Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 19 Sim Forest

A dark spiritual power emerged from the palm of Fang Xin's hand, and then flowed from Fang Xin's wrist like ink to Fang Xin's body every time, slowly forming a thin mirror-like state.

"60 percent!"

With a low shout, the mirror formed by the dark spiritual power of Fang Xin's body changed again, and the diameter range of the mirror was more than doubled. At the same time, all the mirrors vortex like a whirlpool.

"80 percent!"

The mirror light began to extend from the periphery of Fang Xin's body like a vine, expanding to form a few meters wide of water lilies on the top of Fang Xin's head, almost covering the ** lying Bruni.

"100 percent..."

"Attachment, 60%..."


As Fang Xin kept experimenting with the dark spiritual power he mastered over and over again, he finally understood one thing. I'm afraid there will be more things he can get in the future. According to his current understanding of spiritual power, he found that the foundation of all spiritual skills lies in the size of his spiritual power and the value of spiritual power absorbed and stored by the body. The former is directly related to his ability level, while the latter is related to his power level. The higher the spiritual value, even if it is a small spell, the power used is no less than the spell that requires advanced practice.

However, basically, Fang's belief ability and meta-ability series are similar at present. But he found that a serious problem is that the nervous system is not a big problem with his modified body, but if he wants to withstand greater spiritual power, that is, the further enhancement of meta-capacity, the body can't stand it at all. Moreover, the last time Bazhen gave him 30% of the water spiritual power, the trauma he suffered by his body was To the cells, they often bleed until now.

He asked Bazhen about this problem, and there was no good solution to Bazhen, but he proposed to him that the body needs further transformation. The previous physical transformation materials can only withstand low-level spiritual power. Otherwise, the stronger the spiritual ability will be mastered in the future, the greater the damage to the body. The current body will reach level C. The critical point of spiritual power to level D is already the limit. It is quite difficult to completely declare his status as a Yuanli person to further advance!

However, Fang Xin's understanding of spiritual power is getting higher and higher. After the spiritual power reached the D-level spiritual power point and mastered the compound spiritual power magic, Fang Xin's dark spiritual power was also qualitatively improved.

Through these days of rest, the shadow of his dark spiritual power has expanded to "hidden", which can instantly emit dark spiritual power that can cover hundreds of meters. It can not only cover his spiritual power and figure, but also reveal the traces of the enemy and trap the enemy in his own attack area. Among the dark spiritual power, it can be regarded as his absolute home court.

And mirror light, after releasing 100% of the spiritual power, Fang Xin called the large mirror light that can cover more than ten meters "Lotus Flower", blooming like a lotus flower, which can not only protect each other, but also protect the alliance.

And the dark demon fluctuated, and he simply abandoned it. As the only attack method of his dark spiritual power, Fang Xin found that the dark spiritual power was better to cooperate with other spiritual attacks on his body.

There are all kinds of spiritual powers moving between heaven and earth. Therefore, when the caster casts spells, in fact, when the spiritual magic comes out, it will be affected by all kinds of spiritual power. As long as the dark spiritual power is used, which is not part of the spiritual power of the five elements, isolates its own water spiritual power and thunder spiritual power, and the two spiritual power can explode more than twice the usual power. Moreover, under the package of dark spiritual power, before the spiritual power touches other people's spiritual power, the dark spiritual power can also offset the front and other spiritual forces to further contribute to their own spiritual attack.

"Dark Water Grenade", "Dark Plasma Gun", "Dark Water Dragon"... Fang Xin has developed a series of nearly ten attack methods. At the same time, all the dark forces that wrap the spiritual power of the water system and the thunder system will appear conical, so that it can more break through the enemy's Spells make it easier and faster to penetrate the enemy.

Fang Xin keeps practicing, but this is no better than the ruins of God. In the place where the time flows slowly and the spiritual power is fuller, he can be said to practice the speed, so he broke through the C-level intermediate level so quickly after accepting the eight precious spiritual power, and now it is even close to level D.

Fang Xin only felt that he had practiced for a while, but it was already evening.

Fang Xin spent a lot of money, and the luxury suite he lived in was a little different from other places. The decoration master who decorates here is obviously a master in this industry. The whole set of teak painted furniture has a strong eastern seafront charm. **The gorgeous brocade is the masterpiece of the elf demon. Except for the silver kettle, all the utensils are either made of glass or exquisite porcelain.

During Fang Xin's practice, the door was knocked open.

The food was sent by the hotel owner himself. For a teenager like Fang Xin, who has not figured out his identity, he dare not neglect it. Only by understanding their temper can he make more money.

After Kai slowly opened the door, the boss immediately sent a flattering smile: "Dear gentlemen, have you had dinner? The game here is quite famous. In addition, velvet and fresh seeds are also famous dishes here. If you want to taste the exotic flavor, there is also caviar from the Arctic Ocean. People who know how to taste it are full of praise.

"You can choose to shut up!" Fang Xin took out a gold coin from his pocket and stuffed it into the hotel owner's mouth. The savage people held gold coins and drooled down.

He quickly took down the gold coin, wiped the cuffs vigorously, and then shook the lighting crystal in the room. His index finger gently tapped on the gold coin a few times. After hearing the crisp sound, he was happy and excited to collect the gold coins carefully.

"Give us the best food here. Don't talk too much." Fang Xin said lightly. When the hotel owner bowed his waist and was about to leave, he stopped the boss again.

"Oh, young master, do you have any other instructions?" At this moment, Fang Xin's eyes became a glittering gold coin in the eyes of the hotel owner. The act of doing everything is the behavior of the princes of the great lords and tribes in the Huangquan world.

"Do you have anything good here? For example..."

Before Fang Xin finished speaking, the hotel owner was impatiently recommended: "I don't know what the young master needs. However, there are the most beautiful winged girls and fox girls near here. Especially fox girls, you can play whatever you want, queen games, ** games - hey hey, if you want to buy jewelry, you can also come to me directly. I know many big merchants nearby.

"Do you think I look like those princes whose minds are full of organ pleasure?" Fang Xin frowned unhappily.

"Ha ha, then I don't know if you two come to our small tribe..." His hot face pressed his cold buttocks, and the hotel owner was quite uncomfortable. * started and looked at Fang Xin with a smile.

"Don't do that either." Fang Xin generously motioned the hotel owner to relax and stuffed a gold coin into his hand: "I heard that there is a mysterious Sim Forest on your side. It is said that the person who entered it has never survived. We are adventurous warriors. We want to explore for two days. I wonder if the boss can help us find a guide?

"Adventure? Sim Forest?" The hotel owner's face changed slightly and his head shook like a rattle. Sim Forest, hey, that's the forbidden place here. It has been strictly protected by our patriarch for a long time, and outsiders can't get in. Samurai from afar, where have you heard the adventure story of Sim Forest? You must have been cheated, haha."

The hotel owner laughed, and his face was sweating coldly. It seems that the four words "Sim Forest" have an invisible spell of fear.

"Can you find someone to go to the forest?" Fang Xin deliberately showed disappointment, but still did not die.

"Don't look for me, don't look for me." The hotel owner continued to shake his head desperately. That forest is a taboo for the Michigan tribe...

Fang Xin took out five silver coins from his pocket and weighed them in his hand for a while. The hotel owner still shook his head.


When the gold coin was added, Fang Xin couldn't hold it.

The hotel owner's eyes are red and his mouth keeps swallowing water. Finally, he was blinded by gold coins, gritted his teeth and looked at Fang Xin: "Wait!" After pedaling, he turned around and went down the stairs.

Fang Xin waited at the door for a while, and the hotel owner carefully came up with a yellow scroll.

This map is an old map from 50 years ago. Now there is no terrain of Sim Forest on the new map, but this map has everything about Sim Forest terrain, plants and so on. The innkeeper whispered.

After saying these words, the hotel owner looked around for a while, as if he was afraid of being overhearing and came to Fang Xin's ear: "Sim Forest is the biggest taboo of our tribe. Whoever talks and is reported to the patriarch will cut his tongue.

"Why do you patriarchs protect those people? Didn't they forcibly occupy your land?" Fang Xin asked strangely.

"Oh, young man. You are too curious, which is not a good thing. Anyway, this map will be sold to you. If you want to know the rest, you'd better ask someone else. The hotel owner waved his hands repeatedly, as if he didn't want to continue the topic at all.

"Okay, leave the map. This is for you." Fang Xin saw the hotel owner's frightened look and smiled coldly in his heart. He is more and more sure that there is something wrong with the tribal patriarch. He must have taken some harsh measures. Only in this way can these ordinary and enthusiastic barbarians be so afraid of mentioning Sim Forest.

Fang Xin spread out the hotel owner's hand, took the map, and then took back all the gold coins back into his pocket.

The hotel owner watched Fang Xin take out of his pocket for a long time, and finally put a gold coin in his hand solemnly.

"This..." There was a trace of doubt in the barbarian's eyes: "Why is there only one?"

"The map you gave me is worth a gold coin. A gold coin can be enough for a poor person in a tribe to live for a year or two.

"If you want to get gold coins from me, you must be more positive." Fang Xin smiled mockingly at the corners of his mouth. Damn, I really want to slaughter him like a big fat sheep. No way!

The barbarian underestimated a few words, looked at Fang Xin, and left timidly. He doesn't dare to argue too much. After all, this deal involves a dangerous taboo. If no one denounces him, he will burn incense.

After holding the map and closing the door, Fang Xin looked at the Sim Forest marked on it and fell into meditation.