The caster of fantasy

character card related

...This is a rather simple character card............or a character introduction............


Name: Elsfia Tyrkin Rad Wendelem Alexia Lilith

Gender: Female

race: human

Age: 14

Body type: medium and petite

Identity: the second daughter of Marshal of the Imperial Capital

Height: 146

Camp: orderly and neutral

Weight: 34KG

Occupation: Mage

skin color: white

Faith: None (currently, he is a Cranvo voter, but he has not believed in it.)

Hair color: dark purple

Language: franca, dragon language, dark regional franca, ancient Ferren franca, rare language, elf language

Pupil color: purple

Appearance: exquisite appearance, elegant temperament, can be said to be a girl with no defects except for her age, but her hidden identity comes from the traveler of the crystal wall, and is currently working hard to float the city and return to the original world.

Name: Sahli Tilkin Rad Wenderlem Alessia Lilith

Gender: Female

Race: Human (quarter of demon blood)

Age: 14

Body size: medium and petite

Identity: the eldest daughter of the Marshal of the Imperial Capital

Height: 160

Camp: Neutral and Kind

Weight: 49KG

Occupation: Assassin (Wanderer)

skin color: white

Faith: Shadow Lady Shakespeare

Hair color: dark purple

Language: lingua, elf

Appearance: It's no different from Ally, just a complete body. Her personality is so open that it can be said that she has no intention. Everything takes Allie as the backbone.

Name: Sally

Gender: Female

race: human

Age: 16

Body size: medium

Identity: ordinary girl

Height: 157

Camp: neutral and kind

Weight: 45KG

Occupation: Warriors tend to be keen (Ranger?)

skin color: white

Faith: Abspension

Hair color: brown

Appearance: An ordinary girl, with perfect development and light brown short hair and light green pupils, has a generous personality, but she always takes pleasure in bullying Ellie every time. Like Ellie's mother Lilith, she likes to call her 'Effie'

Name: Elf Wink

Gender: Female

Racial: Human

Age: 16

Body size: Medium

Identity: the eldest daughter of a famous knight family

Height: 162

Campus: orderly and kind

Weight: 48KG

Occupation: Holy Knight (Knight) may become a Holy Grail Knight...

skin color: white

Faith: Strategic Goddess Red Knight

Hair color: blue

Appearance: The eldest daughter of a famous knight family, with short blue ears and chestnut pupils, is stable and adheres to justice, but she becomes a little religious because she is too infatuated with Li...

Name: Lucis (Little Lulu)

Gender: Female

Racial: Orcs

Age: 14

Body size: petite

Identity: the daughter of a patriarch of an ordinary tribe

Height: 140

Camp: neutral and kind

Weight: 33KG

Occupation: Warrior (Eepee)

skin color: white honey

Faith: Campas, the god of war (probably)

Color: Brown

Appearance: The very timid and shy cat-eared girl was a classmate who studied together in the college before she was found to be the real identity of the orc. Later, she was forcibly recruited as a member of the team by Ally. After being discovered, she became the pillow, plaything, and mascot of the people in Ellie's hands, with soft ears and tail. The soft feel is excellent, but it seems to be very**.

Name: Clarice Vere Lerina Valiel Lacshain Tirumoya (Klia)

Gender: Female

Racial: Human

Age: 16

Body type: medium and petite

Identity: ...the only supreme ruler of mankind

Height: 155

Campus: orderly and kind

Weight: 40KG

Occupation: Queen...

skin color: white

Faith: Amaunator

Color: Gold

Appearance: A gentle but assertive girl, the queen of the empire, although not dictatorial, is very tough in some aspects. Her once very weak and confused personality was completely distorted after meeting Ellie. In her heart, she only has feelings for Ellie beyond friendship, and there is no emperor's unique monopoly. Desire, in general, is a very wise emperor.

Name: Yueyin·Peng Loke·Bolsley·Ta

Gender: Female

Racial: It should be Silver Dragon


Body size: petite

Identity:............ Probably, I heard, maybe, it's a travel mage

Height: 140

camp: may be absolutely neutral


Bercolor: some sickly pale, just like transparent



Color: Silver

Appearance: A girl who always ignores everyone's own things and rarely speaks actively. Unless it is necessary, her eyes are always looking at anything. In fact, she is reading books and sorting out the information in her brain, and she is completely confused. No one knows how it came from, and there is no evidence in the Dragon Islands. Her identity.

The brunette girl... Well, after being defeated by Yueyin, she didn't have time to escape and was caught, but Yueyin did not kill her, but caught her as her servant, personality... arrogant?

Lilisi... It's better not to know the character card...

Mr. Cameron............Is anyone really interested............

Dios Tyres............It doesn't matter if you don't...

President (Adru)... Forget it...

God AO (Cruz)............ Just guess this............

Odit... This one can be ignored, and the template can almost be said to be an ordinary ranger around level 10...

The rest... There is no their character card here, and they may not even have a name... But it's definitely not a dragon...

above, finished...

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