Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 10 Poor Coup

When she found herself surrounded, Rodin was surprised but not afraid. After resisting several wind blades of ice blade warriors, a deep opening appeared on his back. But for bat-winged animals, the pain of nerve transmission has been greatly weakened.

Suddenly, there was a red light in his eyes, his hands waved emptyly, and more than a dozen strange red lights were thrown out. Then there were seven virtual red lines flowing around, and it was those things that sent out a strong wind blade in their hands.

Nan Xuan took a deep breath below and muttered, "It's actually a spiritual thinker, and he has transformed his body into a metamorphosis system among the Yuanli people. Aren't you afraid of spiritual conflicts? Dark Hunter, what a pervert!"

Old Nanxuan saw at a glance that the red light thrown by Rodin just now is one of the most basic skills of spiritualists, a spiritual energy wave, a spiritual power that can detect the spiritual power of things around him. Although the Ice Blade Warrior can be invisible by reflecting light fluctuations, it still has a certain spiritual power, so it is easy to be exposed in front of spiritualists.

The image of Rodin in the sky shocked Fang Xin. Rodin's huge size after opening his wings, and the thick poisonous fog kept spewing from his chest, which looks quite similar to the evil spirits in the human world.

Fang Xin half squatted down and looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle. After the sound of several mechanism collisions, Fang Xin opened a small mouth in the palm of his left hand, and then slowly pulled out a dark long gun. This weapon is the empty mountain given by the old man Nanxuan to Fang Xin. In the process of physical transformation, this is the only requirement made by Fang Xin for Zi Kui and the little old man, that is, to transform his left hand into a place where he can release the weapon of breaking the mountain.

The spirit weapon of the empty mountain, the gun body can be telescopic. If it is hidden in the left hand bone, it is the best.

Then, the sky broke through the mountain and aimed at Rodin in the sky. After several days of research, Fang Xin finally found a weapon that could concentrate his spiritual power. Generally speaking, the use of spiritual power is divergent. After it leaves the main body, it will gradually spread, and the power will gradually weaken with distance. But if spiritual power is instilled into the empty mountain, it can make the spiritual power highly concentrated, and a small part of the ability can penetrate other people's bodies.

Breaking mountains against the enemy greatly reduces the consumption of spiritual power. This weapon suddenly aroused Fang Xin's great interest, but no matter how he asked the old man Nanxuan, the old man could not answer, but said that the empty mountain originated from the evil mountain in the middle of the Huangquan world.

It is much easier to see through the shape of the ice blade warrior and avoid those wind blades. At the same time, Rodin was dodging and continuously sprayed poisonous fog on the ice blade warrior. Unexpectedly, the ice blade warrior quickly dodged. Their movements were very flexible, as if every joint of the body could move freely, avoiding the attack in time at every critical moment. In fact, if someone carefully observes the old man Nanxuan, you can see his fingertips shaking slightly.

This ice blade warrior has been transformed by Zikui. Of course, the spiritual silk indoctrinated in the warrior's body was replaced by Nanxuan's. At the same time, Zikui seemed to teach Nanxuan some simple manipulation of spiritual silk. In this way, the ice blade warrior can not only react to the enemy by himself, but also manipulate Nanxuan privately through the spiritual silk at the critical moment.

Rodan had just avoided another round of wind blade attack, and suddenly felt pain in his back. He reached out and touched it, and his hands were full of sticky blood. He quickly shook his hand, and another round of spiritual energy waved out, but these dark red spiritual forces were arranged around him to prevent sneak attacks.

Soon, the spiritual energy wave has a sense. On one side of Rodin, two black lights passed by him, and where the black light passed, a blank area appeared in the poisonous fog, which was erased.

"The power of annihilation!" Rodin was shocked and suddenly remembered the little white night kid the organization wanted to see. He looked down and saw Fang Xin smiling sinisterly underground.

Rodan already knew in his heart that this sneak attack on the Taurus ended in a complete failure. Although I killed a lot of bulls, I haven't achieved any of my substantive goals. At the same time, this can't help but say that the power of the Niutouliao Chamber of Commerce is low, and it has not delayed the white night people at all. Otherwise, if all the Tauren are captured, they may be able to threaten them to achieve some of their own goals.

Kameng's group has slipped away, and Dongfang and others have not done much to stop them. Because if you want to forcibly leave these spider warriors, you will have to pay a certain price. And there is a priority, and now the most urgent thing is to solve the dark hunter. Moreover, the old man Simba of the Niutouliao Chamber of Commerce has been caught. The remaining members of the picket team are not enough.

Rodan avoided a round of attacks by the ice blade warrior alone in the air. Of course, the attack speed of the ice blade warrior is getting slower and slower. The source of their power is all in the melting crystal of the brain, and now the spiritual power stored in the crystal is almost consumed. If you don't replenish your spiritual power in time, I'm afraid you won't be able to send out a wind knife in a while.

Fang Xin made several sneak attacks and stopped moving with little effect. Everyone had a good time and wanted to see why Rodin hadn't run away yet. Now that Rodin is alone, he obviously can't do anything to stay here. Of course, if you want to catch him, Dongfang and Nanxuan dare not boast about a D-level thinker, especially the wings behind Rodin.

"I don't know if we can have a good talk!" After avoiding another round of wind blade, Rodin suddenly used spiritual power in the air to send the sound into the ears of everyone present.

"Talk about your mother!"

"Cre down and let me kill you!"

"Kill the Dark Hunter! Kill him!"


The Tauren, who had been silent, suddenly became excited.

The East has been on the ground for a long time. Feiyi, the elder of the Taurus over there, didn't say anything. He didn't know how to deal with Rodin in the air. For their weak tare-headed tribes, they can't afford to provoke underground organizations like dark hunters all over the Yellow Spring world. There is no problem killing one or two dark hunters, but if you kill Rodin, you will touch the ** nerves of the dark hunter organization.

"What are you going to talk about?" After exchanging opinions with Dongfang, the elder Feiyi looked up to the sky and asked Rodin. The restlessness of the surrounding taurers has been suppressed by other taurman guards.

"Is Simba already in your hands?" Rodin suddenly asked the silent Oriental.

High above the sky, the wind is windy. Those ice blade warriors, the old man Nanxuan, has put them away. Now there is only Rodin with wings left in the sky.

Fang Xin looked at the lonely Rodin, looked back at their strange faces in the East, and knew that they had some scruples. Now he picked up his anger against the dark hunter and quietly observed. However, Fang Xin also tied up the beautiful dragonfly female warrior and threw it into the cave between the rock walls as Arianna said early in the morning.

Dongfang raised his big hand and patted it in the air, and then there was a rustling sound in the soil. A smell of earthy smell permeated everywhere with the earth. Then a ball tangled with soil and plants was thrown out by the thick tree roots, which kept wriggling.

Oriental kicked two feet on a plant ball, and there was a painful moan in the ball. Then he smiled mockingly at Rodin and said, "Simba is inside. The dark hunter's sneak attack completely failed. What else do you want?"

"I underestimated your strength. Ha ha." Rodin smiled in the air and said, "So the result of the sneak attack is worse than I thought." His look and tone seemed to take Simba's capture and Shadow Warrior into the hands of the Tauren.

"It's ugly." Dongfang took over: "You have to accept this ugly result. In Huangquan, any winning party has the right to deal with the loser. After a pause, Dongfang pointed to several shadow warriors stiff on the ground: "So these are our trophies. You can't take it away." Dongfang seemed to understand Rodin's thoughts and refused him in advance.

"You misunderstood what I meant. I can't take the Shadow Warrior away, but I'm going to take him away!" Rodin pointed down lightly.

Then, brush, and the eyes of everyone present focused on Fang Xin. Fang Xin was looked at by Rodin's strange eyes, and his back was full of chills.

"The defeated general is not qualified to negotiate!" The old man Nanxuan rolled his eyes and spoke at the critical moment. Then the air was much colder. You don't have to know that he released the ice blade warrior he had just put away.

"We are here this time just to test your strength. If the dark hunters near the rage pour out, do you think you can still block it? Rodin's face was even more gloomy. Since there is no task for himself, Fang Xin must take it away before leaving, so the threat in his tone is also particularly strong.

The strength of the rinde?" The old man Nanxuan suddenly laughed. He threw a few building blocks from Natalie's ring, and then heard the sound of continuous clicks. The pile of small building blocks grew into five giants nearly ten meters long in an instant, and the metal armor on his body glowed with cold light. Even Captain Pibo, who is self-respecting as the strongest Taurus, took a breath of cold air.

"This is our strength! If you dark hunters really want to make a desperate bet, hehe. Nanxuan sneered. In fact, he was quite nervous. The big ones behind him are better used to scare people. If they are used to enter the battle... In fact, these are just semi-finished products he just got from Zikui, which are useless.

Rodin was really shocked. For the people in the office, he rarely saw it before. Organism is also a very cold spell in the Huangquan world. In fact, there are not many fighters inside the dark hunters in the rage. The six shadow warriors he brought out are already one-sixth of the forces. And those outermost dark hunters obviously have little effect on the new tree-man warriors of the brilliant ta Tauren.

Are those things the legendary Gallic giant? When Luo Dan saw the machine giant behind the old man Nanxuan, he suddenly remembered a powerful race in the Huangquan world - the Gallic giant. On the southern edge of the Huangquan boundary, this kind of metal-shelled Gallic giants, with infinite strength and high defense, has always been a difficult fighting force. He couldn't help but have more doubts about the real strength of Dongfang and others.

Rodin not only underestimated the power of the tree man, but also overestimated the fighting determination of the Niutouliao Chamber of Commerce. He originally wanted to use Niutouliao's people to drag Dongfang and others to fight a time difference, but both aspects did not go well, which led to a complete failure of the operation.

Rodan looked coldly at Fang Xin with an empty mountain, stared at his face fearlessly, and then glanced coldly from the faces of Dongfang and others. Suddenly, the red light in the eyes was bright, and the bottom was suddenly shrouded in a strange red light.

As soon as Fang Xinfu touched the red light, he only felt a trance, and then the dark spiritual power in his body suddenly gushed out, and mirror light appeared all over his body, and then the feeling of dizziness was much better. He already knew in his heart that Rodin's spiritual ability was really strong, and his red light had just covered nearly one kilometer!

Many tauren warriors with slightly lower cultivation are at a loss in their eyes. The higher cultivation can only barely keep a little conscious.

"Spiritual shackles!" The East is moved. Spiritual shackles, this skill is a higher-level mental skill, which confuses the enemy's mind and even controls the opponent's thinking ability.

Under the influence of spiritual thinking, the originally dull shadow warrior's empty eyes suddenly seemed to ignite fireballs and shoot a faint red light. With a few roars, the bloody sickle spread his wings behind his back, and Wang, a mountain rock man, leisurely controlled his flying skills and flew to the sky. However, the only dragonfly female warrior was tightly tied by Fang Xin, and the red light in her eyes and Na Rodin's response could not move at all.

Rodan just glanced at the dragonfly female soldier, and then roared, without looking at the people in the east, and flapped his wings and galloped away to the distance. He was followed by only five shadow warriors.

Old Nanxuan, Dongfang and others did not catch up, and several tauri warriors who were eager to beat the water dog were also stopped by Elder Feiyi and others.

"Don't chase! After this war, I don't think the Dark Hunter will fight against our clan for the time being!" Elder Feiyi said in a low voice to the elders around him. In fact, if you listen carefully, there is still a trace of joy and relief in the voice of the elder.

In this battle, the elders completely understood the power of the new arms of the bulls. Thinking about the time when the brilliant tare head clan was not divided, I don't know how many warriors were slaughtered by the bloody sickle hand among the dark hunters. Now, more than a dozen tree cattle can drag a bloody sickle hand, and the extremely high defense and self-healing ability have reduced the power of the sickle a lot. If the thorn halo is added, the bloody sickle hand will be slowed down and the chance of winning will be greatly increased.

survived a sneak attack by the dark hunters, and at the same time got a disguised test of the underground dark forces. Only the strong can be recognized by others. Undoubtedly, the brilliant bullhead has now taken a big step away from re-entering the power circle of the rage.

The flames in the valley gradually went out. Although there is still a faint smell of blood and smoke in the air, it is also diluted by the wind and the smell of new soil.

Under the orderly command of the elder Wufu, burying the dead, repairing houses, treating the wounded... All the tauri began to be busy.

In the ruins, new hope is being erected again.