Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 2 Undercurrent in the Dark

The two dark monks were unmoved. Bruni just gave a slight sniff in his nose. As a special group of priests in the dark hunter organization, the dark priest always maintained arrogance.

"Mulu, I have a message that I need you to send to the headquarters with a skeleton carrier pigeon." Bruni glanced at the dark monks crawling around him, and then looked at the old khaki man.

Milu, the old Kachi, stood respectfully in front of Bruni early and nodded when he heard the words. As he sipped his mouth slightly and roared, a skeleton pigeon flew to the palm of his hand from the beam of the hotel. Then Bruni tied a memory crystal to the foot of the skeleton pigeon with black silk thread.

Seeing the skeleton white pigeon flying into the sky, the dark monk's face was a little easier. This skeleton letterbird can fly day and night and can definitely arrive at the headquarters in advance within three days. The news that the spirit beast Bazhen didn't catch, but it can't be hidden. It needs to be organized to quickly send masters to arrest again to avoid falling into the hands of others.

In the dark hunter organization, secret contact points like Old Milu are nailed to the territory of local forces. Each contact point is a network between all members who are secretly loyal to the Dark Hunter Organization. The instructions issued by the upper level are issued through the contact point, which is extremely convenient and effective.

Old Milu knows how to flatter and has already arranged a delicious family banquet.

Fat foie gras, soft and sweet thousand-layer cake, spicy and warm sauce, exquisite and delicious beast tongue... The rich delicacies are placed on the big table covered with snow-white tablecloth. Two dark monks sat at the chief and enjoyed it slowly. For this reason, Fang Xin had to control his appetite and taste it slowly. In fact, he had been hungry for a long time and greeted all the two hypocritical ancestors in his heart.

The night looks quite unusual. There was a touch of blood red in the moonlight in the sky, which faintly shone through the cracks in the broken boards on the top floor of the small hotel, and the ground seemed to be a sad blood mark.

Bruni, who was slowly tasting the delicious food prepared by old Milu, glanced at the blood-red moonlight on the ground, and suddenly his fat face trembled. Fang Xin saw it in his eyes and his heart thumped.

After eating the carefully arranged dinner, Bruni and Nickel walked out of the door of the hotel with a solemn expression. Since they entered the hotel, they have been very serious and even a little worried. Even before they went to catch Bazhen, they had never had such an expression. They were quite curious about their confidence. What happened to these two guys?

"Nickel, there are still two days left for the Red Moon Day, right?" Bruni pinched his finger and seemed to be calculating something.

"The red light of the moon has appeared. On the first day today, it should be two days later." Nickel looked at the moon in the sky and said slowly.

Fang Xin followed the dark monks out of the hotel. At first, he didn't quite understand what the two monks were muttering, but he suddenly woke up... Red Moon Sun!

In the Huangquan world, whenever the red moon is coming, the spiritual power full of heaven and earth will be abnormally full. And some things will be more sensitive to the birth of the red moon. For example, the totem wood and the savage throne of the brilliant Tauren, such as the White Night clan will go crazy on that day, and some strange spirit beasts and so on. On the day of the red moon, it is a good time for the world's thinkers and primoraries to absorb spiritual power and improve their cultivation. On that day, they can achieve several times more effect than usual.

"Is it possible that Bruni and Nickel's expressions are so solemn because the red moon and sun are not?" Fang thought secretly in confidence.

"When the red moon comes, I'm afraid that the thing in our body will be a little troublesome." Bruni frowned slightly and seemed to remember something difficult to do.

"I will definitely not be able to get to the headquarters in two days..." Nichol looked at Bruni: "This is really a mistake. Why did you forget the red moon sun?"

"Dear two, what are you worried about? Do you need my help?" Fang Xin finally couldn't help opening his mouth.

"Well..." After listening to Fang Xin's words, Bruni took a leisurely look at him and said slowly, "There is indeed something to tell you."

"I remembered when I came back that the red moon sun was coming."

Fang's confidence trembled, and he had an ominous foreboding in his heart. It really has something to do with the Red Moon Day!

"What on earth are you going to say?" Fang Xin pretended not to understand.

Bluny's expression was sad: "This matter is related to the spirit beast in our bodies."

"You should know that on the day the red moon appears, the spiritual power between heaven and earth will be abnormal, right?"

Fang Xin nodded: "Yes, I heard that even the people of the Baiye clan would be crazy about it that day."

Bluny stared at Fang Xin with a smile: "Since you know, why aren't you worried about yourself at all?"

Fang Xin scratched his head with embarrassment and said, "Your Excellency, my body has been transformed. I have lost many basic characteristics of the white night people, so the red moon and sun have no effect on me.

Bruni has no doubt about Fang Xin's words. Because he had long known from the information handed over by Chacru that Fang Xin had been with two white night people, one of whom was a powerful colonist. Huangquanjie is very famous for colonists' enthusiasm for human transformation.

"Not only the white night people will be crazy. The spirit beasts fused in my body will also be crazy!" Nickel, a few meters away, took Bruni's words and said quietly. He stood in the shadow under the tree and looked up at the blood-red moonlight in the sky, which looked gloomy.

Fang Xin was shocked, and his teeth almost bit his tongue.

"Your excellency, how could this happen? Didn't Lord Alfangso erase his consciousness himself?

"You don't know anything." Bruni whispered, "The dark priest is divided into five classes, from low to high: the dark priest - the mourning priest - the breaker - the heart finder - the awakener. The higher the priest, the more you can learn advanced beast spiritual scriptures and various spells. The lowest-level attendants like Nicole and I have learned beast spirit scriptures are not enough to completely control the spirit beasts in their bodies. As long as they touch the red moon and sun, the things in our bodies are likely to explode - you see!"

As Bruni spoke, he picked up the cuffs of the monk's robe and saw the original white and fat arm, but now a thick layer of fiery red hair stood up. This hair is obviously the hair of the fire ape in his body. Not only that, the thick cyan meridians highlight the skin like vines, which seem to burst out at any time.

"Adult--" Fang Xin suddenly took a cold breath when he saw the strange situation on Bruni. Do you have any plans? If the spirit beast is not controlled, the consequences will be very serious!"

If the spirit beasts in Bruni and Nickel's bodies go uncontrollably, Fang Xin is not very confident that he can subdue them. He saw the power of the fire ape and the civet monster in Bruni and Nickel. Although the two monsters could not beat the eight treasures, they were probably more than enough to deal with themselves. And if two unintelligent monsters break into the downtown of Yunmengliao, I'm afraid it will be another bloody storm.

"Naturally, I know the consequences are serious." While Breoni spoke, he took out a pair of scrolls from his arms, which were worn into a side shaft with gold wire and imprinted with a mountain bird pattern. When the monk gently rubbed the scroll, Fang Xin's spiritual power faintly felt that there was some energy in the scroll. Since the "Lekong Shuangxing" * forged spiritual power with the night god dance, Fang Xin's spiritual perception has been greatly enhanced.

"This scroll is the eight-crystal stone seal prepared by Lord Alconsol to prevent the spirit beasts from storming away in our dark monks. Before the Red Moon Day comes, we will make some preparations to seal ourselves in the crystal that can isolate spiritual power. At that time, you will need to lead the dark hunters here to protect both of us. If the sealed crystal is broken, the consequences will be beyond our control.

"Your Excellency, do you have to prepare now?"

"Yes, the sooner the better. Red Moon Day will appear in two days, and we will definitely not be able to reach the headquarters in these two days. In case something happens during this period, it's not a joke. Brunie looked solemn and was silent for a moment and said slowly to the old Milu who followed him, "Mulu, go and prepare something." After saying that, he said a series of strange drugs and pigments.

Fang Xin knew that the fat man was going to make some preparations for the array. Last time they arrested Bazhen, they all used some strange things as bait.

After Milou and other dark hunters disappeared, Bruni began to tell Fang Xin and Akai: "You will have enough time to rest one day. When we are arrayed, we will become very vulnerable. We still need your strength to protect us."

"This is what it should be. I can enter the organization, which is also the support of the two adults. Fang Xin bowed his head and said respectfully.

"Well, you can go to the room on the second floor to rest first. Nickel and I still have some formation matters to discuss." Bruni waved to Fang Xin, and then Bruni walked into the small hotel without looking back.

After watching the dark monk go away, Fang Xin's mouth hung a mocking smile. These two unlucky guys are really sad. They are grateful to Alforso for getting a monster in his body. The beast scriptures taught to them by Alonso have plunged them into the infinite fanatic pursuit of power. If they don't pursue them, their lives may be threatened by death. Ha ha, this Alunso is really smart! With such a means, there is no need for the people below to betray him!

The scattered slums in Yunmengliao East District are dark, which is in sharp contrast to the brilliant lights in the center of Liaozhai. The staggered backs of the house beams in the dark are like lurking monsters.

In the silence, there was a sound of footsteps in a poor house near the small hotel where Fang Xin and others were located.

Several figures monitored every move around the hotel through the crack in the door panel of the small hotel in the dark. At the same time, the same thing happened in several residential houses around the small hotel.

"The first team reported that there was no movement in the target."

"The second team reported that the lights in the target hotel went out."

"The third team reported that the dark hunter who went out has returned with unknown items on his body."

"Report of the fourth team..."


A skeleton white pigeon flew in and out of the window. Looking at a piece of information on the table, Anajie's eyes were sharp and flashing, like the eyes of a thin raptor. Next to him sat the fat khaki teenager Thorpe and several other local Black Deaths. These Black Deaths all wear white crystal rings on their hands and look solemn.

"We have investigated the origin of the black rose love, which belongs to the western Mage Cayman Territory. However, the eighth elder associated with Fakyue has issued a pursuit order. Because according to reliable information, Falkyue turned to the dark hunter. This kind of traitor must be killed, and this precedent cannot be opened! Otherwise, it will inevitably have a negative impact on other vassals!"

One of the bald black dead men said respectfully to Anna Jie.

"Don't worry. My people are monitoring the vassal's every move. Be sure to choose the best time to kill him and capture the dark hunters alive! For this reason, the Presbyterian Association has sent the 'Ice and Fire Group' in the 'Five elements group', and they will arrive tomorrow. Anajie's face was cruel: "The day after tomorrow, I can get the traitor's head!"

"Anaj..." Suddenly, a middle-aged woman of the Black Death thought for a while and said slowly, "Will this directly cause a conflict with the dark hunter?"

Anajie glanced at the middle-aged woman: " Lucy! Have we had fewer conflicts with the Dark Hunters these years? This is the first time that the dark hunter has openly dug our corner. We must extinguish this sign, or we will have a greater conflict with them later. The power cake outside the Huangquan world is so big that it can't be occupied by them all.

Lucy shut up as soon as she heard Anajie's words. She knew her husband's nature, and it could be seen from the eyes blinded by greed that he did not care about the ethnic group at all. The reason why he can't wait to want the head of the vassal of the White Night clan is that he wants to make more achievements so that he can plan for his future climb.