Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 5 Eight Treasure Teaching

Bazhen's spiritual body was completely retracted into Fang Xin's umbilical prison.

"Now I'll lend you 10% of your strength. You have to get ready!" Bazhen's voice is solemn.

Fang Xin nodded. In his heart, he was not very confident about how powerful Bazhen was. In order to prevent any unexpected sound, the dark power of the C-level intermediate level began to move at every inch of his body. He would have used dark spiritual power as a "mirror light" defense, which can offset 80% of the damage of the lower level C, while the defense of the ability above the intermediate level of C will weaken with the increase of the caster's cultivation. But for defensive spells, the power of mirror light is already very good. The magic generated by the power of annihilation can well neutralize other spiritual abilities that annihilate the Huangquan world.

With Bazhen's low shout, Fang Xin suddenly felt the empty sea of umbilical prison behind his body flowing crazily.

In an instant, a cool and huge force rushed out of the empty sea of umbilical prison, like a wild horse, colliding around unscrupulously. His eight strange meridians suddenly swelled.

However, Fang Xin knew that this was an inevitable situation for spiritual power to enter the body. Because whether you are a thinker or a yuan force, if you want to master a spiritual power, the process of being infected by that spiritual power is inevitable. The body must adapt to that spiritual power, otherwise, in the process of working in the future, the body will be seriously corroded or even impacted by the spiritual power.

In the process of Fang Xin's adaptation, he also felt the blood surging, as if something had entered his muscle blood. Slowly, rows of fine scales began to extend upward from his feet.

"Get the ability of spirit beasts, since both physical and spiritual power need to fit!" Fang's confidence soon understood what the physical changes were about. It must be the spiritual power of Bazhen's water system and the physical attributes of the spirit beast that affected him. Since it is necessary to use the spiritual power given by the spirit beast, the body will inevitably produce changes similar to that of the spirit beast, so that not only will the defense and resistance of the body become as strong as the spirit beast, but also the spiritual ability of the spirit beast will be more adaptable.

Fang Xin now fully understands why Nicole and Bruni, knowing that Alonso implanted in the spirit beast is extremely dangerous, but why they still pursue the power of the spirit beast so enthusiastically. Because he only borrowed a little strength from Bazhen, his physical function and spiritual ability felt greatly improved. If the spirit beast was completely integrated, wouldn't it become a power and thinker with the power of the spirit beast?

With the injection of the power of Bazhen, Fang Xin's mind has many fragments of pictures, and some spiritual power of the water system is naturally clear in his mind. He buckled his index finger and made a fingerprint imitating the picture in his mind. Then the spiritual power of the water system gushed out, and a ball of water rolled and appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Water grenade!" With a shout, the water balloon suddenly roared and hit a black reef on the shore of Alcatraz. After the huge roar, a hole several meters deep opened in the reef.

"Good boy, is this 10% of your spiritual power?" Fang Xin looked at the newly broken hole on the reef, and his voice was full of surprise.

Bazhen was used in her heart, but she wrote lightly: "It's normal for me to have this power with 10% strength. However, you have passed the test of 10%. In order to test how much strength your body can adapt to me at present, I have decided to continue to increase 10%, that is, 20% of the strength to lend you!"

Fang Xin raised his eyebrows, quickly restrained his mind, and shouted attentively, "Come on!" Don't be distracted at this moment.

The umbilical wheel prison is empty, and the dragon pattern behind Fang Xin seems to be coming to life at this moment. Under the increased spiritual power of the eight rare water system, the blue water light gushed out from Fang Xin's back, and then kept hitting his limbs and bones.

Gradually, Fang Xin's muscles expanded and bulged, and the petrified skin of the mountain rock giant and the strong muscles of the wind demon earthworm penetrated a faint blood in a wave of blue water light. Not only that, Fang Xin's face began to bleed. His body was extremely painful, but Fang Xin's mind became more and more awake. He knew that he still had the potential to tap, because those broken skins just could not suddenly withstand the water spiritual power that had never existed before, but his body's five livers and six organs were still protected by a thin layer of dark spiritual power formed by mirror light. But it's intact!

Finally, after Bazhen roared, the last trace of water spiritual power also poured into the Fangxin chakra.

The violent power makes Fang Xin feel that he needs to vent.

"Giant water grenade!"

A huge water system spirit ball more than three meters high was instantly formed in Fang Xin's hand. With Fang Xin's all-out, he hit the surface of the distance. Suddenly, a huge wave more than ten meters high formed in the explosion and swept away into the distance, and some waterbirds that could not avoid were swallowed up by the huge waves in an instant.

"This is at least a spiritual skill that can only be controlled by C-level water thinkers!" Seeing the power of his giant grenade, Fang Xin was stunned and ecstatic.

He still didn't feel satisfied. He swished, and two giant pomegranates popped out of his hand and bombed them indiscriminately in the distance.

Under the impact of the spiritual power of the sudden influx of water system, Fang Xin's nervous system obviously felt more tenacity than before. He has vaguely felt that he can control more and greater spiritual power. Is it a breakthrough? Did you reach the C level?

"Thunder flash!"

In order to confirm whether his guess was correct, Fang Xin began to operate the secret army to break the evil, and the black tiger pattern and the dragon pattern flowed together.

Gradually, a thunderball similar to the left-hand water ball was also drawn out. Between the two spiritual balls, a thin layer of dark spiritual power separates the two spheres. Otherwise, with Fang Xin's current mastery of spiritual power, these two spiritual balls will definitely repel explosion.

"Sure enough, my spiritual strength has broken through to the upper level of C!" Fang Xin was overjoyed to see the size of the thunder ball. It should be known that he has stored a huge and unparalleled lightning spiritual power from the former wheel, and the spiritual power he can extract from it is only about the same level as his spiritual power, that is, he can only extract a small group of thunder spiritual power in the C stage at most.

And now the huge thunderball in the palm of his hand reminds Fang Xin that he has finally broken through!

"Fang Xin boy, try to throw the water ball with a lighter force, and then hit the thunder ball quickly into the water ball!" Bazhen suddenly opened her mouth quietly.

Fang Xin is not shy about him and still does it. After throwing the water spirit ball into the sky, then with a whirlwind in his arm, the thunder ball hit the water spirit ball like a meteor running to the moon.

At this time, something unexpected happened to Fang Xin. The two spirit balls did not produce an imaginary explosion, but expanded and fermented like dough, and a cloud-like object shining with crackling lightning was produced. The dark clouds kept hitting dazzling lightning down, and some fish in the shallow water layer of the sea turned white one after another. Even Fang Xin, who was hundreds of meters away from the thunder and lightning cloud, was felt numb by the conductive water body.