Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 132 Accident?

Continue to grope towards the side. There are many paths in Wanfeng Valley, and the space in the valley is also very large. Countless paths are winding, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Xu Feng, who couldn't find a good goal, could only be patient again and move forward step by step towards the vast front. The more he walked, the farther away he was from the valley mouth.

"I really admire myself at that time. I panicked and found the tunnel!" Seeing this dense and hairy path during the search, Xu Feng had to admire himself at that time and ran there desperately. He didn't know whether he should say that this was God's arrangement or his luck.

With this simple thought, the anxiety brought by Xu Feng's search disappeared for a moment.

Just as Xu Feng turned a corner, his godless eyes suddenly lit up. In the previous bushes, there was only a big yellow flower standing there, and there was half the size of a basketball court around. This is undoubtedly Xu Feng's ideal place to brush monsters.

"The emperor lived up to his heart and finally let me find this ideal place."

Xu Feng's eyes looked at the big yellow flower with a little excitement, weighed it left and right, and then took out the anti-sky sacred weapon from his back. Looking at the surface as if it seemed to be flowing with dark gold **, Xu Feng's eyes couldn't help taking a deep breath, "I'm going to use it. This is the first time since I got this weapon. "

Thinking of this, holding its hands, he couldn't help tightening and slowly exhaling the breath he had just breathed in. Xu Feng stared at the big yellow flower in front of him, and his eyes suddenly restrained.

In the quiet Wanfeng Valley, invisible wind elements quickly gathered around Xu Feng, and the vegetation and some fallen leaves under his feet were suddenly blown away by the sudden breeze.

In the shrinking eyes, the cold light flashed by without any warning. A blue wind blade toswirled and roared towards the big yellow flower 15 yards away from Xu Feng.


The huge yellow flower immediately split under the attack of this fierce wind blade and shot away in all directions.


Then, under the falling flowers, a duck-sized bumblebee looked around in a little frightened. Obviously, this sudden attack frightened them who were resting.

Before they came to their senses, Xu Feng raised his stick and fell, and another fireball shot at them.

Hot fireballs beat one of them back, and with splashing Mars, an amazing number slowly emerged from it, -89!

"It's worthy of being a sacred weapon. This damage can be several times higher than before!"

Xu Feng suddenly came to his senses and quickly. He looked at home and launched the three skills in the skill bar in turn.

The cold ice arrow controlled the speed of the other party, and the other two single attack skills were launched by Xu Feng's terrible speed, almost continuously shooting at the angry bumblebee.

When the bumblebee braved a dense rain-like attack and flew to Xu Feng's side, Xu Feng, who was still indifferent, only flashed. Using the teleportation skill, he reached 15 yards away from the bumblebee.

Finally, the four angry bumblebees unwillingly fell under Xu Feng's fast and high attack.

With the fall of the burnt body of the bumblebee, Xu Feng used a small return elixir and slowly recovered his MP.

Picked up the poor copper coins of the bumblebee on the ground. Xu Feng stood quietly, waiting for the bumblebee to refresh, while thinking carefully about the situation of the battle just now.

"This artifact is so unbelievable. Thanks to his best attributes just now, this is really great!" Xu Feng's calm face flashed a trace of fluctuation, "Whether it is the cooling time is halved, the critical strike is increased by 10% or the casting is increased by 50%, and each attribute is put on a single equipment, this equipment must be the best, not to mention the equipment with these three attributes concentrated together, it is difficult to be powerful."

This can also explain the reason why Xu Feng easily solved these four bumblebees easily.

"A small problem is that the speed of casting is very fast, almost reaching the point of instantaneous skills, but the rapid launch of the skill brings a shortage of MP medicine, and now I am a yellow name, and I can't go to the pharmacy to buy supplies. It seems..." Xu Feng quickly turned his mind and said, "It seems that Changman has to send medicine to himself, and also take him to level 15 as soon as possible and change into that long orange bow."

Thinking of this, Xu Feng did not hesitate to open the private chat voice and sent a private chat request to the thief world on the panel.

With a beep, Xu Feng instantly connected to the private chat voice with Xu Changman.

"Will it take so long to have a meal? It's only now!"

Xu Feng, who was about to speak, didn't have time to speak, so he was hit by Xu Changman, who was impatient.

"I have something to worry about." Xu Feng said carelessly that he couldn't tell him that he was meditated, so let's put it aside.

"Oh!" Xu Changman, who was a little nervous, didn't doubt it. He quickly put this matter aside and asked puzzledly, "What's the matter with me? Did you wash it out by Huang Ming?"

"Wash it off? Not yet!" Xu Feng first simply answered his questions, and then said the purpose of this time, "Where is it? Come to Wanfeng Valley, I'll take you to practice."

"True or false?" When Xu Changman heard this, he immediately jumped to ask.

"Of course it's true, but..." Xu Feng said this with a little guilty, "But..."

"But what..." Xu Chang listened to Xu Feng's hesitant words strangely. It was rare. It was the first time he heard Xu Feng speak in such an embarrassing tone.

"Just bring some medicine, you know, I'm unemployed, so..." Xu Feng didn't say any more, because his personality made him unable to say the next words.

"Well, I told you earlier. It's okay. I'll come later." Xu Chang patted his chest and said proudly, "They are all brothers. You are still polite to me, really!"

"Uh!" Xu Feng smiled bitterly when he heard the words. It is because he is a brother that it is difficult to trouble others. If he is not really fast to brush monsters, it can bring great economic benefits to both sides. Maybe Xu Feng will take a local method while brushing monsters while waiting for MP reply. However, in this way, the speed of training will naturally be greatly reduced. Come down.

Now that he solved his own MP problem, Xu Feng used the pills of his backpack without hesitation. He only saw the blue light on Xu Feng's body flashed, and then his MP slot immediately added 50 points.

Waving this one in his hand against the sky, Xu Feng once again threw himself into the rapid brush monster, no longer worrying about the MP problem of Xu Feng. The whole person is like a full-power machine, ruthlessly harvesting the life of the bumblebee.

Starting with the wind blade, the second hand fireball, then the ice arrow, followed by a series of single attack skills, and then under their impact, a flash opened the distance between the two sides...

According to the above tactics, Xu Feng became more and more convenient. Every skill was used by him. Every time the bumblebee was refreshed, it was quickly destroyed by him.

On the way, Xu Changman came to Wanfeng Valley, and then in order to pick him up, Xu Feng slowly retreated to the mouth of Wanfeng Valley and thought about the route here with his extraordinary mind.

picked up Xu Changman and came to that place again. Under Xu Feng's terrible harvest speed, he saw the experience bars of both sides brushing, climbing like rockets. Xu Changman on one side suddenly smiled and couldn't close his mouth and read that Xu Feng didn't call him earlier.

Xu Feng was ruthlessly harvesting the bumblebee. With his concentration, he couldn't spare any time to answer Xu Changman's proud words, so he just smiled simply.

However, Xu Changman, who was extremely excited, no longer disturbed Xu Feng. Every time Xu Feng finished the fight, he ran over and picked up the bumblebee on the ground.

In this way, they have been brushing the bumblebee in this rhubarb flower at such a terrible speed. They can't even see the system and no longer give Xu Feng anything violently.

At this moment, a slight footstep slowly came into Xu Feng's ears. At this moment, three of the five bumblebees had been destroyed by Xu Feng, and two were trying to get close to Xu Feng.