Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 93 The Unlucky Butcher's Sword

Soon, the Butcher's sword rushed to the players, raising his hands and matching his rugged body shape. Although he really had a little momentum, "Guys, this is the boss found by the Butcher's Guild. I hope you don't make trouble!" While blocking the angry crowd, the Tu Emperor's sword glanced at them contemptuously and said threateningly, "Otherwise..."

Originally, when everyone heard the sentence in front of him, they were still quite afraid. When they heard the last stop, 'Otherwise...', they were immediately angry. Everyone changed. Everyone was a player, and it was fine to be angry in reality. Unexpectedly, they were still threatened in the game. Now there is no need to be teased by Xu Feng, in reality. The crowd that were excluded immediately led the crowd and rushed towards them angrily.

The players in the front row couldn't help but raise their weapons and cut down the members of the Slaughter Guild in front of them...

"What a stupid idiot!"

The ghost was so angry that he vomited blood. As soon as he saw the butcher's sword saying this, he knew that it would be bad things. If it hadn't been for his brother's lifeless share, he wouldn't have taken this stupid pig with him.

"Peerless, take those famous players of the guild to withdraw first. Your equipment can't be violent here..." The ghost eye exhaled deeply and forced himself to calm down. Now if they don't make some preparations in advance, maybe these elite players in the guild will be in danger, so their action this time will not be worth the loss.

"This..." On the one hand, the famous peerless said hesitantly.

"If you ask you to go, just leave..." The ghost eyes couldn't care about anything. He pulled down his face on the spot and shouted in a low voice.

"Be careful, your level..." Peerless look at the waves of people like the sea tide. The slaughter emperor's knife could not play a role in a shade at all. On the contrary, it intensified their speed.

"I have my own proportion, let's go..." The ghost eyes stared at those crazy players coldly, without any fear on his face.

"Good!" Peerless also knew that it was useless to say more about the situation at this time, and immediately took more than 20 famous players and quickly retreated to the distance.

At this time, nothing happened. The ghost's eyes flashed a trace of gloomy, and he glanced at the influx of players with hatred.

Watch Xu Feng here at any time. As soon as he saw the peerless players retreating with more than 20 red players, he immediately understood that they were going to escape. "I won't let you do what you want!"

"Let's go, everyone. There are more than 20 famous players there, and the equipment may be better than the boss..." Xu Feng mixed in the crowd and stirred loudly.

"There really is!"


Suddenly, the crowd* drowned the people of the butcher's sword and ran in the direction of the ghost's eye.

"It's him..." The butcher's sword, who hated Xu Feng very much, immediately thought of Xu Feng as soon as he heard this sound, and couldn't help but think of the scene of the day in his mind.

"It's here. You're finished. There's no trap here!" The butcher's sword, which struggled to avoid the crazy crowd in the crowd, heard the itchy voice in his dream, like dry wood encountering a fire, and the anger in his chest burned hotly.

I saw the Tuhuang's sword desperately pushing towards Xu Feng's place, but the crowd at this time was completely*, and soon he lost Xu Feng's figure.

A bright light cut through the sky and gushed out from behind the ghost eye. The cold blade pointed to the ground, and a clear rainbow slowly flowed slowly on his cold knife surface. The ghost eye raised his head coldly...

"Ghost Run!"

With the fierce shout of the ghost eye, a black fog suddenly appeared on the ghost eye's body, wrapping him tightly in it so that people could not see his figure clearly.

"What kind of trick is this?" Xu Feng, who watched the situation here at any time, flashed a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

The wind blows, the black fog surges, and then floats away...

"Where are the people..." Xu Feng's eyes suddenly opened wide and looked at the place where the black fog drifted, which was empty. "Is it missing?"

This is too terrible. Xu Feng can't believe staring at the uninhabited grassland. Is this a unique skill of Shura's profession?

Just when Xu Feng was surprised, the crowd flooded this area in an instant, and the surrounding lightning leopard was also destroyed by the players in an instant.

The crowd was divided into two groups, the larger one rushed in the direction of the boss, and the other smaller group was to catch up with the group of famous players led by the peerless.

And Xu Feng mixed in the crowd and moved in the direction of BOSS. Jokingly, those famous players are above 30 levels, and he doesn't want to die.

The tornado is gradually disappearing, and the number of damage to the boss is slowly decreasing...


With a gentle breeze, the tornado finally dissipated gorgeously from everyone's vision like a fireworks. Suddenly, it came and went invisible.

With the dissipation of the tornado, the BOSS hidden in it is finally displayed in front of everyone. At this moment, its blood volume has bottomed out, and there is not much HP. The white fur of the whole body is no longer as noble as before, and the whole body is messy.

God's eyes have also become turbid at this moment, like a dying old man, so that as long as you push it gently, you can get rid of it effortlessly.

The lightning-shaped sign on the forehead is also dim, as if it has consumed all its energy...

What, it's not dead?

Everyone was surprised. The open eyes seemed to crack again, and the eyeballs in the pupils almost jumped out. After all, the amazing sky caused by the skill just now was obvious to everyone. I didn't expect that this BOSS could survive in such a bad environment, which had to be said to be a miracle.

The ghost eye hidden beside him was also stunned to see that the boss was still alive. His eyes flashed and he took back the skills he wanted to send...

After all, the setting of the fantasy world is the same as reality. No one counts the last blow, but the experience of this boss, without any surprise, will be their guild, because the HP of the boss is originally fought by them...

It's just that anyone can pick up the items of BOSS violence. In other words, it is obtained by those who are predestined!

"It's not the time to start..." The ghost's eyes faintly put away the violent breath on his body, and his eyes flashed fiercely. "Aren't you going to pick up a bargain? Don't blame me later!"

At this moment, the members of the Tuhuang Guild have been completely disrupted. In the crowd, the ghost eye can only hide aside with the tide and peep at the machine.

"Grass, man, I must find you and make me lose such a big point in front of everyone..." The emperor's sword in the crowd looked like a pig liver, urgently pushing the player in front of him and angrily searching for Xu Feng.

On that day, he returned to the guild, because he did not have a yellow name, so some good people understood that he had suffered a loss, and they also shouted in the guild. Soon, his deeds were recited in the guild. This was his great shame. A soldier of more than 20, fully equipped with purple Above the level, it is no more than an 11-level trainee mage,

"Get out of here!" Thinking of this, the Butcher's sword was even more angry and pushed away a mage in front of him.

"Your mother..." The mage was pushed away and immediately scolded at the butcher's sword.

As soon as he heard that the other party was scolding him, he was immediately angry. In addition, the man was also a mage, which made him think of Xu Feng. Now he was completely *, like a ignited bomb.

"I'll kill you!"

Without saying a word, the Tu Emperor's sword swayed the purple sword in his hand and smashed towards him.

The mage had no space to dodge in the crowd, and his defense was also low. Within a few times, he was killed by the butcher's knife, and his soul turned into a white light and returned to the west.

The butcher's sword also suddenly became a yellow name. Now, the crowd around him paid attention to him.

At first glance, it is good equipment, and everyone's mind is like watching a certain film, looking at the butcher's sword.

"You..." Now the butcher's sword saw their wolf-like eyes and knew the bad things. His face changed again and again, and he stuttered.