Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 29 Thrilling Situation


A roar suddenly came from the sky, and an arrow broke through the sky and flew towards Xu Feng.

As soon as he heard the movement, Xu Feng's face immediately raised a mysterious smile. The unknown is always horrible, and it will continue to increase his pressure until he collapses.

But now, I know from the opponent's attack method that the other party is an archer, so I can't care about the unknown pressure.

Xu Feng stared closely at the arrows that broke through the air and took a small step back.


The arrow directly hit the original place where Xu Feng was stunned, and a few weeds were pierced by strong arrows.

Looking at the slightly trembling arrow tail, Xu Feng's heart couldn't help but be grateful. Fortunately, his two-hour walk and prediction of the enemy's attack were not in vain. At this critical moment, he finally came in handy and saved his life. Otherwise, the chance of this assessment would be very small.

"And now, it's hard to say!" Staring intently at the place where the arrows came, Xu Feng stared at it.

The dark shadow hidden under the shadow of the tree stood up as soon as he saw that he had been exposed.

The thin figure was hidden under the shadow of the thick black tree, making people unable to see his expression clearly. His long left hand was tightly holding a long green bow, and he stood on the trunk of the tree, like a poisonous snake, giving people a sense of danger.

One is under the tree and the other is on the tree. The two people stare at each other closely, like a pair of sworn enemies, and the invisible aura wanders between them.

"You can't act rashly now, because the archer is also a trap master. Who knows if he will set a trap in front of him to wait for me. You know, in this copy, you can't add blood and return blood. How many HP is, and you can't even return blood in battle, unless you have its own skills. Add blood."

Xu Feng stared cautiously at the other party, but his mind was operating at a high speed. Now, every HP is as precious as gold, so it can't be wasted at all, and the other party is the same.

Archers and mages, who are the strongest long-range professional kings, have caused a long-term debate on the fantasy forum.

Generally speaking, archers have a longer range than mage, and mobility is also one of two in the fantasy world.

Compared with archers, the mage's attack is higher, and the defense of both sides is that the archers win, although their defense is half a catty laugh for the warriors, and no one can think better.

But the archer wears leather armor, while the mage wears fragile cloth armor.


Xu Feng's eyes narrowed into a line and stared at his opponent.


The shadow jumped quickly between the trunk and the trunk, as if it were a black elf, quickly shifting its position repeatedly.

"This is the center of the forest, and I can't find an empty place!" Xu Feng stared at his opponent carefully, glanced at the surrounding environment with the corners of his eyes, thinking depressedly.

In the woods, it is like a tiger adding wings to the archer, but it is useless for himself.

With a flash of eyes, the dark shadow in Xu Feng's sight suddenly disappeared, and the woods returned to the strange silence of the past.

"Is it gone again?" Xu Feng looked at the trees around him with regret and tried his best to find the real TMD broken system. What kind of task is this? He was speechless.

But at this time, Xu Feng didn't wait for a long time.


A sharp roar sounded abruptly behind the wind.

"It's coming!" Xu Feng's eyes lit up and his head did not look back, moving quickly to the right.


One arrow fell, and the other two arrows directly hit Xu Feng's back.


Although the pain was very small, Xu Feng's HP was instantly reduced, leaving only 171 HP.

Xu Feng turned around angrily, but he didn't see anything. He was really angry. However, from this moment on, he also proved that his skills were still not good. Unexpectedly, the arrows that attacked him were only heard. It seemed that he still had to practice hard to deal with hearing and subtleties.

For good, my MP is still full, and the other party is just a level 10 little archer. As long as you give yourself a chance, I believe that you will be able to KO off the other party.

Phantom personal strength assessment copy, the assessment NPC in it does not improve with the improvement of the character level, but set that the primary assessment NPC is one, level 10, intermediate strength assessment NPC is one, level 30, and the above assessment, because most of the players' levels are Stay below level 40, so there is no way to know the assessment content and level on the tower.

"The primary assessment is so difficult. No wonder some people have to wait for more than 20 levels to suppress them to pass the customs." Xu Feng looked around cautiously and thought with a headache.

"However, in the personal strength ranking list on the forum, the first ten people were all successfully promoted at more than 10 levels and passed at one time." Xu Feng's eyes flashed, "Naturally others can pass the customs, so can I!"

Thinking of this, Xu Feng's eyes burst into strong self-confidence.

At this moment, Xu Feng began to move his steps. "Staying in place is not only passive, but also becomes a fixed rake of the enemy, but the effect is that you can't even touch the enemy's shadow. If the enemy doesn't move, then I will make myself a bait and let him show a flaw, and what I want is this silk, as long as I give myself If you have one chance, believe that he will be doomed again.

Xu Feng's eyes are sharp, and the staff in his hand is ready to go.

The forest is still dead as usual, and the bright sunlight in the sky can hardly shine in, so the whole forest looks very gloomy, and there is no animal cry, which increases the strange atmosphere of the forest.


Xu Feng swallowed his saliva hard, and his right hand looked pale and pale because he held the staff too hard.


A dark arrow quickly attacked from the left rear of Xu Feng.

"I won't be fooled again!" Xu Feng turned around and didn't look at the arrow. He quickly raised the staff in his hand and said, "Go!"

The extremely fast ice arrow quickly shot into the dark.



Looking at the head, a black number rising from the dense leaves, Xu Feng's eyes flashed a cold light, as dazzling as a knife body.

And he also lost 32 points of HP, leaving only 139 points of HP.

"Take advantage of his illness and kill him!" Xu Feng quickly ran in the direction of the shadow, but the movements in his hand kept accumulating violent fire elements.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching.

"The level 10 archer must not have much blood, only about 200HP at most, and I can kill him with only 4 times!" Xu Feng calculated coldly, and the eyes on his beautiful face looked cold and ruthless.


Xu Feng, who was running, felt an abnormality as soon as he stepped out of his right foot.


Before Xu Feng could react, he spewed a flame from his feet, accompanied by a loud noise.

-48, and Xu Feng's body ignited a blazing flame, taking him 12 o'clock HP every second.

Xu Feng's HP is not good, leaving only 91 HP, and 12 HP drops per second, which is not a good situation for Xu Feng, who doesn't have much HP.

"I forgot his trap!" Xu Feng's eyes flashed with a trace of regret.

Now is a time to race against time, and Xu Feng only has 7.58 seconds left, that is, less than eight seconds. As long as eight seconds pass, Xu Feng's HP will continue to fall, which means that he has failed in the assessment.

"You must not fail!" Xu Feng didn't care about anything else and quickly chased the dark shadow. His beautiful face revealed a momentum of moving forward bravely.

He was hit by the shadow of the ice arrow and couldn't escape at this moment, because he did not have the speed to escape. What the two sides are fighting for at this moment is speed.

"Go!" Running only 8 yards away from the shadow, Xu Feng sent out an unusual fireball.

The hot flame ball took away 52 points of HP from the shadow.

"As long as you do it twice, you can KO each other!" Xu Feng prayed secretly, "God bless!" For him with few skills, he can only pray to God at this moment, although he never believes these.


Three arrows flew towards Xu Feng from three directions.

"Three consecutive thanks to the archer?" Xu Feng's eyes were stunned, and then his face was full of grimness. At this moment, his forehead was covered with sweat the size of rice grains. As long as he was hit by these three arrows, coupled with continuous blood, he would definitely finish playing.