Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 84 What is a blessing

Suddenly, everyone's mind was raised, but due to the appearance of the first mysterious equipment, everyone also let go of this one. However, Xu Feng is still a little nervous. After all, this one is his own professional type. If it is used up, it can be sold again, so he wants to get it very much, but the reality is disabled. Cool, this robe was finally given by Ziyan.

"Why!" Although Xu Feng was calm on the surface, his heart was already stormy. Did God care for me at all? After everyone's complaint, the third equipment, the orange-level bow, suddenly appeared. Xu Feng was no longer disappointed at this moment.

"Alas!" With a faint sigh, Xu Feng's eyes immediately moved to the backpack and did not pay attention to the dice on the copy panel, or he was afraid of disappointment again.

Xu Feng looked at the purple-level ring lying quietly in his backpack, and a trace of relief flashed in his eyes, "For good thing, there is this comfort award!"

Just when Xu Feng did not dare to witness the dice in front of him, suddenly, Xu Feng only felt a flash in front of him, and suddenly there was a long orange bow in his backpack for no reason, and he saw it lying there quietly. "This... Yes..." Xu Feng was stunned.

"Congratulations, buddy!"

Xu Feng looked at it in shock, and suddenly Xu Changman's congratulatory voice came from the voice channel.

The sight returned to the orange-level bow in the backpack again, and saw it lying there quietly, motionless, "I, I'm not dreaming!" Xu Feng rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and his whole body was a little stupid.

"It's still there!" Xu Feng trembled and took the long bow in front of him in his hand and felt the strange weight in his hand. Xu Feng finally believed that it was true. This orange-level long bow was obtained by himself.

"I didn't expect that God still favored me!" Xu Feng's eyes burst out with a strong color and stared straight at the sky of the game. There was a trace of crystal in the corners of his eyes. He was looking forward to getting a valuable equipment for a long time.

Next, everyone was not so happy, but there were seven pieces of purple equipment. Although Xu Feng was not given any more equipment, the second-level magic attack gems were still given one, but Xu Feng did not care. After all, it was very satisfying for him to get the orange-level long bow.

"It's really..." Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "It's full of twists and turns!"

After a while, everyone divided the equipment, and everyone got more or less a lot of equipment, but no matter how bad it is, everyone has at least one piece of equipment above the purple level.

The worst is Xu Changman. Maybe the system is finally normal this time. He got the most rubbish plate armor boots. Although it is useless, it can at least sell for dozens of yuan.

Next, there are some polite greetings from everyone, but Ziyan and Thirteen Swords, who are more lonely, are not involved.

Several people added friends to each other. After all, it is the first time for everyone to pass the difficult level copy, and it is necessary to commemorate it.

And Ziyan on one side, when he added Xu Feng's friend, he was silent for a while, and then said, "Change?"

"Huh?" Xu Feng was stunned for a moment. Fortunately, he had always been sensitive and soon understood, "Change!" Similarly, since he opened his mouth first and was not afraid of losing, Xu Feng didn't care, because he took advantage of it first. The orange-level robe is more useful than the orange-level bow he got.

Soon, the two completed the transaction. Looking at the extremely longing robe of the backpack, Xu Feng couldn't help but be excited. If he took this one, his defense alone would be greatly improved.

"Calm, calm!" Xu Feng suppressed the activity in his heart. After all, there were outsiders present, and he basically didn't want to show any thoughts to outsiders in front of people.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Feng put on a smile mask and greeted several people. When they were about to part at the end, Wangchuan pulled Xu Feng to the side.

"Have you thought about it? Do you want to join our guild?" Wangchuan deliberately lowered his voice.

"I haven't discussed this with him yet!" Xu Fengdong looked around and said with a little guilty.

"Anyway, we welcome you at any time... "Ses!" Wangchuan said the word 'you' and finally found something wrong, and then added the last word 'you'.

"Ye, thank you in advance. If we want to add it, we will give priority to you." Xu Feng's face was still full of joy when he got the equipment.

"Goodbye! Contact me if you have anything!" When Wangchuan saw this, he knew that he could not force it, so he took a step forward and shook hands with Xu Feng. After that, he returned to the passer-by and Ziyan.

He smiled faintly at the thirteen swords, and then said politely, "In the future, when you are free, let's brush the copy together. Goodbye!"

The thirteen swords glanced at him, but nodded plainly, without saying anything or saying anything.

After receiving the signal of the thirteen swords, Wangchuan shrugged his shoulders and nodded to him. Then he waved his hand with Xu Feng and Xu Changman, and resolutely turned around and left with Ziyan and passers-by.

The passer-by followed Wangchuan for a step or two, then turned to Xu Feng and the others, made a bright face, and finally waved his hand and left happily.

"Hey, brother, there's something interesting, remember to CALL me!" Xu Changman also made a face at him and shouted loudly in the back.

"boring!" Xu Feng curled his lips and said with a disdainful face.

"Well, just say you're jealous." When Xu Changman heard this, he immediately turned his head, looked at him and said.

Xu Feng gave him a speechless glance and turned around and walked towards the thirteen swords.

"That..." As soon as Xu Feng opened his mouth, he was coldly interrupted by the thirteen swords, "I'm leaving!" Leave these three words briefly, and then leave with the long sword on his back.

"I..." Xu Feng opened his mouth and didn't say anything after all. He always felt that he would see him again in the future, so at this moment, he was not in a hurry and quietly watched him leave. Xu Feng sighed a little melancholy. After all, he still didn't say thank you to him. It was the same as Wanfeng Valley last time.

"This man is really nagging!" Xu Changman looked at it seriously, and finally changed his tone and said admiringly, "However, the master should be like this!" Hahaha..." In the end, he laughed exaggeratedly and did not blame him. After all, in the copy, everyone died, and only he and the Thirteen Swords were not dead, so it was difficult for him to be unhappy at this moment.

Xu Feng looked around speechlessly and saw that everyone gathered to watch, so he quickly left him three steps away with an expression that had nothing to do with me.


Looking at the neurotic expression of the players around him, Xu Chang touched the back spoon awkwardly, and then quickly squeezed out the crowd and went out.

"Warehouse collection!"

Looking at Xu Changman, who hurriedly left this sentence, Xu Feng shook his head silently and smiled, "Alas, why!"

Simply clean up and hand over Graca's daily tasks. Suddenly, the experience increased by about 5%. When his eyes swept to the personal attribute panel, Xu Feng sighed silently.

"Alas, the level has dropped, it's really..." Xu Feng's face was a little depressed, but then he was happy again. "But fortunately, I got a long orange robe, otherwise, I would have lost a lot this time!"

No longer thinking about anything else, Xu Feng followed Xu Changman's back, and soon the two gathered at the warehouse.

"You're not mean enough to treat me like a monkey." Xu Chang was extremely dissatisfied and looked at Xu Feng with extreme contempt.

"Who called you so idiot?" Xu Feng was too lazy to look at him. He rolled his eyes up, passed him, and walked towards the warehouse NPC.

"Hmm!" Xu Changman turned his head aside and inserted his eyebrows upside down, looking very angry.

"I wanted to take you to practice..." Seeing Xu Changman's resentful expression, Xu Feng suddenly stopped, deliberately said halfway, and then stopped and turned his head to look around inadvertently. "It seems that I can only brush by myself. Don't regret it!"

"I'll tell you earlier!" When Xu Changman heard this, he immediately walked to Xu Feng's side with a big smile and said awkwardly, "I'm joking with you. Can I be so stingy!"