The caster of fantasy

Chapter 22 Resurrection and Necessary Conditions

...This chapter may be boring...


On the dark plain, this is the temporary place for the dead, where only the confused souls are stagnant. Every once in a while, the messengers of God will come down to receive their believers, and the unbelievers and disbelievers will be left behind.

Allie strolled on this gray wasteland. Many souls next to her were being picked up by the messengers of God, and she quietly watched them leave the dead land in order - the messengers of the gods just looked at her and turned their heads and left. In their eyes, there was no There is a cover for their disgust and contempt.

silently counting the time in his heart, it seems that he should also send someone over, right? While thinking about this, a ragged black robe floated towards him, with only a pair of red eyes and a dark sickle in the robe.

When Allie saw it coming, she just nodded speechlessly (will the ghost nod... I don't know.) Then silently followed it to the place where the robe came. Before long, a tall city appeared in front of Ellie, but she had seen it many times, so she was not surprised that the city was built of beautiful crystal. After entering the depths of the city, this was her destination - in the crystal tower ( CrystalSpire's inner city of judgment.

This city is not as beautiful as the city outside - it is the divine realm, so it doesn't matter if it is beautiful, and this is the place to judge the dead. Cranwo, the god of the dead, lives in this gray, dull and crowded city with the recorder of death. The walls of the city are emanating all the time. With supernatural green light - look carefully, there are all kinds of souls on it. They are unbelievers detained here, and this wall is the famous wall of unbelievers (or the wall of betrayal). Here, no believers can escape until they are melted by the wall. As for those who betray their faith and have been tried Sentenced faithless people... they will be sentenced to all kinds of punishments.

The black robe that led Ellie over - well, there is a ghost in the robe. It took off the robe and threw down the sickle to join the hard laborers in the city to do all kinds of work. Ellie walked to the center of the city with a clear goal, which is her destination. Any dead soul will try not to get close to it. Because his crime will be established there...

In the hall, Cranvo was sitting behind the long table of the trial to give the final judgment to a group of dead souls in front of him, and next to him, the recorder of death quickly recorded these crimes in his book.

Allie stood against the wall without saying anything. In this hall, she was able to show her pre-death appearance rather than a ghost form like a hazy shadow. Looking at her translucent hands, Ellie couldn't help sighing. It seemed that the arrow was shot with a bow and arrow - if it was heavy The crossbow estimated that he would not die so easily, but if it is a light crossbow... With all due respect, it can only be used during a sneak attack.

But that assassin is really arrogant... He used arrows to deter everyone's hearts... But Serhily's performance is also worth playing. Obviously, she was a little girl who stood unsteadily when she saw the dead two months ago, but she was able to find the murderer so quickly and cut him cleanly that night. The head was brought back. It seems that the people in my family are not ordinary and simple...

In his wild thoughts, Cranwo had solved this group of dead. He stood up from behind the long table and appeared in front of Ellie without any movement.

"Meet again, my little friend..." Cranwo is not as horrible as the legend - it is said that he is a ruthless character who has to conduct a formulaic trial in everything. Well, the legend is always so inaccurate.

"Dear Lord Death, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I don't think it's a happy thing." Allie politely expressed her displeasure with death... After all, no one likes to die.

Cranwo nodded and took Allie away from the depressing hall. After walking for a short time, the two (or non-living.) Stop in a very spacious place, and Cranwo first sat on a high-backed chair that appeared at some point and gestured to Ellie to sit opposite him.

"Before your two deaths, I proposed to make you my voter, so what's your opinion at this meeting? My little friend?" Cranwo is much milder than expected. Of course, this is inseparable from how he abused you before he died... But what will happen after death... At worst, he will be sentenced to a terrible punishment that makes the devil or the devil smack his tongue.

"If my memory has not been tampered with by anyone, I would like to know why you only made me your warrior before your two deaths, why did you propose to become a voter this time?" Allie asked Cranvo with very appropriate sentences, and then put on a listening posture and waited for the death's answer.

"Your soul is different from others, not just with the smell of that world--" Cranvoby drew a strange gesture and then continued, "I have contacted people in that world. Their souls are as strange as yours, but your soul is special... It is a quarter less, and You have a deep relationship with AO.

As an ancient god, Cranwo witnessed the birth of a new AO with his own eyes. He also knew the existence of people in a different world, but those people's souls were either directly destroyed by other people from different worlds, or their souls had no strangeness. In front of him, this young but strong spiritual power, but strange only three-quarters of the soul made him find interesting things.

"Ha...that's..." Ellie couldn't help sighing. She didn't know why her soul was missing by a quarter, but she couldn't say anything about her spiritual power... But she used to be just an ordinary person?

"So, Mr. Death, what obligations do you need to comply with if you become your voter?" This time, the wording is more serious, because at least it belongs to the type of negotiation - this kind of god is not easy to find.

"Ah, don't be nervous, my little friend, I just want a special spokesperson who can walk on the ground. Although my believers also have excellent existence, their souls..."

"I understand, Lord Cranvo, I have understood the voters' obligations, but the ability of voters..." Allie didn't finish her words. After all, it's not easy to have a good relationship if everything is broken.

"You have the right to walk on the ground, and you can be resurrected directly on your repaired body without the help of resurrection or miracles. Of course, in contrast, I hope you can preach my teachings on the ground, okay?"

"That is to say, I will become a person with faith from now on?" Allie pressed her hat, and then she found that her hat had not appeared.

"Oh, no, dear child, I won't force you to believe in me. You are a very powerful mage, and I just hope you can preach my teachings when you walk on the ground."

Cranwo pointed out the problems in Ellie's words very seriously, and then looked at the dark and desperate sky. "It seems that your interlocutors are coming."

A god and his handsome way appeared in this spacious position, with a soft white light on his body. "Cranwo, we meet again." What an impolite way to say hello.

"Yes, dear God, is this the soul you want to take back?" With a slight debt, Cranvo did not hold much respect - probably just out of respect for God.

"Uh... You're here. It's not troublesome. It's been three days. That's it, Cranwo, I owe you a favor." Then he pulled Allie in a fiery way and prepared to leave.

"Well, Lord Cranwo, I hope to have a pleasant meeting next time..." Ally made a mage salute before stepping on the portal prepared by a certain god.

"Ha ha... I haven't been so happy for a long time. Dear children, you can bring me a lot of happiness every time you appear. So, I wish you can live in the cycle of life for a long time... This is also a blessing that life likes."


After the confused dizziness and chaotic distress, Ellie slowly opened her mysterious purple eyes, and the wide pupils began to slowly focus, and there was a crystal barrier in front of her.

"..." He stretched out his hand and felt a little obstacle, as if there was a sense of squeezing in the water, but it was not difficult to exhale.

This transparent ** is the biggest invention in recent 100 years. It can save the next level of punishment when the dead are resurrected, and this punishment is unacceptable to anyone - even if it is less than level seven.

At this moment, this familiar basement is empty, but it's okay. I can still sleep. Thinking of this, Ellie let her body float in this huge crystal container. Her long purple hair naturally spreads in the water, white dress - wait, who will change my clothes? Allie thought about it and let's see if there will be a piece of meat.

Breathing these half a liter of ** that costs 100 gold coins, Ellie closed her eyes and fell asleep...