Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 74 Fire Bull 1

Just as India wanted Mary, a huge shadow suddenly fell from the sky and suddenly stopped the Indian team's strategy of chasing the British team Mary, because they saw a big black bird.

Looking at the good momentum of the big bird, the Indian team had to organize a confrontation in a panic and was escaped by Mary.

"No matter what, you can't give up."

She cursed the blocked Indian team not far away with hatred, but Mary was thinking carefully about the feasible way as she ran. After all, she is alone now, and there is another country that has not appeared. It seems that it is difficult to complete the task.

Originally, she wanted to add trouble to the Indian team, but now she had to hope that the other party would not be destroyed by the Black Bird, because she wanted the Indian team and the unknown side to kill each other, and she would be the last reaper.

On the other side of the town, Xu Feng and the others cleared the knight monsters in one fell swoop, and immediately took the old man and the little girl downstairs and began to flee to the distance. Fortunately, although there were many corpses on the street, they did not meet any monsters to stop them.

So the group quickly fled to a relatively remote house at the end of the street.

This is a house built by Nanmu, which is similar to a firewood house. The whole room is dusty. At a glance, you can know that no one has lived there for a long time. The layout of the room is very simple, just a wooden bed and some broken kitchen utensils, all of which occupy the space of the whole room.

I looked carefully to the left and right and found that there was nothing strange to follow, so everyone went in. There was nothing I could do. Now this version of the strange is too cunning to hide and follow, so I have to be careful.

When everyone entered the house, Xu Feng let the old man and the little girl in his arms sit on the only bed that could sit in. Although there was a lot of dust, it was a crisis and he could not take care of much. The old man did not hesitate to sit down directly. Because of a few days of escape, it can be said that he drained his mourning physical strength, or to save himself. The only bloodline of his family may have given up long ago.

Seeing that they had settled down, Xu Feng said, "Grandpa, this town..." Speaking of this, he stopped talking smartly. He knew that the old man in front of him would definitely continue.

The old man looked at them gratefully, thanked them, and then was in a daze for a while before muttering the reason for the disaster.

This town was originally a prosperous and rich town. Until one day, when the bully in the town, that is, the landlord Lear, was mining a mine, he didn't know what was going on. When digging, he dug an inexplicable snowy mountain. The snowy mountain was so huge that he could not see the corners at all, and it was very beautiful.

It's also strange. How can there be snowy mountains in summer now, and this is the south. Because of this strange place, Lier sent a whole thousand people at that time, divided into eight teams, to explore in all directions, because he thought that the more bizarre it is, the more likely it is to make a fortune, and the more dangerous it is to seek wealth.

Because of this, disaster soon came to this peaceful town. Among the eight teams, one of them inadvertently opened a legendary magic array. Since then, the devil has reappeared. From that magic array, many evil knights have emerged, and they quickly conquered the defense line of the town...< /P>

After listening for an hour, Xu Feng and others have understood that everything is due to the magic array on the snowy mountain, and their purpose is to destroy it. However, according to the old man, at this moment, there is an ice blade guarding the magic array. If you want to destroy the magic array, you must kill him first, and he Another person with powerful magic power,

So before they go, they must kill the fire cow in the depths of the mine to get the fruit of fire, and the mine is also the place they must go through.

As for how the old man knew this, he said that it was Ritter, the magician in the town, who told him, but Ritter himself died tragically under the horn of the fire cow.

Without delay, Xu Feng and others said goodbye to the old man and rushed to the direction of the mine pointed by the old man. Because there was only a fire cow in the mine, only the fruit of fire, and there were three forces, so they had to get it before the other two teams.

In the other direction of the mine, four people from India were running here in a hurry. When they arrived at the mine, they happened to see Mary who was following Xu Feng far away.

Xu Feng and others had already entered, and the Indian team did not see Xu Feng and others, so they did not know that someone had already entered the mine before them.

At this time, they saw Mary alone. They suddenly encountered the mold of the big black bird and finally found a vent point.

At present, they chased Mary, and Mary at the entrance of the mine also saw them. At this time, she also looked surprised. She didn't expect that they would meet so soon.

Without any hesitation, Mary ran straight back and forth. She was conceited but not an idiot. If she jumped directly into the mine, wouldn't she be sandwiched between the Indian team and the Huaxia team? It's better to retreat now and stay with a green mountain, at least there is a chance to fight.

A person as arrogant as Mary suddenly turned around and ran away, which was unexpected. He didn't even say a word, but it was really...

After thinking about it, they finally chased for a while, and then had to give up.

"What if she wants to make trouble?" Qiao Han knew how amazing Mary's skills were from the recent battle. Otherwise, the archers in his team would not have died in vain, and if it hadn't been for her delay, they would not have been so unlucky to meet the BT bird and would not have lost a teammate in vain.

"Forget it, she ran away. Anyway, she is just a person. Just be careful when you get the fruit of fire."

Bachru took a deep look at Mary in the distance and then made a decision. It was not that he did not chase, but that there was still another force that had not yet been discovered. He had to be cautious and pick the fruit of fire first, because he also knew from an NPC that there was only one fruit of fire.

"Let's go!"

After saying that, Bachru put away his wand and jumped into the mine. Soon the four members of the Indian team entered the mine in turn.

"Head, there seems to be someone in front!"

Shortly after they went deep into the mine, among Bachru's teammates, an Indian mage looked at the changing colors in front of him and said.

Without his reminder, everyone else already knows that regardless of the light effect of these skills, the sound of fighting in front of the mine echoes so brightly, unless it is a sleeping pig, oh no, it is a dead pig, it may not know.

"Hidden to one side first."

Bachru also hesitated, and finally decided to hide and wait and see before discussing the collective results.

Outside the mine, Mary looked at the dark entrance with a flashing face. She restrained her hatred, and her white jade-like cheeks collapsed tightly. At this time, she could not be anxious, because now she has only one person and can't make mistakes. Otherwise, her teammates will die in vain, which she can't stand.

While both of them were thinking, Xu Feng and others were fighting with the fire bulls that must be killed in the mission.

This is a bison with a full of flames, and the surrounding air is distorted by the flames outside its body, as if it is showing to everyone present that it is not bad.

At this time, Xu Feng's teammates, under Xu Feng's careful control, assisted Xu Feng to kill the fire cow. The only one who did not participate in the battle was Xu Changman, and he did not know what he was doing on the other side.

The fire cow's eyes are getting redder and red with the reduction of HP, and the flames on its body are becoming more and more powerful, with a great momentum of burning everything.

At this moment, Xu Changman in the distance suddenly said, "Okay!"

As soon as Xu Changman's voice reached Xu Feng's ears, Xu Feng's eyes lit up. "Everyone tightened the output. When his blood volume is about to decrease and he is about to go crazy, he will rush to Xu Changman."

After ordering, Xu Feng's attack became more and more dense, and everyone responded. At this time, everyone's attacks were overwhelming, and various skills were shining at this time, just like a fireworks event.

Just as the Fire Bull was about to go crazy, Xu Feng and others suddenly gave up the attack and turned directly to the place where Xu Changman was.

When Xu Feng turned around, the long-prepared frost nova suddenly faced him, and the chasing fire cow was frozen by Xu Feng's frost nova.

Xu Feng's time is extremely accurate. With the buffer of these two seconds, everyone immediately opened the distance from the fire cow.

As soon as the freezing time came, the fire cow's eyes were as red as the sun, like five hundred lights, full of hatred in the sky. At this time, it must be too late to chase, so I saw its big mouth, and a fierce fire wave rushed out of its open mouth and rushed towards Xu Feng and others crazily.


The fire wave was so fast that it soon caught up with Xu Feng and others running in front of them. Suddenly, a row of numbers rose from Xu Feng and others.

-115, -217, -198......

However, they survived against this fierce fire tongue.

Watching that they still continue to run forward, the single-minded Fire Bull thought that they would retreat without fighting. In addition, they had been beaten by them before, but it was furious and had not yet sent out.

A snorting nose, his hind legs kicked, and immediately shot at Xu Feng and the others like an arrow from the string.


As soon as they ran not far, a violent explosion exploded from the place where the fire cow stepped on, and five consecutive explosions, so that the fire cow, which did not have much blood, dried up directly before it went crazy.

The fierce explosion sounded like thunder in the mine, roaring continuously. The Indian people were shocked and thought that something had happened. Finally, the well-informed Bachru guessed from it.

"Don't make a fuss, just the archer's trap skill, it's no big deal." Bachru looked at his teammate's disappointing appearance and shouted,

"You're not the same..."

The Indian team dared not say anything, but could only curse with hatred in their hearts, because the first one to be shocked before seemed to be him.