Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 11 Selection

It is not only the spiritual puppets that shocked the Void, but also the sad priests with strange spirit beasts. The spirit beast drilled behind them is exactly the same, very much like a snake, but it has tentacles. It is a spirit beast that he has never known in the void... These discoveries made him a little uneasy. An idea flashed in his mind. Are these spirit beasts also artificially created? If so, the hidden power of the dark hunter is really beyond the estimation of the Huangquan hunter...

After the initial shock, the sad priests and breakers have come to their senses. For the heart-striking and the great worship of Aguli, they scrambled to praise and flatter. On the periphery of the Huangquan world, the dark hunters have secretly controlled a large number of territory. This time, the spiritual puppet developed by Agul is powerful. If the war brewing at the headquarters can seize the territory of the black dead, it is undoubtedly a very good thing for the mourning priests. Because the preemptive territory always needs to be guarded, so if they can be sent to those new territories, at least they are also a local emperor, and their status is not the same as here. So many people have begun to make small calculations in their hearts.

Xinlong is very satisfied with the reaction of the following people. Whether these subordinates are loyal or greedy to the organization, as long as they can stimulate their desire to fight the Black Dead, it is undoubtedly successful.

Suddenly, Xinlong seemed to remember something, frowned slightly, and reported several names on his face.

The noise just now stopped at the moment when Xinlong opened his mouth. After a moment of silence, several mourning priests and breakers in monk' robes came out.

"I heard that the number of dark monks recommended this year is more than four. Don't you know the rules?"

"Adult, in fact, there were only four places. But after we recommended it, Lord Redstone recommended another person to come up, so..." The speaker looked sideways at the void, and his expression was quite dissatisfied with it.

Void Zang quickly knelt down respectfully and said to Xinlong, "Your Excellency, recommending good talents to the organization is one of our loyalty to the temple. In the Cayman Territory, I found a good seed. He has strong evil values and magical abilities. After I passed on his conditions to Lord Al Corso, even the adults had a strong interest in him, so I dared to recommend him! Compared with letting some mediocre talents fill the organization, why not give some potential talents more opportunities?

When the words were hidden in the void, the faces of several sad priests and lawbreakers who just came out were green, and even the faces of the great worship of Aguri were a little unnatural. Because the obvious words hidden in the void greatly demeaned the candidates they recommended, which undoubtedly slapped them in the face.

Xinlong pondered for a moment, raised his arms, stopped several mourning priests who were about to open their mouths to denounce the void, and said slowly, "Since it is a child that Alunso is interested in, I also want to see you. Well, in three days, we will start to select from the five people you recommended!"

After a pause, Xinlong's eyes flashed and looked at the void: "I hope the person you recommend will not let me down!"

A strong and unparalleled pressure suddenly came to the void. Although he was strong, he also felt frightened. The air above was as heavy as steel, and his limbs and bones crackled. He quickly crawled on the ground: "I will never let you down!"

Several monks next to him who had just been dissatisfied with the void hide. At this moment, they saw the same thing on the void hide, and their hearts were as cold as cicadas.

Seeing that the Void was so humble, Xinlong took back the majesty released and glanced at the great worship of Aguri sitting on the left. The latter's face has softened slightly.

Nana, the daughter of the dead butterfly, is Aguri's own granddaughter. What she said just now made him faceless. Xinlong's move was to calm Aguri's anger.

The "Dark Hell" of the Michigan tribe is the most famous death arena in the Flower Language Plain. This is one of the famous places praised by the barbarian tribe besides wood. Every day, the major lords nearby and mercenaries who want to earn some extra money come to enjoy the excitement, as many as thousands of people, and a huge source market for " "Dark Hell" has brought extremely rich benefits.

However, these people rarely appear in the tribe, because the whole "dark hell" is completely built in the middle of a nearby Grand Canyon, a place completely carved out by stones on the mountainside. It is almost independent of the tribe.

If the lords and Haoqiang near Pingsu find strong warriors, the two sides will find opportunities to fight for each other in order to seek stimulation and offer extremely high gambling prices for the life and death of warriors. Others bet on the warriors they like.

It can be said that the dark hell exists purely for the nearby lords to vent their bloodthirsty desires in peacetime. However, no one knows that its underground controller is actually a dark hunter organization.

On this day, the master of the dark hell suddenly announced a complete closure. The nearby lords who were expelled began to be very unhappy and were about to make trouble. Then they saw the black flag slowly rising from the top of the canyon - a flag branded with skeletons and evil snake patterns, so everyone shut up! They learned today that the owner of the dark hell is actually the deepest dark organization. Obviously, no one dares to provoke them casually!

The dark hunter has always been known for being fierce and low-key, but this time it obviously surprised the nearby forces. Although the lords and the warriors they brought were driven out of the main hall of the duel, the stone gates that could enter the arena were not closed. At the same time, many lords received mysterious invitations.

"Tutut" Lingwa's small body disappeared in the woods, and her mouth t���t. A wave of spiritual power extended from the gourd behind her, covering the spider web-like veins in the direction of the dark hell.

In the Grand Canyon, suspicious vines continue to break out of the rock wall and hang down halfway down the mountain, just in the direction of the arena.

"There seems to be a good show." Lingwa girl monitored a scene several miles away through plant vines and said with a smile.

Next to her is the young man with a red scarf.

"What else? Why do you always say half of it?

"James, be patient. I found something interesting. In the Grand Canyon more than three miles away, there is a good scene to be staged. In that arena, the newcomer of the red group mentioned by Void Zang became one of the gladiator.

James almost jumped up: "Fighting? How does this work? That boy... Doesn't the void hide say that he is the key to entering the psychic eye? What if he dies in a fight?

"Ha ha, this is not a matter of concern, is it? I don't think the void will be stupid enough to kill him. However, Void has not sent any news, and it is not clear what's going on!"

Lingwa woman said casually while sensing everything that happened in the dark hell.

Just a few days ago, Void has sent all the information of Fang Xin to them. The Yaoshi group also has some interest in the newcomer of the red group.

The owner of the dark domino can always attract the attention of others.