The caster of fantasy

Chapter 8 Events and Events at the Beginning of Events

Allie took the document, which turned out to be a war report, although the information above was very interesting...

"Oh... That guy is not bad. He actually captured Fei Lengcui in just a few days? However, his route is a little..."

Allie muttered to herself, unconsciously stroked her badge, and then looked up and said, "Well, if the situation doesn't get worse, I'll go and have a look next week. Of course, don't forget to give me a document."

"That's good, old man, I can't get rid of it..." The dean was a little helpless, and then seemed to remember something, "You have a pet?" It seems that the old dean knows about Dior.

"Ah, that's right. To be precise, it's a spare test product." Allie looked at the window, and the sun died on the horizon again. Obviously, three moons came out, but it did not fall.

"As a mentor and a traditional gentleman, would you like to invite a young lady to dinner?" While talking, Allie had removed the badge on her chest.

"Ha ha... It's better to have this kind of vanilla... No problem, old man, I won't refuse the invitation of a lovely lady, so please..." While talking, a group fixed-point teleportation has been launched.

When I walked to the dormitory, it was already when the sun was completely setting. The roadside street lamps were full of energy during the day, and now they are slowly emitting soft white light... Well, they are much more comfortable than the dazzling yellow or white light in the former world. These street lamps are also made by the mages' idle boredom - to be precise. It is the mages who provide theories and materials, while the alchemists are responsible for production and improvement.

Opening the door of the bedroom, Elf was about to go out, holding a wooden basin and some grooming things in her hand. Allie..." "Arie." Love...Aili, do you want to take a shower together?"

Looked at Sergley, who was struggling with a pen and letter. No, I'm a little tired today. Thank you for your kindness. Elv nodded and took the door out.

Sheri obviously didn't find Ellie's arrival. She was struggling with the letter, and the energetic mother was really serious about everything... Seeing that her sister was puzzled by the letter, in order not to let her lovely sister not be unconscious, Ellie proposed to modify it in time--

"Write Tim here instead of Ter."

"Huh...ah! Little Aili!" Sethrie, who was awakened, threw down the pen and said, "Welcome back!"

When she put on her pajamas, Ally sat at her desk and picked up the pen and the pile of letters. The boy's pile was easy to solve, and then the girl's pile...

"Aili, I have fallen in love with you since the first time I saw you. Please go out with me!"

This is the first sentence of the opening...

Allie calmly put a few letters back into the envelope and took out a few pieces of writing paper and began to reply. The font is as beautiful as before - 'Sorry, you are a good person, but we are only suitable for friends...'

After installing the letter, Ally heard a tapping sound from the window. When she looked over, she saw a 'man' squatting there. Huh? Isn't that Dior?" He didn't care about the other party's anxious eyes - the poor guy was shot by silence...

Open the window and give him a bag of gold coins before the other party reacts. "Go find a hotel. Don't die on the way. You know, it's very difficult for me to summon a demon." Then he closed the window and closed the curtains. Outside the window, Dior was first moved, then stunned, and finally heard the voice downstairs behind him - "That guy is there!!!"

"Little Aili, I finally finished writing..." There was a listless voice from behind her. Is that right? Go to bed early." Allie went to Sesili's unorganized desk and picked up a letter, "Girl's letter... Has Sesheri been confessed by the girl?"

Sheri, who has walked to the bed, pushed Ellie to the ground at an unbelievable speed. "No... you can't look at little Ellie!!" Ignoring her sister's shouting, Ally was still ready to open the letter.

"No!!!" Cersili jumped on Ellie and saw that Ellie ignored herself so much. In a hurry, she held Ellie's wrist and pressed it on the floor above Ellie's head.

"You! Do...what to do!!" Elf, who just pushed the door, saw such a scene... A short-haired girl with a red face was crossing (river crab, is this also a river crab?) Sitting on a long-haired girl with an indifferent face, her hands are unremittingly pressing the long-haired girl's hands on the floor - how does this scene look like a violent scene...

"Ah...that...I...this..." The red cheeks became red, including the neck. After stamming for a long time, they quickly rushed into their quilt and shrank!

"Nothing, as you can see." Allie stood up and patted her clothes, and then raised the letter paper in her hand.

"Well, good night, Ellie." Alf nodded with relief and lay on his bed.

Help Seheri tidy tidy up her desk, then folded the letter, walked to the edge of her bed and said good night to the girls on the left and right. After getting the answer, she clicked on the fixed lighting device on the ceiling. The next moment, darkness enveloped the room...


"...Yu... Feiyu... Don't forget..." In the vague dream, there was a very familiar voice, and then began to become more blurred, and then disappeared completely.

Suddenly opened his eyes, and his hunch was getting more and more correct... Serhily was quietly touching her bed, "...come here." The small voice floated in the air, and the short-haired girl was first like being struck by lightning, then happily got into Ellie's quilt and hugged her skillfully. As for why she could make so many movements and see expressions in such a dark room... Dark vision can do a lot of things...

"Don't move, don't**, sleep." After saying that, I closed my eyes. Not long, a small head drilled into my neck, and my smooth hair rubbed near my chin. The small breath hit my neck with a heartwarming itching feeling, and my mood was inexplicably calm. Thinking about it, I fell asleep in a short time...

In the morning, what woke Ellie up was not the sound of birds outside the window, because she had set a boundary, nor because Seheri unconsciously tightened her hand, but a strange look, turned her head to the right, and saw the stunned expression of Elf sitting in **'s untidy clothes.

"Good morning."

"Early..." The answer is like a ghost. It seems that the misunderstanding will deepen...

struggled a little, "Wow...little's delicious..." What a naive dream.

"Well, Al, help me." Ally made a request with a faint smile. Ah, okay..." After a moment, she found that it was herself. Elf quickly came down from ** and walked to the two to wake up Sally.

"Good morning..." Sheshley opened her eyes vaguely and took this opportunity to jump out of bed immediately. It hurts..." A bunch of hair was still pressed, and the two looked helplessly at Seshelee, who continued to sleep.

Finally, under Ellie's explanation, Elf understood Sesili's habit. So that's it... Is there a sense of dependence on your sister... Why is there always a feeling of something wrong..." Elf said to herself.

"Yes, I've never seen a sister so dependent on her sister, right?" The well- Dressed Ellie lifted the quilt and began to unbutton her pajamas in front of Elf.

"Well... it's better to wake her up..." Elf turned away, as if she had a trace of blush?

"Do you think she can wake up in this situation?" She put the last wallet on Seheri, and Ellie whispered something in her ear.

"Aw, ah, ah!" With a strange cry, the short-haired girl suddenly jumped up from **, and then hugged Ellie next to her tightly. "Wow... It's terrible, so terrible, little Arie..."

The serious girl looked at Ellie confusedly, "That... Ellie, what did you say?"

"Nothing, just a little spell to get people up."

"Well..." Inadvertently glanced at a small transparent crystal at the head of the bed, which showed time. At that moment, the capable knight's code awakened.

"Hurry up, I don't have much time. I'm going to be late for class!" Then he quickly put the seemingly precious knight's sword around his waist. Because it was a formal occasion or the need to fight, the light steel armor was not put on.

When the three walked to the dining room, a figure who seemed to have been at the door of the dining room for a long time quickly greeted him. It turned out to be the old Dean Ya Drew.

"Finally, the old man, I've been waiting for so long." Just as soon as she wanted to laugh at him, Ellie saw that the anxious look on the dean's face didn't seem to be fake, so she changed her mind and asked, "What's wrong?"

The two girls looked at the two confusedly. Elf couldn't imagine what the dean had to do with Ellie... "Go in first and talk about it when we eat." Allie suggested that she couldn't say anything at the door now.

The old dean nodded hurriedly, and then welcomed several people into the dining room. He dragged the two girls who did not understand what had happened to the third floor. After sitting down, he didn't even have time to drink a cup of tea, and a map was immediately spread out in the yard.

"This is the map sent back by the detective three hours ago." The yard's tone was a little angry, "That bastard marched overnight, and his soldiers seemed to be free. That damn guy was flattened by him with a bomb in the last street!"

"What bomb is made of?"

"Of course it's fire! Where did that bastard get the wooden double* machine!"

Aili stared at the map. According to this marching route, the next target is the stone castle, which is officially declared war on the inland...
