The caster of fantasy

Chapter One Hundred and One Surprises Beyond Accident

The four walked to Sally's house as usual. When they were bored, Alice and Claire would subconsciously choose there and never go through the main door when they wanted to find a leisure time.

When passing by the square, Ally suddenly stopped and looked at a huge row of trees behind the square and fell into meditation, and then pulled Sahli, who was moving forward.

"...Although I don't think it's appropriate, why don't we visit that one?" Then he vetoed as if it were self-conflict, "Forget it, that guess... Let's go to Sister Sally..."

Claya took Ellie's left hand and smiled gently, "It doesn't matter, just think of it as if you miss it... I also want to know if that person is still healthy... Although..."

The two's desire stopped making Elf confused, and Cerf was also a little unhappy. She quietly pulled Elf for a while, and then jumped and ran to hold Ellie's other hand.

"It doesn't matter, little Aili! Shall we just go and have a look? Just look!"

Then she couldn't help pulling Ellie to a row of trees with Claire. Elf, who was moved, shook the long sword hilt of both hands in her hand and walked there behind the three people.

counted, and finally Claire stopped in front of an ordinary tree. At this time, Ellie had sorted out her mood and walked to the front. Ellie stretched out her hand, took a deep breath, and then pushed open the bark door like bark (as you think, it is indeed made of bark). Then, she saw what she thought The scene outside.

"Welcome." The beautiful voice like the breeze blowing through the woods circulated in their ears. The three of them were stunned for a moment and looked carefully at the interior decoration, as ordinary and spotless as when they left last time.

However, at this time, behind the counter, a young elf was standing there, and his expression that was thin but did not refuse people thousands of miles away made the visitors not disgusted.


The young elf girl continued to remind the visitors with the comfortable voice.

Somewhat uncomfortable Ally were exactly the same as when they first came here. They walked in and sat awkwardly at a table by the door, while Elf, who came in together, sat in the same seat. Soon, the young elf brought four cups of fragrant tea and walked by. Come, then put it down quietly, and finally walk back to the counter with an empty tray in your arms and sit down, continuing to sit there quietly sipping tea like a wandering world.

Sheri picked up the fragrant teacup, took a shallow sip, and then continued to drink. The girl who usually fights and can't calm down also becomes extremely quiet at this time. If you ignore the exciting light in her eyes, it is estimated that everyone will grow up as Ellie. What will it look like later...

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip of it. Ellie felt that the taste of the tea was the same as before. Compared with the tea made by herself or others, it was more serene and natural. Elf was very careful to keep her sitting posture while taking a small sip of tea, looking like she went to see the Elf Queen with the past. It's as cute as a small animal.

Clea picked up the teacup and put it down again, and then picked up the teacup again. Finally, the four people enjoyed most of the afternoon in this peaceful environment. The faint green light relaxed everyone's mind - this is not the function of magic, and there is no god. Magic or supernatural ability, the pale green light can relax people, which is not harmful.

"Miss Elf... May I ask the previous shopkeeper here..." Ellie hesitated for a moment and finally asked the answer. Then, she saw the slender ears of the young elf droop down. Although there was no change in expression, Ellie still knew the answer - witnessing and guessing in her heart The answer is completely different.

"My father said that this store could not be abandoned, so I came to help take care of it. You are my father's favorite guests and the only guests who have been here during this time."

The elf said these words plainly, as if the funds paid for the maintenance of the store had nothing to do with themselves.

Allie pressed the hat and was also a little surprised. She thought that there should be one or two guests after the elf came here - but she still underestimated the faint feeling of the elf, but she didn't attract anyone after coming here... It's too lonely...

"Yes, in fact, there is a regular customer in this store." The elf raised his head, then took out a cup of tea out of the counter and put it on another table. In the blink of an eye, a silver-haired girl with empty eyes appeared in the place and nodded to the elf, who only shook his ears slightly and stretched out his hand to touch the silver-haired girl's head. Hair, then took back the tray and sat down at the counter, and continued to wander around the sky. The green waist-length hair flew straight behind her. Allie had to admit that the overall level of the elf clan was much higher than that of human aesthetics...

Yueyin is still wearing the black cloak, but at this time, the cloak still looks a little miserable, such as those big gaps, burning and tear marks. If it hadn't been for seeing that there were no scars on Yueyin's face, an ordinary person would have thought that the girl had run out of some places. And lost the goal of survival... well.

"What did you do? It's like I've participated in a terrible and terrible battle!" Sesili, who couldn't help being curious, rushed to Yueyin's side. Strangely, even such a big action did not let even a drop of tea spill out.

In Sesili's mind, the so-called terrible and terrible battle is probably the conflict of nearly 1,000 people half a year ago, but for a person who has never killed a similar kind, it is indeed a scene that can be remembered for a lifetime.

"'s indeed a battle."

Yueyin slowly took a sip of tea, and then gently patted the unchanged black robe on her body, just like the electronic world. The robe was scanned by a circular blue aperture from top to bottom, and then it was as soft as new, and the stains on it were also cleaned up by the way - in some way. She said that Allie really wanted this way of cleaning.

"So, who are you fighting with? Can you tell us?" Seshely's curiosity was completely aroused. She even stuck to Yueyin, as if she felt that this was not enough. Because Yueyin's body was too petite, Seshelie stretched out her hands around Yueyin's small body, and then put her chin on her shoulder. Her blue eyes did not hide her excitement at all. Love.

"............Forget it." After thinking for a long time, I wanted to remind Seheri's Ellie that there was nothing to say when she saw the silver-haired girl. Finally, she gave up the idea of persuading, turned her head and suddenly hugged Clea, who was drinking tea, and then half leaned against her to listen to Yueyin to tell a story in a slow but accurate way.

Elve has been immersed in this kind of tea, and it can be ignored at this time...

After spending the time from the sunlight from the treetop window to the light green chandelier to obliquely, Yueyin slowly finished the long battle story, but the audience had only one feeling - this was obviously a war! And it's also a super-standard and super-level war!

So, things that are not at the same level can never be understood... Well, for example, before that, Ellie thought that the group of gods that could only be huddled in the kingdom of God were the highest level of things - gods and the so-called supreme gods did not count.

So, after 'Never ask the girl's age', Ellie added a new entry again, 'Never ask her upper limit of ability in the future'. Anyway, this is really too self-respecting for mortals...


After drinking tea, the young elf indifferently refused Ellie's invitation to hire her to be a housekeeper in her house, but she still made a request that was not a requirement--

"If possible, I hope to come here often. No one has visited here for many years. When my father took care of it, he said more than once that he hoped that someone could enjoy peace here for a period of time - from you, I saw my father's hope. Of course, this is also my personal hope."

Naturally, Ellie will always remember this trivial wish, but there is still some little joy in her heart - after all, this has almost become a little secret of hers. This kind of thought like a child to have a secret base can't be hidden from others... However, they are all for this Things are happy... It's easy for girls to be satisfied, right?

As they imagined, it happened to be time for people to go home from work at dusk, and Sally's store was full again, but this did not have much impact on the girls - Yueyin disappeared again after drinking tea, and three of the four were already familiar with the road. When they touched the back door, Ellie knocked shu——

"Huh? When did you change it to a magic lock? Allie said to herself, and then took out the goblin from her pocket.

"Go, little guy, open this lock!"

The little guy flew over with a smile and took out some small props in his hand. In Elf's accusing eyes, the magic lock of the back door was also easily opened...

"Really... it's a great follower!" Clara sincerely admired that before, she had always thought that the goblin was just a magical creature that could communicate. At this time, after seeing her ability in front of various locks, she couldn't help but look at it with new eyes - after all, will the creatures brought by a travel mage be of inferior quality?