Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 49 The Conspiracy of the Iron and Blood League 2

"Find a place to hide." As soon as Xu Feng stopped listening, he immediately turned around, looked around, and tried to find a suitable place to hide.

"Well, what's the matter? Is the sound strange?"

Xu Changman was full of fog at this time. Didn't he just say the sound of fighting monsters? Why did he say that he wanted to find a hiding place? However, this was said from Xu Feng, so although Xu Changman had doubts, he still tried to help him search for a suitable hiding place

"En..." Xu Feng was about to explain. When he heard the roaring footsteps, it seemed that even the earth was going to tremble, his expression was even more grim, "It's already obvious."

"It's obvious!" At this time, Xu Changman understood the reason why Xu Feng was looking for a hidden place.

"Let's go to the tree and hide first. I hope the situation is not as bad as I thought." Due to the critical situation, Xu Feng was in a hurry and had to take this method that was not the way.

It's not the first time for him to go to the tree. He used to destroy the plan of the Slaughter Association in the Xixiao Plain of Honghe Town. In order to avoid their defense, he went there once.

"Up to the tree?" Xu Changman's face was suddenly covered with black lines. He looked up at Xu Feng, who was already using his hands and feet at this time, carrying a staff and was climbing a tree, with a speechless face.

Soon, Xu Feng was stunned by Xu Chang and easily climbed a dead tree surrounded by two people.

"Come up quickly." Looking at Xu Changman, who was still in a daze, Xu Feng couldn't help urging him.

"Is it so easy to climb trees?"

"You said, the character's strength, physical strength and other attributes in the game are of course easier than reality. You are stupid, come up quickly. There is no time." Xu Feng explained and continued to urge, because the roar in his ears was even louder at this time.

Hearing this, Xu Changman's eyes suddenly lit up and turned his head and thought about it. Otherwise, wouldn't the character attributes in the game be added for nothing?

At present, Xu Changman, who is full of confidence, learned from Xu Feng to use his hands and feet. Unexpectedly, the tree on him was faster than Xu Feng.

As soon as he got to the top of the tree, he couldn't help but be proud. Why can climbing trees be compared with Xu Feng? Can he not be happy? You know, whether in reality or games, he is not as good as Xu Feng. Except for the real home environment, which is better than Xu Feng, everything else is gone. However, at this moment, Xu Feng's benefits brought by the game, Let them gradually push themselves.

At this critical moment, I didn't expect that he could compare with Xu Feng. It's difficult for him to be complacent or not. "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm climbing faster than you."

"Of course I know." Xu Feng clung to the withered tree trunk in front of him and did not look at Xu Chang's face, but replied casually.

"Uh..." Xu Changman also cried without tears at this time, which was different from what he imagined. It was like a person stepping on cow shit when he was very happy and was disgusted, which made him feel indescribable and depressed. However, he still asked relentlessly, "You know?"

"Well, I know, er, what do you know?"

After a while, Xu Feng withdrew his gaze from the distance, turned around and looked at Xu Changman with a dull face.


Don't be angry, don't be angry. Xu Changman was angry at this time, but he didn't pay attention to it? He took two deep breaths and said angrily, "I climb faster than you."

"Well, you said this, hurry up. Besides, archers add so much agility. It's strange if they run slower than me. What do you think, can I not know?"

"Is it that simple?" Hearing this, Xu Changman stood on the boring forest branches. After a while, he came back to taste, "That's it!" He muttered a few words, but his face was so hot at this moment. Fortunately, he was smart and quickly changed the topic, "No leaves, only dry tree forks can hide people?"

"Do your best and listen to fate!" Xu Feng replied to him, looked at his eyes in the distance, suddenly shrank and whispered, "Come on, don't make a sound!"

Without Xu Feng's reminder, Xu Changman naturally heard the roar that seemed to explode in his ear.

At this moment, the two of them carefully cling to the tree trunk in front of them, concentrating their efforts and looking at the deafening source of the sound through the gap.

Far away, thick smoke rolled up, like a ghost, floating and opening its teeth.

"Mom, what's wrong with that?"

Xu Changman watched three players running away in front of him, and a pile of huge bear monsters chasing him desperately. He fled and ran away, like a cat and mouse, which turned upside down. Wherever he passed, some small dead trees and dust were lifted by those powerful giant bears.

Xu Feng, who was beside him, did not pay attention to Xu Changman's endless chatter, but his eyes contracted and focused on those bear-shaped monsters.

The two sides ran in the distance and quickly ran under the tree where Xu Feng and his others were hiding.

"It's a snowfield bear monster!" Looking at the crazy bear monsters below, Xu Changman suddenly exclaimed. Fortunately, the other party's action was too loud, covering Xu Changman's voice, so Xu Changman's screams could not be heard by both sides under the tree except Xu Feng beside him.

"No, there are two of them. No, the two strange things are different from the illustrations in your weekly newspaper." Xu Feng looked at it for a while and denied Xu Changman's confused judgment through private voice.

"Differt?" Xu Chang looked at Xu Feng doubtfully, then turned around and carefully observed whether it was as Xu Feng said. After looking for a while, he nodded speechlessly and agreed with Xu Feng's view, "Uh, it's really different."

The illustrations in the Tianji Weekly made them easily recognize the snowfield bear monster, with white hair inserted straight into its fat body. The height of the body made it catch up with the players who tried to escape desperately in front of them, even if their movements seemed a little clumsy.

Among this group of snowfield bear monsters, there is a small handful of bears that are obviously different from most bear monsters, and are also mixed in them. What is different from other snowfield bear monsters is that the high hair on its back and the four words that keep shaking because of running, bear monster warrior

The last one is a bear monster whose size and hair are different from other bear monsters, called Bear Monster Usa warrior, more pure and neat hair, and mixed, extremely majestic body shape, which are telling the human beings who see it that it is unusual, it is very unusual.

"No wonder they are running!" After observing this, Xu Chang suddenly swallowed and exhaled a little difficultly.

When you meet a bear monster of about 20, there are only three players. It's strange that you don't run. Maybe there is only one player at this moment, because just now, two more players died. From this point of view, maybe they will be a group of people. Of course, this may be, but who will track down these?

Xu Feng ignored Xu Changman's nonsense, but began to think about whether he should go down to deal with these bear monsters, because in his opinion, the hope of the dangerous female assassin is already very slim.

Heroes save the beauty? Xu Feng is not interested. It's already good for him not to fall into the well.

The embarrassed female assassin, after escaping less than 20 yards, was trampled on by a powerful war by the bear monster Usa warrior who was different from everyone, and fainted in place. Then she was quickly annihilated by the angry bear monster.

"Alas, it's a pity that another MM died." Xu Chang sighed and sighed with regret, but his expression was not a pity at all.

Xu Feng, who is familiar with him, ignored his self-spoken words. At this moment, in his heart, he is still struggling to conflict, "Fight or not?"

In the blink of an eye, Xu Feng made a decisive decision and brought it out to Xu Chang, who was full of gloating on his face, "Fight!"

"Bat, just the two of us hit their group?" Xu Changman's gloating expression suddenly stagnated and shouted in disbelief.

"Have you forgotten the crazy monster brushing on Ningyue Mountain?" Xu Feng took a look at him and had to remind him to pay more confidence in himself.

"It's true, but..." Xu Chang's face is still half-confident. Obviously, he is still a little worried about the victory or defeat of this battle. It's not that he doesn't trust Xu Feng, but the more than 20 monsters in front of him, all of which are thick-skinned masters. In other words, the blood is high defense, and the attack looks like a BOSS-type bear monster Usa warrior, let It's hard for him to rest assured.

"Your tactics..." When Xu Changman opened his mouth and wanted to ask Xu Feng's strategy, Xu Feng had gone down from the tree and calmly faced the bear group that had just dropped the female assassin and turned around. "Well, this is a little indescable."

After saying this sentence, Xu Changman immediately opened his bow and pulled arrows. I hope there would be no problem. At this time, there was only one small request in his heart.

He ignored Xu Changman's burial. Looking at the monsters opposite, Xu Feng's expression was not timid at all. It's not that he hasn't seen what kind of situation in the past half month. Besides, there are still two life-saving skills, teleportation and doomsday judgment. He doesn't want to move at the doomsday judgment. It's really just in case. .

He wants to believe that with the phantom ring and speed boots, his movement speed is not much slower than that of Xu Chang, and there is also the perverted group control skill of Frost New Star. What is there anything to be afraid of?

The hesitation at that moment before was due to the uncertainty of BOSS. After the copy, although he knew that the forced dodge of BOSS had been ruthlessly harmonious by the official, who knew whether the system had given it new capabilities? According to the system's stingy nature, Xu Feng would not believe it even if he was killed. His.

No matter what, Xu Feng will feel sorry to see such a group of bear monsters suddenly and don't take them down. At least he still has a strong confidence in himself.

With good technology, equipment and skills, he doesn't believe that he can't control this group of bears with little wisdom.