Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 3 Call

After being told not to walk around at the gate of the watch at night, Fang Xin was taken to a place of rest by a deaf and mute barbarian servant.

The maze-like underground buildings are connected in all directions. The spiral ladders and strange houses of different sizes and shapes are built into beehive-like structures. The houses are all excavated from the hard granite stones on both sides. Every dozens of meters, the dark tunnel is inlaid with a dazzling lighting crystal on the top of the wall, illuminating the long and quiet corridor.

Fang Xin followed the deaf-mute old barbarian slave, and also followed. He didn't dare to move casually. Some rooms obviously had some prohibitions, and he would give a warning as soon as he got a little closer. He also dared not casually take off the robe of the dark monk, because the void has specially reminded him that there is a spiritual imprint left by the snake Kui Shengke on the robe. If he takes off the robe, unless it is a person who has been recognized by Alfenzo and granted a special mark, a guy like him who has not been qualified and has not been recognized. It will trigger an automatic defense secret array buried a few kilometers below the ground, which is judged to be an enemy invasion, and anyone who meets him can die.

The letter above the way once quietly released the shadow. In some imperceptible shadows, he found that there were dark hunters lurking.

People who are stained by the dark spiritual power will show the spiritual flow in their bodies. Fang Xin can infer that they are at least the dark hunters at the level of Shadow Warrior from their huge spiritual flow. These guys in the dark are extremely scattered and secretly guarded in the shadow of the watch gate.

Fang's confidence is awe-inspiring, and he dares not act casually.

After turning several corridors, the barbarian slave stopped in front of an earthy house. Fang Xin faintly identified a few words from a small sign on the door of the house: No. 166.

"What an auspicious number." Fang Xin looked at the door sign and whistled. Thinking that this underground space is extremely large, he came along the road and saw that the door signs of the rooms all start with District 16. Presumably this floor of space is District 16, so whether there are still 17 or 18 districts underground... It seems to be.

According to the method taught by Void Zang, Fang Xin carefully put his hand on the black door handle, and immediately reacted with a faint light to the monk's robe on his body. After the two spiritual rays touched, the fluctuating middle door slowly opened. Spiritual recognition is ubiquitous here!

Akai had been waiting anxiously in the room for a long time. As soon as Fang Xin came in, he found that Fang Xin had nothing to do before he fell to his heart. His duty is to protect Fang Xin's safety, and today he has been defeated by several assassins in black, which is the first time in his life. Even if he later knew that it was a dark hunter organization that dealt with him, he was a "own man", but the loyal Shiva warrior still blamed himself in his heart. Now when he saw that Fang Xin was fine, he was a little relieved and automatically guarded the door.

Although Akai's behavior was unnecessary to Fang Xin, because at the moment he closed the door, he found that the shadow on the rock wall of the corridor at the door was a little deeper. Several shadow warriors have guarded there. It seems that even the preparatory dark monks are very detached in the dark hunter organization.

Although it is a room chiseled in a stone wall, the interior decoration is exquisite and gorgeous. Akai, a Shiva warrior, still stood loyally by the door and slept, while Fang Xin lay on a soft mink blanket and thought carefully about what had happened in the past few days.

"After receiving this crystal ball, it means that your trial mission has changed. All actions are according to the arrangement of the void!"

Today, I received the memory crystal hidden in the void, and the words of Captain Thorn Tiger still lingered in Fang's confidence.

The plan suddenly changed, and Fang Xin was a little unhappy, which was equivalent to entrusting his life to the empty hands. The task of the void is to assist another group of "Shi Group" in the Huangquan world to investigate the seal of the human world. Obviously, this task is a hundred times more difficult than collecting Alconsol's information by himself...

"For the present, you must improve your ability!" Fang Xin thought about it again and again, but still felt that only relying on himself was the most reliable. However, he certainly can't summon Alcatraz Island now, because the Void said that all the space spells in it were completely blocked by Alconsol with a mysterious array, and it was summoned randomly. If the power in the dominoes was found by the strong in the watch gate, the result would be unimaginable, and Fang Xin did not dare to take this risk.

He sat cross-legged and began to cause his body's spiritual power to surge into his limbs. From the secret wheel army behind Fang Xin, the empty sea of navel prison began to flow out of cyan and blue spiritual power, and gradually penetrated every inch of his body muscles, and his heart slowly became ethereal...

Fang Xin's spiritual power is long, and the blue and black spiritual power has a charming spiritual halo around his body. He can feel that the spiritual power is changing his body little by little. The electrical spiritual power gives his body powerful lightning. The spiritual power of the water system makes his body soft as water and more resilient. It protects the two spiritual forces well from losing their balance.

Fang Xin vaguely felt that his body's spiritual power had been stupid at one point. It seemed that the future would be brighter and more attractive after that level, but no matter how Fang Xin accumulated spiritual power to hit that point, it was always a little worse. Fang Xin, who has 30% of the power, not only fully accommodates the power it gives, but also reaches the critical state of level D. The stupidity in Fang's confidence is his desire for level D. He knows that if he reaches level D, his spiritual power will definitely change dramatically, but it is always a little worse. ...It seems to be a distance that can be touched by your fingertips, but it is as far away as the horizon.

Dark spiritual power gushed out of the dominoes crazily, but no matter how hard Fang Xin tried, he was still a little worse in the impact. At the same time, the spiritual power stored in the chakras surged crazily. The body tissue, which had been damaged several times, had another sign of cracking in the skin under the impact of power, and blood penetrated out.

"Fang Xin, stop! You can't hit D-level anymore. You should make your body more adaptable to the current spiritual power, otherwise it will be very dangerous!"

Suddenly, a distant warning sound came from Fang Xin's body.

Fang's confidence was shocked, which eased the trend of spiritual power gushing out of the dominoes. In fact, after more than an hour of urging, his mental system has carried the overload of spiritual power and is already very tired, but because of his desire for order D, he is struggling to support...

"Stupid boy, entering level D is a completely different concept! As far as your body is concerned, you can't fully adapt to the current spiritual power, so your body will often be overloaded. Even if you have the blood repair ability of the Hobby and the petrified skin of the rock giant, the damage is cumulative, so what you need to do most now is to make this body constantly adapt to the temporary spirit. Li, don't be so ambitious."

"To enter level D, you need a stronger physical and mental system."

"Bazhen, is that true? Why didn't I feel that my body was so seriously damaged? Bazhen's sudden words shocked Fang's confidence.

Because I am in your body, it is easier to feel your physical condition. In the previous few times, when you accepted my strength, there was already some damage, but because your body has been modified and the repair condition is different from ordinary people, so you don't feel it. I don't believe that if you use your spiritual power to hit the deepest flesh-and-blood meridians of the umbilical wheel, it will definitely be more painful than other places.

Fang Xin was suspicious. Three spiritual forces converged in his body, and two bright and abnormal halos appeared at the dense wheel and umbilical wheel behind the spine. In the past, these two chakras were places where spiritual power gushed out, only in and out. It was the first time hehui spiritual power into it.

The spiritual power slightly hit the place where the two chakras were located, and an unspeakable pain hit Fang Xin's nervous system. He hummed in pain, and bean sweat fell down on his forehead. It turned out that his pain nerve was weakened by the old man Nanxuan, the colonization master of the Baiye clan, but now he can still feel so much pain, which has never been seen since the physical transformation.

For Bazhen's words, Fang Xin believed more than eight layers, because the spiritual power passed through the chakra just now, and his spiritual power sensed that the two places were indeed seriously damaged, and the flesh and blood had been blurred. Although he was constantly replying, the speed of replying was slower than that of repair... In the end, it was even likely to affect the chakra. The spiritual flow in...

"Why is it like this, Bazhen? Will my chakra be destroyed in this way?

"Your Excellency, what happened?" Akai, a Shiva warrior, was still very alert even when he stood and slept, and he soon found that something was wrong with Fang Xin.

Fang Xin sitting in ** has a pale face, and his whole body is extremely spiritually bright, but his skin begins to bleed, and his appearance is very strange and strange.

"I'm fine!" Fang Xin hurriedly prevented Akai from approaching in pain. His body is now full of spiritual power and is still in a state of cultivation. The most taboo is to disturb the outside world. If the three spiritual forces of his body conflict with the melting crystal power in Akai's body, the consequences will be worrying.

Akai stopped as soon as he heard Fang Xin's words. Although he is not a thinker, in terms of the experience of spiritual cultivation, he still believes in the old way. Akai soon understood that he must have encountered some difficulties in his practice.

As for who Fang Xin was talking to, Akai did not delve into. Simple in his heart, there was only Fang Xin's safety. As for Fang Xin's identity as a Huangquan hunter and his certain motivation for entering the dark hunter organization, he was vaguely clear, but he did not ask Fang Xin anything.

"Kid, frankly speaking, the current condition of your body is the result of the rapid growth of your ability. The growth of the ability of any spiritual ability requires a long period of practice to make the three aspects of spiritual power, mental power and body fit, but the mind focuses on the fit of spiritual power and spiritual power, and the original force focuses on the fit of body and spiritual power, and you are a dual cultivation of mindful meta-ability, so the fit of the three aspects is very important. General spiritual ability should After a long time, you can slowly increase your spiritual power. As for you, the rapidly growing power does not give you much time to adapt your body to spiritual power, so I think your body has undergone several transformations because those colonists want your body to fit spiritual power. If it were before I possessed, your body still adapted to your own spiritual power situation, but accepted 30% of my strength, coupled with your deeper understanding of chakras, the three series of spiritual powers that can be used are growing rapidly. Your body is already unbearable, and the chakra is one of the sources of your strength, so you are most traumatized. That's just what I found out recently.

"So in a short period of time, I can only suggest that you gradually adapt to the current strength. If you want to hit the D level, you must make another major transformation of your body, and you need completely high-quality materials to replace your current body to ensure that the new body can fully carry the spiritual ability of level D.

"Do I have to continue to endure that pain once?" Fang Xin slowly flowed his spiritual power back into the chakras and spiritual dominoes. From Bazhen's words, he remembered the situation of being regarded as an experimental mouse. The first time he did the colonization technique was when Falkyue's uncle Kun Boro thought he was weak, and the second time he did the colonization technique was because Arianna's injury and went to help the old man Nanxuan. The more skillful old man did a free experimental mouse.

Thinking of the separation of limbs and the situation where the head is immersed in the solution, Fang Xin shuddered. What sustains his vitality is entirely by his strong desire to survive and the support of those strange solutions and medical spiritual powers.

"Bazhen, why did you come up with this idea? My body... the flesh of the wind demon earthworm, the blood of the Hobbit clan, the skin of the mountain rock giant, and the golden jade marrow in the bone marrow are all rare things in the Huangquan world. The old man who operated on me is also a top colonist..." Fang Xin spit out a lot of doubts, hoping that Bazhen can think of a more Good idea.

"I have no other choice here. Otherwise, you can ask for help from your companion. The Huangquan hunter is well-informed, and there may be a better way. Eight treasures and secluded road.

"Companion?" Fang Xin suddenly thought of the beautiful night dance. The happy and empty double line* she performed that time was really a good thing. In the future, she should practice more, which is of great benefit to the expansion of spiritual power... Thinking of the ** scene of the lingering night god dance, Fang Xin was moved. Maybe Captain Tiger and others will have a better way after knowing their situation...

"All right. Let's not talk about this for the time being. By the way, why did you suddenly wake up? Aren't you practicing? Fang Xin remembered a question and asked strangely. He summoned Bazhen several times along the way, but this guy didn't respond to himself. Unexpectedly, as soon as the void was hidden, it woke up when it was practicing.

"Hehe." Bazhen smiled strangely: "When you met your companion, I woke up. Because I feel his strong spiritual power, but I don't want him to find out that the monster-like existence of the winged void makes me jealous of the spiritual body now. It is also a spiritual body. He can parasitize, but I can only hide in a broken and weak body. This is disgusting!"

Fang Xin rolled his eyes and heard seven orifices of smoke. A monster hides in its chakra and actually dislikes that his body is too weak. This is really unbearable. Uncle can tolerate it, and aunt can't stand it... But now, Fang Xin thinks about his situation... Let's put up with it! There are still many places to rely on this guy.

While Fang Xin was enduring Bazhen's endless complaints, he suddenly found that there was silence around him.

Fang Xin was stunned: "Bazhen, what's wrong?" Suddenly fell from the noisy chirping of the eight treasures and fell silently. This contrast made Fang's confidence a little strange.

Fang Xin asked several times, but did not receive a response from Bazhen. In the dark, his heart trembled slightly... something... as if something was calling, that feeling came from the farthest depths of his body... What happened?

"Fang Xin boy." After a long time, Bazhen finally spoke slowly.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you suddenly say anything just now?" Fang Xin asked quickly.

"You just felt... the message of the call..." Bazhen asked quietly, with a trace of strangeness in her voice.

"Yes, it seems that something is calling weakly." Fang Xin hesitated for a moment and said slowly.

"That's because I'm in your body, so you will faintly perceive some of my perceptions. And for me, the message of the call is extremely strong. Eight Jane's words are solemn.

"What is it?" Fang Xin became alert.

The thick black fog, which is deeper than the darkness, slowly covers the whole corridor.

The door quietly opened a gap, and Fang Xin's wind demon earthworm's body was incredibly twisted to flat, and carefully slipped out from the half-inch wide door crack.

In the super version of the shadow - hidden in the shadow, any information of Fang Xin's body, including spiritual power and smell, is hidden.

In the dark part of the corridor, the dark hunters and warriors responsible for guarding the guarded the abnormality around them. They were found that they were like blind people in the shadows and could not see anything, and fell into panic for a moment. This is the first time they have encountered this situation in the Gate of Watch.

Just as some dark hunters wanted to launch a message to inform the outside world of the strange situation here, the black fog disappeared in an instant. Several dark hunters couldn't help coming out of the darkness, looking at each other and discussing for a while, but they didn't notice anything abnormal.

Is it just an illusion of waiting for others? The dark hunter suddenly remembered the things buried in the deepest underground of the Gate of Watch. Maybe it was the influence of the power. Some dark hunters thought so, and they were slightly relieved.

Of course, since the strange black fog has disappeared and there is nothing abnormal around, no one has launched a warning signal. The random launch signal has disturbed the upper layer, and they can't stand the punishment.

Fang Xin stuck to the top of the rock wall above a house in the corridor like a lizard and held his breath. His fingers were deep into the hard granite, and a black fog enveloped him, shielding all his information well. Just now, several dark hunters passed under him and didn't find anything abnormal above his head.

After confirming that he had not been found by anyone, Fang Xin was relieved. The eight treasures in his body once again sent a strong message: the summoner is deep in the room in front of him!

The body of the wind earthworm was bent and bent, Fang Xin's neck twisted and hung down like a snake, and finally the front was close to the door of his room.

This room is no different from the room Fang Xin stayed in just now. They are all wooden doors and metal door handles, which are so simple that people can't see anything strange. However, Fang Xin saw a few words on the house sign: A-level forbidden place in District 16.

At the same time, Bazhen told Fang Xin that the defensive array of this room is the most powerful in the whole corridor.

Fang Xin does not have much knowledge about the defense secret array. The masters who arrange the secret array are generally space engineers. If they easily break into the secret arrays they have carefully arranged, the consequences are often terrible. Fang Xin has heard of the powerful abilities of some space masters from the night god dance that is proficient in space magic. Even if it is only a B-level space master, the power of the array power he arranges tends to reach level C or even higher, because the space array will inevitably use a large amount of external forces, such as a large number of melting crystals arranged by the magician. To increase the power of the array, once it breaks into the array, those melting crystals react with the array, and the power is very objective.

"A-level forbidden place?" Fang Xin put a big question mark in his mind. What was inside? Suddenly, his adrenal hormone rose sharply, and the teenager's risky blood gushed out. Bazhen, are you sure that what summons you is in it? How do we get in? A secret array of spiritual defense is set up here.

At this time, Bazhen showed a little spiritual body from the chakra, close to the door, and a little blue spiritual power touched the door. Suddenly, there was a red light stress fluctuation, completely engulfing the spiritual power of the water system.

"It's really powerful. It should be a D-level defensive secret array." Bazhen muttered.

Although Fang Xin has not yet entered the forbidden place, he can feel that the call at the chakra is getting stronger and stronger, and Bazhen's breathing is a little short. The thing that summons the eight treasures is in it!

"Fang Xin, hurry up! I have just analyzed this secret array with spiritual power. It is not a space array, but a simple defensive secret array. As long as you break through the defense prohibition at the door, you can enter!"

"The problem is that if this defense ban is forcibly broken, it will definitely be discovered by nearby dark hunters." Fang Xin was shocked. How could Bazhen come up with such a way to find death? As long as you touch the defense mechanism in the array and trigger the warning message inside, I'm afraid it will attract everyone in the whole watch gate to chase.

"It may not work for others, but it can actually be for you. Dark spiritual power can annihilate the spiritual power of the Huangquan world with the five elements attributes of fire, water, wind and air, so it will not stimulate the defensive spiritual power. You just need to concentrate the dark spiritual power and make an entrance to the prohibition in front of the door!"

Fang Xin was skeptical of Bazhen's words, but there was a strong idea in the teenager's heart - to uncover the true face of the summoning Bazhen creatures, which tempted him to make up his mind like a poisonous snake.

The dark spiritual power gradually condensed into a ball, expanding like a rectangular mirror, slowly approaching the defense secret array of the gate.

A faint layer of red light burst out of the gate, and Fang Xin was shocked.

"This is the emergency response of the defensive secret array to foreign spiritual power. The dark spiritual power and the five elements spiritual power will not conflict, and soon this red light will disappear."

Sure enough, the eight treasures' words have not fallen, and the red light slowly dissipated. Fang Xin's dark spiritual power gathered in his hand became more and more powerful. He obviously felt that after his dark spiritual power was not in the entry, he encountered a powerful spiritual resistance.

However, as Bazhen said, this spiritual power only blocks the dark spiritual power and has no other reaction. Fang Xin's spiritual power touches the defensive secret array, but it is like encountering a material stronger than granite. He only needs to use spiritual power to use the defensive array Turing in front of him. It is enough to dissipation a small piece of the force system.

Under the dark spiritual power of Fang Xin's body, the forbidden gate was like a layer of mist, slowly lifting the veil of hazy. When Fang Xin's dark spiritual power finally urged the valley to the D-level critical point, a rectangular loophole finally appeared in the defense array of the gate, and the things in the room slowly appeared.

"The fox of the fetal hidden..." After seeing the things in the forbidden place through the gate, Bazhen muttered a few words. There was an uncontrollable excitement in the voice.