Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 10 Breaking the Door and Killing the Next

In a hurry, he knew it was impossible, but Fang Xin still decided to do it first! If you can kill a little more, kill a little more, at least to attract the enemy's attention and completely seal the two dark monks to fight for something! As soon as Bruni and Nickel complete the seal, he immediately withdrew from the regiment and took the two monks away! After all, you can't go to the Dark Hunter Headquarters without these two leading the way! Ordinary-level dark hunters can't know the specific location of the headquarters at all!

Akai has easily and happily solved several members of the Black Wind Mercenary Regiment who tried to resist. The long flame knife condensed by the power of the sun crystal in his hand was murderous in the dim light.

On the ground, only two fire and ice thinkers are moaning. They are only A-level lower-level thinkers and can only use some simple spiritual skills. Where is the opponent of Fang Xin, who has borrowed the water power of Bazhen and reached the upper level of C, especially Fang Xin, who has also mastered the mixed spiritual attack mode! C-level spiritual power can burst out a spiritual attack effect comparable to D-level!

"Lord Fang Xin, they are from the Black Death!" Akai searched for a thorny rose bronze emblem from the fire thinker - the clan emblem of the Black Dead!

Fang Xin looked up, took the bronze emblem, rubbed it carefully for a while, and said slightly, "How dare the Black Dead dare to blatantly fight against us!" He was a little puzzled. After all, in the Yellow Spring World, although the Black Death Family is extremely powerful, they are still inferior to the Dark Hunter Organization, which has a deep foundation and footprints all over the periphery of the Yellow Spring Realm and even penetrated into the middle. Why did they suddenly attack the dark hunters?

"Why do you dare to fight against us!" Fang Xin grabbed the collar of the fire-related chanter and said sadly. Treat the enemy ruthlessly, which he learned from Brother Dongfang. As long as this thinker dares to lie, Fang Xin will definitely give him a pleasure!

The fire thinker hesitated for a while and looked at his companions around him and stopped talking.

Akai saw it and suddenly scratched the neck of his companion beside the reciter. A shallow blood mark slowly penetrated from the neck of the water student, and then the whole head rolled down from his neck like a ball.

The fire thinker twitched all over, and the threat of death made his face instantly pale.

"I said, I said, don't kill me!" His eyes were runny and he trembled, "Our team leader, the God of Ice and Fire, will receive a notice from the Presbyterian Council that he will deal with a traitor in the clan. The traitor was a vassal of the Black Death and a White Night, but he and a Black Death woman defected to the Dark Hunter Organization. The elders in the clan will be very angry, so we..."

"That's why you came here to kill the vassal and that woman, right?" Fang Xin said coldly.

The head of the fire mind is like pounding garlic.

"Then you can see who I am!" Fang Xin approached the fire-related thinker and the secluded path.

Akai approached Fang Xin's face with a long flame knife in his hand. In the fire, Fang Xin's face was extremely clear.

The fire thinker was shocked when he saw Fang Xin's appearance, and his teeth trembled with fear. This... This guy turned out to be a white night man, so he must be that...

Akai's knife neatly stopped the fire thinkers from continuing. He cut the fire thinker's head in half like a watermelon.

The scene that happened in Fang Xin's residential house was also staged in several other residential houses.

This time, except for old Milu and several human snake dark hunters who are not suitable for close combat guarding the dark monks, the other dark hunters are all divided into several groups and rushing to the enemies lurking in the residential houses, while the human snake * hand lurking in the hotel is covered.

However, although the plot is similar, the results are different. Because after all, the dark hunters lurking in Yunmengliao are not elite figures in the organization. The highest among them are only B-level taeno-headed Yuanli and five B-level agile shadow warriors.

At this moment, the Huangquan world is all shrouded in a layer of red strange light curtain.

In several residential houses outside the small hotel, the explosion suddenly rumbled, and in the fire, several black dead chanters and warriors who were burned and cried for their mother flashed. They lurked in the houses just now, and suddenly the dark hunter broke in like a gust of wind, but with the exquisite cooperation of the ice and fire group, the dark hunter bull-headed warrior who rushed in was suppressed, but when they were about to catch the dark hunter. These fearless guys actually forcibly spewed out the blazing flame of the strange equipment in the hands of the fire thinker, and ignited the skin connected to the spraying equipment with the fire on their bodies, and then there was a violent explosion!

After destroying a team of ice and fire, Fang Xin did not rush to other residential houses. He and Akai lurked in the shadow of the house, took out a strange threaded whistle in the rumble of the explosion and blew it. This whistle was given by old Milu to contact other dark hunters, which is very useful.

Soon, several shadows flew over from other residential houses.

"Why are there only a few of you left?" Seeing the five hazy shadow warriors, Fang Xin frowned.

"The opponent is very strong!" One of the shadow warriors did not hide it. One of his arms had been broken, and most of his face was disfigured by the fire, but in this way, the shadow warrior still remained calm.

Fang's confidence was awe-inspiring, and the words of the Shadow Warrior made him suddenly wake up. It turns out that my strength has quietly made great progress. That's why I feel that the dead dark hunters are too weak! And the bleak appearance of the Shadow Warrior reminded him of what kind of tragic battle those dark hunters had experienced just now!

"I just found something interesting!" Fang Xin did not continue to blame the Shadow Warrior, but raised the skin in his hand. With a slight shaking of the skin, there was a sticky ** impact sound inside.

After killing the ice and fire group, Fang Xin found something interesting in the skin from the two thinkers. After opening his skin and observing it carefully, he found that it was oil in the human world, and it was refined oil**!

"You have probably completed your tasks, so go back to the place where you just killed, find this thing, and then light every house in it!"

"Like me!" Fang Xin threw the oil** in his skin into the air, and then waved a strong wind with his hands. The oil was all sprinkled on a house next door, and the last electric light ignited the oil in the air.

The house that was spilled with oil instantly rolled up a raging fire. Soon, several embarrassed voices rushed out of the house with heads in their heads in panic!

Without waiting for Fang Xin to speak, the five shadow warriors disappeared into the fire again.

The ice and fire team, which had been waiting in the residential house and waited for the ice and fire god to order to attack the hotel, soon found that they were caught in the fire!

From the first explosion in the house, the ice and fire team knew that the prey must have begun to fight back. However, the Ice and Fire God did not order them to attack for a long time. As a member of the Ice and Fire Group with obedience as the top priority in the Black Death clan, they chose to stay in place!

However, the fire finally forced them out, and no one wanted to be burned to death by the fire.

The moment they got out of the fire, Fang Xin and the five shadow warriors began to fish in troubled waters. The only frontal assault is Akai!