Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 54 The Conspiracy of the Iron and Blood League 7

Xu Feng and Xu Changman cooperated to fight BOSS, and naturally gave priority to the equipment suitable for their own use. Just like the previous random scrolls worth tens of thousands of RMB, Xu Changman lacked life-saving skills, so Xu Feng gave it directly to him. In fact, the two things are the same, and then they are not his own profession, but take Go out to sell, half and half.

So Xu Feng was not pretentious at all and directly took the flame cloak as his own. Of course, the summoning book was naturally thrown to Xu Changman.

"I didn't expect that this BOSS could burst into such a good thing. Has the system been changed and not stingy?"

Throwing the book of death into his backpack, Xu Changman didn't mind at all. He looked up at the dead body on the ground with a child-friendly look.

Fortunately, the bear monster Usa warrior was dead and did not blow up the body, otherwise he would have to be pissed off by Xu Changman's arrogant attitude.

"Oi, after packing up, get ready to go on the road."

He looked at Xu Changman amusingly. Xu Feng squatted next to the body of the bear monster Usa warrior. Advanced collection techniques were used. The soft and clean white light penetrated in Xu Feng's hands and slowly penetrated into the body of the bear monster Usa warrior.

"Ding, you successfully cast the collection technique and got a bear monster Usa warrior Neidan!"

"Ding, you successfully cast the collection technique and got a bear monster Usa warrior bear bile!"

"Ding, you failed to cast the collection technique and got nothing!"

With the system, two items suddenly appeared in Xu Feng's hands three times in a row,

"Well, that's okay!"

Xu Changman, who was on one side, suddenly widened his eyes. Obviously, Xu Fenglu's hand made him look at him with new eyes.

The round, shining like snow fog is the inner elixir of the bear monster Usa warrior, and the size of a snow plough is the bear bile of the bear monster Usa warrior.

After carefully distinguishing, Xu Feng put these two precious materials into his backpack.

"Are those materials?"

Xu Changman looked at Xu Feng putting the two snow-white things into his backpack and immediately asked a little stupidly. After asking, he knew that he was stupid again. Isn't it material?

"Ye, materials!" Simply answering Xu Changman's almost idiotic question, Xu Feng took the lead in walking towards the east path again.

"Do you still want to fight?" Xu Changman looked at Xu Feng walking east and immediately asked a little bitterly.

"Of course, since you are here, there is no harm in preparing more."


This dozen, directly played for more than 4 hours, and in a blink of an eye, the night pressure gradually drove away white.

"Xu Feng, how much have you collected?"

Seeing that the last one was finished, Xu Changman suddenly didn't care about any manners. He directly turned the long bow in his hand to the ground a little. His tired body leaned on the long bow, while the long bow used the strength of the ground to see him leaning slightly and slowly gasp.

"There are almost 20 groups." Xu Feng opened his backpack, glanced at it briefly, and then replied.

There is not much time to fight monsters. Basically, there are not as many monsters as the group of monsters they have encountered before, but one alone and rarely see two. Unless the snowfield bear monster dies, it will make a scream. If it is heard, their companions will come from all directions to rescue. If they don't hear it, there is no one.

And Xu Feng and the group they met, except for the beginning, there were only 4 snowfield bears.

There was too much time spent looking for them, which made Xu Feng and the two of them retreat a little, and even Xu Feng was a little doubtful. If it goes on like this, whether refining medicine will save money, because the intention of not buying medicine is to save expenses, but now it is a waste of time, and time is money. He is a little I don't understand. This is really a difficult account to solve.

"It's time to go back!"

Xu Changman stopped for a while, then shook the long bow on the ground and quickly carried it on his back.


Xu Feng looked at the sky and nodded and agreed.

The ground is full of dead branches, and the desolate forest is almost irrigated by darkness. There is only a few faint light that can barely make people see the ten yards in front of you.

At this moment, Xu Feng and the two of them were maliciously blocked by more than a dozen players, and those people had iron-blooded totems on their chests.

"It seems that it's not going well!" Xu Changman turned his head and looked at Xu Feng. His eyes were full of innocence, but deep in his eyes, there was a trace of teasing. Yes, he was not afraid. Xu Feng was there. What was he afraid of? In the PK field, he saw Xu Feng's technology at this moment, which was simply perverted, so his expression was not panicked, but a The face is gloating.

"Oh, it's like this again!"

Xu Feng sighed faintly and tried to avoid it. It seemed that the evil value of washing up quickly had to increase again. He thought he could take off this eye-catching black canopy.

"As long as you are not idiots, you should be able to see the current situation." In the surrounding crowd, a thin and short soldier, holding a bright single knife in his hand, pointed to Xu Feng and threatened them.

"The sky is too dark, but we can't see it." Xu Chang shrugged his shoulders and looked scared, but no matter how he looked at it.

And Xu Feng on one side is not responsive at all.

"Isn't it looking for death?" The thin soldier, the slightly ugly Donggua face, suddenly spread his anger and immediately cursed angrily.


The lazy pig's friend pointed to the Buddha and immediately took a step forward and stopped him, because he saw that the two people's expression was fearless. Obviously, they were either idiots or powerful.

"Big..." Ding Zi put down his blade, turned his head and looked at the heads of their group of people puzzledly. His sword pointed to the Buddha. There were more than a dozen of them, and they were afraid that they would beggrieved two, which was not good to hear.

The sword pointed to the Buddha and ignored Ding Zi, and naturally did not explain it to him.

"Friend, for my face, I left ten groups of snowfield bear bile. What do you think?"

The voice of the sword pointing to the Buddha was very warm. Although what he said was cheap, it would not make people, leaving a trace of face, because in his opinion, under the situation that they had an advantage at this moment, what he did was right. Unfortunately, a cold frost fell from the sky, directly interrupted his words and also the people present. I was shocked.

Do you want to fight?

The attack without any reason and without any warning directly froze all the people present to the ground.

Frost Nova, 50 yards of full-range attack, and they were not prepared at all. Even the sword pointed to the Buddha for a moment and was directly hit. When they reacted, they cursed one after another.

"Fuck, dare to do it first, don't want to live, we are the iron-blood alliance."

"If you have the guts, you can fight with me one-on-one."

"Let's see how I can destroy you later."

The shouting and scolding of more than a dozen players can be said to be juxtath with arrogance and unpleasantness.

"Brother, are you sure you really want to do it with us?"

The sword pointed to the Buddha's face suddenly sink, but as soon as his words came out, a fierce flame storm turned around again and went directly towards them.

-321,-452, -215......

A large amount of damage rises densely from their heads, and the anti-sky damage added by Xu Feng's holy weapon still makes some poorly equipped players suffer immediately.

Xu Feng twisted his left hand, ice arrows, wind blades, fireballs, and flame pools, specializing in picking some people with poor equipment and low defense, while Xu Changman cooperated with Xu Feng to point out where to fight.

In just two seconds, three players of the Iron and Blood League were killed by Xu Feng and Xu Changman under the flame storm.

As soon as the freezing time passed, some five players with poor equipment immediately fled 50 yards, because it was outside the attack range of the flame storm. It's not that they didn't want to help the sword point at the Buddha, but now they are too busy to take care of themselves. If they don't escape, they will definitely not hurt Xu Feng, and they will die first. Born.

"Well, toast is not a punishment. You asked for it."

A clear rainbow flashed from his waist, and a cold sword suddenly appeared in the hand of the sword pointing to the Buddha. In the hot storm, his wrist trembled, and the half moon cut moved out in an instant.

Half Moon Zhan, a high-level skill unique to warriors, condenses into a moon-white sword flood with fighting spirit.

"Ice Shield!"

Five fingers twisted one by one, and the panel-sized ice shield appeared out of thin air and brazenly inserted into the ground, directly blocking Xu Feng and Xu Changman.


The advanced moon-white sword Hong directly destroyed the primary ice shield issued by Xu Feng, and the remaining half-moon cut, coldly attacked Xu Feng again.

"Wind blade, fireball..."

A few attacks were thrown out of Xu Feng's left hand again.


Several consecutive attacks finally resolved the fierce offensive of the sword pointing Buddha, but the crisis of Xu Feng and Xu Changman was not resolved.

"I RI, be careful..." Xu Changman looked at the sword pointing Buddha suddenly approaching Xu Feng. His face suddenly changed and reminded him anxiously, but he was overwhelmed now, because three players also blocked around him.

"It's easy to bully me."

Now the situation is at a disadvantage, and Xu Changman doesn't want to think about it. A lavender book suddenly appeared in his right hand, which is the book of death from the bear monster Usa warrior, a first-class summoning prop.

"Come out, you dead bones!"

With Xu Changman's shouting, a dark purple six-pointed star suddenly emerged from the land in front of Xu Chang.

The air fluctuated, and the people present were stunned. Only Xu Feng and Jian pointed to the Buddha were not affected by this unusual fluctuation, but still fighting according to their respective goals.

The six-pointed star full of death suddenly rotated, and a large amount of smoke spewed out fiercely with this rotation.

"Uh, it's really weird."

Xu Changman looked at the change close at hand, and felt a little scared of the strangeness of death, and a little surprised and expectant. After all, this is the first time to use it, and he has never been mentioned or used before.

"Kill him quickly."

The five people in the flame storm all rushed towards Xu Changman. Although they didn't know what these were, their fear told them not to let Xu Changman do this obviously unfavorable thing to them.