Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 24 Lies of Life and Death

"I'm happy that I finally found you." Fang Xin suppressed his complex emotions and said word by word.

"Do you know us? Are you looking for us? The old gentleman said leisurely, "Give me a reason. Otherwise, I will let you die." Death came out of his mouth as if it was extremely easy in the blink of an eye, and his breathing was normal. This word came from the mouth of a kind-looking old man, which made people have a great contrast.

"I don't know if you are a breaker or a heart-striking person?" Fang Xin's voice became more and more respectful. He can judge from the embroidered gold-edged clothes worn by the old man that the old man must be much higher than himself, and he has not officially joined the dark monk.

The old gentleman frowned slightly: "It seems that you know a lot about our organization. Say, where did you come from? He was so bold that he came to us to find this place.

At this time, a hot red light flashed from the rock walls of the basin, and a figure slowly appeared behind the old gentleman.

"Lord the breaker, this boy is what I mentioned to you. As soon as he came to us, he sneaked into the hotel owner to inquire about Sim Forest, but the store owner had already informed me that he could not escape from the palm of my hand. And as far as I know, he came to Sim Forest to check today, but my boy didn't find his flaws. I didn't expect him to come so eagerly. Hahaha!"

A strong barbarian middle-aged man stood behind the heart-retrigger and laughed arrogantly at Fang Xin, as if Fang Xin was already a dead object.

"I guessed right. It turns out that this is the breaker, two levels higher than Bruni and others. No wonder you can wear such awesome clothes. Fang secretly believed in his confidence.

"Pyce, I'm sorry to hear from you." The breaker didn't raise his eyebrows, just said faintly. Although his attitude was cold, Pace seemed to have received a great reward, shaking with joy all over his body, and his expression was eager to put his face on the old man's buttocks.

Where, where. This is what I Pisi should do for the organization. By the way, the hotel owner also wants to join the organization. He asked me to ask you. Pace smiled.

"Have you told ordinary people your identity?" The breaker frowned.

Pis panicked when he saw the old man frowning: "Isn't this...isn't this what the organization has been teaching us to develop more members? That's why..."

"Stupid! What else does the hotel owner do besides being a line of eye for you? There are too many useless people, which will only drag down the organization! Kill him when you go back! Organizations don't need waste!" The lawbreaker wrote lightly.

Yes! Yes!" Pace was as chilled as a cicada.

"Say it!" The heart-seeking man suddenly looked at Fang Xin.

Fang Xin was a little flustered, which also turned too fast.

"I came from the Cayman Territory and was recommended by the local dark monks Bruni and Nickel. Lord Alfnzo called me by name, so I came." Fang Xin's expression is respectful, but his tone is neither humble nor arrogant. Anyway, he is a real identity and is not afraid of the other party's suspicion.

"Your name is Fang Xin?" The lawbreaker suddenly asked.

Fang was overjoyed and thought to himself, "I didn't expect that my own people didn't come to the headquarters of the Dark Hunter, and they were so famous. Those who have never seen the law have heard their names.

"Yes, I'm Fang Xin!"

"Fang Xin!" The breaker's face suddenly sank, shouted fiercely, and pointed to Fang Xin: "Catch him!"

In Fang's confidence, the stone suddenly sank, and the monk was confused. However, he still knows what the lawbreaker said.

Several red lights flashed between the rock walls, and several thin men in black appeared around the breakers in black. In addition, there are two things shrouded in black smoke.

Fang Xin's eyes, after seeing the black smoke clearly, he couldn't help blurted out: "Shadow walker!" This was his most difficult enemy at the beginning. At that time, he was assassinated by the Shadow walker. This kind of assassin-type warrior who was transformed from a white night puppet and erased his intelligence was extremely difficult to deal with. The black smoke outside his body is caused by the "worm" in his body, which can be hidden in any faint shadow.

"Hmm, even the shadow walker, our secret machine is clear. You have done a good job in your homework!" The lawbreaker sneered and seemed to doubt Fang Xin's identity.

"Lord the lawbreaker, do you doubt me?" Fang Xin was shocked: "I'm real! Originally, I was going to lead Nickel and Bruni to the headquarters, but on the way, I passed Yunmengliao and encountered the sniper of the president there, the Black Death! Nickel died on the spot. If you don't believe in my identity, I..."

Fang Xin suddenly remembered the dark monk robe in his space ring and quickly took the robe out of the space ring and quickly put it on his body.

"Lord Fa-breaker, this is the monk's robe given to me by Lord Bruni, with the glory of Lord Kui Shengke on it. Isn't this fake?"

Fang Xin, wearing a monk's robe, seemed to walk into the breaker and let him see clearly.

The breaker took a step back and said lightly, "Don't come here. If you kill Fang Xin and rob his clothes, it's also possible."

Fang Xin's head was as big as a fight for a while, and for the first time he felt so painful to be suspected. It's obvious that he is true... This dead old man just doesn't believe it.

"And this, this is the snake pattern left by the descendants of the big snake, and there are snake scales on it, which are invulnerable by ten thousand snakes." Fang Xin suddenly remembered the snake print marks on the back of his neck, and quickly lowered the collar of the monk's robe, exposed his back neck, and turned his back so that the breaker could see more clearly.

Fang Xin stared at the breaker, and the old man would not say that his snake pattern was faked!

"Well, who knows if you killed Fang Xin and dug out the skin behind his neck and connected it with superb colonization. This little trick can't deceive me. The lawbreaker did not believe everything Fang Xin said, and his attitude was extremely stubborn, and he insisted that he was fake.

I worked hard to find this place, but I was called a fake and faced the threat of death. Fang's confidence rose sharply for a while.

"Your Excellency, why do you insist that I am fake? I asked you to identify it yourself, but you refused! Why is this? Fang Xin tried his best to suppress the fire and asked slowly.

"According to the intelligence of the organization 'Root', Fang Xin, Bruni and Nickel have died at the hands of the despicable Black Dead and died in Yunmengliao. There was Nickel's body and a pile of meat after Fang Xin and Bruni's death. In addition, according to intelligence, An Najie, the president of Yunmengliao, also reported the death of Fang Xin and two dark monks to their Presbyterian. So your trick can't deceive me."

The breaker stared at Fang Xin's eyes, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

Fang Xin was stunned. If these two pieces of information are combined to sound, it is indeed the same thing. Even if the root information is wrong, Anajie, the enemy, will not make mistakes. The combination of the two intelligences concluded that Fang Xin and Bruni's bones were cold!

"No. That's not the case!" Fang Xin was silent for a while and suddenly became ecstatic: "The root people must have neglected their duty, those bastards!"

"How dare you insult our 'root'!" Suddenly, several assassins in black who surrounded Fang Xin were unhappy.

Fang Xin was stunned. It wouldn't be so coincidental. He ignored the root person and continued, "I have evidence to prove my identity, I have evidence, iron evidence!" The burning thing in front of us is to prove your identity clearly, otherwise everything will be a floating cloud.

"What proof do you take?" When the law-breaker saw Fang Xin's fearless look, he doubted.

"Come with me!"

Fang Xin was escorted out of the water tower by several team members. Anyway, he has absolute evidence to prove his identity, and he is not afraid that these bastards will kill him on the spot.

The rainstorm in the sky has stopped at this moment. It's almost midnight, and there is no one on the street. Fang Xin and his party soon arrived at the hotel.

The man in black kicked open the door of the hotel and rushed upstairs like a wolf.

When he came to Fang Xin's room, he also kicked it away.

Fang Xin proudly walked into the room with everyone, pouted his head to the extinguished lighting crystal, signaling an assassin in black to brighten the lighting crystal.

When the light was bright, Fang Xin looked at ** leisurely. Then his face suddenly turned pale! What about people?

Bluny, it's gone!

At this time, Fang Xin remembered another question: "Where's Kai?" In fact, he felt something was wrong when he came in just now, but because he only thought about Bruni, he didn't know why the lighting crystal in the room was dark. Because he was staying in the hotel to guard Bruni, it is reasonable that as long as Kai was in the hotel, the lighting crystal would not go out.

"What else do you have to say?" The breaker's face was extremely ugly, and obviously he had no last patience for Fang Xin.

"No, something is wrong! I clearly asked my warrior to guard Bruni's. He was seriously damaged by the killing of the spirit beast in his body by the Black Dead and has been unconscious. I obviously put him in **... Something must have happened..."

"You don't have to argue. All I know is that one thing will happen now, that is, you are going to die!" The breaker said coldly.

Fang Xin's forehead was sweating profusely and his mind was in chaos. Something is wrong, as if someone has been secretly planning on him. Every step I take is blocked.

Where the hell did Akai go?

Suddenly, Fang's confidence lit up and secretly shouted, "No, I don't want to die here!"

He was about to make a move, but suddenly the breaker seemed to anticipate all his psychology. A gust of wind swept in front of Fang Xin, and there was an extra hand behind his body.

"Don't do anything, or I can definitely make you a pile of meat dregs now!" The breaker said lightly.

"Say, your origin, your purpose!" As long as you say it, I can save you from death!"

"Avoid my death?" Fang panicked in his confidence. In the breaker, he can feel a strong majesty, like a mountain and a sea. This majesty seems to be several times stronger than the feeling that the Ice and Fire God will give him. So he has no doubt about the threat of the lawbreaker. As long as he dares to make any action, he will definitely die!

Fang Xin is speechless.

At this time, the chief of the Pisi barbarians stood behind the breaker and stopped talking several times, as if he had something to say.

The breaker seemed to have eyes behind his head and said lightly, "Pisi, do you have something to say?"

"I dare not!" Pace lay on the ground in fear.

"If you have something to say, barbarians will be annoying if they are as hesitant as women."

"Good!" Pace gritted his teeth and shouted, "Your Excellency, won't you forget? We watched the boy all afternoon. Didn't you arrange a large number of root members in the hotel? It is said that as soon as the boy left the hotel, he would catch all the people in the room. Have you forgotten? His samurai is probably imprisoned by the root now.

Fang Xin listened while thinking about it. When he understood, he almost vomited blood. He doesn't even have the mind to curse the breaker now.

From Pisi's words, he knew the whereabouts of Akai and Bruni. Who was he? Those are the elite among the dark hunters. If it is a large number of arrangements, is it possible for Akai to escape with Bruni?

Obviously, he is in the hands of the lawbreaker, but he is so confused that he even forgets the orders he has given!

There was no look of embarrassment or embarrasment on the face of the breaker. The old man was very calm and lightly ordered a samurai beside him: "B bring the two people caught today."

"Your Excellency, it's in the closet in the room." The warrior suddenly attached to the breaker's ear and said, "This is also what you ordered."

Fang Xin's ears were extremely keen, and he heard the words clearly, and greeted all the 18 generations of the ancestors of the lawbreaker in his heart. He has a feeling of being fooled.

Under the order of the breaker, the closet was kicked away, and Akai and Bruni in a coma rolled out.

As soon as he came out, Kai struggled violently, but he was wrapped in countless vines, which were extremely soft. No matter how he struggled, he could not escape, and there was no sound at all when he struggled, and all the movements were absorbed by the soft vines. After Fang Xin came into the room, he couldn't hear any movement from Akai.

After Bruni rolled out, a warrior in black quickly came forward to check. After checking the monk's clothes, snake marks and facial features, the warrior in black said respectfully to the breaker, "Lord Bruni is indeed Lord Bruni."

"Well." The breaker nodded.

At this time, Fang Xin's eyes were almost shining. He was ecstatic and had a feeling that he had been wronged for many years and was finally redressed.

"Well, you seem to be telling the truth."

The lawbreaker walked to Fang Xin and downplayed it.

"Your excellency, of course I'm telling the truth. How dare I deceive you?"

A mysterious smile appeared on the face of the breaker, staring at Fang Xin, and the divine light flashed inside.

Fang Xin suddenly felt a trance,

"Isn't it good to escape from death? Boy." A voice suddenly sounded in Fang's confidence.

Fang Xin was stunned and looked at the breaker who didn't speak for a long time.

"Ky, don't doubt it. It's just that I'm talking to you, hahaha!" The laughter rumbled endlessly in Fang's confidence.

"I am--" The broken man's lips opened slightly, and Fang Xin distinguished three words from his lip shape, "--empty, hidden!"