Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 137 Two Hands 3

At present, Xu Chang was full of thoughts and thought. He spread his calves and slowly trotted towards the corner in the corner.

For Xu Changman's departure, Xu Feng, whose expression was all focused on the boss at this time, did not find it. If he saw it, he might laugh and scold. It seems that this boy is not a brainless person and knows how to avoid it far away.

The unmoving cyan clouds soon disappeared, all of which disappeared into the body of the giant bee king, and soon the dark gold of its body was replaced by cyan.

"This..." Xu Feng looked at this scene speechlessly. He thought it was a shocking skill, but he didn't expect that his body was full of color.

The thirteen swords standing aside were stunned. Obviously, this phenomenon was also unexpected, but he still stood there alertly, staring at the "beauty-changing" giant bee king without blinking.


The giant bee king's wings trembled gently, and a series of blue shadows appeared. The cold blue eyes were now looking coldly at Xu Feng and the Thirteen Swords on the valley.

"This is..." Xu Feng looked at the strange giant bee king and asked with a little surprise.


Thirteen swords glanced at Xu Feng, who was stunned in place, and reminded him like gold.

"So that's it. His skill should be in the state of acceleration. I don't know if there is anything else..." Xu Feng was stunned for a moment and soon understood.

The giant bee king hissed and flew quickly towards Xu Feng. The first thing it wanted to solve was this weak man, Xu Feng, who had the lowest defense.

"Be careful!"

The thirteen swords said a simple sentence, and then took out a scroll with a cyan luster from his backpack. He pressed the thumb of his hand slightly, and suddenly a pair of cyan wings automatically grew on his back like an angel.

"What kind of scroll is this, so awesome..."

Xu Feng's eyes swept at the amazing change of the thirteen swords, and he couldn't help guessing in his heart, but he did not say these questions, because he knew that even if he asked, the thirteen swords would not say it, so it was in vain.

The wings on the back of the thirteen swords gently spread, and the body suddenly rushed forward. The shadow behind him actually dragged out a series of long shadows behind him. With a little toes, the rushing body suddenly stopped, but the upper body still shook slightly.

"It seems that this is also the first time he has used this scroll." Xu Feng looked at the slightly astringent action of the thirteen swords and immediately understood, "This scroll should be the wind wing scroll of the magician, which is an advanced skill."

Xu Feng quickly flashed this thought in his heart, and then quickly came to his senses, staring at the rushing giant bee king. The sleeve of his left robe moved, and the pale blue white light flashed from his body. Then, under the attack of the giant bee king, his body flashed and easily got out of its attack.


The giant bee king hit the air without any hesitation. The light cyan crystal wing once again pulled out a trace of cyan shadow and rushed towards Xu Feng 50 yards away.

"Ice Arrow!"

The left hand almost did not move, and the staff of the right hand gently touched the soaring giant bee king, and suddenly a blue ice arrow that was almost as fast as it hit it head.


"Is it still the same!"

Looking at the ice arrow MISS again, a trace of disappointment flashed in Xu Feng's eyes. Although he did not report much hope, when he really saw such a result, there was still a slight loss in his heart and quietly bred. After all, it could be delayed for a while. Fortunately, the attribute of the holy weapon was added to the anti-heaven. The cooling time of the ice arrow is very fast.

However, there is no time for Xu Feng to waste. The life-saving skill of teleportation has been used by him, except...

The extremely fast speed of the King of the Bee gradually disturbed the airflow around Xu Feng, and the disordered airflow blew his white robe.

"Ice Shield!"

After listening to fate, Xu Feng's eyes were firm, and his staff was raised, and the ice elements around him quickly knotted, and a thick ice shield stood in front of the giant queen bee.

However, the seemingly high-density ice shield actually made a crisp sound under the blow of the giant bee king, and the thick half-human-high ice shield suddenly dispersed, turning into ice crumbs all over the sky and disintegrating.


The giant bee's tail needle is a sharp hard thorn against Xu Feng, who is still resisting in vain.

"What to do!" Xu Feng tried his best to avoid it, but the attack speed of the King of the Great Bee was too fast. Xu Feng's reaction and casting were very fast, but the limitations of the mage's own profession, his weak body, and his movement speed was his weakness. "Am I going to die here?" Xu Feng shouted unconvincedly and stared angrily at the dark tail needle that gradually bloomed in his eyes.

"Your opponent is me!"

At this dangerous moment of Xu Feng, the indifferent voice of the thirteen swords suddenly sounded.

With the sound, a huge half-moon-shaped sword spirit flew towards the giant queen bee.


The sharp crescent-shaped sword spirit heavily cut the pale green body of the giant bee king, and the huge blow and impact directly hit the giant queen bee king who wanted to attack Xu Feng to fly back to the side.


The thirteen swords that sent out this terrible blow flashed again, dragging the long shadow tail inflammation, approaching the giant bee king who was still flying back, and the sharp sword body emitted a dazzling light under the flash of sunlight.

"Ji Yan Zhan!"

As soon as he approached the giant bee king without any hesitation, the long sword of the thirteen swords was suddenly raised by him. With the dive of his body, the red sword body lightningly hit the forehead of the giant bee king.

C critical strike!-121

The attack of the thirteen swords did not stop. With the rebound of this blow, his body, with the help of both wings, sent out a whirlwind cut again.

The fierce whirlwind chopping once again hit a high damage on the body of the giant queen bee, -67!

"How many scrolls did he use!" Due to the impact of the King of the Bee, Xu Feng just inadvertently swept him and took out a scroll, but at present, the powerful state of the thirteen swords told Xu Feng that this was not the effect of a wind wing scroll. "The hit attack has been greatly improved. Up to now, no MISS has appeared!"

Xu Feng couldn't believe it and looked at the thirteen swords, which was like the help of gods, which was so exciting.

"Damn, when did he become so awesome!"

At this time, the sound of Xu Changman's worship came from the bushes at the corner.

"Why are you still here? Don't run. Maybe the boss will send it later!" Xu Feng was stunned when he heard the words, and then found the fact that Xu Changman was still on the side, and immediately reminded him kindly.

"You think I'm as stupid as you. Anyway, I can't understand what skills the boss just sent, but the scene was too weird, so I ran away and far away from here at that time." Xu Changman still hid there, rolled his eyes at Xu Feng, and then looked at the thirteen swords that were still under the divine power with admiration. "I just stood there for a long time and didn't find any movement. I came to look at it again. I didn't expect to see the divine scene of the thirteen swords as soon as I came over. It was really... It's worth it!"

Xu Feng shook his head and had no time to pay attention to his strong words and sophistry. He turned his head and carefully stared at the vital battle of the Thirteen Swords!

My MP has been exhausted. Even if I take medicine, I have to wait about 1 minute to fill the MP, so Xu Feng can only stand aside quietly and pray that the thirteen swords will last for a long time.

The number as many as cattle hair slowly floated up from the solid body of the giant bee king. After the rainstorm attack of Xu Feng and Thirteen Swords from just now, it finally fell a little to the naked eye, and the HP was only 99% left.

After carefully observing the BOSS's Xu Feng, as soon as he saw the change in size, his plain expression finally rippled. After playing for so long, he finally saw a glimmer of hope.

"However, there is still 99% HP, how can it hold on? After all, the thirteen swords are not a rich person at a glance, and these rare scrolls must be limited!" Xu Feng, who thought of this, immediately looked worriedly at the thirteen swords that were still fighting. "I hope the state of the boss can pass quickly, otherwise he and he will be in danger."