Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 22 From the Mysterious Water Tower in the Forest

After solving the fish monster, Fang Xin also approached the shore of the forest. He secretly poked his head and saw that the giant shadow ability he had just released had spread here, so he climbed ashore with confidence.

"Ami Tofu, bless Sister Guanyin." Fang Xin silently hugged the thighs of several gods and Buddhas in his heart before he began to search nearby. To be honest, he feels very angry. Now we are searching for the existence of traces of the dark hunter organization in this forest, but the problem is that he has already had the identity of a dark monk, and he has to sneak away to find his nominal companions, or it is a rainy night, which is really unpleasant.

Fang Xin searched near the river and opened the hiding place. The huge black fog slowly wrapped hundreds of meters nearby. He is like a fish in water in the dark, and all birds and creatures are under control.

After looking for nearly half an hour in a row, Fang Xin found nothing except that his body was colder. He gradually became a little impatient.

Walking, with a roar of thunder, the sky and the earth were white in an instant. At this moment, Fang Xin suddenly stopped and looked ahead in surprise.

Several sneaky shadows also stopped at the moment Fang Xin stopped. Those uneven people were also wrapped in black cloth, leaving only a pair of eyes outside. Everyone is carrying a squirming pocket in their hands, and moans can be heard constantly.

They have now entered the dark spiritual fog emitted by Fang Xin and can't see the situation in front of them clearly. However, several people still threw the things on their shoulders into the water with their familiarity with the nearby terrain.

Fang Xin has detected that what was contained in the sack was human through the dark spiritual power, and his heart was amazed. Obviously, these guys are the people guarding the forest. I just don't know what they are going to do to kill these people.

At the same time, Fang Xin saw the huge white water tower behind the people in the lightning.

Fang Xin is staring at the water tower. In the dark fog, he is not afraid that someone will see him. Suddenly, the alarm suddenly sounded in his heart, and his body was slightly on one side. The sharp blade that attacked him was still bleeding on his waist.

"B-level metapower!" Fang Xin covered the wound and was surprised. Can someone actually see him in the dark fog? Is this possible? Moreover, he is also a strongman. It should be known that his modified skin, the petrochemical skin of the mountain rock giant and the medicinal herbs made by Nanxuan have been processed. It is extremely tough and doesn't want to be scratched with a knife.

"It turned out to be a bat swordsman!" After Fang Xin saw clearly the appearance of the attacker, he suddenly realized. In the Huangquan world, the bat clan was born blind. They completely rely on their talent to "ultrasonic" sensing to detect everything. No wonder their hiding shadows have no effect on him.

"Since you have found out, you can't leave it!" Fang's confidence was fierce. Only then did they come here, but they could not be found by the people of this tribe, otherwise they would be unwise to expose their purpose and against the whole tribe.

With an extremely fierce knife, the leading man in black rolled on the ground awkwardly and dodged. A deep crack suddenly appeared in the place where he had just stood.

Although the bat swordsman was afraid of the mysterious teenager in front of him, he was also angry. His whole body vibrated, his clothes suddenly tore apart, and two more arms came out behind him. Four arms and four knives rushed to Captain Tauren crazily.

"Four-knife Bat Warrior?!" Fang Xin was slightly surprised to see the posture of the man in black. In terms of force, the four-knife spider warrior is equivalent to approaching the C-level power.

But Fang Xin is not afraid of the four-knife bat warrior. There was lightning and thunder on his fist, "Thunder Fist", abandoned his knife and punched him with one punch. I want to turn the bat warrior into coke.

Suddenly, a pair of hands drilled out of the soil under his feet, and his sharp five-finger deep ** entered his instep, making him unable to move.

The other two people in black could not miss the opportunity. One half squatted on the ground and aimed at the eyes of Fang Xin, a bull-headed man, with * in his hand. One opened his mouth and saw his mouth begin to expand in all directions, covering his whole face. Fang Xin could see a thick black liquid in his huge mouth.

Fang Xin was careless for a moment and was suddenly ambushed, but his heart was very calm. With his current strength, he is more than enough for several Yuanpowers in front of him.

"Dark water rises to the dragon!"

He suddenly opened a big mouth, and a water spirit column wrapped in dark spiritual power suddenly came out of his mouth and penetrated a big hole in his waist.

The bat warrior died on the spot.

The unlucky man who grabbed Fang Xin's feet was abruptly pulled out of the soil after being electrocut by Fang Xinlei's spiritual power, and his body's flesh and blood were suddenly blurred in the rapid friction with the soil.

"Rat Man?!" Looking at the man's sharp-mouthed monkey's cheek, Fang Xin grinned and suddenly slapped the rat man on the head. The poor rat man suddenly passed out.

After solving several warriors, Fang Xin was about to walk to the water tower, but suddenly he stopped and glanced at the neck of one of the dead warriors. Under the lightning in the sky, the snake pattern is ferocious and clear.

"Dark Hunter!" Fang Xin grew up in surprise, misunderstood, and killed these nominal companions. However, he did not have any pity for the dead unlucky people. He soon stood up and began to walk carefully towards the water tower.

Fang Xin is more and more sure that there must be something he is looking for in the water tower. He just saw these people come out of the water tower.

A ten-story-high water tower, under the storm, lightning and thunder. Fang Xin sneaked up the last step and dodged into the dark water tower. To his surprise, no one guarded the first floor of the water tower.

When Fang Xin was looking for a road leading to the high-rise of the water tower, he was surprised to find that the water tower did not lead to the stairs above it at all. Instead, there was a deep corridor that led to the confused darkness at the corner of the water tower.

"How can there be no one to guard? Obviously, it is the most critical interior... Or can those people of the Michigan tribe not enter the water tower at all? Those people just now probably came out to throw the people in the bag into the river.

Thinking of the scene just now, Fang Xin couldn't help but doubt whether he would see some human tragedies in this place where the corridor leads. Is this the place where dark hunters use to torture? Fang Xin walked carefully in the corridor and couldn't help guessing in his heart.

At the end of the corridor, Fang Xin was surprised to find that the air around him was getting more and more humid and hot. Opening the door of the corridor, Fang Xin suddenly opened his eyes.

Under the water tower, there is actually another world. This water tower is simply a disguise to cover people's eyes and ears!