Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 7 Crystal Concentration

In the hall, 50 or 60 stone beds made of ice crystals are neatly arranged. On the cold stone bed, there was a corpse lying flat on each one. Other spare places on the stone bed are placed with various exquisite and small tools and various tanks filled with small medicinal liquids, as well as fist-sized pieces of melting crystal ore with high temperature.

Each stone bed has the role of about five people, with a clear division of labor and delicate movements. Some open the body's belly, hollow out the internal organs, some place the melting sun crystal into the stomach, and some arrange a small balance map on the ore, and there will be a thinker among the five people, which is specially designed to fill the corpse of the melting sun crystal mine. The body is injected with spiritual power to accelerate the integration of ore and the body...

"Are they... making implants?" Fang Xin opened his eyes wide and stared at everything below through the small hole on the rock wall of the tunnel. This scene seemed to be similar, and his thoughts flew to the situation lying in the laboratory of the old man Nanxuan in the past. The laboratory owned by the white night colonization master is very similar to the scene in front of him. Each of these more than 50 stone beds is a miniature version of the old man Nanxuan's laboratory!

But so many colonists... are unbelievable. You should know that in the Huangquan world, colonists are more rare than those with spiritual abilities!

Void Zang looked at Fang Xin with approval: "You still have some insight! This is the biggest secret of the Gate of Watch - the psionic puppet manufacturing house! In fact, all the colonists here are not very capable. But they were all taught by the horrible genius colonist, Master Agli of the Nianting Fox clan. Four people learn colonization respectively, and one person learns the ability to read. The effect of combining five people is better than that of an ordinary colonist.

The empty space paused and continued: "Ordinary spiritual puppets are all spiritual powers who go crazy when they infect spiritual power and are made into killing machines after death. And the spiritual puppet here, even if the deceased did not have the spiritual ability before his death, can artificially create a spiritual puppet by implanting the melting sun crystal and arranging the balance array on the melting sun crystal!"

The sound hidden in the void gradually slows down, and you can hear the solemnity in it.

With the words hidden in the void, Fang Xin seemed to have an illusion for a moment. He seemed to see that in a distant place, with a bloody knife in the hand of endless spiritual puppets, rushed into the territorial tribes and massacred one by one. Countless women and children were wailing, and everywhere he went, there was bloody desolation... He shuddered !

Fang Xin knows the power of plant spiritual abilities, and Shiva Akai is a good example. Akai, a middle-level samurai, can at least reach the power of the D-level intermediate magic and completely flatten a hill!

Although the lying corpses in front of him are not completely implanted like Akai, but only the thoracic part is implanted with fusion crystal, but if they stand up completely, they are also implanted. Even if they do not have Akai's mind and their ability cannot be further improved, this kind of spirit is completely obeyed by the master. The puppet, who does not know the pain, does not know the fear of death, 100% obedience and complete execution, is no more than Kai's combat obsession and perseverance!

After the Rongri Crystal was fully implanted, Fang Xin saw these puppets being carried down by several dark hunters in strange white clothes who had been guarded for a long time, along the deeper and wider passage outside, all the way down...

"Where are they going?"

"It is the bottom layer, where the psychic eye is located! That place, except for specially designated personnel, it is difficult to break in. Alconso personally set up the array!"

"Ha ha, but you boy can go in!" The empty words turned, and there was a kind of demagogy in his voice: "Fang Xin, as long as you enter the array and get some information, I will promise you that your trial will pass."

Mara next door, isn't this asking me to die? Fang's confidence sank, and his hand on the earth wall almost couldn't help knocking his head into the void. Why do you always want him to do some deadly work?

"Isn't this difficult coefficient too big? How can I break into the array that you can't even get in?"

"Aren't you immune to spiritual magic attacks by evil-eyed beasts? The detection of that psychic eye is invalid for you. The void looked at Fang Xin with a smile.

Fang Xin smiled bitterly, pinched his nose, and thought for a moment: "This... Let's wait until I pass the qualification of a dark monk!"

"Ha ha, that's fine." Void Zang continued to turn his head and looked at the spiritual puppet manufacturing house from the small hole, thinking: "Poor group of people."

There was a trace of strangeness in Fang's confidence. He looked at the void hiding below and thought, "Is the Huangquan hunter also sympathetic?"

However, the void hidden in Fang Xin's eyes made another move. He took out a memory crystal from his body, pointed it at the small hole, and recorded what happened in the space below.

After five hours in the tunnel, the void stopped the boring record in Fang Xin's view.

After coming out of the tunnel, the void did another strange thing.

In his room, on the niche dedicated to the dark original, a beautiful flower bloomed from the earth wall.

The Void Collection put the memory crystal that had just recorded the creation of the psionic puppet into the flowers.

When Fang Xin was strange about the behavior hidden in the void, a strange spiritual wave came from the flowers. The flowers seemed to be controlled by invisible hands, and the petals closed and quickly shrank into the wall.

Fang Xin was stunned!

"Don't be surprised!" Void seems to know that Fang Xin will have this expression: "This is the only way for me to contact the 'Yaoshi' group. There is a powerful planter in the Yaoshi group. Her plants entered here from the underground of the outside world and filled my whole room. Even the underground passageway was through the meticulous coordinates I gave her, and then she opened it with plants little by little.

"Shining Stone Group?" Void Hidden reminded Fang Xin. He suddenly remembered that Ye Shenwu and the captain thorned the tiger once mentioned that Void Zang seemed to have been borrowed by a group of Huangquan hunters to investigate the destruction of the seal of Lao Shizi's human world! The name of that group is "Yaoshi"!

"I wonder why that tunnel has vines and plant roots, and there are reciters in the flare group to help you." Fang Xin suddenly.

"I will give the recorded things to the Yaoshi group outside every day. Captain Yaoshi of their group did not come, so there is no spiritual ability who is good at mental shielding magic. It is very difficult to enter the watch gate full of spiritual detection and spiritual defense array. Only through me, I sent the message to them internally.

"So have you found any clues about the destruction of the seal in the human world?"

"No." Void Hidden frowned and shook his head: "I just found out that all the things in the human world came from the teleportation array of the psychic eye."

"The psychic eye may be the most critical key to unlocking all the secrets of the door of the watchtower!" Speaking of this, the void hides his burning eyes and staring at Fang Xin.

Fang's confidence tightened, and he grinned unnaturally and said, "Ha ha... we... the world is so beautiful... Let's talk about something else." He looked left and right, pulling around, and scolded the void in his heart for half to death. This old boy really doesn't give up on himself. Since the psychic eye is so important, he must be guarded by heavy troops. Can he lurk in casually?

"Lord Redstone, the Breaker of the Law." Suddenly, a black smoke rose, and a root warrior appeared outside the door of the empty room.

Fang Xin and Void Zang quickly stopped talking, and Vong Zang said in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"The original daughter of the dead butterfly of Somalia asked to see an adult."

Fang Xin was shocked when he heard the words and looked at the void. A mysterious smile appeared on the latter's face and looked at Fang Xin and whispered, "I guess I'm here for you."

Fang Xin frowned and was about to say something when he said, "I want to deal with her!" The offering behind her, but Alonso, a detached figure in the Gate of Watch, will give him some face.