Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 59 Change of Medicine 2

"Well, I've figured it out that you need it. I have to help you anyway. After all, we are both in the same profession, and it's not easy."

In a word, the mage regarded this matter as Xu Feng begging him, but he was a good man, but it was not easy to refuse.

However, no matter what the reason is, as long as the purpose is achieved and does not violate the principle, Xu Feng does not care. He just smiled faintly and did not object, and then Shuangsi began to exchange pills.

"This man is really shameless." Xu Changman, who was on one side, looked contemptuous, and he was simply cheap and obedient.

And the people around him have a bitter face, because it seems that Xu Feng will leave later, which will not become the dominant family of this mage.

At present, some people opened their private chat voice and informed those who came one after another that the 40-level pills had been acquired and there was no need to bring any more money. Of course, some people did not talk in private, because later, the greedy mage would definitely put the 40 pills on the shelves, but the price at that time was definitely... . But there is nothing we can do. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Who told them to need it?

After the transaction, the two added friends. After all, there are really not many pharmacists, and most of them are scattered. At least Xu Feng thinks he is a scattered person.

It is not easy for a dispersal pharmacist, because the formula is very expensive, so Xu Feng sometimes does not have it, and Xu Feng does not have it, so that the two sides can exchange to achieve the purpose of mutual benefit.

"God of Medicine." Mumbled the other party's name, Xu Feng laughed for a moment. Of course, he would not let him see this displeatical smile, because at this time, he and Xu Chang had already stepped out of the market.

"There are still people called the god of medicine, really nagging!" Xu Changman also looked contemptuous. Up to now, he is still very unhappy with the man's sinister cunning and arrogant rudeness...

"Let's go and brush the monster?"

"Don't you want to make a copy, or will you go later?"


The night was thick, and Xu Changman and Xu Feng came out of the Fantasy Arena a little tired.

"Bear by the way, what did you say in the copy an hour ago?" Xu Chang waved his sweat, and then turned his head to look at Xu Feng, who was as sweaty as him.

"Triple attack potion." Xu Feng exhaled and gasped slightly.

"What, the boss is violent?" Xu Changman stared and asked in disbelief that it was a rare attack prop with added state, which was very valuable. In the hands of a high-attack mage, a group attack skill matched with this... Thinking of this, Xu Chang shook his head fiercely.


"Fuck, what kind of dog are you lucky?" Xu Chang curled his head and said with a jealous face.

"I'm down!" Xu Feng shook his head and knew that he was deliberately angry with himself. He immediately laughed and said goodbye briefly. Just as he was about to go offline, he suddenly remembered a scene during the day. His movements were stagnant, and his body suddenly turned around. "Did you ask for me?"

"What are you asking?" Hearing this, Xu Changman stood still and looked at Xu Feng with a confused face.

"Doormitory." Xu Feng's forehead is faintly twitching, and he won't forget it.

"Khan, what time is it now, boss?" Xu Chang patted his forehead and knew that he was asking about the matter. He immediately raised his hand with tears and laughter and pointed to his wrist, but there was obviously no extra decoration there. Only then did he realize that he was in the game at this moment, without a watch, and immediately withdrew his hand awkwardly.

"It's already midnight. I have to move today." Xu Feng is not laughing at this moment, nor is he not smiling.

"Okay, leave it to me. I have asked a few roommates. Don't worry." Xu Changman patted his chest and said confidently, with an expression of your heart.

"Well, thank you." He looked at him with a little suspicion, but Xu Feng obviously had to rely on him.

"Damn, thank you, they are all buddies who grew up together. Saying this is very much like a woman, you know?" Xu Chang had a vomiting expression on his face and complained.

"Fuck you." After kicking him hypocritically, Xu Feng said goodbye to him and hurried down the line.

I couldn't sleep all night. The next day, I just finished the morning class. During the lunch break, Xu Changman handed Xu Feng a small note.

Xu Feng spread it out doubtfully, which was actually a strange mobile phone number and a line of address with very small words.

"This is..." Xu Feng looked in front of him puzzledly and determined to look at his Xu Changman.

"Of course, it's the mobile phone number, the owner. I heard that it's for rent. You can try it. If not, I'll help you find it. How about it? Are you satisfied now?"

"It's okay!" After put away the note, Xu Feng thanked him and began to rush to run according to the address on the note, because the address on it was near the school, but the school was very large, so he had to run.

A few minutes later, Xu Feng arrived at his destination and looked at the unique high-rise building with a dozen floors in front of him with a slight gasp. Xu Feng exhaled. When his breath was not so much, he began to take out his mobile phone and dial the number on the note quickly and accurately according to the number on the paper.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

It turned out to be a girl's voice. Xu Feng's heart suddenly became nervous. In recent years, his habits are still like this. When talking to strange girls, he will be nervous, which even his master is very puzzled.

"Are you Miss Xiao Jingrong?" Although he was nervous, Xu Feng's voice was still very stable, and he said generously without losing peace.

"I am, what can I do for you?"

"Well, I heard from my friend that you..." Xu Feng opened his mouth and hesitated for a while, but still gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want to rent a room?"

"I'm sorry, I'm looking for a female partner!"

With this somewhat absolute female voice, Xu Feng's heart couldn't help sinking and knew that it would be like this. A good girl would not casually 'live' with strangers. If it weren't for her own situation, it would be really difficult, and she didn't have to do this.

"Oh, okay, I'm sorry to bother you! Goodbye."


Xu Feng hung up his mobile phone faintly, "What should I do? Where can I find it today? Time is so tight."

Xu Feng was a little anxious at this moment. He quickly turned around and took a step forward with disappointment, because time was really urgent.


A fragrance hit his nose. Xu Feng didn't expect to turn around and hit a jade wall. Although there were two soft balloons on the jade wall, Xu Feng still had a little pain.

And the other party was obviously the same as Xu Feng. The two shouted in pain together and took a big step back. Obviously, both sides did not pay attention just now, so the collision was very strong.

"I'm sorry!"

Because he suddenly turned around, Xu Feng could only suppress his unlucky thoughts and take the lead in apologizing. After all, the other party is a girl. Anyway, the other party suffers.

"It's you..."

The girl didn't blame Xu Feng. Maybe she wanted to blame her, but when she picked up the mobile phone that fell to the ground due to the collision, she raised her head and recognized Xu Feng.


Xu Feng looked up and looked at the unexpected tall woman in front of him with a little puzzledness. There was no doubt that the person in front of him was very beautiful, so Xu Feng suddenly recognized her. She was a cold woman who inexplicably used herself as a shield that day, and an identity, the recognized school beauty of the whole school, Xu Chang was unforgettable. Transfer student.

"It's you."

Xu Feng had to smile awkwardly and stood there with two long fingers, a little nervously playing with this old mobile phone.

"Hehe, thank you so much for what happened that day." Seeing that Xu Feng also recognized herself, the cold woman immediately smiled and then stretched out her right hand like water hibiscus. "Let's officially meet me. My surname is Xiao and my name is Jingrong."

"It's okay. Call me Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng reluctantly smiled, then stretched out his right hand and gently grasped the pen in front of him, which was very soft and slippery. He gently grasped it three times, and then withdrew his hand.

"You are..." Xiao Jingrong was about to chat casually and then left. When she saw the mobile phone in Xu Feng's hand and the paper in his hand, she seemed to accidentally see several familiar numbers.

It seems to be your mobile phone number?

When she saw this, she suddenly realized that it was him who called her just now. Maybe both of them were focusing on the phone just now, so they collided without notice for a moment.

"You are... Want to rent a house?"

Although she had guessed in her heart that she was inseparable, Xiao Jingrong still mentioned it vaguely.

"Yes, er... Er, how do you know?

Xu Feng instinctively answered the sentence first. When he realized it, he was shocked that this woman could guess the boredom in his heart. Xu Feng was not a stupid person. He thought of the collision, and then thought of her voice at this moment and the voice that had just talked to him, which were very similar. The only difference was that the voice just now was a little cold, and now The voice, how to say, is cold and hot, and Xu Feng is not easy to describe.

That's true. Xiao Jingrong's eyes moved down, lowered her eyelids, and fell into short-term thinking.

Seeing her two moths frown deeply, Xu Feng stood unnaturally for a while, and then held the fingers of his mobile phone tightly and pretended to say easily, "Well, it's okay. I'll go first."

"That... Wait, don't you want to rent a house? Anyway, I also want to find someone to rent with me. You can move here tomorrow.

Xiao Jingrong's words were nothing more than a strong heart, which immediately made Xu Feng's anxiety disappear.


Since he has said so, Xu Feng is not pretentious, mainly because it is really too late. As soon as he goes back today, he may have to move, but many things are obviously useless, so he can only wait for the moving company to deliver them home.

"Of course!"

Xiao Jingrong's clean face slightly showed a pair of beautiful dimples, which were very sweet and charming. Xu Feng couldn't help but stay for a second before quietly withdrawing his eyes and secretly warned himself not to think nonsense. He was a good-in-heart.