The caster of fantasy

Chapter 90 If it is the protagonist

In the jungle, an ordinary teenager with black hair, black eyes and yellow skin is running fast. Behind him are several hungry wolves.

The teenager gasped heavily, and the iron sword in his hand was almost unstable, but he still ran forward tenaciously until a huge tree appeared in front of him.

He tried his back against the tree, and the four wolves fell down calmly. The hungry beasts were actually very smart. They knew that the teenager in front of them could only fight with one-handed swords, so they would not attack anxiously.

The teenager swallowed his saliva hard, and he calmed down. Since he stopped, it was fine!

A strange gesture, a triggered word, a thin sulfuric acid line suddenly burst out of the teenager's finger and hit a wolf straight. It made a sad howl and quickly ran away - this technology is known to be magic, powerful and has no chance of winning...

The other three wild wolves looked at each other a few times, made a reluctant cry, and then turned their heads into the woods and disappeared. At this time, the teenager sat down at ease, and the sword in his hand was thrown to the ground casually. His spirit and physical strength had been consumed a lot. At this time, he could no longer support his consciousness, even if there was another beast coming. He was also unable to fight back, and the teenager fell asleep...

The name of the teenager was Li Ming. When he wandered on the street, a flower suddenly appeared here. Just as the teenager died helplessly, a hermit saw a burst of light in his eyes, and then said that his talent was suitable for learning spells, so the teenager followed the hermit to learn half Nian's spell, and just a few days ago, the hermit also died because of his death. After that, in order to get out of the forest, the teenager walked out of the natural shelter with an inherited iron sword, a shallow martial arts and some newly learned spells.

Who would have thought that the teenager couldn't help but be a little depressed when he came out of this kind of thing. It seems that his luck is really...

Li Ming woke up from his sleep and miraculously found that he had not been eaten by the beast. He couldn't help sighing that his bad luck should be over, and the next should be continuous good luck!

Suddenly, there was the sound of fighting, shouting, and howling of beasts not far away. Li Ming was happy. It seems that he met human beings this time! Standing up happily and picking up the iron sword at hand, Li Ming rushed to the place where the sound happened excitedly, carefully hid his figure, pushed away the grass leaves and took a closer look--

Three beautiful girls dodged the attack of five or six bear-like creatures in a light golden barrier. The barrier was bright and dark, giving people a look as if they would break the next moment. The girl in blue short-haired knight was seriously looking outside and constantly patting the screen with her fat palms. The blind bear, while the purple short-haired girl is a pair of light leather armor, staring at one of the bears, as if she was going to kill it at the next moment!

The most exciting thing for Li Ming among the three is the long-haired girl who is trying to stand to maintain this barrier. She closes her eyes tightly, raises her hands high, and the sweat on her forehead is densely layered. Although she looks quite young (I always feel that this guy is a loli-controlled... We can't discriminate against Lori...), but she is full of Intellectual beauty - but now is not the time to watch the bustle. Li Ming held his breath for a moment and began to recall what spell he should use.

In the dense forest a little farther away, an elf and a middle-aged man dressed in a very jungle character are sitting on a branch. The two are talking casually. As for the content...

"Is this really useful? I always feel that guy won't be so easily fooled. The elf shook his ears and leaned against the trunk of the tree and asked lazily.

"...At least it's the most likely than letting the three of them run around in the jungle and finally meet him unharmed?" The middle-aged man didn't talk much and didn't even open his eyes.

"Forget it, I hope this guy can pass the assessment this time." The elf threw away the core in his hand, stood up and clapped his hands. "Okay, it's time for me to find my beloved Sarana. Keep working hard~~~"

Li Ming's careful imagination gradually flashed with a magic spirit in his hand. Unexpectedly, the purple long-haired girl who was supporting the force field wall picked up the corners of her mouth. At that time, the force field wall was broken like glass and turned into a flashing magic light and disappeared. At this time, the five bears raised their heavy palms again. At this moment, Li Ming's The spell is also completed!

The dazzling lightning formed a ring and enveloped several bears in it. The frightened giant bear did not find out who attacked him, but quickly turned around and ran away?!

The knight girl still did not put down her weapon, but was still alert, and the girl in light leather armor also slightly loosened the dagger in her hand, but quickly clenched it. Only the caster girl put down her hands and opened her eyes and glanced around.

"Which warrior saved us at this critical moment? If possible, please come out to receive our thanks.

The beautiful voice moved Li Ming and didn't say much. Li Ming stood up from the grass and summoned up the courage to come out.

"I just passed by here and happened to see several people attacked by beasts, so I could save them... I don't need to thank them or anything." The franca is very fluent, which is the result of Li Ming's sudden study for a month. At this time, he is also extremely proficient in using it. Li Ming himself is also relieved to see several girls relax.

At this time, he found that the girl who had been communicating with him was almost the same as the girl holding a dagger behind her. Except for her height and pupil color, they were simply carved in a mold!

Seeing Li Ming's tattered clothes with a smile in her purple eyes of the same color as her beautiful purple long hair, the girl asked again and invited, "In that case, can you take us out of this forest? After all, there are not a few dangers around here.

Li Ming couldn't help it and nodded. After a short rest, the four went on the road again. During this time, Li Ming told them his name and also got the names of the three girls--

A tough girl with short blue hair is called Elf.

The purple short hair looks very weak, but in fact she is an assassin's girl named Cersili.

And the girl with long purple hair and a pink-purple robe is the sister of the purple short-haired girl named Ellie.

Under the leadership of several people, he arrived at the first town Li Ming met in the world in less than half a day. At this time, he knew that the three girls were a small team of mercenaries, and they entered the forest to complete a collection task. Because they did not take the forest seriously, they were killed by several giants. The bear looked at and attacked the standard bridge, but could not find any flaws.

Tama Town is a small town around the Wildas Forest located below the western part of the mainland. There are all the facilities that adventurers are bound to use, and what connects them is the adventurer union - or more commonly, the mercenary union.

Li Ming took the lead in walking into the union, and the noisy shouting and rude words boasting about his achievements came to his face. This is the largest gathering point... At least this is the case.

Aili took two girls to hand in the task. Li Ming looked casually and unconsciously turned his eyes to the taskbar next to the bulletin board, where he saw something that shook his heart!

It is written in six different but absolutely different world words:

'Dear friend, do you feel confused? Do you feel strange and confused about the things around you? Do you want to find a strong pillar without a sense of support? Then come on, take this task and come to us. Our Time Travelers Association sincerely invites you to join us!'

Even Li Ming, who has seen some dangerous things in the world, feels that a chill comes directly from the spine to the back of his head, which is beyond his imagination! Are there many people like yourself in this world?!

Allie came back with the reward. When she saw Li Ming staring at the bulletin board, the corners of her eyes twitched unnaturally - those bastards, why did they do such strange announcements when they had nothing to do? Do you want to be disgusted by the people who see it?! However, why is there always a familiar feeling... Psychiatric hospital advertisements?

Li Ming thought calmly. He felt that there was no problem if he went there... Since they all came from the same place, there should be no problem, right? It should... No, since we all know the root, then...

The human heart... is really interesting... Knowing that this is a good opportunity to meet fellow villagers, they are not moving forward because of the imaginary traps or other things in their hearts...

Because of a moment of hesitation, Li Ming couldn't make up his mind, but he didn't know that the expression of Ally behind him changed, and finally it was still the lazy smile, but what was inside... Probably only she knew...

Ally invited Li Ming to join her mercenary team, and Li Ming was very eager - three such eye-catching girls invited her to join. If she refused, Li Ming would suspect that he was not a real human, so he did not hesitate to sign his name on that mercenary contract... When However, it is a common language.

Allie narrowed her eyes and first gave a beautiful mage salute. Then, Elf knocked on the hilt of the sword and gave a knight's salute. Finally, Seshelie looked at Ellie, then looked at Elf, stroked the badge on her chest with her left hand, and then bent down to give a salute. These rituals were displayed by three girls. Come on, it is full of elegant beauty.