Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 14 Fraud

The knife light suddenly rises!

The knife, with the breath of death, turned to Fang Xin's abdomen. Due to the high-speed chopping, there are dazzling sparks between the blade and the air. At such a high speed, the snake warrior believes that even if it is one meter thick steel, he is confident to split it!

There is only one idea in Fang's confidence: flash! But the knife was almost as fast as he thought, and two huge thick vines nailed his feet! Of course, only the daughter of the dead butterfly can do this!

The change happened between lightning and lightning, and everyone was caught off guard.

Xinlong grew up from his position, and two dazzling lights actually shot from his eyes to the three people in the arena.

He wants to stop, he wants to stop Fang Xin's death! Because the quality that Fang Xin has just shown and his mastery of dark spiritual power have made the heart-seeking people cherish their talents. The organization needs such talents!

However, Xinlong is still a step slower. When the two huge spiritual forces came to Fang Xin's heads, the machete of the snake warrior had cut into Fang Xin's waist...

When everyone thought that Fang Xin would be cut into two pieces, the machete suddenly jumped and broke from the middle.

Everyone was dumbfounded again, and the daughter of the dead butterfly looked at Fang Xin with a gray face.

But that's all. Then the three had been suddenly under great pressure, and their whole bodies could not move, and the three of them could only crawl on the ground.

"You want to kill me again!" Fang Xin stuck to the ground and said angrily to the daughter of the dead butterfly next to him. If he can stand up now, the first thing he must do is to slap her more than a dozen times, then strip her of her clothes and humiliate her fiercely. Otherwise, it is not enough to calm his anger.

He was fooled by this dead woman again. At the critical moment, the dead woman actually played dark. Just now, she dealt with the snake warrior just to show herself. Otherwise, the human snake warrior could not break through the dozen layers of vines at once.

"You..." The daughter of the dead butterfly is a little at a loss. Why, why can't he kill this white night teenager no matter how he calculates? Is he his natural nemesis?

Looking at Fang Xin's fire-breathing eyes, the daughter of the dead butterfly begged for mercy in a low voice, "You won't say it, will you?"

"I will!" Fang Xin said viciously.

The human snake warrior was unwilling. Looking at Fang Xin, he couldn't imagine why the knife just now... actually failed. And the riddle-like dialogue between the two also made people uneasy.

"Nana, what did you promise me? Is the promise still valid? The snake warrior also talked to Fang Xin to the daughter of the dead butterfly.

"You..." The daughter of the dead butterfly didn't expect that the snake warrior still thought about her body at the critical moment.

It turns out that Fang Xin has actually always been a knot of the daughter of the dead butterfly. Before she saw Fang Xin, she used her body to subdue the human snake warrior, a mush who only knew how to practice all day, and then formulated a plan on how to kill Fang Xin.

It was originally a perfect plan, but at the last moment, Fang Xin miraculously did not die!

"You can go to hell!" The daughter of the dead butterfly kicked the snake warrior fiercely. Her foot was so vicious that she kicked the roots of the samurai's descendants. The latter fainted in severe pain and physical exhaustion.

Headed by Xin Long, several people on the rostrum surrounded him and walked slowly to Fang Xin and the daughter of the dead butterfly. The majesty that shrouded and suppressed them is still lingering.

"If you want me to say something, unless you promise me something!" Seeing Xinlong coming, Fang Xin said in a hurry.

Nana was overjoyed, and Fang Xin was relieved, which was what he begged for. Otherwise, when Xinlong comes over, Fang Xin will tell his secret in anger. He doesn't know what kind of disaster it will bring to the clan.

"What's the matter?"

"Get me a perfect body, and then ask your grandfather to do colonization for me!"

Nana was stunned, and the conditions mentioned by Fang Xin seemed to be a little difficult... However, as Xinlong's footsteps approached, Nana only felt that the footsteps were beating on her heart and panicked. There is no need to think much in a hurry, and the most important thing is to keep your mouth shut.

"I promise!" Nana nodded quickly.

Fang was very happy in his confidence, but his face rolled his eyes: "Then you have to remember your words!


As the pressure on his body became heavier and heavier, the secret conversation between Fang Xin and the daughter of the dead butterfly completely stopped.

Xinlong's face looked strange. When he walked to Fang Xin, he squatted down and carefully opened his hand covering his waist.

"There is actually a spiritual armor. No wonder it's not dead..." Xin Long looked at it for a while and muttered.

The wound between Fang Xin's waist was cracked, which was ugly. In the depths of the body, the layer of blue-gray snail grass gray armor has cracked a small gap, but it is this small crack that has just carried a lot of lethality for Fang Xin, so he escaped the fate of being split in half.

The spiritual weapon given to him by the Night God Dance saved Fang Xin's life. The last time he saved his life was when Fang Xin faced Akai.

Pointing to Fang Xin and the comatose snake warriors, Xinlong said to several dark hunters, "Send them all back for recuperation!"

After Xinlong restrained the pressure on his body, except for the majesty naturally revealed on his body, he felt like a little old man.

Fang Xin looked flattered and stared at Xin Long. In fact, there was not much awe of the old man in his heart. Xinlong is a spiritual thinker, and Fang Xin holds that there is a confused ghost in his body, and he is not worried about him using his spiritual power to detect his mind.

However, Xinlong's spiritual power can have materialized huge pressure, which really surprised Fang Xin, because the spiritual power of the spiritual system is relatively illusory, pure spiritual body, and it is very difficult to condense. This kind of strength seems to be a little more horrible than the night god dance after being armed with dominoes...