Imperial Lord

Chapter 223 Expedition

The so-called raising soldiers for a thousand days, using soldiers for a while. These big swallow soldiers. Taking the royal salary every year, it is time to use the army to fight. As for the students of Tianmu College, perhaps from the beginning, the royal family planned to do so. After all, the royal family contributed the destruction of Shen Lei for no reason. How can there be a free lunch in the world?

From this moment, Zhuo Yuhan couldn't help admiring the great Yan royal family's handwriting and plan.

All the foundation, all spare no effort to cultivate, perhaps, for such a day. Although many of the students who came out of Tianmu College have not experienced the baptism of blood and fire, their martial arts titles are definitely much higher than these ordinary soldiers. Not to mention that everyone is one against a hundred, but with a little training, they are definitely elite teachers.

Conquest and suppress sects, which is a great cause that has never been completed in the era of the Three Emperors, shows the strength and deep-rootedness of sectarian forces. However, in the era of the three emperors, the three empires are ambitious to unify sects. For this great cause, what they need is an elite teacher.

To put it bluntly, ordinary soldiers can't play much role in the war of conquest and suppressing. A handsome man, a strong man of Yuanjue, can't resist thousands of horses as soon as he takes action. With the power of a real dragon, thousands of ordinary troops and horses can't resist. Imagine, as soon as the earth law of the strong man comes out, who can resist it within the scope? Thousands of troops and horses meet martial arts masters, only one idea is enough to kill people.

One by one, ideas keep flashing in Zhuo Yuhan's mind, and the real purpose of this campaign has been calculated by him.


Suddenly, on the central platform, a tall man wearing white armor and a tall man fell from the sky, and the sonorous voice spread to everyone's ears.

"Start the drill. All teams practice their formations according to the provisions of the centurion.

After the white armor was finished speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared on the platform.

The military order fell like a mountain, and all the teams began to practice. Zhuo Yuhan's team was assigned a long snake array.

This array pays attention to flexible changes. It can be as flexible as a long snake.

The day is slowly spent in this almost boring practice. Zhuo Yuhan and Du Yu's shallow arrays are not particularly important. In his spare time, he seizes time to cultivate.

The martial arts practiced to the title of Dujue, communicating with the gate of martial arts, and the continuous flow of Taiyuan's true qi dissipate, the true qi ventilation, and there is a huge throughput between every breath. It is very simple to be promoted to the title of Dujue. You only need to have enough Taiyuan Zhenqi.

It's simple, but it's actually quite difficult. Zhuo Yuhan has this kind of anti-sky martial arts skill of pilgrimage. Taiyuan's true energy throughput is ten times that of ordinary people, but even at this rate, it will take a long time to be promoted to the second grade. Obviously, Zhuo Yuhan did not have the time to wait.

Finally, on the tenth day after joining the Shence Camp, a loud military trumpet resounded throughout the Shence Camp. Zhuo Yuhan, sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, and two lights flashed.

"Are you finally going to fight?" Zhuo Yu's eyes were full of light and whispered.

During this period, Zhuo Yu's cold life was very calm and did not encounter any trouble. I don't know what the means arranged by Shen Haotian are, and he has never taken any action.

The open gun is easy to hide, but the dark arrow is difficult to prevent. Enemies hidden in the dark are often the most terrible. But Zhuo Yuhan is also helpless.

"Since Shen Haotian's conspiracy has not been exposed in the barracks, it will definitely be launched in this expedition." Zhuo Yu's cold heart was like a mirror, his thoughts were clear, and he thought about all the possible changes in his heart.

The battlefield of the shence camp will be on the stage.

Fang Shitao, who was towering and unparalleled, stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the team gathered below with indifferent eyes. Behind him stood several people.

"Zhuo Yuhan, this time, you will definitely die." Fang Shitao thought to himself.

"Royal decree, the imperial army Shence battalion immediately went out to the target, split Tianzong." A majestic sound sounded throughout the battlefield, shaking everyone's eardrums.

"Rit Tianzong? Only send our Shence Camp to destroy it. I'm afraid it's an unpopular sect!" Zhuo Yuhan thought to himself.

"Let's go!"

Fang Shitao waved his hand, and the whole army started. One after another, the sonorous and pleasant sound resounded throughout the battlefield, and a soaring momentum rushed to the bullfight.


Zhuo Yu's cold thinking, a huge ship-shaped magic weapon landed. Zhuo Yuhan knew that this magic weapon was called the dragon boat, which was specially studied by the Ministry of Industry of the Yan royal family as a tool for military transportation. After all, not all soldiers have flying charms, a flying transport weapon, which is too important for combat. Of course, there is no need to worry about food and grass.

The martial artist has cultivated to the realm of title, opened the door of martial arts, and swallowed the true spirit of Taiyuan, which is enough to open up the valley and eat the gas. Therefore, the three armies have not moved, and the grain and grass are undoubtedly nonsense for the martial arts army.


He moved General Fang's body on the stage and immediately turned into a touch of white light and shot into the dragon boat. After Fang Shitao, all of them also entered the dragon boat first. All the soldiers began to enter the dragon boat in order.

After Zhuo Yuhan entered the dragon boat, he found that it was really wide, but it was much worse than the previous dragon boat. There was another roar, and the dragon boat flew up, carrying all the troops of the Shence Battalion, and began the first battle of the campaign - the suppression of the Tianzong.

As a new soldier, Zhuo Yuhan is not very familiar with those veterans, so a person can quietly practice and wait to reach his destination.

The huge dragon boat is flying at a high altitude of tens of thousands of miles. The flight speed of the whole giant is extremely fast. Between flights, the wind of thousands of miles of space is stirred up, forming a huge whirlpool. If someone dares to stand outside the dragon boat at this time, he will definitely be crushed by the wind rolled up by the dragon boat.

Zhuo Yuhan, who was practicing with his eyes closed, made a trace of soul sensing the outside world, and the rest of his mind was immersed in cultivation. In a blink of an eye, the dragon boat has flown for three hours and has reached hundreds of thousands of miles.

"All the soldiers listen to the order, and below is the mountain gate of the demon sect split Tianzong. However, the Ritian Sect is also a demon faction and has no ability to compete with the enemy. Therefore, the general is going to send ten advance soldiers to sneak into it quietly, inquire about the truth and wait for the opportunity to move. Then take the opportunity to destroy the base and eye of the split Tianzong's mountain protection array. This time, you may die, but once you come back successfully, it will be a great achievement. This general will definitely report truthfully and reward him for his achievements. Now, I randomly call the name and go as I click.

Fang Shitao looked at the dense soldiers, and there was a trace of coldness at the corners of his mouth. The plan has been launched.

Many soldiers listened to Fang Shitao's words, some were excited and ready to move, and some were panicked and were named. Fang Shitao was silent for a moment and slowly raised his finger.

"You! You! You!"

Fang Shitao clicked his finger, and soon he clicked nine people. Some of these nine people have faces like ashes, some are excited and have different expressions. Now it's the last one left, and many people are panicked, and the next one is themselves. After all, although Ritianzong's strength is not good, there must be many masters among them. These ten people will undoubtedly break into the Dragon Pool Tiger Cave and die. This is almost an impossible task.

Even these soldiers who have experienced the baptism of blood and fire on the battlefield do not want to die for nothing.

"The last..." Fang Shitao's fingers slowly swept over, dragging the long tail. Anyone who was swept by Fang Shitao's fingers couldn't help but get down his head.

"The last one is you!"

Fang Shitao's voice fell, and everyone followed his fingers to see who was so unlucky. Seeing this, Zhuo Yuhan smiled helplessly and said to himself, "Is this Shen Haotian's conspiracy? Buy the general of the Shen Ce Army and arrange a death task for yourself.

"All right. Remember, don't startle the snake. After a sting of incense, I will launch an attack. At this time of incense, you must break the foundation and eyes of the split sky. Otherwise, come to see the general!" After saying that, Fang Shitao turned around and waved his hand.

"Breaking the eyes and base of the mountain protection array is a good move to kill people with a knife, which is also thanks to this general. Since it is a mountain protection array, if it can be broken so easily, then Rift Tianzong is simply a waste. Zhuo Yu smiled coldly.

However, the military order is like a mountain. Even if Zhuo Yuhan knew that this was a conspiracy, he could not resist, let alone say it. However, Zhuo Yuhan felt that in order to kill himself, he had to sacrifice nine other innocent soldiers. This Fang Shitao was not a good thing.

"Let's go!"

Fang Shitao casually found someone among them as a temporary captain, who is strong enough to compare with Chen Batu. This burly man is obviously a belligerent man and is particularly enthusiastic about this task. He roared loudly and greeted everyone to fly out of the dragon boat and went straight to a huge mountain in the distance.

This mountain is the mountain gate of Ritianzong. Although Ritianzong has such a domineering name, its strength is very poor, and it can barely rank in the third-rate sect.

Ten people fell from the dragon boat and lurked in a hill one miles away from the gate of Tianzong Mountain.

"My name is Luo Tong. Although I didn't have any friendship with everyone before, since we fought together today, we have friendship. This task is a challenge for me and everyone. I hope you can try your best to complete it and not lose face in front of General Fang.

The burly man introduced himself in a low voice. Since General Fang asked me to be your temporary leader, I hope everyone can obey the arrangement and deal with those who disobey immediately.

"We are willing to obey."

Although the nine people were unwilling to participate in this mission, they could not defy the military order and had to agree in unison.