Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 51 The Conspiracy of the Iron-blooded League 4

"Damn, shout!" Xu Chang cursed unpleafully.

Xu Feng looked up at it and continued to run towards the original goal with Xu Changman just now. Yes, what he is doing now is to lead these monsters to the traps arranged by Xu Changman, but at this moment, what he wants is to fight quickly so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Do you want to run?"

The dark eyes of the bear monster Usa warrior turned over, and his thick ankles vibrated. Suddenly, the whole bear roared towards Xu Feng like a cannonball.

The high-speed charge directly brought a strong airflow, and the disordered airflow immediately messed up its pure white and neat hair. Where the huge impact passed, it flew up the dust on the ground.

"Well, isn't this a soldier's charge?" Xu Changman, who was hidden beside him, suddenly shocked when he saw this scene. The attack method of this bear monster Usa warrior is a little different. At least it is completely different from the charge of the warrior. Just now, it is because it also needs to run at high speed.

"It's not a charge. This is a war trampling different from the charge. The female assassin just died under the bear's paw because of this move."

Looking at the bear monster Usa warrior who broke through the air, Xu Feng did not make any extra movements, but still calmly extended the established route and retreated steadily.

Soon, the bear monster Usa warrior Bens came to Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng, run?" Seeing that Xu Feng did not dodge, Xu Changman immediately screamed in his private chat voice.

However, his shouting was a step late. As soon as the bear monster Usa warrior arrived around Xu Feng, he raised his right foot and looked at Xu Feng's eyes. At this moment, he became extremely excited because he wanted to achieve his goal, and his dark eyes seemed to be about to crack.

"War trampling!"

The feet wrapped in red and solid light stepped directly on Xu Feng's location!

Xu Feng did not panic at all, but withdrew more quickly. Before the attack of the bear monster Usa warrior, he immediately withdrew his attack point.

With the double speed bonus of the phantom ring and speed boots, Xu Feng's retreat did not panic at all, and just withdrew from the cover of the shadow of the bear monster Usa warrior, the staff in his hand was thrown, and a blue ice shield was instantly knotted in front of him.


The earth trembled slightly, and the ripple-like shock wave roared around the attack point of the bear monster Usa warrior.

And the ice shield issued by Xu Feng was the first to bear the brunt. Under this terrible shock wave, it made a crack and directly split. The thick smoke and dust were blown away by the shock wave trampling on by the war, and Xu Feng, who had been retreating, was also not spared under this indiscriminate attack.



Without avoiding, Xu Feng immediately entered a state of dizziness for 2 seconds.


Seeing that Xu Feng no longer retreated, the wise and not stupid bear monster Usa warrior immediately knew that he had been trampled by his war, and immediately ordered his men behind him.


As soon as the bear group behind it received the boss's order with excitement and relief, they immediately raised their heads and roared like an angry gun. In the mocking roar, there was a strong hatred.


As soon as the roar ended, more than a dozen bear monsters rushed directly to Xu Feng, who was standing on the ground.

The rolling dust fog boiled again, and countless domineering bear claws were raised one after another, all revealing their sharp fangs and patting Xu Feng fiercely....

"Oh, it's really a bunch of stupid bears!"

As soon as the magic formula was pinched, a dazzling white light broke through the dust and fog, immediately wrapped around Xu Feng's dizzy body and disappeared in place in an instant.


Naturally, the attacks of those bear monsters all failed, hitting the empty space, and the dust and fog around it became more dense.


Seeing this, a trace of accident flashed on the face of the bear monster Usa warrior, and then sank, and the fan-like bear's palm cackled.

A teleport can easily avoid the must-kill situation of the bear monster. Xu Feng did not be arrogant at all, but directly took out two pills with a frank look and swallowed them without hesitation.

The red light flashed, and Xu Feng's HP added 50 points in an instant, and recovered 5 points per second.

Fortunately, I was not directly hit, and there was an ice shield in front of me for a while, so the damage was only about 300 points. However, the damage of control skills is so high that you can imagine how terrible his ordinary attacks and high damage skills are.

His eyes focused on the bear monsters that broke the dust, and Xu Feng slowly grinned at the corners of his mouth, with a very light but sarcastic smile.

This smile made the bear monsters running in front very hesitant, and their forward movements were also slow. However, it was too late, because they almost stepped into the position of the trap arranged by Xu Changman at this moment, under the old tree where Xu Feng and they used to hide...

Under Xu Feng's cold eyes, a red light mixed with horror and destruction broke out directly from the uncertain bear group, bombarding... Under this violent explosion, the whole earth seemed to tremble. Large areas of damage and large areas of flames suddenly cracked out of the land, like a long-seeing crocodile, burst out, opening its ferocious mouth, and ruthlessly sweeping the stunned bear monster.

-515, -579,-618......

Archer's frost traps, flame traps and explosion traps, triple damage, directly make the snowfield bear monster with little HP fall on the spot.

Thirteen bear monsters were hand in a blink of an eye by Xu Feng and Xu Changman, 17 to 8, leaving only three bear monster warriors different from the snowfield bear monster; that is, two bear monster warriors and a bear monster Usa warrior suspected to be an elite boss.

At this moment, their three-headed bear monsters were stunned. For a moment or did not dare to accept this fact, they stared at everything around them. Under the sad battlefield, their isolated and scorched bodies looked very pitiful.

"Hey hey, how's it going, Xu Feng!"

Seeing that they were finally deceived and eventually killed and injured, Xu Changman, who was hidden beside him, couldn't help jumping out and proudly to Xu Feng. At this moment, he felt a burst of joy and pride in his foresight.

"Cow!" Xu Feng turned his head and looked at him and praised casually.

"Cut, is it okay to be sincere?" Xu Chang looked at him with contempt, at least he made such great contributions and didn't praise him much.


"Brother, there seems to be a boss in the forest? Do you think we should..." The lazy pig behind the evil pupil heard the bear roar and the shocking explosion, and his lazy face immediately changed to an interested look. How fierce the fight there was. I'm really looking forward to it.

"It's fine here. After they finish playing, they will pass through our blockade line. Isn't the result of their fight the same as the result given to us?" The evil pupil was not moved, replied a sentence faintly, and then patrolled repeatedly again towards the route he had just come.

"Oh, it's boring!" The lazy pig finally raised a little interest, and then slowly annihilated, "Alas!" He took a long breath and had to follow him weakly.


"Is there really someone here?" Xu Changman watched two or three groups of players rushing towards here. It seemed that the sound of explosion just now brought a little trouble to the two of them, "What should I do?" At this time, his voice asked Xu Feng with a little urgency.

"Look at it!"

Xu Feng glanced at the players who rushed here, and a trace of sharpness flashed in his indifferent eyes. Seeing someone here, he still ran here unscrupulously. Such a move is no different from robbing the boss, so later...

After a cold glance at them, Xu Feng ignored them and focused on attacking the three bear monsters who had rushed angrily in front of him.

"What should I do?" Xu Chang was stunned. He couldn't figure out Xu Feng's strategy.

"Don't be too far away from me later!"

After hurriedly speaking this sentence, a light blue wind blade, under Xu Feng's consciousness, shot at the bear monster Usa warrior in front of him.

"Little trick!"

The bear monster Usa warrior directly ignored Xu Feng's attack, and saw him directly resisting Xu Feng's primary skill with his tall chest.


The wind blade is just a primary skill, but after the bonus of the sky, the attack is very high among mages of the same level, but it is helpless. As the little boss of the thick-skinned bear monster family, its defense is obviously more advanced than his younger brother.

As for this damage, it is tantamount to a bull for it with 51W blood volume.

As soon as he approached Xu Feng, the huge palm of the bear monster Usa warrior suddenly swung towards Xu Feng. The sharp red light on the wide bear palm directly tore the space and instantly reached the top of Xu Feng's head.

"It's okay to be hit by him!"

At this moment, Xu Feng's movements are open at full speed without any hidden. Although due to the professional restrictions of the mage, the martial arts training and the high-intensity movement bonus brought by the two pieces of equipment still make him avoid the serial attacks of the bear monster Usa warrior.


Basketball-sized pits, under the fierce attack of the Bear Monster Usa warrior, quickly opened up on the land of the wilderness forest, and the huge force seemed to lift up all the land within a radius of a miles.

"So fierce!"

Those players who originally wanted to pick up cheap ones, as soon as they saw the fierceness of the bear monster Usa warriors, they stopped their footsteps and no longer dared to take a step forward.

"Do you want to fight or not..." They are very hesitant now. Let's fight. Looking at this bear monster Usa warrior who is obviously above level 40, the sharp and fast attack, everyone asks themselves that they don't have the strength to resist him three consecutive attacks. Even the knight who is famous for defense will never dare to resist him. If they don't resist, they have to avoid it...< /P>

At this moment, each of them who pick up cheap people doesn't look good. After all, the level of the new version is too difficult to practice.