The caster of fantasy

Esfia's decisionPART1

The long sleeper does not mean to bring death or bring people into death. On the contrary, human beings in the main material plane expect a Cranvo believer to send themselves into eternal sleep before death.

The sleeper is the most desirable profession among them. They (they) are the spokespersons of Cranwo on the ground, attracting the undead and bringing them into endless peace. This is the job of the sleeper.

Allie is now walking on the streets of the imprint city in this form. The shoes without spell protection have already turned into dust under the impact of negative energy, and the clothes are properly put into the space bag. At present, she is only wearing a black ragged cloak that has also been given away - and carrying a huge one that is currently used as a weapon. Scythe.

The deceased does not need to worry that his muscles will be broken because he can't withstand the explosive power, so the living can only use about 40% of the body's muscles but the dead can use all of them, which is why those zombies look extremely powerful.

The creatures on the roadside retreated one after another, especially how far the immortals hid. This sense of oppression was so great that even Balomor, known for his bravery and chaos, retreated and was unwilling to talk to him.

Although the head and face are covered by a tattered cloak, the eyes of the burning red soul fire keep looking around, and no matter what creature is, it feels like a basin of cold water from head to toe.

Soon, the black figure turned into an alley like floating (no shoes, so no sound). These creatures living here, who had already been flattened their personalities, breathed a long breath of relief, but in the following period of time, their actions changed slightly, such as walking lightly, than If the voice is low...

Turning into the alley is another scene. A group of little ghosts gathered together disappeared in an instant like frightened birds and beasts. In addition to the secret portal, there are only a few strange people left and left on the left and right sides who did not feel at all because Ellie restrained her immortal breath.

Several guys who were also dressed in black robes but of obviously of much better quality gathered around and whispered. It was not until a bright sickle at a sharp blade was on the neck of one of them that they found that a man in black robe who was different from himself and others was standing behind him. Except for the one who was held by a sickle, several other people walked back in an instant. He jumped away from this corner, ignored his companion's call for help, turned his head and ran away.

Allie doesn't have the energy to chase those people. For her, as long as she knows where the organization's stronghold or nest is, she doesn't care how many tongues she catch.

So now this slightly trembling fool is the target of Allie's trip. He opened his cloak with a sickle, and an ordinary face was exposed underneath, but this face was full of hatred and distortion and fear of this profession that they were familiar with.

"Say, I don't want to guide a lifeless creature to a place of eternal sleep today. As long as you tell me where your stronghold is, I will let you regain the warmth of life..."

The charming and confused words came to his face mixed with endless negative energy. The timid guy almost lost his nerves before he could open his mouth. In order to survive, his body naturally said the place name that his boss was not allowed to mention...

Lefted the stunned fool, Ellie turned her sickle behind her back and walked out of the alley, silently reading the strange place name several times, but what satisfied her more was that this place was not far from her block, only about 16 blocks. .

This small distance is just a cup of tea (if you can) for the immortals who maximize the use of muscles.


Although she already knew that this place was not a good place, Ally didn't expect that it was... Yes, it was a red light district.

Women or female creatures with heavy makeup gathered here. Ellie has already put down her hood, and they are looking at this strange intruder with curiosity--

It's very strange that an immortal, immortal without desire is also a female... Even if the immortal doesn't care about gender, it can't explain the strange feeling of a female immortal coming to this place.

Allie continued to ignore the women around her, carefully recalled what the tongue said, and slowly walked forward. She was sure that there was no power in the imprint city at present to dare to launch attacks on herself in broad daylight - most importantly, even if there was, it would be said in the house.

Ignoring the curious and desire eyes around her, Ellie raised her feet, kicked open the door of a house and shouted heroically, "Gods are not gods! Come out and die!"

Well, in fact, I don't think you are suitable for this kind of hot-blooded role.

'Shut up, I'm very busy now.'

No one responded. Ally shrugged her shoulders indifferently, and silently stepped into the invaded house after drooping her hands naturally.

It is very different from what Aili imagined. Unlike other houses, which are luxuriously decorated and the atmosphere is dark and rotten, the lobby of this house looks really bright - if the fragrance of sandalwood floating in the air is excluded.

Anyway, the believers of the non-God Society are also priests, even if the priest doesn't look so qualified.

With a rapid running sound, a red-haired woman pushed open the door of the inner hall and came in. The seemingly awkward priest's robe was completely modified by her. The woman's face was full of anger. For Ellie, she was constantly exuding anger against the gods...

This has something to do with me! I'm here to play football, not to find a game with the one above me!



In this world full of intelligent alien creatures and magical exploration, "what will happen after death" is no longer a puzzle for mortals. However, although they no longer know nothing about the world after death, it still can't save mortals from fear - they are still afraid that demons will take away their souls when they enter the underworld; what's more, many people are afraid that their bodies after death will not rest in peace and will end up being manipulated by those necromancer enthusiasts - Since Mirko's fall in a turbulent period, the number of such people seems to be gradually increasing. Those mortals who worry about all kinds of troubles after death will turn to Klanwo's sleeping guide - an elite religious group of warriors who are proficient in casting skills, serving the judges of the divine punishment (also known as Klanwo's) - these priests will respond to the feared mortals and promise that they can die painlessly. , and can get a fair trial after death. In addition to dealing with various death-related affairs, the sleepers also carefully use the power of faith, spells, and combat skills to remove all kinds of immortal pollution on the continent of Feren, hoping to stop the spread of necromancer. The sleeper is the embodiment of the two aspects of death in the country - they deal with all matters related to death compassionately and are also committed to the elimination of undead creatures. All the long sleepers are the servants of Klanwo. On the one hand, Klanwo's teachings firmly believe that death is an equal end that everyone must accept, but on the other hand, it encourages priests to peacefully use gentle and kind words to lead the seriously ill and the dying to the next world. The pious priests of the King of the Dead also pursue this very different idea. In addition to trying to destroy the skeletons that can't rest in peace, they can't ignore all kinds of death affairs when fighting with undead creatures (although sometimes it's a little boring). The sleeper must also properly play these two different roles at the same time. In addition, the long sleepers also serve the church in a low-key way - they rarely stay in the same temple for a long time, but often tour between the temples. The long sleepers were asked to travel around the world to spread Bookerland's words and quiet and beautiful teachings after death throughout the continent of Feren. All the sleepers are priests of Klanwo, but some will also be trained by warriors to destroy undead creatures more efficiently, or become mages or warlocks in the hope of solving the problem of necromancer from the direction of secret spells. Few monks or thieves will embark on the road of becoming a sleeper; while the restrictions of faith and camp make barbarians, bards, Druids, samurai, and rangers unable to advance to become sleepers. Sleepers often lead adventure teams to clean up the nests of undead creatures, or punish a particularly powerful or evil necromancer. They sometimes preside over important funerals or use spells to extend the lives of members who have served the church in the past (and will still have important responsibilities in the future). The requirements of the sleeper's travel and missionary make it possible for ordinary people to meet them in the wilderness and cities.

Career characteristics:

RiteofPassing [supernatural ability]: From level 1, the sleeper can touch a corpse to protect it so that it can never be activated as an undead creature. Using this ability is regarded as a standard action. Unless the gods intervene directly, no method can be used to break this protection. The number of times a sleeper can use this ability every day is equivalent to the level of this advanced occupation. More than 4 more life dice than the long sleeper cannot be protected by this ability. The deceased talks withDead [specific ability]: From level 2, when the sleeper uses the "dead conversation", he can use his understanding of the death process to "persuate" a corpse to reveal more information, so he can ask a question at each caster level (rather than the original Two levels and one).


I don't want to make up the rest............probably............