Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 87 Revenge of A Biao 1

After changing the pills, Xu Feng played the game. While there is still time to take a break, he has to participate in the competition tomorrow. Xu Feng is not rejecting the competition now. Competitive competition is a kind of technology, and he can also get some experience through the pre-match.

"What are you thinking about!"

After complaining for a while, Xu Feng walked out of the door and walked towards WC. Under the dark living room, he accidentally saw that Xiao Shurong's room did not turn off the lights at this time, and the lights inside were bright and open.

"She didn't sleep? Is she here? She is worried. Is she like this these days? Suddenly, Xu Feng's heart was full of guilt.

"What are you thinking about!"

Xu Feng came to his senses and couldn't help patping his forehead. "Maybe she has the habit of sleeping with the lights on."

I laughed at myself. It seems that the schedule of moving out has to be advanced. No matter what the reason is, it is really inconvenient and unpleasant for men and women who have little relationship to live under the same roof, which is very bad for both sides, especially her.

When he woke up in the morning, Xu Feng stretched out a lot. Today, Saturday, that is, the large and small clubs of Minnan University, the grand event of more than thousands of handsome men and beautiful women, and the exchange meeting of hundreds of societies will last for two days.

This is Xu Feng's first time to participate in such a high-level event as Minnan University. It's false to say that he is not excited. What's more, he also signed up for the competition.

Everything may go well today. As soon as Xu Feng prepared breakfast, he saw the untidy-dressed Xiao Shurong and came out carelessly, which really scared him. Who would have thought that Xiao Shurong, known as the top school beauty of Minnan University, also has such a lazy side.

"Good-looking people, even if they don't dress up!"

In front of Xu Feng's eyes, Xiao Shurong's lazy look, coupled with her cheeks without a little powder when she just woke up, gave people a kind of shyness hiding in the fog.


The sound of the eighth brother's fall made Xu Feng immediately come to his senses. Fortunately, she looked very bad and did not notice Xu Feng's gaffe. Otherwise, Xu Feng would have died of embarrassment.

At the thought of that scene, Xu Feng couldn't help blushing.

However, the careful Xu Feng still noticed the abnormal blush on her face, as if... Generally ill.

"What's wrong with you?"

After hesitation, Xu Feng finally asked. After all, under the same roof, and last night, the lights in her room were working all night, and then thinking of herself under the same roof as her, Xu Feng had to ask.

"Uh, nothing..." Xiao Shurong's face floated a trace of unnaturalness, and the laziness on her face disappeared, replaced by a kind of restrained coldness.

"Oh, do you want to eat..."

It was boring, and Xu Feng didn't say anything more.

"Eat it, I'm not hungry!"

When he was rejected, Xu Feng didn't say anything, but began to eat with chopsticks.

"Bear by the way, I will find a house and move out of here as soon as possible these days."

Xu Feng ate halfway, thought about it, and finally said the words, at least to make her feel that she was not malicious. In this way, if she turned on the light all night for her own reasons, she would not use it these days.

"Isn't it good to live here?"

Xiao Shurong's tired face was obviously stunned, and then frowned unhappily.

"No, it's just..." Xu Feng chattered for a while, and finally bit his teeth, "I'm just afraid it's inconvenient for you."

"There's nothing inconvenient. Just live here!" Hearing that it was because of this matter, Xiao Shurong put away her cold expression and to be honest, because of one thing in her heart, her economy was frozen by her family. Otherwise, she would not have rented a room at the beginning, but if he could say so, it seemed that she was still right.

"Oh!" Xu Feng looked at her suspiciously and could see that she was not lying.

"It's really inconvenient, and I live in such a big apartment alone..." Speaking of this, she opened her eyes and looked around at the luxurious and cold apartment. The expression on her face was silent.

"All right!"

Since the other party has said so, Xu Feng is not the kind of person who is sluggish and involved, and he is also afraid of trouble. It is convenient to be close to the school here. He talked to her again to make sure that she is really fine. Xu Feng finished eating and went to school.

After Xu Feng left, Xiao Shurong's lips in the room opened gently and muttered in an inaudible voice, "It's so troublesome to come every month!"

As soon as she complained in pain, her willow-like posture bent down again, and the crystal sweat on her white face rolled down again.

At this time, Minnan University was decorated with lanterns everywhere, just like the school sports meeting in August, full of excitement. The big red hanging on the school gate alone, and the big-character sail arch bridge of the five Hundred Society Gala made the passers-by curious.

At this time, everyone's face was full of enthusiasm, which was unprecedented. Maybe it was because of the beautiful woman. Xu Feng thought, because he stayed with Xu Changman for a long time, and over time, his brain would always collapse strangely with some ideas.

and Xu Changman met, and the two gathered together in the martial arts club, and then set out again with the personnel of the martial arts club towards the gathering place of the hundred clubs.

This two-day community get-together was held in a relatively empty square of Minnan University with a brief opening ceremony. Everyone is a student. Naturally, we know that what students hate most is the tedious and meaningless speech. Therefore, with the opening of the chairman of the student union, the Hundred Societies Gala was officially launched.

On the first day, each club attracted the onlookers of some students and members in their respective exhibition places. Naturally, some entertainment clubs, such as music clubs and dance clubs, have the most MMs and handsome men. Therefore, they are full of all kinds of people.

And Xu Changman's first visit is naturally dance. Nowadays, the society is very flashy and naturally. Most female college students dress boldly. It is common for them to show their chests and backs. Except for three points, they should be exposed.

Of course, this cheaps most of the perverts, among which Xu Changman is the most. At this moment, he is struggling hard with the crowd around him, pushing forward desperately to get close to his goal.

On the high stage in front, there are more than a dozen young female college students with flying, twisted limbs and buttocks dancing. Under the stage, a group of male students are crazyly infatuated and shouting, and their hands follow the MM on the stage exaggeratedly. This invisibly strengthens Xu Chang's desire to break through to The belief inside.

"Good MM, wait for me, my brother is coming!"

Xu Chang had no time to take care of the hot sweat from his body, and arched his feet inward.

Since it was confirmed that Xu Changman would be here, and he would participate in the competition later, Xu Feng naturally gave up Xu Changman and returned to Wu Hong's side, waiting for his competition arrangement.

The competition is divided into pre-match and post-match. For this kind of martial arts competition, there are freehand, mixed and weapons groups! And Xu Feng participated in the empty-handed group.

The six groups that participated in the empty-hand competition were Karate Club, Taekwondo Club, Judo Club, Sanda Club, Martial Arts Club and Muay Thai Club. The competition was drawn and soon two rounds of competition were held.

In these two rounds, Xu Feng used his knowledge and experience to defeat some good opponents and finally entered the eighth final, and the surface of Xu Feng's field also surprised the onlookers.

"This seems to be a freshman in the first grade!" Among the onlookers, some elderly students pointed to the strange Xu Feng on the stage and said uncertainly.

"This seems to be..." Another, obviously a student above the second grade, also said doubtfully.

"He is Xu Feng in the first grade, I know." At this time, a small boy with thick glasses said proudly.

"Well, does everyone know that his name is Xu Feng?" The two of them gave this four eyes an extremely contemptuous look.

"Well, you must have never heard of his deeds, such as the blocking incident at the gate of the campus." The little man ignored them, gently raised the thick glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said proudly.

"Oh, it's him!"

When the two heard this, they suddenly realized that although the incident did not attract the attention of the school, it still aroused heated discussion among some people because of A Biao's personal "reputation", and those people were the so-called "fighting", commonly known as the observation of fighting enthusiasts.

The so-called heated discussion is nothing more than that someone was very unlucky today and met A Biao, a bully on campus, and then some of the two people.

"This boy has a future. He turned out to be from the martial arts club. No wonder he didn't pay attention to A Biao."

"Bear, I remember, it seems that A Biao is also participating in this competition?"


As soon as there was an inside story, the three of them discussed it in collusion. Gradually, the kindness and resentment in this game became more and more bizarre by the three of them, like a plague, frantically spread in the square of this meeting place.

"Because of A Biao, Xu Feng broke the routine and vowed to revenge here!"

If anyone questioned this, the person who promoted this sentence must have immediately replied, "Don't you know about the last school violence, that is, the scene where his good buddy was beaten by A Biao and others, and Xu Feng was also beaten at that time, so..."

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Similar information is spreading everywhere in this small square. Although the version is slightly different, all the targets point to Xu Feng and A Biao of the Taekwondo Hall.

"Really, that's not right!"

Hearing this, A Biao, who heard this, snorted coldly in the face of the concern of the members of the company. Because of the relationship with Wu Hong, he was worried that he could not find a good occasion to K him. Unexpectedly, he sent him to the door. No, he had to check the group, but he could not be rid of by others. Isn't he lost? It was a good time to beat him.