be separated for a long time. First of all, I wish you a good achievement, a hundred battles, and a victory. I hope we can get together again and get drunk on the day of triumph.

Zhuo Yu sat down slowly and took the lead in raising his glass and said seriously to Long Wuya and Yan Yuchen. It has been made clear in the imperial edict that the masters of Tianjiyuan need to be transferred to the forbidden army, while the Jiyuan and the human pole courtyard need to be transferred to the imperial army. In the war of conquest and suppress, several people must be separated.

"Yu Han, the royal family has been planning this battle against sectarianism for many years, and it is definitely impossible to end it in a short time. The sectarian forces are not small. I hope you can take care of yourself. I believe that we will have a chance to drink wine again. Long Wuya looked up and drank all the wine and said solemnly.

"Wuya, this is the talisman of the Royal Dragon Army. Since you have joined the forbidden army, the talisman will also be returned to you."

Zhuo Yuhan took out the talisman of the Royal Dragon Army and handed it to Long Wuya. However, Long Wuya shook his head, pushed the talisman back, and said with a relaxed face, "I said that this Royal Dragon military talisman is yours, and I won't want it. Don't think about giving it to me again. If you really want to be grateful to me, I hope that if there is a chance in the future, please help me find the golden dragon helmet sent home.

Zhuo Yuhan was helpless and knew Long Wuya's character, so he had to take back the military charm and nodded and said, "I will try my best. However, Wuya, I still have something unknown.

"You said!" Long Wuya said with a sip of wine.

"Is this campaign against all the sects in the Kingdom of Dayan? Won't even those righteous sects be let go?

After Zhuo Yuhan asked this question, he felt his heart beating rapidly, and his eyes were staring at Long Wuya for fear of missing a trace.

"I know a little about this. At present, the war is mainly aimed at heresies such as the demon sect and the evil sect. As for the sect of the righteous sect, the royal family will not move for the time being. But I'm not sure in the future."

Long Wuya was born as the son of the Marquis of Longyuan, and he has a lot of connections in the court. This little news is known.

"Yu Han, I also want to remind you. Shen Haotian is the capital of the Shenwei Camp of the Royal Forest Army. After joining the Royal Forest Army, you must be careful.

"Hmm. I have my own measure! Endless, rain and dust, time is tight, and I still need to go back to Yuhuamen to explain. Let's say goodbye. See you later.

When Zhuo Yuhan heard the words, an unprecedented determination and firmness flashed in his eyes. Huo Ran got up, drank all the wine in the glass, and said goodbye to Long Wuya and Yan Yuchen.

" Take care! Don't forget that we still have a drink. Long Wuya and Zhuo Yuhan punched each other. Yan Yuchen looked at the two brothers, their beautiful eyes were full of smiles, and he said happily, "I hope I can still cook wine for you then."

"I will definitely do it! Take care!"

Zhuo Yuhan nodded again, put down his glass, and his body shook. He pulled up and turned into a light and disappeared in the sky.

In the sky, a strong idea suddenly emerged in Zhuo Yuhan's heart, which was born when he talked to Long Wuya just now.

In fact, what he is most worried about is Zi Qizong. Ziqi Sect is just a second-rate sect, which can't resist the conquest and suppressing of the royal family. If the royal family's iron cavalry sweeps across, Zhuo Yuhan knows that few people will survive. There are people he cares about the most. How can he not worry about it?

Long Wuya's words, Long Zhuo Yuhan is temporarily relieved, at least the royal family will not take action against the righteous sect for the time being, but no one can guarantee the future. At this moment, Zhuo Yuhan had an impulse to become stronger and powerful. In this way, you can protect yourself and the people you care about in troubled times.

In the past, Zhuo Yuhan was not particularly enthusiastic about building achievements and fighting on the battlefield. His more ambition is to travel to the mainland. However, this series of changes made Zhuo Yuhan suddenly change this idea.

As long as you establish world-class achievements, reward the royal family for their achievements, and worship generals, you can also have a certain power in the royal family. At that time, even if the royal family wants to eliminate the Purple Air Sect, you can protect the people you care about with power. Zhuo Yuhan deeply realized that power is also so important on this continent.

"Kid, have you finally figured it out?" Kun Yuan's lazy voice said slowly.

"Hmm! I figured it out. Strength, power, I need it! Elder Kunyuan, I'm afraid I don't have time to restore your body for the time being. Zhuo Yuhan nodded and responded.

"It doesn't matter. Thousands of years have passed, and there is nothing else that can't wait. If you are born as a man, you should indulge in life and gallop on the battlefield. Throwing his head, sprinkling blood, commanding thousands of troops and horses, and stepping down thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, this is the real masculinity. Kun Yuan said with admiration.

While speaking, Zhuo Yuhan has arrived in the polar courtyard, and his speed does not decrease and plunges into the courtyard of Yuhua Gate. In the courtyard of Yuhua Gate, there was a lot of noise, and many people gathered in the center of the courtyard to discuss the imperial edict.

" boss, you're finally back." When the people of the whole nation and a team of Yuhuamen saw Zhuo Yuhan falling from the sky, they quickly gathered around and said anxiously.

"Yu Han, you know about the imperial edict! What's the plan?" Chen Batu and Fu Yao also came over and asked.

"I already know. Don't be impatient. Since the royal decree has come down, let's clean it up. Later, the college teacher will have a unified arrangement. Zhuo Yu said to the crowd in a cold voice.

"Everyone must remember that our Yuhuamen is a whole. Whether we are together or separated, we are all from Yuhuamen. I hope that everyone can build credit in the war of conquest and suppressing. On the day of triumph, I will have a drink here.

"H Long live the doorkeeper! Long live the doorkeeper!" The people below raised their fists and shouted loudly, angry and roared with blood**.