Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 4 Loyalty Test

expressionless faces appeared in front of everyone!

Everyone took a breath of cold air and were shocked by the appearance of those who exposed the crystal stone pillars... Human appearance, long red hair, perfect golden proportion figure, and the battle flame in their eyes... White Night Man!

Oh, my God, this hundred spiritual puppets are actually the battle madman in the Huangquan world - the White Night Man!

However, everyone present was quickly attracted by a sad cry! Who is so bold to shout in front of Xinlong, the seeker, is simply looking for death!

Just the month before, a dark hunter farted in Xinlong's stomach without enduring indigestion. Xinlong thought it seriously provoked his majesty and decomposed the man into eight sections with spiritual power. The bloody scene still lingers in the memory of many dark hunters. Therefore, everyone is full of sympathy for the bold and dare to shout.

It was Fang Xin who called sadly. His tears were soaring at this moment, and his spine seemed to be unable to support the great sadness in his body and bent like shrimp.

Tears flowed on the smooth marble floor.

To everyone's surprise, Xinlong was not angry, but a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

Fang Xin's performance was unexpected, but his completely unintentional warrior's dignity and pain still stunned him.

"Fang Xin, why are you so sad?" Xinlong deliberately asked in a low voice.

"...This sadness comes from my physical reaction, from the depths of my soul..." Fang Xin choked and kept wiping his tears. I don't want to cry, but my tears just can't stop!"

"I have read your report. The dark monks in the Cayman Territory said that you had lost your memory, right?

"Yes." Fang Xin nodded.

"A person who has no memory of the ethnic group is still so passionate when he sees his peers in front of him." Xin Long looked at Fang Xin and said slowly.

"Have you ever thought about why your people have become like this?" Xinlong suddenly changed his words.

"They must have been killed and made into spiritual puppets!" Fang Xin's tears slowly stopped and answered.

"What a reasonable nonsense!" Hearing Fang Xin's answer, it was ironic to worship Agili. He didn't expect that Fang Xin's acting skills were so good that he burst into tears.

Long before Fang Xin came, Aguli told Fang Xin that if he saw those spiritual puppets of the white night people, he must not be too sad or too cold-blooded. Just express your sadness moderately.

Because of these spiritual puppets, Xinlong also used it to test how many secret weapons Fang Xin, as a white night man, has to be loyal to the organization.

If you are loyal to the organization, you must abandon your original identity in your heart and just exist as a dark hunter. This is the favorite member of the Dark Hunter Organization! Absolute loyalty, absolute obedience!

"Why don't you ask me who killed them?" In Xinlong's tone, he seemed to be quite curious about Fang Xin's answer.

Fang Xin pondered for a while and said slowly, "No need to ask! Those who can kill so many of my people must be extremely powerful people or organizations! With my current strength, I will definitely not be able to beat them! It's useless to ask! At the same time, I am already an organization, and the life and death of these people have nothing to do with me!"

Xinlong listened to Fang Xin's words and was refreshed. He carefully observed Fang Xin's expression and didn't see anything unusual from his loyal and honest face. He felt a little relaxed in an instant... The boy recommended by Cayman Territory was such a smart and loyal person!

"I'm very satisfied with your answer, Fang Xin!" Xinlong nodded, and a smile appeared on his face. In this way, I can safely hand over these spiritual puppets to you! Only those who are absolutely loyal to the organization will hand over these powerful weapons to him!"

Other dark hunters and dark sacrifices crawling on the steps were in an uproar. Of course, they knew what Xinlong's last words meant. Xinlong... He actually wanted to entrust these powerful white night man spiritual puppets to a child!

However, no one dared to oppose Xinlong's opinion. They just looked at Fang Xin with surprise and envy.

"Your Excellency, do you mean to entrust these spiritual puppets to me for control?" Fang Xin was surprised from the bottom of his heart this time. Even if Aguri told him in advance, Fang Xin was excited when he thought of what powerful white night spiritual puppets he could have. This is a real powerful weapon...

"Of course." Xinlong nodded and affirmed Fang Xin's words.

"This is a test that truly verifies your loyalty to the organization. Not long ago, we received information from the root. The Black Dead began to go crazy when some of their territory was attacked by us. The specific situation--"

Xinlong looked at Feifa, the captain of the soul-rell group of the root force crawling over there. Feifa, it's up to you to talk about the specific situation.

Feifa raised his head and shouted, "Just last week. The Black Dead are very dissatisfied with the recent provocation of our organization. They have sent soldiers to several ground forces of our organization to demonstrate against us. Among them, the Cayman Territory had suffered a blow last month, but fortunately, thanks to the local Rodman branch president leading the battle force of the Mirage, which repelled their several raids in a row, and the Cayman Territory and nearby forces under our control were saved. And our weakly organized areas, eastern Somalia and the Cooper Mountains, as well as the return to the Taixi Basin, have suffered a crazy blow from the Black Dead, because not only they are the most powerful there, but also their nests, and——"

Feifa said here and took a look at the heart-stor: "Their eighth elder was annihilated here by our respected heart-sman."

The biggest reason why Xinlong, the heart seeker, killed the eighth elder of the Black Death is that this eighth elder was the first person to propose to fight against the Dark Hunter organization. Since the news that Fakoyue, who was sent to the Cayman Territory, was betrayed to the Dark Hunter Organization, spread in the Black Dead Presbyterian Association, he lost his dignity. In order to save his face, the eighth elder said that he would send troops to Cayman Territory to protect the face of the Black Dead. Finally, he was naturally targeted by Xinlong, the heart-thor. Xinlong personally shot and killed it with one blow.

Fang Xin heard this, but he was very concerned about what happened in the "Cayman Territory". After all, the two sisters Fakoyue and the dragonfly are in that place! The place where he haunts.

"The Cayman Territory is my territory on the surface. I wonder if it has been hit hard by the Black Death?" Fang Xin couldn't help asking out of worry.

Feifa hesitated for a moment: "For the time being, because President Rodman and the Cayman territory, the Black Dead woman who led the sovereign power for you responded in time and organized a large number of living armed forces to block the attack from the 'Ice and Fire Group' of the Black Dead elite army."

It is already a disrespectful move for Fang Xinxin to ask questions without Xin Long's consent. However, when Feifa saw that Xinlong did not mean to blame Fang Xin, he reassessed the boy's position in the upper level of the organization, so he explained it more clearly to Fang Xin.

"Ice and Fire Group?" Hearing this familiar word, Fang's confidence was shocked. Of course, he knew the power of the ice and fire group. He encountered the sniper of the Black Dead in Yunmengliao, which was done by the Ice and Fire Group. Their team leader, Ice and Fire God, cultivated his spiritual power deeply and was a difficult opponent. And the ice and fire group's specialty, the continuous attack, is even more powerful.

Thinking of the past of encountering the ice and fire group, Fang Xin sweated for the fate of the Cayman Territory. It was not until Feifa said that there was nothing wrong with the Cayman Territory that he felt at ease.

"Dear Heartseecher, do you want me to lead these spiritual puppets to attack the Black Dead armed forces that attacked our forces in the east of the Yellow Spring World?" Fang Xin asked curiously.

"Wrong!" Xinlong said in a low voice: "Our gate of watch is in the west, and naturally we have to solve the problems there first. The problem in the east, of course, is solved by the sword of Thor, a branch in the east. The reason why I personally went out to kill the eighth elder of the Black Death last time was just the proposal of Lord Alonso to jointly act with the heart seekers of the eastern part to destroy the elder in the shortest time to give the greatest force to the upper class of the Black Death.

"I asked you to lead the spiritual puppet this time, which requires you to go to the Cayman Territory. Because a big action against the Black Dead has begun. This time, Yunmengliao in the northwest cooperated with all the force of several other large Liao villages in the west controlled by the Black Dead, and then cooperated with the 'Ice and Fire Group' to launch a full offensive against the Cayman Territory, so as to defeat it in one fell swoop!"

"So, you have to go there immediately!"

"Yes!" Fang Xin said respectfully. In fact, a fire ignited in his heart at this moment, and the Cayman Territory was shrouded in huge red burning clouds in the sky. Fakoyue and the dragonfly demon were crying helplessly, and there was a miserable scene of a blazing fire and a piece of ashes burning next to him... He couldn't wait to fly to the Cayman Territory immediately!