Absurd Contract: Don't be the president's puppet wife

141: He is amazing*

Kong Fanlin, who endured the severe pain, reluctantly got up from the ground and quickly pointed his gun at Hou Shaoyun, "Don't move!"

Hou Shaoyun couldn't help laughing when he saw the black muzzle in front of him.

Such a scene has appeared tens of millions of times in dreams.

Perhaps, since he began to enter Redheadman... No, since he first did something that was not accepted by this society, Hou Shaoyun often had this dream. In a dark alley, someone kept chasing him, and finally pointed his black gun at him, but there was a dead man in front of him. Same.

I have woken up from such nightmares countless times.

However, Hou Shaoyun looked around him. The curtains floated gently because of the majestic wind, and he could still see the beach outside the window. On such an occasion, he could make his dream come true, at least no longer the dark alley in his dream, which was much happier.

Hou Shaoyun smiled when he thought of this.

He knew that it was different from a dream - he would not die here.

The huge roar of the helicopter outside the window reminded himself of this. He looked at Kong Fanlin in front of him with a smile and said goodbye in his heart.

Although the other party's muzzle was aimed at himself, Hou Shaoyun was not afraid at all.

The longer you work at Redman, the more you understand the truth that people will die, but sooner or later they will be different. As long as you have this idea, you can do many things calmly. Hou Shaoyun sometimes even feels that this idea helps him many times.

Thinking of this, Hou Shaoyun slowly retreated to the window.

Kong Fanlin endured the severe pain and slowly got up from the ground, but the muzzle of the gun was always aimed at Hou Shaoyun, "Don't move. If you move again, I'll shoot!"

Such a scene... It seems that I have seen it many times in bubble TV series. Hou Shaoyun couldn't help laughing out of his nose. How many people really dare to shoot?

The sound of the helicopter was getting closer and closer. Hou Shaoyun knew that he didn't have much time and saw the opportunity to jump to the window sill.

Seeing Hou Shaoyun ready to escape, Kong Fanlin was also anxious and pulled the trigger in an instant. The strong recoil made his arm tremble.

Almost at the same time when he heard the gunshot, Hou Shaoyun also pulled the trigger, and the two did not give in to each other.

Unfortunately, although Kong Fanlin shot in time, he only hit Hou Shaoyun's calf. After jumping on the helicopter and drawing a F-U-C-K middle finger at Kong Fanlin, the helicopter quickly flew up and immediately disappeared in the clouds.

Kong Fanlin hit the gun heavily on the ground. I really didn't expect to let Hou Shaoyun run away like this!

When everyone heard the sound, they also rushed up one after another. They saw Kong Fanlin lying on the ground with a decadent face and guessed the result.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Kong Fanlin has been speechless with a gloomy face, and his self-reproach in his heart is unspeakable. He simply feels that he should find a crack to get in.

Think about it, he has been working in the National Security Bureau for many years, and he will encounter such a thing, which makes him simply not know how to describe it. This is the first time that Kong Fanlin has let the prisoner escape, and the shame makes him not know how to face everyone.

After Thunder saw Kong Fanlin's expression, he immediately came forward to make up the situation, "This kind of thing often happens, and it doesn't have to be too..."

Speaking of this, Hou Lei suddenly felt poor and didn't know how to describe this matter, so he had to pat Kong Fanlin on the shoulder, hoping that he could cheer up.

Suddenly, Thunder felt that his hand was sticky. He stretched out his hand and looked at it. He was shocked - Kong Fanlin's shoulders were full of blood!

It turned out that when he was just confronting Hou Shaoyun, Hou Shaoyun also shot. Unexpectedly, Kong Fanlin didn't notice that he had been injured because he was too focused. It happened that he was wearing a black coat, and no one noticed it.

After that, Thunder quickly asked Kong Fanlin to take off his coat. The white shirt inside had been soaked with blood. Shangguan Wanyun screamed in a low voice and was obviously scared, but she soon regained her composure and was busy taking a medical box to help Kong Fanlin treat the wound.

Murong Bo waved his hand and called his personal doctor. The other party checked Kong Fanlin for an examination. Fortunately, the gunshot wound was not serious, but just scratched his shoulder. As long as it was disinfected, there would be no problem.

At the thought of this, Kong Fanlin's anger was nowhere to go away.

Everyone was very surprised. It was the first time they saw someone who was shot but didn't notice it! Thinking of this, I admire Kong Fanlin's concentration very much.

"If it hurts," the doctor whispered. He has treated countless wounds, but Kong Fanlin's injury is still relatively serious. The gunshot wound is different from ordinary wounds, because the power of gunpowder will cause the skin near the wound to splash, which is an incomparable pain of ordinary wounds. "If it hurts, remember to tell me. "

"It doesn't hurt," Kong Fanlin said after a second or two of silence, "I will definitely catch him!"

The crowd didn't say anything and silently watched the doctor help Kong Fanlin treat the wound.

In fact, the most nervous person at this time was Hou Lei, because the day when Hou Yunhai was going to be sent to trial was not far away. Thinking of this, he was extremely anxious. Originally, he thought that as long as he caught the murderer, he could save his son, but he did not expect that at this critical juncture, he would be run away by the prisoner!

Moreover, after seeing that Kong Fanlin was also injured, Thunder had a very incredible feeling. He couldn't believe that this kind of thing would happen to him, and the person who did such a thing was his very trusted subordinate.

This made Thunder suddenly feel that the world was so horrible after struggling in society for many years.

The wound has just been treated, and Kong Fanlin's subordinates have arrived here, and everyone started working directly in the living room.

Seeing that Kong Fanlin wanted to type on the computer, the doctor quickly stopped him, "No!" Your injury is still very serious. You can only recuperate now, otherwise it will not be easy to recover.

Kong Fanlin didn't even look at the doctor. "Please don't worry about this. Time is urgent now." When he said these words, Kong Fanlin looked up at the rear thunder. He was walking anxiously in the living room at this moment. "We must speed up, otherwise Hou Yunhai will be very dangerous."

Everyone knows what Kong Fanlin means and watches their work silently. Although everyone's face looks calm, in fact, everyone's heart is very nervous.

Turning on the computer, Kong Fanlin asked his colleagues to drop all the information of Hou Shaoyun, but after investigation, it was found that Hou Shaoyun's identity was completely fake! No one knew him in the school he attended, as if he were just an invisible person.

The only explanation is that all Hou Shaoyun's personal information is only forged by himself.

As a result, the investigation became difficult. Just as everyone was at a loss, Shangguan Wanyun suddenly screamed and patted her hand, "I remember something!"

Everyone focused their eyes on Shangguan Wanyun. They didn't know what she thought of. Everyone's eyes were full of urgent concern.

Shangguan Wanyun rubbed her temples, "Yes, that's what happened!"

It turned out that Shangguan Wanyun thought of his first meeting with Hou Shaoyun in China. At that time, Hou Shaoyun once said that he and Shangguan Wanyun were in the same country. Although the two were many years apart, they were alumni.

The reason why Shangguan Wanyun thought of this is that when she just saw Hou Shaoyun's information, Guozhong was a completely strange school.

Think about it, Hou Shaoyun should have deliberately told the past according to his forged identity at that time. Since he said that he was an alumnus, in fact it was not the school registered on his information, which is very abnormal.

According to reason, after forging a false identity, there should be no need to destroy your lies according to that identity.

But Hou Shaoyun did not, but directly said that he and Shangguan Wanyun were alumni. In this way, the identity of the alumni is likely to be true.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Wanyun said the school in his country, and Kong Fanlin entered the school intranet investigation with a try attitude - because of their work identity problems, entering any intranet is like entering his own door, which surprised the people around him.

In fact, Shangguan Wanyun is also a little guilty. After all, Hou Shaoyun just said that to himself, and according to Hou Shaoyun's feelings, he should have wanted to pursue himself since he first met him when he returned to China. He said that he was an alumnus and was probably just to get close to himself. Just leave.

In this way, everyone searched for Hou Shaoyun's name with a try, but found that the name was not found at all.

"Maybe..." Shangguan Wanyun was very disappointed. "Maybe he just wanted to have a relationship with me and lied us."

"It's very possible."

"Forget it. I'm really sorry to provide false information to everyone."

But Kong Fanlin didn't mean to stop. "I don't think so. What he said about being an alumnus is likely to be true, so I think that since the identity can be fake, maybe even the name is fake."

Thinking of this, everyone also felt that it made sense and began to look for it from the photos.

"That's great!" Kong Fanlin said excitedly that his idea was confirmed - they found a photo from the intranet, exactly the same as Hou Shaoyun, which can be said to be a person.

and that person's name is Tang Ruike.

As soon as Shangguan Wanyun heard the name, she immediately thought of the last time in a Swedish university, she heard that a fat man was once called Hou Shaoyun ric! I think this is Hou Shaoyun's English name, which just matches!

Kong Fanlin excitedly conducted an investigation based on the name of Tang Ruike and found that Hou Shaoyun was born in an extremely ordinary family. His mother was a temporary worker, and his father only had a meager salary and a long-term alcoholism.

This shocked everyone. They didn't expect that Hou Shaoyun, who usually looked very tutored and temperamental, would grow up in such a family!

Kong Fanlin continued to investigate, but he didn't expect to find a more surprising thing!

It turns out that Hou Shaoyun, also known as Tang Ruike, once molesed a girl during his middle school and was dropped out of school. He lived in the juvenile delinquents education station for a long time. Since leaving the juvenile delinquents education station, Hou Shaoyun has been in society for two years and has done countless jobs in these two years, but It's not long, and it's just some jobs with very meager salaries - this is very ironic. Hou Shaoyun must be the only person here who has experienced this kind of thing. That is, after leaving the education station, almost all of their children have not found a good job, and most of them choose to continue to go to school. Unfortunately, Hou Shaoyun's family background is so ordinary that he can't provide him with an environment to continue to go to school.

When those children left the education station, they left there with hope and renewed blood, but soon, their enthusiasm was flattened and finally disappeared.

After living in society for a year, Hou Shaoyun once worked as a restaurant kitchen, doorman, salesman and even a cleaner, and also colluded with people in the underworld.

But these situations did not last for a long time. Two years later, Hou Shaoyun seemed to have evaporated from the world and never appeared again.

The life after "Tang Ruike" can no longer be investigated by any means.

Presumably, "Tang Ruike" has been transformed into Hou Shaoyun since then.

"What should we do now?" Shangguan Wanyun couldn't help asking.

In fact, as soon as Hou Shaoyun took Kong Fanlin upstairs, Shangguan Wanyun's heart had been hanging in her throat and had never been put down. She had been worried about whether Hou Shaoyun would resist and what to do if Hou Shaoyun was caught.

I have to say that even Shangguan Wanyun feels that his behavior is very inexplicable. Don't you like Hou Shaoyun? Why are you so worried about him?

And when she saw Hou Shaoyun resisting arrest, escaping and even shooting against Kong Fanlin, Shangguan Wanyun had a very disappointed feeling. She still couldn't believe that Hou Shaoyun would be such a person, but the fact that ** was naked in front of her had to accept it.

Now, in Shangguan Wanyun's heart is not only the disappointment of Hou Shaoyun, but also the worry about Hou Yunhai. Now Hou Shaoyun has been identified as the murderer and fled, that is to say, the only hope of Hou Yunhai is gone.

Everyone is concerned about this issue, not just Shangguan Wanyun. Hearing Shangguan Wanyun's first question, everyone couldn't help staring at Kong Fanlin.

These eyes made Kong Fanlin feel a kind of pressure. He thought for a moment, "There is only one way now."

"What? Go and catch Hou Shaoyun back?"

Hearing this answer, Kong Fanlin shook his head weakly and sighed. He took out something from his arms, a •1 sign, which he had just found in Hou Shaoyun's room.

"This is..."

Before Kong Fanlin finished speaking, Shangguan Wanyun blurted out, "Rend Midman!"

Everyone was surprised. Some people didn't expect it to be Red Midman. Some people were surprised to think that Hou Shaoyun was Red Midman, while Kong Fanlin was surprised because Shangguan Wanyun knew Red Midman!

Looking at everyone's expressions, Kong Fanlin smiled bitterly. No wonder so many incredible things will happen here. It turns out that everyone here is not ordinary people. They even know Red Midman, the most mysterious and powerful employment company in the world. It seems that no one can be ignored. Tong Xiaoke.

"Since you all know, I won't beat around the bush," Kong Fanlin's voice felt a sense of powerlessness. "When I just found out that Hou Shaoyun was picked up by a helicopter, I knew that Hou Shaoyun was not an ordinary person and must have a different background, but I didn't expect that he was Rhett. Midman's people. I think you all know Red Midman's background, and I won't be talkative. You should know Red Midman's strength and sphere of influence. It is almost impossible to find their people. I also say there is nothing I can do about it.

Although this kind of thing sounds very cowardly, no one has the intention of blaming Kong Fanlin. They know that this matter is not trivial.

"So what else can we do now?"

"The only thing we can do now is to communicate with the police on the island of Seles. Now that we have a solid fact that Hou Yunhai is not the murderer, the other party should let Hou Yunhai go," Kong Fanlin said very confidently at this time. "After all, we are not the police in this jurisdiction. Where to go to catch the murderers is just their job and has nothing to do with us. And all we have to do is prove that the murderer is someone else, not Hou Yunhai. It's that simple.

Everyone nodded and felt that what Kong Fanlin said made sense.

Thinking of this, after Kong Fanlin asked his subordinates to sort out all the information, the group came to the only police station on the island of Seles.

After hearing the other party's intention, the sheriff here received these people in person and took Kong Fanlin, a colleague, to his office for details.

Sitting opposite the sheriff, Kong Fanlin confidently took out the information he had sorted out and handed it to the sheriff. "This is our investigation of this case. Although we know that we should not intervene across the border, we still did it because of human relations. I hope you don't If you have other ideas, everyone is just to investigate the case.

The sheriff nodded, didn't mean to be angry at all, and looked through the information handed over by Kong Fanlin.

Seeing the other party walking around, Kong Fanlin was a little angry, as if the other party did not respect the results of his labor at all. "I hope you can see that these evidences are enough to prove that Hou Yunhai is not a murderer."

"This," the sheriff suddenly laughed and laughed inexplicably, but his expression quickly returned to seriousness. "Hou Yunhai is not the murderer, which we have known for a long time!"