Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 31 Mission Completion 1

Flame Shupino's left hand made a circle, and the blood-red hexagonal starlight, which exuded a hot atmosphere, shot directly towards the strong creeping cloud on his head without any obstacles. The hexagonal starlight sank directly into the clouds...


The violent explosion sound, like the explosion of twelve battle axes*, continues. With the fierce fluctuations in the air, countless dark cracks are conspicuously cracked in the sky.

"Let you see, my ultimate trick: meteorite-stone-group!"

With his wand swinging underground, in the cracks, red meteorites emitting peerless pressure easily squeezed through the black cracks and appeared ferociously in front of everyone.

"No way!" Xu Feng's eyes suddenly contracted. Looking at this posture, this is the ultimate skill, or... There was no time to think about anything. Xu Feng looked left and right and ran towards the centrifugal cave without hesitation.

"The Armor of the Wind!" The thirteen swords added a speed state, and then shot at the centrifugal cave at a speed nearly four times faster than Xu Feng.

Other people also added their own state, and then followed them.

"FUCK, I have to run again, I can't even pick up a bargain!"

Charles, who found that the situation was wrong, looked at the enemy running into the centrifugal cave with hatred. His face sank, scolded, and his body flashed. He fled outside again. If he didn't run, he stayed in place and waited for death. Looking at the skill of BOSS, it was not ordinary fierce.


In the ruthless eyes of the flaming Pishino, countless meteorites tore open the atmosphere and directly reign on the earth. As soon as they came into contact, there was a violent bombardment. Countless fiery lights flashed in it, and a large number of dust and hustle and bustle filled the whole sky crazily.

Like the doomsday, countless meteorites did not stop at all and continued to droop. Within a radius of the flames, they were all shrouded in this huge attack, like a huge iron pot, hanging upside down, crazily including this place into the scope of the meteorite attack.

The strong red light flashed wildly in it, filled with a large number of fire elements, and the terrible high temperature continued to melt the hard rockland.

"Hahaha..." Flaming Shupino stood high in the sky, and his eyes looked at the masterpiece directed by him below. His old facial features were crazily twisted. In a wild laugh, the red robe on his body suddenly took off. After laughing, his face suddenly sank, "This is the end!"

With the last few dull loud noises, the cracks in the sky are slowly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, but for a while, the blue sky is like a perfect silk, without any scratches.

However, this will not affect the good mood of Flame Shupino. He narrowed his eyes and looked down slightly, which was still shrouded in the dust caused by meteorites. The bark-like old face trembled a few times again. As soon as the staff in his hand was mentioned, he slowly lowered. At this moment, he could no longer maintain his flying state. After all, his body has already He is a little tired, and it is a little unstiring for him to launch this ultimate skill.

He is no longer young, and the magic in his body is getting worse and worse. He is unwilling and unwilling to sacrifice like this, so he betrayed his previous faith and began to worship the evil emperor of the demon world, xx, because he promised to give him an immortal life,

"Immortal life!" Thinking of this, his slightly cloudy eyes burst into a different kind of persistence at this moment, and his gloomy eyes seemed to rekindle, shining a white color.

At the moment he lost his mind, his body finally stood on the ground at this moment.

"Cough!" He coughed a little laboriously, and the red light in his eyes was gradually extinguishing. Even the red luster that lingered on the staff was no longer as lively as before, but as dead water.

"These kids have caused me to lose a lot of blood. It's really hateful to launch this skill, but they are still dead after all. When they return to the cave, they will tell the master with magic..."

Before he finished thinking about it, a violent green dragon fighting spirit rushed, directly breaking through the rolling smoke and shooting.



The huge attack directly bombarded his aging body, and the huge fighting energy directly lifted him away.

"What... It's impossible that they are not dead!" The flame Xiu Pino, who flew out of control in the back, had an old face full of disbelief. During the fall, he kept screaming in his heart.

However, a fierce and murderous voice pierced his heart like a sharp sword.

"Ice array!"

In the direction where the Flame Xiu Pino was bombarded, a round snow-white ice array floated from the ground and directly ingested the Flame Xiu Pino that passed above it without any accidental freezing.


Flame Xiu Pino's expression at this moment finally showed a trace of panic, and his right hand moved hard, but he couldn't use any strength...


With the deep singing, a familiar and resentful voice ruthlessly came into the ears of Flame Xiu Pino.

"He's not dead?"

If others are not dead, he will not be so angry, but the culprit who hit him before is not dead, which is tantamount to completely provoking his bottom line, "He is not dead!" His pale lips kept talking about the fact that he hated and did not want to believe.


The flame storm came in a strong posture, crazily cutting the flame Shupino controlled by the ice array, and a large amount of damage from its head, like a hundred flowers, scrambling to open first.

-121, -151, -134...

"I'm really not dead!"

It's not his turn to believe it. Strong storms and flames are ruthlessly taking away his little life. Although the damage is a little for him, it has been steadily lost.

In his unwilling and angry eyes, a hidden figure quickly broke through the dust in front of him. Looking at the indifferent expression, he recognized that it was a stronger soldier in the team. "I didn't expect that the ultimate skill I spent so much effort to recruit was to dig my own grave without knowing. ..”


As soon as the thirteen swords stepped into the ice array, they approached the still frozen flame Xiu Pino. The long sword in his hand split the airflow and bombarded his body heavily with a strong fighting spirit.



The strong fighting spirit was poured directly into the body of the flame of Shupino by the sword, and the ice on his surface was condensed. Under this blow, all of them were broken. However, before he could control his body, the round ice array under his feet bloomed countless ice flowers and froze him again.

xiu xiu...

The thirteen swords on the ice array were not affected by the ice array under their feet at all. They quickly came out of the sword, and the sharp swords were driven by his waist and wrists, and hit him heavily.

"Ghost Kill!"

At this time, another Taidao with black fighting spirit, bitterly cut into the body of the flaming Shupino in the hateful eyes made by Shura, "I will never forgive him and kill my wife!"


The black fighting spirit once again shattered the ice that had just been frozen, and the blue ice crumbs suddenly flew around. In this gray-red sky, it was like the neon lights of the urban night, shining with dreamy and beautiful brilliance.


The only three people left in the team, Thirteen Swords, Xu Feng and Shura, tried their best to quickly cast their skills and ruthlessly harvest the little HP on the boss.

"I'm not willing..." Flame Xiu Pino's gloomy eyes are getting darker and darker, and the death on his body is getting heavier and heavier. With the serious loss of life, his expression becomes more yellow and horrible. "I'm not reconciled, I'm unwilling..."

However, Xu Feng and others will not have any sympathy for him at this time, because they are not good people. They know what to do and what not to do, so the attack in their hands is more fierce and be chopped on him.

-157, -146, -175...

Because he just used the ultimate skill with his own magic instead of any props: meteorite group, Flame Shupino's HP is not much at this moment. Coupled with the crazy attack of the three of them, Flame Shupino's blood volume has almost fallen to the verge of danger.