Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 135 Two hands 1

Xu Feng withdrew his sight on Xu Changman's body, turned his head and stared at the fierce collision between the thirteen swords and the BOSS again, and looked at the MISS rising from time to time on the boss's head. Xu Feng looked at the anti-sky attributes and sighed with regret. If there were more hits, it would be perfect, but not in a hurry. According to the old man, this sacred weapon is still incomplete. As long as it is made complete, the attributes of the time, according to the old man's expression, are absolutely more perfect than now.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng's calm face suddenly turned upside down like a white cloud blown by the wind. Just as Xu Feng and Xu were full of their own thoughts, the battle of the thirteen swords became more and more intense.


The dark golden giant bee king, whose huge wings patted down, quickly approached the thirteen swords at a high speed, with a cold sharp tail needle, which was a lightning-like hard piercing at him.

The flickering tail needle of the black light pierced the air, resulting in a disordered airflow, blowing on the long black hair of the thirteen swords, and the long hair flying, bringing a deep crisis.

In the face of the fast shuttled attack of the giant bee king, the face of the thirteen swords remained unchanged, and the long sword in his hand flashed, and the cold sword body just blocked the sharp blow of the giant bee king.

With a crisp sound, the waiting thirteen swords had to take a step back in confusion under the close observation of Xu Feng and Xu Changman.

"Oh, my God, is the power of the giant bee king's attack so strong?" Xu Changman couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw the thirteen swords and said unhappiness.

"That's the strong power brought by extreme speed!" Although Xu Feng on the other side was also full of surprise, he controlled his emotions well and did not let his inner emotions appear.

"In a word, the law of power brought by acceleration is not good..." When Xu Changman heard this, he looked at him contemptuously.

Just as Xu Changman ridiculed Xu Feng, the counterattack of the thirteen swords began!

Blocking the attack of the giant queen bee, the thirteen swords dodged the two huge pliers of the predecessor of the giant queen bee, and then flashed and moved to the right side of the giant queen bee.

Looking at the flawed giant queen bee king, the long sword in the hand of the thirteen swords suddenly pulled out a long remnants and quickly bombarded the dark golden abdomen of the giant queen bee king. Under this blow, the giant queen bee retreated slightly and a small damage number floated from its head, -27!

The sword light kept shining, and the sad blade was picked up, raising the stiff giant bee king again.


The thirteen swords, which were full of murderous spirit, flashed in his eyes and jumped. The long sword in his hand brought a beautiful sword rainbow and hit the back of the stiff giant queen bee heavily.

A critical strike quickly rose from its fallen body, -85!

The thirteen swords that fell to the ground did not adjust the unstable center of gravity of the body. The long sword in his hand stroked again, and a broken tendon skill shot straight at the giant bee king who had just bounced from the ground.


"I RI, so weak!"

Seeing this shocking MISS, Xu Changman suddenly exclaimed, and Xu Feng on one side also nodded slightly, but the king-level BOSS's own immunity and dodge are already so high, not to mention that the broken tendon skill is still a control skill, which is similar to his ice arrow. How can the work be so good that it can not be avoided by it?

Although this MISS disrupted the attack rhythm of the thirteen swords, he was obviously not used to this situation, so he did not hesitate and immediately rolled to the side.


A yellow light shot out from the dark ink-like tail needle of the giant bee king. The yellow light, which was as big as an embroidery needle, heavily bombarded the place where the thirteen swords had just stood. Suddenly, a deep pit the size of the palm of the hand suddenly appeared, and some charred fallen leaves were scattered on the edge of the smoking pit around it.

"It's so fierce!" Xu Chang's eyes widened, swallowed his saliva with great effort, and praised from the bottom of his heart.

Xu Feng turned his head and looked at him speechlessly. Who is this talking about? Is it the King of the Giant Bee or the Thirteen Swords?

However, the thirteen swords that had just escaped the blow did not stop rolling, and the sharp yellow light quickly pierced the valley that Xu Feng had passed through.

In a short time, the valley within three meters of the thirteen swords was suddenly full of potholes and depressions, with a sense of coolness.

However, the giant bee king emitted so many needle rays in one breath, which may have reached the limit and sent out a slightly dim needle light again. It stopped this crazy move. Its wings moved from the air and dived towards the thirteen swords that were still rolling. The transparent wings emitted a dazzling cold light under the scorching sun.

Once again dodged the last blow of the giant bee king's needle, the thirteen swords were wrapped in dirt at this time. The previous elegance had disappeared and disappeared, and the cold scenery of the past could not be seen.

However, his movements were still extremely fast. He coldly looked at the giant bee king who swooped quickly. He raised his hand and racked hardly patted the potholed valley. With the power of this rebound, thirteen swords ejected, which could avoid the inevitable blow of the giant bee king.


The unlucky valley suddenly became the substitute of the thirteen swords. The already potholed ground was twisted by the giant queen bee king's pair of pliers, and suddenly made a dull sound, and then a bigger pit suddenly appeared.

"Flame Cut!"

The opportunity appeared again. The thirteen swords did not hesitate. The long sword in his hand stroked, and the sword light flashed continuously. A fiery red flame burned from the sharp sword. Driven by the wrist of the thirteen swords, it heavily bombarded the giant queen bee who was about to turn back.


"MISS again!" Xu Feng had to admire the difficulty of the king-level boss. It seems that even if it is as strong as the thirteen swords, he can only do nothing about it without the help of others.

After all, this is a game, not a reality, and attributes are also an important foundation in the game.

"Do you want to play together!" Obviously, the BOSS's next MISS made the indifferent Thirteen Swords take the initiative to ask Xu Feng standing aside for help.

"King-level boss, and the conditions here are so good, with the assistance of empty areas and masters, there should be no problem to take it down!"

Xu Feng thought carefully, held the sky in his hand and felt the warmth on his body. Let's fight. He has no job. If he doesn't work hard, how can he do it? Since ancient times, there has been a saying of wealth and danger.

Soon he figured out Xu Feng's joints and immediately said to Xu Changman on one side, "You leave the team first, so that when you form a team with him, it will be a disaster for the boss."

"Ye!" Xu Changman nodded with understanding. Obviously, he didn't want the hard-won experience to be lost here. You know, he was extremely eager to bring the 15-level orange bow in the warehouse, and his heart could be said to be blazing.

The understanding of his friends made Xu Feng speechless with a trace of comfort and faintly suppressed this feeling. Xu Feng left the team and submitted a request to form a team to the thirteen swords in the struggle.

Soon, the two completed the team. There were only two lonely people in the team, thirteen swords and bloody blades.

Xu Feng, who had just joined the team, didn't say much. He waved his stick and a cyan wind blade turned around and hit the giant queen bee who was chasing the thirteen swords fiercely.

The strong force directly moved the giant bee king by a small inch. At the same time, a small damage number slowly emerged.


Looking at this damage number much higher than his own attack, a trace of forgiveness flashed in the eyes of the thirteen swords, but the surprise in his eyes soon disappeared. Instead, it was sharp to the giant queen bee king, obviously the arrival of Xu Feng, and the attack shown all aroused the coldness in the heart of the thirteen swords. Long-lasting fighting spirit.

A shocking sword light suddenly burst out from the dark valley and was severely bombarded on the body of the giant queen bees under the fast and sharp sword of the thirteen swords.

Between the sword light splashes, a high damage number floats prominently!


The critical strike reappeared, giving the giant bee king a critical strike thirteen swords, and did not stop. The long sword in his hand once again waved a sharp whirlwind and cut again to the giant bee king who was blown back by the blow just now.


When the giant bee was hit back by this extremely fast two blows, and it was not easy to take a breath, the long sword of the thirteen swords once again bloomed violently in its somewhat frightened pupils.