The caster of fantasy

Devil and Technology World part1

............PART2 is coming out soon? ............Probably............


This is an interesting world.

No matter how brilliant and brilliant civilization and story biographies are, they will disappear one day. The sages who once scolded the superstition of 'science' have already turned into dust, the once high gods have gradually disappeared, and the intelligent races that once filled the world have been extinct, and even the stable and eternal continent , also began to fall apart.

I don't know when the beautiful March in the sky began to change. The black moon unconsciously disappeared, and the blue moon collapsed silently. Only the silver moon with silver moonlight still hangs in the sky - but for some reason, it is only * size.

The girl woke up from the long, seemingly endless dream. The first thing she saw was not the sky, but the black soil, but this did not cause much obstacle to the girl. She just stood up easily as unimped as standing up from a soft bed, and the soil in front of her was naturally However, it was separated - but the girl frowned, and the magic net that could be touched at will and used without obstruction became thin.

After just walking two steps, the clothes on her body flew away like dust. The girl's white body, which had never grown up and changed from childhood to green, was exposed without any cover.

The girl never cared about this problem. She just squatted down, her long purple hair scattered on the ground, and rose to the air again - their owner had found what she wanted.

It was a crude pocket, which seemed to have nothing. The girl put her hand in and took out three boxes from it, a heavy black iron box, a green light green wooden box, and a red elegant pine box.

This is not a valuable thing. There are no valuable treasures in them. What they contain... is just ashes.

Standing for a long time, the girl's unchanging face also softened. She moved the corners of her mouth slightly, and finally gave up the action of 'laughing', put away the wooden box, and took out a pure white wide-sleeved robe and a pure white cloak from the bag again.

I don't know how long she walked up. The girl only knew that the surrounding soil turned into rocks, rocks turned into soil, and occasionally some dark coal. The extraordinary sensitivity made her avoid many underground rivers, biogas and black mud settlements, and the remains of various creatures. Finally, the smell of soil around turned into the smell of recently decaying plants, and from time to time, some entangled roots appeared in front of the passage.

When she finally appeared on the ground, the girl subconsciously stretched out her right hand in front of her eyes - this was taught by Shana. She said that if she stayed in the dark space for a long time without seeing the sun, abruptly appearing in the light would burn her eyes.

However, the girl quickly put down her hand, and the sky outside was only faint, like a thin silver moon and stars all over the sky.

Surrounded by a lush forest, the chirping of countless night insects and the low sound of beasts are intertwined, but this does not make the confused girl react at all——

What about the blue moon? Why is it missing... Although I can't see the black moon that exists all the time? Why can't I feel it... Why has the silver moon become so small... What should I sing for in the future?

The longest confusion after the girl's birth began. After countless countless years of the death of companions, friends, and knights, the only world she could rely on became extremely strange, and the only thing she could move herself was also lost...


Forest development is always the most concerned issue for human beings. They wave the chainsaw in their hands, drive rumble work trucks and forklifts to the forest to cut down trees. For them, after planning forests that cannot be cut down and can be 'appropriately developed', they can do it without hindrance. Out of various entries is equivalent to getting a wonderful rectangular piece of paper...

"We need to build a resort within one hectare from here!" A fat man in a suit proudly smoked a cigarette and pointed to the map in his hand. There was a lively construction site not far ahead. The harsh sound of chainsaws resounded throughout the forest. Animals ran out of their homes and ran deeper places. Occasionally, when another animal rushed to the construction area, they were simply captured and prepared to give Lunch 'plus meal'.

A worker was accidentally hit by a fallen tree during construction. It took a long time to drag him out from under the tree and hurriedly carry him to the medical car next to him. A thin young man with gold glasses quickly closed the book, drove everyone out of the car, and untied the stretcher for careful observation. The wound, then took out the medical equipment brought with the car, quickly put on rubber gloves, and began to treat the injured man who had passed out in an orderly manner.

After lunch, the construction staff and the developer hid in the car or the tent to rest. The machine and the leftover wreckage and the wood were thrown there casually. The whole place seemed to be completely unresectable. The young man sighed and took people's money*. He was just ordinary. It's just a team doctor. It's impossible to have the right to speak...

Dare not dare to walk too deep. The young man just turned slightly around the edge area. Several pine trees that ran back because of the movement stopped and saw him come and ran into the forest without looking back. At this time, the surroundings were quiet, and even the insects were unwilling to make a sound, like the forest protesting against human beings. General.

The young man sat casually under a big tree that had not been cut down, and the cool breeze was blowing, which was much more comfortable than blowing the air conditioner in the car. Unconsciously, the young man also fell asleep sleepily...

Although human instincts have long been degraded, there are always some instincts that still stay in the deepest part of the body, just like being stared at when sleeping, or feeling that someone is looking at you for no reason. These are the most basic instincts and almost the only instincts that have not been forgotten by human beings.

The young man suddenly opened his eyes, and the forest around him was still deadly silent. He rubbed his eyes, which seemed to be a little sore due to the rapid opening, and laughed at himself that he was nervous - huh?

Someone is indeed staring at themselves from the depths of the woods. The young man's instinct is to say so. Although it is a little vague, there is no doubt that the malicious gaze is just staring at it, unlike the feeling of vigilance like animals...

Driven by that inexplicable curiosity, the young man finally couldn't help walking to the depths of the dense forest. The dense bushes were pushed away by him and trampled under his feet, and kept going deep. It was not until the sunlight overhead could no longer penetrate the layers of layers of branches and leaves that he found his goal.

It was a girl standing on a small open space. Her white skin, which obviously did not belong to this country, made young people hesitate whether to go up and talk to her, but after seeing the girl's clothes, young people felt even more confused - in this era, will anyone wear a cloak made of coarse linen cloth and wander in the forest? Question mark

The girl stood there, as if she were the owner of the space. The bushes and the horizontal weeds bypassed her feet. At the moment the young man opened the bushes, the girl took off her cloak and then withdrew her exposed hands back into the sleeve cage, but the young man didn't care. Or, he was shocked by the girl's appearance and demeanor.

The smooth dark purple long hair is softly scattered on the white cloak without feeling messy at all. It goes without saying that the girl is like a long-dead puppeteer's exquisitely carved face. The pair of emotionless purple pupils just look at this side loosely, without any fluctuation, and no doubt or Hostility is like a bottomless spring, which can see through, but not deep, let alone fully.

The young man was stunned for a long time, and finally couldn't help pushing the slippery gold glasses and asking, "Well, what are you doing?" Unconsciously, respectful words were used.

The girl moved slightly, and her cherry lips spit out soft and beautiful words like singing, but unfortunately, young people can't understand what she is talking about at all, and there is no system similar to this language in their memory - or young people can't communicate with her.

The girl saw that the human in front of her was just looking at herself in a frenrance, and she couldn't understand what the other party was saying, but it was not difficult for the girl who was once a demon king. She walked over slowly, and the weeds and shrubs at her feet automatically moved aside, leaving a narrow path behind her - and then put her hand on the human forehead. On his head, just for a moment, the human jumped back as if he was shocked, looking scared.

"...Hello." The girl opened her mouth again, but this time she spoke the language that the young man was extremely familiar with. He could only answer stiffly, "Ah... you're fine, too."

seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the young man's reaction, and the girl continued to ask slowly: "... Now, it has been DR for several years."

"Huh? Well, today is July 20, 2010 - what does DR mean? The young man returned to his usual state and began to speak fluently: "Well, where are you from?"

The girl heard the other party ask her residence (in her mind, the so-called 'where' refers to the residence.) Point to the ground.

The young man subconsciously looked around and continued to look at the girl's feet after seeing that there was no house, but it was covered by the cloak and could not be seen - at this time, the young man found that there was not much sunshine around, and some were just a little light spots.

Swallowing water, the young man began to be a little scared.

Sharply saw the young man's fear, and the girl decided to correct his cognition: "... I'm a demon king, not a ghost."

But the effect is probably worse, because young people feel that girls have become patients with mental problems.

Because the previous mind-reading effect is still there, the girl found that the world she is in now is an amazing place after sorting out the information - all the gods have disappeared, people no longer believe in magic, and most importantly, her existence has become meaningless...

Don't want to continue to pester with young people. The girl turned around and was ready to leave. She thought that as long as she continued to travel hard, she would always find her goal again... and a way to get rid of loneliness.

"That! If you don't mind, can I help you?" The young man shouted behind him. The girl stopped and turned around and moved her fingers. "Are you, do you want to have sex with me?"

The unexpected answer made the young man almost break his glasses and quickly waved his head, "How is that possible!" I just want to help you, that's all!"

"Claya said that males like to end because it is instinctive."

As a doctor, young people feel that they need to teach this girl's worldview from nowhere.

"My name is... Everyone calls me Seven Nights, how about you?"

"Aili, in addition, I'm the devil." Try to emphasize your identity so as not to forget it, and then follow the young people out of the forest...


After understanding the customs of the young people's country, the girl rudely occupied a combination cabinet in the young man's home, and then took out three boxes from the light pocket in a stunned expression of the other party, and then drew three portraits with a flexible activation pen on blank paper, and finally three pieces of wood. The box was set up, three portraits were pasted on the wall, and a few columns of incense were inserted in the front - of course, because the information she saw was not very complete, the girl directly inserted the incense on the cabinet.

"This is Claire." The girl pointed to the young man's portrait with soft curly blonde hair and full of gentleness in her pupils, and then added, "My lover. Once."

"This is Shanna." The girl pointed to the portrait of the elf girl with green straight hair and a gentle smile to the young man, and then continued to add, "My travel companion, once."

"This is crimson." The girl introduced to the young man by pointing to the portrait of a girl with long silver smooth hair and a bright smile like the sun, and then still added, "My knight, once."

When saying these words, the girl still had that flat expression, as if she was talking about other people's stories rather than the three people who were the most unforgettable in her heart. The young man looked at the girl, and there was still no fluctuations in her eyes, but the young man firmly believed that this was only temporary because of the blow of the death of her friends. It's just losing surface feelings - up to now, young people still think that girls are just human beings with some 'special abilities'.

"Well, how about we start formal treatment today?" Seven nights pushed her glasses and motioned the girl to sit back on the sofa and start the so-called 'treatment' process.

The girl nodded and sat opposite the seven nights and began to listen to the other party's words full of rhythm. Unfortunately, she felt that the content did not match her at all, so she just listened to it as an ordinary philosophical book or something...

Half an hour later, seven nights put down the cup of water that had been drunk and shook his head helplessly. It seemed that short-term treatment was useless due to the long time of illness - speaking of which, why did I bring her back with a fever?

Qiye suddenly found this problem, but the girl took the lead in opening her mouth, still faint, without ups and downs, and also without any tone: "Because you really want to leave me in your heart, and I don't feel any malice, so I used a charm to human beings."

"Do you know how to read minds!" From now on, Qiye decided to change his judgment. Maybe the beautiful girl in front of him is really not human?

With all kinds of amazement, she went out to work seven nights. The girl sat on the sofa and stared at the black TV for a long time. The remote control on the coffee table automatically flew to her hand. Because common sense and other things have already been read by the girl, these simple operators are still easily competent.

However, even so, this flat projection device could not arouse any interest of the girl. She turned her head slightly and saw rows of professional books on the bookshelf...


Qiye just finished an emergency and returned to his office. He opened the door and a comfortable artificial leather chair. A beautiful girl with purple hair sat there quietly, holding a medical journal in her hand and reading it carefully. The quiet posture made him stunned for a while without a normal reaction and blinked. He suddenly closed the door and went to the table and knocked on the table.

"..." The girl raised her head, looked at Seven Nights, and then lowered her head to read the book again.

Seven nights began to have a headache, not to mention how she came in - the question is, why is she still wearing this white robe?

"...because there are no clothes that fit." The girl answered faintly, put the book back in her hand and then pulled out another book to start reading.

The only chair was occupied, and I had to sit on the window sill and watch the patients recuperating in the small garden for seven nights. Anyway, there is nothing to do now, and if I chat, I will always develop into a person talking to myself, so I'd better give up.

The girl casually turned over the books that outsiders seemed difficult to understand, and stood up after reading one book at the speed that ordinary people thought were turning over the book.

"Eh? What's the matter?" Seven nights casually asked and poured a glass of water for the girl.

" tastes bad." The girl mercilessly criticized the inferior tea here.

After that, the girl pointed to someone under the window "... crimson."
