Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 8 Life must be full of joy

"The pseudo-temple is a group of false people who pretend to trust the divine power of the original god and deceive them in the Huangquan world. Our leader, Al Corso the Awakening, was confused by the pseudo-temple with his infinite yearning for the divine power of the original god hundreds of years ago. Later, he finally found that this group of people, like those hypocrites Huangquan hunters who lied to the order of the original god, believed in pseudo-gods. In fact, the real Lord Yuanshen has always been far away from the Yellow Spring World and lives on the other side of the illusory. Lord Al Corso is the one who leads us to find real miracles!"

"Oh, that's how it is. It turns out that the Huangquan hunter is fucking fake, and ours is real!" Fang Xin listened and laughed in his heart. This kind of religious dispute actually appeared in the Huangquan world.

"Do not be vulgar! When Lord Alcono is in advance, there must be no dirty words!" Nickel's face darkened and loudly scolded Fang Xin.

Fang panicked in his confidence and quickly apologized for his bold words just now. He really felt a little funny just now, and then he forgot his disguise. However, secretly, Fang Xin still did not forget to reply to Nicholl's middle finger.

"Nicker!" Bruni stabbed Nichols aside, signaling him not to make a fuss. Although the teenager was recommended by them to the Dark Temple, after all, the child enters the headquarters and has a much higher chance of development than them. Maybe there will be more places that the child can use in the future. Don't offend him now.

"Ye�, as long as you know it. I just kindly reminded you. But in front of Lord Alpenso, you must pay attention!" Nickel's face softened a little.

"Yes, thank you for reminding me. I will keep it in mind!" Fang Xin respectfully apologized for his rude salute just now.

"Ha, don't be so polite. You are the person we like, that's why we specially recommend you to the temple. Bruni patted Fang Xin on the shoulder with a smile: "We have provided you with a special monk robe. Although it is linen, it is a sacred object representing the temple. It has the glory of the holy beast snake Kui Shengke of the temple, which is the basic object for passage in the temple. If you take off the monk's robe, the various prohibitions set up in the temple will tear it into pieces. Remember!"

With that, Bruni carefully picked up the robe that had already been on the table and put it in front of Fang Xin.

Fang Xin took off his dark hunter costume without hesitation.

The monk's robe with dark rhinestones was simple. Fang Xin touched the robe with his hands and felt that an evil force was suddenly instilled into his mind, as if something had penetrated into his brain to detect it. But soon, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared.

"There is the glory of the big snake Kui Shengke in the monk's robe, and it is normal to be a little uncomfortable at the beginning." Bruni noticed the past uncomfortableness flashed on Fang Xingang's face and said lightly.

"Damn, what a bullshit glory! It's just the spiritual power of detecting the human brain!" Fang Xin's mind is so smart. The feeling just now is similar to the last time these two old men moved the demon realm out of their minds. If you want to come to the snake Kui Shengke, you are still a very smart spiritual warcraft! Its spiritual power has actually reached the point where it can be attached to the object. You should know that any spiritual power is relatively active. Once the caster stops casting, the spiritual power will often disperse, and the spiritual power of the big snake can actually attach to the object. You can imagine how concentrated and powerful its spiritual power is.

After passing the monk's robe up, Fang Xin put on the same hood again. This hood covers the whole head and makes the whole person look gloomy.

"This is the original monk's robe. After you arrive at the temple, if you are assigned to other positions, there will be a new monk robe for you. Bruni said with a smile.

Hiss, hiss, the little snake in the basin suddenly supported the snake's body and looked high at Fang Xin.

"You see, even the descendants of Lord Kui Shengke are celebrating for you." Bruni looked at Fang Xin with a smile.

It has been a week since the tomb of the old man Dongfang and Nanxuan went to the bone elf, but Fang Xin still hasn't heard anything.

But he is not in the mood to think about these things now. After all, three days later, he will follow the two dark monks to an unknown place full of danger.

After coming out of the dark monk, the moon has long hung above the sky.

Fang Xin has never seen the scenery of Huangquanjie so leisurely as at this moment. He didn't go to the female palace tree where Falk Moon was located, although there were three beaut * waiting for him.

He slowly put his hand on the domino, and the spiritual power suddenly poured into it crazily. Slowly, a violent dazzling red light burst out of the domino. A huge pulling force suddenly involved Fang Xin.

The next moment, Fang Xin was lying on a tree in the lake in the center of Alcatraz.

The big tree pavilion is like a cover. I don't know that it has grown for thousands of years. The thick canopy is about four or five feet in diameter, like a huge soft bed.

Fang Xin put his hands behind his head and was staring at the sky. Suddenly, a woman flapped her wings and flew over.

The woman put away her wings next to Fang Xin.

"You are really haunted." Fang Xin saw the man and curled his lips.

Ye Shenwu smiled and suddenly had two more cups and a pot of wine in his hand.

"I'm too lazy to care about you. Maybe you will die after you enter the Dark Hunter headquarters in a few days. What do you have to do with the dead? Come and drink with me!"

At this moment, the night dance has changed another shape. Her hair is carefully braided back into a wisp, and she is uniquely pinned with jade hairpins. She is dressed in a sapphire pleated skirt, pure and beautiful, and she is simply a changeable witch.

Fang Xin glanced at her and his heart pounded a few times.

The crimson Cangnan blood was poured into the cup, and the color turned blue in an instant, which was very tempting. A lotus arm was exposed from the water sleeve and handed Fang Xin a glass of wine.

Fang Xin took the wine, drank it all, and then wiped his mouth with his sleeves: "What a dead man doesn't die? I just want to be quiet for a while."

"Don't you welcome me?" For some reason, Ye Shenwu frowned.

"It's strange to welcome you!" Fang Xin is not angry.

Sudden night god dance, took out a foot without warning, and unbiasedly straightened the buttocks of the Chinese letter.

Fang Xin's miserable cry was so loud that he flew straight out of the crown and regretted it to death: "Damn it, how can I forget this dead woman's strange temper?"

"Wind control!" The dark spiritual power gushed out of Fang Xin's body, stirring the wind in the air and dragging him back to the tree.

"How dare you come up!" Night God Dance had been waiting on the tree for a long time. When he saw Fang Xin rushing up, he kicked him again. Unexpectedly, Fang Xin was extremely alert. When Ye Shenwu kicked over, he grabbed her foot, hugged her, and took the opportunity to pull it out fiercely.

Fang Xin's body was already hanging in the air. He thought that he would let Ye Shenwu lift himself up, otherwise Ye Shenwu would follow his bad luck. Unexpectedly, the night god dance did not resist, and the two immediately fell from the bottom of the lake.

"Yufeng..." Fang Xin was about to fly back. Suddenly, a force poured into his body, and his spiritual power dissipated for a moment.

With a loud bang, the two fell neatly into the cold lake.

As soon as he got out of the water, Fang Xin spit a few mouthfuls of water in a row. He was a little unhappy. The dead woman just played with him with spiritual power.

"Ha ha, look at your stupid bird!" Night God Dance leaned out of the water from Fang Xin's side and looked at the embarrassed Fang Xin and laughed.

Fang Xin just spit out a few mouthfuls of water and actually spit out a shrimp. He secretly looked at the night god dance with a very happy smile. He was really angry. He was thinking about how to repair the night god dance. His eyes suddenly fixed and stared at her without blinking.

Under the moonlight, the beauty is like jade, and the watery autumn waves. After the skirt is soaked in water, it can't cover the graceful curves of mature women. The ups and downs of ** make people infinite reverie.

Ye Shenwu's smile slowly froze, and he was stared at by Fang Xin's hot eyes. Looking down, his clothes were actually close to him*, as translucent, and his body was in a wonderful state. She suddenly raised her head, with the same fiery light in her eyes, and fixedly looked at Fang Xin.

"Do you want?" The words are extremely bold and completely aggressive.

However, in Fang Xin's ears, the heartstring seemed to be gently touched by a gentle hand, and a flame that had just risen in his body turned into wis of tenderness. He took a few steps closer to the night god dance, gently helped her comb the wet waterfall-like black hair, and then hugged her tightly.

The night dance symbolizes a struggle and clings to Fang Xin.

Fang Xin lowered his head and kissed the woman's cherry lips.

Night Dance began to respond enthusiastically...