Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 24 My body has a spirit beast

Seeing that Fang Xin did not reply, Bruni squeezed out a smile on his face: "Lord Alphonso is very optimistic about you recommended by us. I think adults will definitely implant better spirit beasts into your body at that time. After saying that, a yearning look appeared on his face. He looked at Fang Xin and thought, "It's good to be young. If you can get Lord Alson's personal name in the information to enter the organization, the future is unlimited.

"Bluny, it's time to go back. The failure of Bazhen's arrest should be reported to Lord Also as soon as possible. Nickel finally stood up. He looked a little depressed and speechless.

"Good. Let's go back to Yunmengliao, sort it out and set off. Bruni nodded.

The journey from Langfang Mountain to Yunmengliao was particularly long. After walking for half a day, the group has gradually turned into the mountains. A gloomy forest slowly appeared in front of everyone, and the road passed through the forest.

At this time, there was no caravan before and no traveler, only this lonely Fangxin and his party.

"There is an ambush!" Suddenly, a voice sounded faintly in Fang Xin's body. To be precise, it sounded from behind Fang Xin's back.

Fang Xin has been tired all day today and has been a little confused and doze all the way. After listening to the voice, he nodded vaguely and answered, "Well, there is an ambush."

Suddenly, his whole body jumped, as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on his head. Is there an ambush? Who, who is talking? Fang Xin looked around.

"Your Excellency, is there an ambush?" Hearing Fang Xin suddenly shouting "there is an ambush", Kai quickly looked around with vigilance.

The two dark monks at the end of the team darkened. They have been unlucky for a day today. If someone else ambushed them, they will definitely kill them without hesitation. It seems to be a good thing to wash away the shame with blood.

"I just heard a voice saying that there was an ambush." Fang Xin scratched his head with embarrassment when he saw that everyone was facing the enemy. He looked around just now, and there was no outsider. Maybe it's too tired, hallucinations," Fang thought confidently.

"There is an ambush, stupid bird!" This time, the sound was extremely clear. Fang Xin's hair was suddenly creepy. He heard it, and the voice came from the chakra behind him.

"Haunted!" Fang Xin's first reaction. He wanted to run, but suddenly found that his legs were weak.

Fang Xin is not afraid of heaven and earth. First, he is afraid of snakes, and second, he is afraid of ghosts.

Who? Who is talking? Fang Xin looked around in a low voice.

"I, Bazhen!" The three short words sounded like nine heavenly thunder in Fang Xin's ears, which made him dizzy.

"Impossible!" Fang Xin shook his head like a rattle. Bazhen, hey, that monster is so huge, how can it be in my body? You scared me, didn't you?"

"Stupid bird!" The voice in Fang Xin's body said disdainfully, "It seems that you don't know anything about the chakra behind you. I'm in a spiritual state now, and your chakra is a place to store me, so I came in.

Fang Xin's head got bigger when he heard it. What... there is an extra monster in my body! Still in the state of soul!

"How did you get in?" Fang Xinqiang calmed down: "Come out quickly. Otherwise, my secret wheel will slowly digest you!"

"Cut! You really don't even know what the function of the secret wheel is. If it weren't for the emergency, I wouldn't bother to come in!"

" boss, where do you want to fly into my body? This is not a joke." Fang's confidence is extremely depressed. Now he is a little convinced that what his body is talking about is Bazhen. But this thing is too strange...

"I'll explain it to you slowly. Now I want to remind you that you have been ambushed! Be careful. If you die, I'm also a little dangerous!"


Then Fang Xin asked a few words in a row, but Bazhen never responded.

"Ambushed?" Fang's confidence has a pimple in it. The shadow spread like a black fog. Under his annihilation search, he found that there were countless hostile spiritual powers hidden in the forest, but those spiritual powers were not very strong. However, surprisingly, many spiritual forces are divided on many insects, and the spiritual power of those insects and the spiritual power of one of the ambush people has been trained into a strange network cable!

"Best Control Engineer!" Fang Xin suddenly understood from the strange spiritual division. Among the enemies, there are people who can control bugs. Because he has seen his companion Huang Quan, the man's spiritual power is much stronger than that, but if you observe it, the insects will be attached to the spiritual power of the caster.

At the hint of Fang Xin, Akai and the dark monks were alert. They began to prepare secretly, while trying to look loose and walk away. In fact, they are secretly ready to kill.

It's a pity that the prey also has a dangerous intuition.

It was Hugo who found that something was wrong with Fang Xin. Although there seems to be nothing wrong with observing the dark hunters who walk by from the cracks in the leaves, he is an insect controller. From the perspective of insects, the muscle nerves and the temperature of these people and their bodies have risen a lot. Their loose appearance seems to be pretending...

For caution, Hugo, wrapped in saree, did not let his companions appear.

The buzzing insects quietly approached Fangxin from behind.

Because of the preparation, those weird bugs were found at once.

"Rotten worm!" Kai took a deep breath. Although he suppressed his voice very low, there was still unconcealed panic inside. You know, what the Shiva people are most afraid of is carrion worms.

Fang Xin also recognized this kind of bug. When he had a duel with Kai in the past, the old man Nanxuan hugged a jar of carrion and said that he would use this thing to harm Akai in battle. As a result, the old man was moved by Akai's samurai spirit and didn't release a single bug. However, Fang Xin learned from the old man Nanxuan that the carrion worm was powerful.

The other two dark monks are well-informed and naturally know that as long as this insect is bitten a few bites, paralytic toxins will be a great disaster.

"Do it!" Fang Xin suddenly shouted.

Since you can't disguise it, it's always good to start first.

The art of resisting the wind!

Fang Xin's newly learned spiritual arts came in handy. First, he jumped to a height of more than ten meters, and then his body suspended with the help of spiritual power, looking down at the sand people ambushed under the big trees. At the same time, he clearly saw the unlucky bodies killed by the sand people, all of which were thrown into the pit.

"Damn it, dare to sneak me!" Fang Xin aimed at a target, swooped down, and quietly drilled out of his palm.

Except for Akai's protection of Elaine, the dark monk and Fang Xin suddenly disappeared into the view of the quietly ambushed sand people.

Hugo found something wrong and immediately warned several partners to escape. Because the insect's intuition told him that they couldn't handle these dark hunters!

However, it is too late, and death has followed!

Brunie and Nickel burst into depression and forcibly urged the spirit beast in their bodies again. I chased it in two directions.

Although the sand people have rough skin and thick flesh, they have a few hands and feet. But when they met the dark monk in the body of the spirit beast, Bruni and Nickel directly used the most cruel means to vent their resentment on these poor people - devouring!

The fire ape and the water civet monster opened their mouths and directly swallowed the sand people's clothes into their stomachs. Then digest it and spit out the pieces of clothes full of flesh and blood. Originally, several escaped sand people saw their companions turned into a pile of broken clothes. Under strong fear, their original blood courage melted like ice and snow, and their legs were *...

And Fang Xin is not soft at all to deal with robbers such as the sand people. The annihilation power launched from the airbreaking mountain directly annihilated the bodies of the sand people one by one.

When Fang Xin cleaned up the people who played with the sand clan and returned to Kai, he found that Kai's whole body was covered with burnt insects. Hugo broke a hole with a fist in his chest. Fang Xin knew without asking that it must be the effect of Akai's pulsation cannon.

However, Fang Xin noticed a detail: Hugo's feet were wrapped in a small circle of vines.

Fang Xin suddenly remembered something and looked in the direction of Elaine.

I saw that Elaine had woken up. The girl's dark eyes were staring at Akai, and there was a trace of shyness and admiration in her eyes. Under the girl's eyes, Akai was motionless. If someone takes off Akai's armor at this time, he will definitely find the small sweat left on his forehead. The girl's eyes are like an extremely powerful magic power, which makes Kai, who has always not known how to express his feelings, a little overwhelmed.

Fang Xin guessed what was going on with the vines on Hugo's feet. This must be when Akai and Hugo fought. Elaine woke up and helped a little favor with her meager plant spirit...