The caster of fantasy

Chapter 33 So-called Value So-called Character

At dawn, Ellie sat up and felt the magic in her body. This kind of routine event has become a habit, but if you try it every day, it will become a habit like brushing your teeth and washing your face without making people feel disgusted.

Climb out of some low tents, Ellie's greatest wish is to be able to use luxury... Anyway, anyone can choose a half-faced house and a low tent.

It has been more than half an hour after everyone got up and folded the tent. During this period, Ellie thoughtfully put the fragrant and hot barbecue on each person's plate and put it on the tablecloth, but the weather in spring and summer is really uncomfortable - there are no fresh vegetables to eat...< /P>

When she set off again, there were some subtle changes in the seat... Sheili was pulled into the carriage by Sally, who seemed to understand something, and Yueyin also left the floating book and walked into the back carriage, but the position she chose was that Ellie's usual seat - no one has been sitting in that position so far.

In this way, Elf was left in the co-pilot's seat when Ellie was driving, so the carriage smoothly drove along the ancient trade road to the imperial capital in the southwest - it used to be a green field, but now it has been established as a huge imperial capital after the unification of the human empire...

It was very quiet along the way. Elf looked unnaturally from left and right, sometimes stared at her hand, and sometimes glanced at Ellie quickly and then quickly turned to the clear blue sky.

"If there is anything, you might as well say it. As my knight, isn't it impossible to hide anything?" Allie still stared at the road ahead, but this sentence seemed to have played a role.

"Well... Ally, isn't there any dissatisfaction with my presumptuous request to become your guardian knight?" Elf finally said a sentence. That awkward look is really cute...

"Well... it's nothing to be dissatisfied, but it's a little surprising." This sentence is obviously deceptive. At that time, Ellie knew what Elf thought. This is many years of GAL game experience!

"This...this way..."

So the topic ended, and there was another long silence.

"Well...what does Ellie think of me?"

"............It's very interesting. It's very serious and suitable to be a wife." After a brief evaluation, Ellie turned her eyes slightly, then let go of the crystal and took out a folded local map from her arms.

Open this map, and Ellie handed it to Elf. As a believer of the goddess of strategy, it should be very sophisticated to look at the map, right?

"This is... We are here now. If there is no accident halfway, we can get to the outer area of the imperial capital after noon, but the specific location cannot be inferred."

Sure enough, Elf became different as soon as she received the map. She just measured it with her fingers to calculate the current position and the time.

"Good job, but our goal is not there..." Ellie put away this map and took out another map that looked similar, but the paper felt thicker, as if there was a mezzanine.

slowly entered a little magic, and the route on the paper lit up. Allie gently stroked the instructions in the imperial capital area, and a new route appeared.

"That's it, but I'm not sure how long it will take."

Give the map to Elf again, Ellie gently turned the crystal ball forward a little, and the speed of the carriage increased a little.

"If there is no deviation in my measurement, I can get here at afternoon tea time, but lunch is not guaranteed." Elf said confidently that her expression once again changed from serious to a confident girl who asked for credit from a person with a good impression.

"So, well done~~" Ellie stretched out a hand and touched Elf's head. The latter first narrowed her eyes, then suddenly opened as if she remembered something, and panicked away from Ellie's hand and continued to stroke Mo.

"lost...indeed! I'm so vigilant..."

"This has nothing to do with vigilance... Just take it as a reward."



Sherly lay boredly at the window and looked at the scenery that kept passing outside. Next to her was Little Lulu... but the situation was not good.

"Little Lulu~~ How about trying the bread made by your sister Sally?"

Sally took the bread she made before coming out with little Lulu. The attractive golden bread looked like delicious food, but little Lulu shook her beautiful short linen hair with a face of fear, and her light green eyes were tightly closed, as if she didn't want to think of anything.

"Huh? Isn't Lulu hungry... I was very happy when I ate my bread for the first time~~" Sally, who didn't know how lethal her food was, sat in her seat aggrievedly, and then turned her target to Yueyin, who was turning over the book.

"Do you want to try Xiaoyue?"

did not get an answer.

"...Do you want to try Xiao Yueyue?"

Still no answer.

"Moon tone, do you want to try it?"

Slowly raised his head and closed the book in his hand. After seeing the golden bread handed over by Sally, he was stunned for a while, and then shook his head slowly and resolutely, saying that he didn't need to eat it.

"What a pity..."

There was no choice but to eat this piece of bread by herself. "Well~~ It tastes really good... It seems to be a mixture of pine nuts and cream..."

No, no one wants to try the pine berry and cream mixture.

Suddenly, Allie opened the door and said, "Sherly, come out and drive."

This sentence is undoubtedly similar to the effect of clockworked iron toys. In less than five seconds, Cercily rushed out of the car and sat in the seat given up by Ellie, jumping and asked, "Can you really open it for me?"

"Yes, but you have to arrive here before noon~~" Ellie handed over the map in her hand to Elf.

"Al will tell you how to go, but don't overspeed too much."

"En!" Seshelie happily held the crystal and looked at Elf with hopeful eyes.

"This... go straight to the end and then turn right..." Elf felt the hot enthusiasm, answered the question very seriously, and then turned her head to the right to look at the scenery as if she couldn't bear the enthusiasm.

"Okay, is little Ellie seated?"

"All right."

"Let's go~~"

In an instant, everyone only felt as if they had been hit by something and leaned back. The scenery on both sides was pulled into a long ribbon, and the light wind isolated by the isolation barrier became more violent than before.

"Sheri is still so energetic."

Sari fixed herself on the wall and smiled at Ally sitting in her special position, and Ally could only face her with a wry smile.

Little Lulu has never felt this sense of stall, so she had to hold the rope (safety belt) that bound her tightly and looked at Ellie as if she was about to cry. The latter seemed to say with some relief, "It doesn't matter. I'll get used to it in a while."

Yueyin seemed to be completely unaffected. She still sat so firmly on the deputy seat next to Ellie, writing leisurely. Her eyes were not as loose as before, but focused on her notebook like a focused person.

After careful calculation, Ellie found that it was probably close to noon when she arrived at her destination, so she decided to sleep. After gradually adapting to this sudden acceleration, Ellie pulled down her soft hat and fell asleep...

When Allie was woken up, there was a lot of noise around her. After getting out of the car, she was shocked by what she saw--

A mountain, an inverted peak floats in front of itself, and below is a vast basin. At this time, they are in a tent. There are many magicians among the people coming and going, and more people wearing soldier clothes and holding various tools in their hands. They walk up one in an orderly manner. An airship flew to the upside-down peak. It is not clear how big the prototype of this floating city is in the distance, but the ratio of the airship is at least five kilometers.

I have to say that the empire spent a lot of money to build this thing this time...

"Hello! Please show me a valid token to show your identity!" A soldier came over and asked to check her identity, and Ally showed her family emblem.

"Excuse me! Do you want to go to the floating city? Her Majesty told me to go to her if you come!"

Allie was a little curious at this time. Clea? Doesn't she have a lot of official business to do? Why did you come to this place to supervise the floating city?

"It's like this! Her Majesty said that she would have a field trip and give you a surprise. As for the specifics, it is not clear!"

"Thank you for your hard work."

Allie took out an ordinary small cloth bag and threw it over, then greeted everyone to get on the car, and then drove to the nearest airship... Floating city, the crystallization of ancient civilization, finally reappeared in this long-peaceful land...


I don't want to modify this chapter... I think it's well written...